805 research outputs found
The Ideal Arrangement of Legal Protection for Informal Sector Workers in the Perspective of the Principles of Legal Certainty, Justice and Expediency
This research discusses the ideal arrangement of legal protection for informal sector workers in the perspective of the principles of legal certainty, justice, and expediency. This research method is normative juridical with a socio-normative approach. While data analysis is deductive. From the results of the research, it is found that labour arrangements as a form of legal protection for Informal Sector Workers need to apply the principle of proportionality, which is a principle that requires material balance and accuracy with an emphasis on the balance between the burden caused (the means used) and the interests supported (objectives), because informal sector workers carry out work relations on the basis of trust and individual business tendencies, the regulation of labour control needs to pay attention to the condition of the employer's ability to apply the work rules that have been determined, in addition to the need to reconstruct the notion of work relations and redefine work agreements in order to provide legal protection to informal sector workers. The current regulatory policy in the field of employment still exists and is structured based on the joints of colonial legal products that place workers as objects or objects that become one of the production factors in the business sector
Communication Ethic on Internet
The advance of communication and information technology nowadays have contributed to a major impact on social life in the global world, one of them is the activity of communicating on the internet. The tendency and habit of communicating using the internet sometimes makes netizens forget the ethics in communicating and speak as they want, making rude comments, verbal abuse, bullying, blaspheming, and even offending the SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Intergroup). From this phenomenon, this study aims to focus at the communication ethics the internet. This study employed a Library Research which is descriptively explained. The results of the study report that good ethics in communicating on the internet is very vital to maintain human relationships and survival among other humans. Therefore, there are some ethics in communicating on internet that we need to understand, such as considering about the good and bad impacts before sending messages on the internet, Using polite language, Having mutual respect in communicating on internet. Therefore, when communicating on internet, it must maintain good ethics and be wiser in using the internet so as to create harmony and happiness in social, national, and state life
Social Media Tik Tok in Islamic Perspective
AbstractThe development of communication technology facilitate the community, for instance the social media Tik Tok. It can be a popular social media in community which is loved and used by various groups. Social media Tik Tok is a video sharing application that provides various interesting facilities of video and music effects, it can relieve stress, boredom and the users can also develop their talents and creativity. From this phenomenon researcher interested to overview Tik Tok from Islamic perspective. This study employed descriptive literature study. The results of the study clarified that Tik Tok on Islam's perpective is a good social media to be used to establish friendship, providing information and socialization and as entertainment. However, it also has negative impact including addiction in using Tik Tok, the close behavior on sex and pornography that can vitiate the morals for its users. Therefore, the Tik Tok users have to be wiser in using that social media. Keywords: Social media; Tik Tok Application; Islam
Eksistensi 'Urf dan Adat Kebiasaan Sebagai Dalil Fiqh
Di antara sumber hukum yang masih diperselisihkan fuqaha kredibilitasnya adalah âurf dan adat kebiasaan. Dalam hal âurf dan adat kebiasaan sendiri masih diperselisihkan, ada yang menyamakan dan membedakannya. Penulis cenderung membedakanya. terdapat tiga argumentasi mengenai kehujjahan âurf. Pertama, bahwa hukum Islam banyak menetapkan âurf-âurf Arab pra Islam seperti kewajiban keluarga membayar diyat kepada ahli waris yang terbunuh dengan tersalah dan begitu juga aqad jual beli salam. Kedua, mengamalkan âurf pada prinsipnya sejalan dengan firman Allah âwa maa jaâalaa âalaikum fiddiin man harajaâ, karena meninggalkan kebiasaan adalah merupakan kebiasaan hal yang sulit bagi manusia. Ketiga, antusias para fuqaha menerima âurf jauh lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan al-masadir al-tabâiyah al-aqliyah lainnya. Mayoritas ulama menjadikan âurf sebagai hujjah dalam menetapkan hukum. Imam Hanafi menggunakan âurf dalam berhujjah apabila tidak terdapat hukum dalam nash Qurâan dan Hadith, Ijmaâ dan qiyas dan Istihsan. Malikiyah meninggalkan qiyas apabila qiyas itu berlawanan dengan âurf, mentakhshishkan yang umum dan mentaqyidkan yang mutlak. Syafiâi menerima âurf apabila âurf tidak berlawanan dengan nash. Dari segi kehujjahannya Malikiyah membagi âurf kepada tiga yaitu pertama âurf yang diambil oleh semua ulama yaitu yang ditunjuki oleh nash, kedua âurf yang jika diambil berarti mengambil sesuatu yang dilarang oleh syaraâ atau meninggalkan sesuatu tugas syaraâ (âurf ini tidak ada nilainya), dan yang ketiga âurf yang tidak dilarang dan yang tidak ditunjuki untuk mengamalkannya. Dan ulama Hanabilah menerima âurf selama tidak bertentangan dengan nash. Sedangkan ulama Syiâah menerima âurf dan memandangnya sebagai dalil hukum yang tidak mandiri, tetapi harus terkait dengan dalil lain yakni sunnah
Dalam kehidupan manusia, pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan yang tidak dapat diabaikan, begitu halnya dalam kehidupan masyarakat, dimana pendidikan tidak hanya berpengaruh dalam menjamin kelangsungan hidup suatu masyarakat, lebih jauh lagi pendidikan akan menentukan eksistensi bagi bangsa itu sendiri. Pada dasarnya pendidikan yang berperan dalam perkembangan manusia terdapat dua jenis pendidikan yaitu pendidikan non-formal dan pendidikan formal.
Sekolah yang merupakan tempat di mana proses pendidikan berlangsung tentu diharapkan bisa menghasilkan generasi yang cerdas dan mampu memajukan bangsa. Terutama dengan adanya mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, diharapkan dapat mencetak generasi yang taqwa dan cendikia. Selain intelektual dalam ilmu-ilmu umum, cerdas dalam ilmu-ilmu keagamaan, juga memiliki moral yang baik. Terutama dengan adanya mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, diharapkan dapat mencetak generasi yang taqwa dan cendikia. Selain intelektual dalam ilmu â ilmu umum, cerdas dalam ilmu â ilmu keagamaan juga memiliki moral yang baik. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dapat menunjang kegiatan belajar siswa, termasuk kegiatan yang dapat menambah pengetahuan ataupun wawasan siswa dalam belajar khususnya dalam kerohanian Islam. Dugaan ini terbukti dari hasil suvey yang peneliti lakukan di SMAN I Baleendah. Dari survey tersebut, peneliti menemukan sebagian siswa yang sering mengikuti kegiatan OSIS, Paskibra, Pramuka, DKM dan ekstrakurikuler lainnya yang juga aktif berpartisifasi dalam kegiatan belar di kelas.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan pengaruh dari kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terhadap proses dan hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMAN I Baleendah. Secara praktis, hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi guru PAI sebagai bahan evaluasi sekaligus sebagai masukan dalam meningkatkan kegiatan belajar mengajar maupun kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dapat mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap proses dan hasil belajar siswa di kelas maupun di luar jam pelajaran di kelas.
Berdasarkan penelitian penulis, terlihat adanya pengaruh yang positif dari kegiatan ekstrakurikuler terhadap proses dan hasil belajar siswa di kelas. Untuk menbuktikannya peneliti merasa tertarik untuk membuat skripsi dengan memberi judul âPengaruh Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Keagamaan Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terhadap Proses dan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islamâ.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran Agama Islam melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan PAI dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di kelas. Minat dan motivasi siswa menjadi tinggi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam.
In human life, education is a necessity that can not be ignored, as well as in society, where education is not only influential in ensuring the survival of a community, further education will determine the existence of the nation was essentially sendiri.Pada education plays a role in human development There are two types of education is non-formal education and formal education. School is a place where the educational process takes place naturally expected to produce the next generation of intelligent and capable of advancing the nation. Especially with the subjects of Islamic Education, is expected to print a generation of faithful and scholars. In addition to the intellectual in general sciences, intelligent in religious sciences, also has a good moral. Especially with the subjects of Islamic Education, is expected to print a generation of faithful and scholars. In addition to the intellectual in science - general science, smart in science - the science of religion also has a good moral. Extracurricular activities can support student learning activities, including activities that can increase students' knowledge or insight in learning, especially in Islamic spirituality. This allegation is evident from the results in depth that researchers do at SMAN I Baleendah. From the survey, the researchers found that the majority of students who often participated in the student council, Paskibra, Scout, DKM and other extracurricular berpartisifasi are also active in learning activities in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to find the influence of religious extracurricular activities of Islamic Education (PAI) of the process and learning outcomes in subjects PAI at SMAN I Baleendah. In practical terms, the results of this study are expected to be useful for teachers PAI as an evaluation as well as input in improving teaching and learning activities and extracurricular activities that can positively influence the process and outcomes of student learning in the classroom and outside of school hours in the classroom. Based on the research authors, reflecting the positive impact of extracurricular activities on the process and results of student learning in the classroom. To menbuktikannya researchers are interested in creating a thesis entitled "Influence of Extracurricular Activities Religious Islamic Education (PAI) of the Process and Learning Outcomes Islamic Education". The results showed that the learning Islam through religious PAI extracurricular activities can improve processes and student learning outcomes in the following study Islamic education in the classroom. Interest and motivation of students to be high in the following study of Islamic Education
Effect of VP3 Biological Fertilizer Enriched with Trichoderma viride FRP3 on Growth and Chlorophyll Content in Soybean Leaves (Glycine max. L)
Biofertilizer is a living microorganism material that is useful for increasing soil fertility and the quality of a plant's production. VP3 biofertilizer is a liquid biofertilizer formulation made from vermiwash as a carrier, molasses, PEG, and 3 functional bacterial isolates. In this study, the VP3 biofertilizer will be enriched with Trichoderma viride FRP3. This study aims to determine the effect of giving VP3 biofertilizer enriched with Trichoderma viride FRP3 on yield and chlorophyll content in Soybean (Glycine max) leaves. This study was an experiment in polybags conducted at the Greenhouse using a Randomized Block Design consisting of 7 treatments, each treatment repeated 3 times and each replication using 4 plant samples. The variables observed included growth variables consisting of plant height, number of leaves and leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content. Data from observations on each plant parameter were then tested using analysis of variance F test with a level 5% significant, if there is a significant effect between treatments followed by Duncan's test at 5% level.The results showed that the application of VP3 biofertilizer enriched with Trichoderma viride FRP3 had no significant effect on plant growth parameters, because in general the treatment of N (m (using NPK fertilizer) showed high yields compared to other treatments, but the application of VP3 biological fertilizer enriched with Trichoderma viride FRP3 in the chlorophyll content of soybean leaves was able to compensate for the application of inorganic NPK fertilizer
Industri pariwisata di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang cukup pesat. Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota yang menjadi pusat wisata kuliner di Indonesia yang berkembang pesat dan menjadi salah satu tujuan para wisata baik wisatawan domestik maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Sejalan dengan perkembangan wisata di Kota Bandung baik dari domestik maupun internasional banyak pengusahan yang bermunculan dibidang kuliner
. Susu merupakan bahan makanan yang dianggap sempurna karena mengandung zat-zat ensensial bagi tubuh yaitu protein, karbohidrat, lemak dan vitamin. Salah satu usaha untuk mecegah kerusakan nustrisi dari susu adalah dengan cara merubah susu menjadi suatu produk olahan yang mempunyai daya tahan simpan lebih lama. salah satu produk olahan tersebut adalah yoghurt.Yoghurt merupakan produk hasil fermentasi susu. Starter atau bibit yang digunakan adalah bakteri asam laktatk Lactobacillus bulgarius dan streptococcus thermaphills Karena digunakan bakteri laktat yang mampu memproduksi laktat maka produk yang dibentuk berupa susu yang menggumpal dengan rasa asam dengan mempunyai cita rasa yang khas. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara eskperimen, wawancara, literatur dan penyebaran angket. Untuk mengolah data menggunakan program microsoft office excel 2007.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkaan hasil bahwa pengujian dua produk sampel yang terdiri penambahan konsentrasi keju 20ml (A), penambahan konsentrasi keju 25ml (B), kepada 15 panelis dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 9 orang dan perempuan 6 orang dengan rentang usia 15-30 tahun bertempat di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Dengan dua karakteristik panelis berdasarkan pekerjaan yaitu 4 orang mahasiswa dibidang kuliner dan pernah PKL (prakter kerja lapangan), 4 orang mahasiswa yang suka mengkonsumsi yoghurt dan 7 orang yang ahli dibidang kuliner .Dengan pengujian hedonik menanyakan warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, keasaman dan kekentalan, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji ANAVA dan least significant difference dengan selang kepercayaan 95% dengan F tabel 0,284. Uji Validitas dan Uji Reabilitas.Menghasilkan bahwa hasil pengujian warna, rasa, aroma kekentalan, keasaman dan tekstur. Untuk hasil analisis Sps.
Kata kunci:
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Yoghurt Keju dan Harga Berbasis Input Konsentrasi Keju dan Jenis Keju terhadap Uji Daya Terima Konsumen
The tourism industry in Indonesia has increased rapidly. Bandung is a city that became the center of culinary tourism in Indonesia is growing rapidly and becoming one of the tourist destinations both domestic and foreign tourists. In line with developments in Bandung travel both domestically and internationally from many businessmen are emerging in the field of culinary.
Milk is a food that is considered perfect because they contain substances to the body ensensial ie proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. One attempt to damage mecegah nustrisi of milk is a way to change the milk into a processed product that has a longer shelf life. one of the refined product is yogurt. Yogurt is a fermented dairy product. Starter or seeds used are acid bacterium Lactobacillus laktatk bulgarius and Streptococcus thermaphills the same comparison. Because the use of lactic bacteria capable of producing lactic then molded products such as milk coagulates with the sour taste has a distinctive taste. The method of data collection was done by experimentation, interviews, literature and questionnaires. To process the data using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 program.
Based on the results of the study, showed that testing of product samples consisting of two concentrations of cheese 20ml (A), the addition of cheese 25ml concentration (B), the 30 panelists with the male sex as many as 12 people and 18 women with an age range 15 - 30 years of Education held at the University of Indonesia. With two panelists based on job characteristics, namely 12 students in culinary and never PKL (work practice at the pitch), 8 students who like to consume yogurt and 10 people were expert in the field of culinary. Hedonic test asks the color, flavor, aroma, texture, acidity and viscosity, and followed by ANOVA test and the least significant difference with 95% confidence interval 0.284 to F table. Test Validity and Test Reabilitas.Menghasilkan that the results of testing the color, taste, aroma, viscosity, acidity and texture. For the analysis of Sps.
Keywords: Effects of Yoghurt Cheese Product Quality and Concentration of Input Based Pricing of Cheese and Different Kinds Of Cheese on Consumer Acceptanc
Based on the writerâs preliminary study, it was found that most of studentsâ
reading achievement was still less than enough. This problem caused some factors.
For example, some of students cannot identify general information of the text,
and cannot identify detailed information of the text. So, the writer is interested in
carrying out the research about this problem
The research was administered at MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The subject of the
research was the second year students at MAN 1 Pekanbaru, and the object of this
research was the effect of SQ3R method. The design of this research is Pre-
experimental design.
The population of this research was all of the second year students. The total
number of population was 229 students. Due to the number of population was large,
the researcher used cluster sampling by taking two classes only as sample; IPA XI. 3
consisted of 31 students as experimental group, and IPA XI. 4 consisted of 31
students as control group. So, the numbers of sample from two classes were 62
students. To analyze the data, the researcher adopted paired sample t-test formula by
using SPSS.
After analyzing the data, the researcher found that is significant effect of
SQ3R method toward reading achievement of the second year studentsâ at MAN 1
Pekanbaru, where T
shows 11.78 at significant level 5% it shows 2.04, and at level
1% it shows 2.75. Thus, null hypothesis (H
) is denied, and alternative hypothesis
) is accepted, in which shows 2.752.04. Then, the percentage of effect
SQ3R method session also shows the quite improvement where it could help improve
Molecular Basis of Class Ib Drug Interactions with the NaV Channel Macromolecular Complex: A Route to Personalized Medicine for Cardiac Arrhythmia
The heart rhythm is precisely controlled by the electrical impulse that propagate in the cardiac tissue. In single cardiomyocytes, the electrical activity generated by action potentials (AP). Cardiac NaV channels (NaV1.5) carry a large influx of Na+ that mediates the initiation and propagation of the AP in both atria and ventricles. Disruption of NaV1.5 function by genetic variants or external factors can result in deadly arrhythmias, such as long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome. Thus, NaV channels are import therapeutic targets. The class I antiarrhythmics are the modulators of the NaV channels. Although they have been used clinically for over 100 years, detailed mechanisms of their action are not well understood. The NaV channel co-assembles with many regulatory and accessory proteins to form a macromolecular complex that tailor channel function to different cells. The complicated multi-molecular interactions add another level of complexity in dissecting the drug mechanisms.
The pore-forming NaV1.5 ι-subunit contains four domains (DI-DIV), each with a voltage sensing domain (VSD). The voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) method probes the conformational changes of each VSD by attaching a fluorophore on it. Here, we utilized VCF to measure how the accessary β-subunits and Class Ib antiarrhythmics affect the conformational dynamics of the NaV1.5.
We found that the non-covalently linked β1 and β3 subunits regulate channel gating by altering the DIII and DIV-VSD dynamics. Moreover, results from multiple experiments provided compelling evidence that β1 and β3 bind proximally to the DIII-VSD.
The DIII-VSD also plays an important role in channelâs interaction with Class Ib antiarrhythmics, such as lidocaine, ranolazine and mexiletine. Recent clinical studies showed that mexiletine is effective in treating patients with LQT3 syndrome. However, the patient response is variable, depending on the genetic mutation in NaV 1.5. We showed that mexiletine altered the conformation of the DIII-VSD, which is the same VSD that many tested LQT3 mutations affect. Analysis of 15 LQT3 variants showed a strong correlation between the activation of the DIII-VSD and the strength of the inhibition of the channel by mexiletine. Based on this improved molecular-level understanding, we generated a systems-based model that successfully predicted the response of 7 out of 8 patients to mexiletine in a blinded, retrospective clinical trial. The new model can be used to personalize treatment for LQT3 patients, and improving therapeutic decision making.
As the non-covalently linked β subunits and the Class Ib antiarrhythmics both interact with the same part of the NaV channel. We further investigated how β expression affects the Class Ib drug effectiveness. We found that β1 differentially modulates lidocaine and ranolazine blockade of NaV1.5. The molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon is due to altered drug interaction with the DIII-VSD. In human hearts, β1 expresses at levels that are 3-fold higher in the atria compared to ventricles. Thus, this molecular difference can be targeted to develop chamber specific antiarrhythmic therapies.
In conclusion, we demonstrated the essential role of the DIII-VSD dynamics in modulating NaV channel response to the Class Ib antiarrhythmics. This molecular interaction is regulated by the accessary β subunits. We hope to apply this mechanistic insight to improve current antiarrhythmic therapeutic approaches
Relevansi kompetensi guru menurut Ibn Jamaah Al Kinani dengan UU RI No. 14 tahun 2005 tentang guru dan dosen
This research is motivated by curiosity about teacher competence according to a famous cleric called Ibn Jamaah which is written in his best work in Islamic education which is then relevant to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers. This study covers the competence of teachers according to Ibn Jamaah, the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, and the relevance between the two. The research method used in this study is library research from the book Tadzkirah Al-Sami' Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-'Alim Wa Al-Muta'allim which is the primary source and several sources of journals & books that discuss related issues. the book Tadzkirah Al-Sami' Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-'Alim Wa Al-Muta'allim which is a secondary source. After reviewing the book Tadzkirah Al-Sami' Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-'Alim Wa Al-Muta'allim and the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers and relevance the two authors found the relevance between the two although there are several aspects there is nothing in Ibn Jamaah Al Kinani's thinking such as the use of technology, democratic aspects, stability, honesty, sportsmanship, objective evaluation of one's own performance, and self-development independently on an ongoing basis with the assumption that there was no technology in his time or these aspects were represented by competency indicators. the teacher's personality with each other.
Abstrak       Â
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi keingintahuan tentang kompetensi guru menurut seorang ulama yang terkenal dengan panggilan Ibn Jamaah yang tertulis dalam karya terbaiknya dalam pendidikan islam yang kemudian direlevansikan dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen. Penelitian ini mencakup kompetensi guru menurut Ibn Jamaah, Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen, dan relevansi antara keduanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dari buku Tadzkirah Al-Samiâ Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-âAlim Wa Al-Mutaâallim yang menjadi sumber primer dan beberapa sumber jurnal & buku yang membahas terkait buku Tadzkirah Al-Samiâ Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-âAlim Wa Al-Mutaâallim yang menjadi sumber sekunder. Setelah mengkaji buku Tadzkirah Al-Samiâ Wa Al-Mutakallim Fi Adab Al-âAlim Wa Al-Mutaâallim dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen dan merelevansikan keduanya penulis menemukan relevansi antara keduanya walaupun ada beberapa aspek tidak ada dalam pemikiran Ibn Jamaah Al Kinani seperti pemanfaatan teknologi, aspek demokratis, stabil, jujur, sportif, objektif mengevaluasi kinerja sendiri, dan mengembangkan diri secara mandiri berkelanjutan dengan asumsi belum adanya teknologi pada masa beliau atau aspek-aspek tersebut sudah terwakili dengan indikator kompetensi kepribadian Guru satu dengan yang lainnya
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