151 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of Ara h Component-Specific CD4 T Cell Responses in Peanut-Allergic Subjects

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    Understanding the peanut-specific CD4 T cell responses in peanut-allergic (PA) subjects should provide new insights into the development of innovative immunotherapies for the treatment of peanut allergy. Although peanut-specific CD4 T cells have a TH2 profile in PA subjects, the immunogenicity of different Ara h components in eliciting specific CD4 T cell responses and the heterogeneity of these Ara h-reactive TH2 cells remains unclear. In this study, we investigated Ara h 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8-specific T cell responses in PA and sensitized non-peanut-allergic (sNPA) subjects, using the CD154 upregulation assay and the class II tetramer technology. In the PA group, T cells directed against Ara h 1, 2, 3, and 6 have a heterogeneous TH2 phenotype characterized by differential expression of CRTH2, CD27, and CCR6. Reactivity toward these different components was also distinct for each PA subject. Two dominant Ara h 2 epitopes associated with DR1501 and DR0901 were also identified. Frequencies of Ara h-specific T cell responses were also linked to the peanut specific-IgE level. Conversely, low peanut-IgE level in sNPA subjects was associated with a weak or an absence of the allergen-specific T cell reactivity. Ara h 8-specific T cell reactivity was weak in both PA and sNPA subjects. Thus, peanut-IgE level was associated with a heterogeneous Ara h (but not Ara h 8)-specific T cell reactivity only in PA patients. This suggests an important immunogenicity of each Ara h 1, 2, 3, and 6 in inducing peanut allergy. Targeting Ara h 1-, 2-, 3-, and 6-specific effector-TH2 cells can be the future way to treat peanut allergy

    Activation of natural regulatory T cells by IgG Fc-derived peptide Tregitopes

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    We have identified at least 2 highly promiscuous major histocompatibility complex class II T-cell epitopes in the Fc fragment of IgG that are capable of specifically activating CD4+CD25HiFoxP3+ natural regulatory T cells (nTRegs). Coincubation of these regulatory T-cell epitopes or “Tregitopes” and antigens with peripheral blood mononuclear cells led to a suppression of effector cytokine secretion, reduced proliferation of effector T cells, and caused an increase in cell surface markers associated with TRegs such as FoxP3. In vivo administration of the murine homologue of the Fc region Tregitope resulted in suppression of immune response to a known immunogen. These data suggest that one mechanism for the immunosuppressive activity of IgG, such as with IVIG, may be related to the activity of regulatory T cells. In this model, regulatory T-cell epitopes in IgG activate a subset of nTRegs that tips the resulting immune response toward tolerance rather than immunogenicity

    Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Tumors Display Large Expansion of Double Positive (DP) CD4+CD8+ T Cells With Expression of Exhaustion Markers

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    Checkpoint inhibitors target the inhibitory receptors expressed by tumor-infiltrating T cells in order to reinvigorate an anti-tumor immune response. Therefore, understanding T cell composition and phenotype in human tumors is crucial. We analyzed by flow cytometry tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from two independent cohorts of patients with different cancer types, including RCC, lung, and colon cancer. In healthy donors, peripheral T cells are usually either CD4+ or CD8+ with a small percentage of CD4+ CD8+ DP cells (<5%). Compared to several other cancer types, including lung, and colorectal cancers, TILs from about a third of RCC patients showed an increased proportion of DP CD4+CD8+ T cells (>5%, reaching 30–50% of T cells in some patients). These DP T cells have an effector memory phenotype and express CD38, 4-1BB, and HLA-DR, suggesting antigen-driven expansion. In fact, TCR sequencing analysis revealed a high degree of clonality in DP T cells. Additionally, there were high levels of PD-1 and TIM-3 expression on DP T cells, which correlated with higher expression of PD-1 and TIM-3 in conventional single positive CD8 T cells from the same patients. These results suggest that DP T cells could be dysfunctional tumor-specific T cells with the potential to be reactivated by checkpoint inhibitors

    Effector and central memory T helper 2 cells respond differently to peptide immunotherapy

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    Peptide immunotherapy (PIT) offers realistic prospects for the treatment of allergic diseases, including allergic asthma. Much is understood of the behavior of naive T cells in response to PIT. However, treatment of patients with ongoing allergic disease requires detailed understanding of the responses of allergen-experienced T cells. CD62L expression by allergen-experienced T cells corresponds to effector/effector memory (CD62L(lo)) and central memory (CD62L(hi)) subsets, which vary with allergen exposure (e.g., during, or out with, pollen season). The efficacy of PIT on different T helper 2 (Th2) cell memory populations is unknown. We developed a murine model of PIT in allergic airway inflammation (AAI) driven by adoptively transferred, traceable ovalbumin-experienced Th2 cells. PIT effectively suppressed AAI driven by unfractionated Th2 cells. Selective transfer of CD62L(hi) and CD62L(lo) Th2 cells revealed that these two populations behaved differently from one another and from previously characterized (early deletional) responses of naive CD4(+) T cells to PIT. Most notably, allergen-reactive CD62L(lo) Th2 cells were long-lived within the lung after PIT, before allergen challenge, in contrast to CD62L(hi) Th2 cells. Despite this, PIT was most potent against CD62L(lo) Th2 cells in protecting from AAI, impairing their ability to produce Th2 cytokines, whereas this capacity was heightened in PIT-treated CD62L(hi) Th2 cells. We conclude that Th2 cells do not undergo an early deletional form of tolerance after PIT. Moreover, memory Th2 subsets respond differently to PIT. These findings have implications for the clinical translation of PIT in different allergic scenarios

    Identification of beryllium-dependent peptides recognized by CD4+ T cells in chronic beryllium disease

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    Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is a granulomatous disorder characterized by an influx of beryllium (Be)-specific CD4(+) T cells into the lung. The vast majority of these T cells recognize Be in an HLA-DP–restricted manner, and peptide is required for T cell recognition. However, the peptides that stimulate Be-specific T cells are unknown. Using positional scanning libraries and fibroblasts expressing HLA-DP2, the most prevalent HLA-DP molecule linked to disease, we identified mimotopes and endogenous self-peptides that bind to MHCII and Be, forming a complex recognized by pathogenic CD4(+) T cells in CBD. These peptides possess aspartic and glutamic acid residues at p4 and p7, respectively, that surround the putative Be-binding site and cooperate with HLA-DP2 in Be coordination. Endogenous plexin A peptides and proteins, which share the core motif and are expressed in lung, also stimulate these TCRs. Be-loaded HLA-DP2–mimotope and HLA-DP2–plexin A4 tetramers detected high frequencies of CD4(+) T cells specific for these ligands in all HLA-DP2(+) CBD patients tested. Thus, our findings identify the first ligand for a CD4(+) T cell involved in metal-induced hypersensitivity and suggest a unique role of these peptides in metal ion coordination and the generation of a common antigen specificity in CBD

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Conception et développement d'outils immunologiques pour suivre et caractériser les réponses immunitaires induites par les vaccins contre l'allergie

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    Type I allergy either results from a pathological inappropriate Th2 immune response or from the defective induction of immune tolerance to otherwise harmless antigen : the allergen. Recent advances have underlined the major role played by allergen-specific CD4+ T cells in the control of allergic response. However, immunological mechanisms involved remain to be better documented and could provide important information regarding peripheral tolerance induction observed in healthy individuals. Examination of such T cells responses seem to be critical to improve current allergy vaccines with the assumption that allergen-specific immunotherapy should recapitulate such naturally protective immune response. In this doctoral thesis, we assess at single cell level allergen-specific CD4+ T cell responses both in allergic and healthy individual by using MHC class II peptide tetramer made with high-affinity immunodominant allergen T cell epitope. To this aim, we determine experimental conditions needed to ensure efficient and specific detection of rare allergen-specific T cell using this technology. Focusing on either the major allergen from birch pollen (Bet v 1) or major allergens from mite (Der p 1 and Der p 2), we demonstrate by using this approach, that peripheral tolerance to allergen observed in healthy individuals is associated with the presence and expansion of allergen-specific CD4+ T lymphocytes. We also describe methods to functionally characterize tetramer-positive cells and demonstrated that allergenspecific CD4+ T cells from healthy individuals mostly secrete IFN-у and IL-10 in response to the allergen and express high level of CTLA-4, a marker associated with regulatory T cells. In contrast, allergen-specific CD4+ T cells from allergic patients are bona fide Th2 cells confirming the role of such cells in the induction and amplification of allergic inflammatory responses. Developments of such technology provide valuable insight regarding the role of allergen-specific CD4+ T cells in both allergic and healthy individuals but also during desensitisation. This technology might be also extremely useful as patient-monitoring tools to assess the efficacy of various immunotherapeutic strategies in humans, possibly helping to identify surrogate biological markers of clinical efficacy.La réaction allergique de type I est caractérisée par une réponse immunitaire inappropriée de type Th2, et /ou par l'absence d'une tolérance immunologique contre un antigène habituellement toléré par la plupart des individus : l'allergène. Des études récentes soulignent le rôle central joué par les lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène dans le contrôle des réponses allergiques. Néanmoins, l'étude des mécanismes immunologiques impliqués se doit d'être approfondie. Elle pourrait ainsi fournir d'importants renseignements concernant l'induction de tolérance périphérique contre l'allergène observée chez les individus sains. L'examen de ces réponses spécifiques apparaît alors comme primordial pour améliorer les approches thérapeutiques actuelles, dans l'hypothèse que l'immunothérapie spécifique de l'allergène puisse reproduire une telle réponse immunitaire naturelle protectrice de l'allergène. Durant cette thèse, nous avons conçu et développé des tétramères MHC classe II afin d'analyser à l'échelle de la cellule les réponses lymphocytaires T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène à la fois chez les patients allergiques et les volontaires sains. Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé les conditions expérimentales nécessaires pour s'assurer d'une détection efficace des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène par cet outil. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre d'une analyse des réponses T CD4+ induites d'une part contre l'allergène majeur du pollen de bouleau (Bet v 1) ou d'autre par contre les allergènes majeurs des acariens (Der p 1 et Der p 2). Nous avons ainsi démontré que la tolérance périphérique observée chez les sujets sains est associée à la présence et l'expansion de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène. Nous avons également développé des méthodes expérimentales permettant de caractériser fonctionnellement les cellules tétramères positives. Nous avons ainsi démontré que les cellules T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène des volontaires sains sécrètent principalement de l'IFN-γ et de l'IL-10 en réponse à l'allergène et expriment très fortement le marqueur CTLA-4, un marqueur associé aux cellules T régulatrices. A l'inverse, chez les patients allergiques, ces cellules sont clairement de type Th2 confirmant leur rôle dans l'induction et l'amplification des réponses allergiques. Le développement des tétramères MHC classe II dans le contexte de l'allergie fournit une approche pertinente pour définir clairement le rôle joué par les cellules T CD4+ spécifiques de l'allergène. Ce travail, réalisé à la fois chez les individus sains, allergiques ou en cours de désensibilisation, s'inscrit pleinement dans un projet d'entreprise. Ces outils faciliteront le développement de nouveaux candidats vaccins en permettant d'identifier des marqueurs biologiques associés à un bénéfice clinique

    New roles of the Nek9, Nek6, and Nek7 kinases in the centrosome cycle and ciliogenesis

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    Nek9, Nek6, and Nek7, are NIMA-related protein kinases (Neks) with different functions during the cell cycle. The centrosome cycle is a process associated with the cell cycle, which is crucial for correct chromosome segregation, and in which some of the Nek kinases play a role. At the same time, ciliogenesis is both interconnected with the cell and the centrosome cycle, and it has been proven that some Nek kinases are also involved in it. The aim of this project is to analyse the possibility that the NIMA-related kinases Nek9, Nek6, and Nek7 may have new roles in the control of centrosome cycle and ciliogenesis. This hypothesis is based on previous results from the Cell Cycle and Signaling Group, showing that the knockout of Nek9 in mouse embryo fibroblasts could cause a decrease in the amount and length of the cilia that cells form in G0, and on results publicised by other groups. The experimental approach proposed in this project is based on causing the transient silencing of Nek9, Nek6, and Nek7 expression by siRNA transfection in a human cell line (hTERT RPE-1), and on studying the effects of this in the cilia and centrosomes by immunofluorescence. We concluded that Nek9 and Nek7 silencing may alter the percentage of ciliated cells, while Nek6 depletion results in a significative increase in the average cilia length. In addition, Nek7 downregulation is linked to an increase in the percentage of cells that showed a curvy morphology. Finally, the silencing of any of the three kinases doesn¿t seem to induce centrosome amplification.Peer reviewe