281 research outputs found

    Pupils’ reflections on the use of a digital self-assessment tool to identify and measure development of 21st century skills during maker activities in schools

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    The number of makerspaces is increasing in the world, and the maker movement has started to become integrated into formal education. Maker environments and maker activities are argued as promoting Key Components for Lifelong Learning, e.g. collaboration, problem solving, creativity, life/social skills and communication. These competences are also referred to as 21st century skills. In this paper, we discuss the use of a digital self-assessment tool (DSAT) for pupils’ identification of, and reflections on, their development of these skills. The DSAT was created with gamification as the model where the pupils could reach different levels, receive badges and upload photographs. There were 114 pupils, aged 13–15 years, from six classes who worked with different maker activities in technology subject classes during the autumn of 2021, while using the DSAT. Examples of maker activities used in this study included designing a liquid-bottle, programming with Micro:bit and programming with Roblox. Data were collected through group interviews after the activities with all participating pupils and thereafter analysed thematically. The pupils found the language in the DSAT difficult considering their age and thought that the tool was time consuming and troublesome to use. However, the pupils argued that it is possible to develop 21st century skills during maker activities in school contexts and that the skills are of importance for the future. This study contributes with important knowledge about the design of digital self-assessment tools and about design of technology education, to support pupils to identify and develop 21st century skills in makerspace activities in compulsory technology education

    Application of Maneuver-Based Control in Variable Autonomy Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles

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    The rise in the capability and lethality of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) historically has been paralleled by an increase in the complexity of the command and control of these systems. This trend has continued with the command and control of the current fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles such as the Predator and Global Hawk. The control of these vehicles falls on the extremes on the manual vs autonomous spectrum. As the missions tasked to these vehicles increase in complexity and lethality, operators will increasingly require the ability to tailor the amount of control exercised over the vehicle. Maneuver Based Control (MBC) offers the potential to give future UCAV operators the ability to vary the autonomy of the vehicle against the amount of control they exercise over UCAV systems. The objective of this research is to validate the concept of Maneuver Based Control (MBC). This is accomplished under the umbrella of a conceptual UCAV mission. Particular attention is paid to the ability of this control scheme to increase operator situational awareness while decreasing the overall operator workload and required piloting skill. In addition, the ability to MBC to ensure effective control integrity over the vehicle is examined; ensuring that what vehicle does in response to a user\u27s input is not divorced from the flight characteristics of vehicle


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    This paper aims to explore the socialization process of family resilience carried out by the Children's Social Protection House (RPSA) in Padang Pariaman Regency. The family is the first social institution to carry out the socialization process for an individual about love, religious morals, socio-cultural institutions and so on. However, there are still families with social disorganization. As a social institution engaged in the world of children, the RPSA tries to carry out socialization so that family resilience can be realized and neglected children are not found, lack parental attention so that they fall into immoral acts. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected by observing the implementation of the socialization process for family resilience through the Children's Social Protection House (RPSA), in-depth interviews with RPSA administrators, and several parents of children who were in legal problems, and documentation studies. Data analysis was performed by using reduction, display and lever techniques (drawing conclusions). The results of this study are about the socialization process carried out by the Children's Social Protection House (RPSA) in Padang Pariaman district to achieve family resilience so that there are no more neglected children who do not get parental attention so that they fall into immoral acts by providing assistance, protection and education especially for disorganized families of problem childre

    Investigating Preschool and Primary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Needs in Teaching Science: A Pilot Study

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    In recent years, the curricula reforms at the levels of preschool and primary school in Sweden have caused new demands on the teachers. In particular, numerous teachers lack the educational training in science subjects. Therefore, this study aims to investigate teachers’ self-efficacy and needs in relationto science teaching. A total of 71 teachers, divided into three groups of preschool, 1-3 grades and 4-6 grades, were invited to join this pilot study. From the EU FP7 project, PROFILES, a Likert scale questionnaire (with scores from 1 to 3 to represent strongly disagree, agree to strongly agree, and I don’t know was scored 0) was used and revised for the data collection in this pilot study. The results showed that the participating teachers had relatively high self-efficacy and no significant differences were found among the three groups of teachers. However, even though the teachers had high self-efficacy, the needs of further education were expressed by the teachers to a large extent. In particular, the group of preschool teachers addressed the need for more content knowledge (CK) in physics and chemistry (>41%). In terms of the groups of 1-3 and 4-6 grades teachers, the needs relating to scientific literacy were revealed, with a focus on engaging students in socio-scientific problems (52%, 56%) and assessment (44%, 61%). The implication of this study is discussed in the hope to contribute to teachers’ professional development for both pre- and in-service teachers in science education


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    Education and freedom are a cultural studies, how the regim or goverment conservate culture througt education institution. When a regime presses its willness and takeover individual freedom and their culture that means education to be oppressive tools for individu and sociaty group

    Психолого-педагогічні аспекти професійного самовизначення школярів

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    (uk) В статті розкрито проблему професійного самовизначення учнівської молоді, проаналізовано психолого-педагогічні чинники вибору школярами майбутнього фаху. Досліджено систему ціннісних пріоритетів старшокласників при виборі майбутньої професії.(ru) В статье раскрыто проблему профессионального самоопределения ученической молодежи, проанализировано психолого-педагогические факторы выбора школьниками будущей профессии. Исследовано систему ценностных приоритетов старшеклассников при выборе будущей профессии

    Pengaruh Pengggunaan Busi Iridium dan Nikel Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang CO dan HC Pada Mesin 4-langkah

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    Mengkomparasikan besar emisi CO dan HC saat menggunakan busi satu dan dua bus


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    The issue of organizing a corpse is the most important issue that must be considered by every Muslim, because organizing a corpse is a kifayah obligation for the living. Likewise, the people of East Lunto, Sawah Lunto Regency, where the implementation of the remains of men is carried out by the Malin tribe. As for the remains of women carried out by Mrs. Anis. So it is not uncommon for bodies to be held too late especially for the bodies of women because the organizers are not yet present or cannot be present. For this reason, several strategies are carried out so that this problem can be overcome. The categories used are (1) lectures, (2) discussions, (3) mentoring. Based on the results of assistance to the people of East Lunto, Sawah Lunto Subdistrict, currently, the East Lunto community already has a death joint organization so that the bodies can be held quickly and in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad

    Opportunities for motor stimulation in the home environment of children

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    Introduction: The environment in which the child is inserted and motor opportunities offered to this is essential for a good motor development Objective: To analyze the relationship between the motor stimulation opportunities in the family environment and children's motor development of both sex. Methods: were evaluated 72 children, 33 boys and 39 girls with age of 38 to 42 months. The evaluation was conducted by Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development (AHEMD) and the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2). Were used the tests Chi-square, Fisher exact test, t test for independent samples, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression. Results: In general, the households have low opportunities for motor stimulation, and for households with boys the score is higher. The girls performed better in locomotor skills, while boys had higher scores on object control skills. It found a significant correlation to motricity materials and thick materials motor for boys and variety of stimulation, fine motor materials, motricity materials and motor stimulation for girls. For the boys the motor performance is explained by the available variables of fine and gross motor skills and for the girls by materials of motor stimulation, stimulation variety and materials of fine and gross motor skills. Conclusion: On the presented results we can conclude that the home environment is directly related to the motor development of girls and boys