153 research outputs found

    La literatura hispanoamericana y el exilio.

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    Definition of common support equipment and space station interface requirements for IOC model technology experiments

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    A study was conducted to identify the common support equipment and Space Station interface requirements for the IOC (initial operating capabilities) model technology experiments. In particular, each principal investigator for the proposed model technology experiment was contacted and visited for technical understanding and support for the generation of the detailed technical backup data required for completion of this study. Based on the data generated, a strong case can be made for a dedicated technology experiment command and control work station consisting of a command keyboard, cathode ray tube, data processing and storage, and an alert/annunciator panel located in the pressurized laboratory

    Versuch über das szenische Ereignis.

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    In meiner Analyse zum Ereignis, kontextualisiert zu zeitgenössischem Tanz und Performance, stelle ich zunächst die Frage nach der Darstellung und der Vorstellung, um danach einen weiteren Bogen zu spannen zur Logik der Gabe und zum weiten Feld der Phänomenologie; genauer: zur Frage nach dem Darzustellenden oder Sich-Zeigenden kontextualisiert zur Aisthesis. Die Begriffe Nichts-als-Ereignis, methexis oder Teil-haber- schaften und die Unterbrechung nehmen dabei zentrale Positionen ein. Weiters wird die Gedankenfigur Nancys zur Grenze der Präsentation untersucht, welche per se charakterisierbar wäre durch ihre Eigenschaft der Undarstellbarkeit; dazu werden die Begriffe sens und „Präsenz-auf-Distanz“ näher analysiert, um exemplarisch anhand einer Arbeit des Choreographen Jérôme Bel mit dem Titel Le dernier spectacle die Verbindung zu zeitgenössischem Tanz und Performance zu ergründen. Dazu habe ich mir auch die Frage gestellt, ob der Tanz als Metapher für das „Ereignis des Denkens“ bei Nancy figuriert. Zur Thematik der Geste und des Berührens, welche in einem eigenen Kapitel untersucht wird, habe ich als Ausgangspunkt Giorgio Agambens Noten zur Geste sowie Gedanken zum „Still“ und zur Pose im Tanzkontext ausgewählt; so eröffnet sich ein zonales Gefüge um den Begriff der Potenzialität, in welchem auch Eingänge oder Ausgänge zu Nancys Überlegungen zum Wink und zur wichtigen Frage des Berührens führen sowie zur Exemplifizierung mittels der Arbeit von Meg Stuart und Benoit Lachambre mit dem Titel Forgeries, Love And Other Matters. Das letzte Kapitel befasst sich zunächst mit Nancys Gedanken zum Mit-Sein, und zum „Wir“, als medientheoretische Frage nach Erzeugung, Teilung und Zirkulation von Sinn und Bedeutung. Die Frage des Sinns und seiner Entstehung nimmt im daran folgenden Exkurs, in welchem ich auf Nancys Zusammenarbeit mit der Choreographin Mathilde Monnier eingehe, eine zentrale Position ein, wenn Nancy über den Tanz sagt, dass dabei immer eine „Welt“ als Sinntotalität erzeugt wird – jedoch immer erst im Vollzug im Modus einer „Aseität“, in welcher sich eine Andersheit entfaltet, also nicht mit monadischer Ursprünglichkeit oder Authentizität koinzidiert

    A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Road Traffic Accidents in China and Djibouti

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the comparative analysis of road traffic accidents in China and Djibouti for the period of 2012-2016. Traffic violations that lead to mortalities and severe injuries and fatalities are analyzed both for China as well as Djibouti. The comparative analysis is very interesting for having different results against the set variables. This study caters two explained variables: traffic violations and severity of injuries with explanatory variables of considering the riskiness factors of humans, vehicles, roads and environments. In line with the previous study, logistic regression analysis is used for getting the casual relationship between the explained and explanatory variables to assess the status and nature of accidents and fatalities in these two countries. The data are taken from the respective police departments and World Health Organization safety. With current economic boom in China, the volume of vehicle and traffic accidents are considerably higher but subsequently in decreasing trend due to good management of traffic and better infrastructure while the case of Djibouti is reasonably at a very low ebb. Furthermore, in both of these two countries, road accidents are the major reasons for mortality. Some of the prominent risk factors contributing to roads accidents are  age, an experience of drivers, male drivers, lacking proper maintenance of vehicles for safety, the design of roads, roads status, low visibility during nights due to low or no lightening system and weather. Goods and passengers vehicles tend to commit more traffic offences in Djibouti which resultantly become a major cause of road accidents and hence more severe fatalities. The first factor contributing the traffic violation and imply more and severe injuries are a human factor which if this can be effectively managed then the mortality rate can be mitigated to a substantial level. The second risk factor related to complying with government traffic rules, laws and regulations targeting various kinds of vehicles, driver groups in terms of reducing human, vehicle and environmental risk factors.  Such measures may include road safety programs for drivers, focusing on traffic rules and improvement of transport facility. This study eventually guide the traffic policy maker of these two countries for formulating and deploying effective measures for mitigating the mortalities and severity of injuries due to road accidents

    Os aspectos da reduntantia e distractio como fundamento da felicidade, na noética e ética de Santo Tomás de Aquino

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    O presente trabalho tem, como intuito principal, a reflexão direcionada ao modo específico pelo qual o ser humano pode ser devidamente classificado como tal: a atividade racional. Sendo assim, em seus diversos aspectos, tudo o que é chamado propriamente virtude é o que pode ser realizado de modo resoluto, rápido e com deleite. Deste modo, torna-se evidente que os atos realizados pelo homem, em uma esfera prática – mormente –, necessitam de uma resolução superior, ou seja, de uma resolução especificamente humana, que chamamos de racional

    Distinção Essencial Entre Desejo e Vontade, na antropologia filosófica de Santo Tomás de Aquino

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    Assim como na contemporaneidade, também na Idade Média e, inclusive, no princípio da Idade Moderna havia uma problemática quanto a verificação do conceito de desejo e vontade. Para uma justa apuração destes conceitos, convém considerar uma filosofia propriamente realista, onde a constituição de corpo e alma adquire uma compreensão distinta das concepções modernas, uma compreensão harmônica, orgânica. Daí deduzir que, geralmente – na visão de muitos que foram influenciados por essa filosofia moderna/contemporânea – ,  não se sabe ao certo o que vem a ser desejo e o que vem a ser vontade, propriamente. Para que a concepção se clarifique, faz-se indispensável um olhar atento a esses termos fundamentais na antropologia filosófica realista

    A variabilidade gráfica da cerâmica pintada Guarani nos sítios RS-T-101 e RS-T-114

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    A ocupação do território correspondente ao Vale do Taquari deu-se muito antes da chegada do branco europeu ao vale. Estes povos pretéritos, pioneiros na ocupação do território, produziram ao longo dos séculos grande variabilidade de artefatos, estes são estudados atualmente pela arqueologia. Esta ciência busca desvelar aspectos relacionados a construção, elaboração e utilidade destes fragmentos do passado humano. A partir disto, pretende-se nesta monografia dar conta de analisar a história e o passado dos grupos Guarani que habitaram o Vale do Taquari, por meio da cultura material produzida por estes. Especificamente para este estudo de caso, analisar-se-á as cerâmicas arqueológicas pintadas, com o objetivo de compreender se, existe alguma relação entre os grafismos desenhados nestas e as respectivas formas e funções destes vasilhames dentro do mobiliário Guarani. Para contemplar o objetivo proposto, serão utilizadas metodologias e bibliografias específicas para a análise das evidências cerâmicas, reconstituição das formas tridimensionais, reconstituição dos grafismos elaborados e estatísticas, para melhor quantificar as amostras analisadas

    DPY-17 and MUA-3 Interact for Connective Tissue-Like Tissue Integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans: A Model for Marfan Syndrome

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    mua-3 is a Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the mammalian fibrillin1, a monogenic cause of Marfan syndrome. We identified a new mutation of mua-3 that carries an in-frame deletion of 131 amino acids in the extracellular domain, which allows the mutants to survive in a temperature-dependent manner; at the permissive temperature, the mutants grow normally without obvious phenotypes, but at the nonpermissive temperature, more than 90% die during the L4 molt due to internal organ detachment. Using the temperature-sensitive lethality, we performed unbiased genetic screens to isolate suppressors to find genetic interactors of MUA-3. From two independent screens, we isolated mutations in dpy-17 as a suppressor. RNAi of dpy-17 in mua-3 rescued the lethality, confirming dpy-17 is a suppressor. dpy-17 encodes a collagen known to genetically interact with dpy-31, a BMP-1/Tolloid-like metalloprotease required for TGFβ activation in mammals. Human fibrillin1 mutants fail to sequester TGFβ2 leading to excess TGFβ signaling, which in turn contributes to Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related syndrome. Consistent with that, RNAi of dbl-1, a TGFβ homolog, modestly rescued the lethality of mua-3 mutants, suggesting a potentially conserved interaction between MUA-3 and a TGFβ pathway in C. elegans. Our work provides genetic evidence of the interaction between TGFβ and a fibrillin homolog, and thus provides a simple yet powerful genetic model to study TGFβ function in development of Marfan pathology

    DPY-17 and MUA-3 Interact for Connective Tissue-Like Tissue Integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans: A Model for Marfan Syndrome

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    mua-3 is a Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the mammalian fibrillin1, a monogenic cause of Marfan syndrome. We identified a new mutation of mua-3that carries an in-frame deletion of 131 amino acids in the extracellular domain, which allows the mutants to survive in a temperature-dependent manner; at the permissive temperature, the mutants grow normally without obvious phenotypes, but at the nonpermissive temperature, more than 90% die during the L4 molt due to internal organ detachment. Using the temperature-sensitive lethality, we performed unbiased genetic screens to isolate suppressors to find genetic interactors of MUA-3. From two independent screens, we isolated mutations in dpy-17 as a suppressor. RNAi of dpy-17 inmua-3 rescued the lethality, confirming dpy-17 is a suppressor. dpy-17encodes a collagen known to genetically interact with dpy-31, a BMP-1/Tolloid-like metalloprotease required for TGFβ activation in mammals. Human fibrillin1 mutants fail to sequester TGFβ2 leading to excess TGFβ signaling, which in turn contributes to Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related syndrome. Consistent with that, RNAi of dbl-1, a TGFβ homolog, modestly rescued the lethality of mua-3 mutants, suggesting a potentially conserved interaction between MUA-3 and a TGFβ pathway in C. elegans. Our work provides genetic evidence of the interaction between TGFβ and a fibrillin homolog, and thus provides a simple yet powerful genetic model to study TGFβ function in development of Marfan pathology