61 research outputs found


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    Narrative text is one of material which should be learned by junior high school students. The difficulties in composing the text and developing sentences or paragraph may cause the result of student writing to be not optimal. Chain story is one of teaching strategies used to teach writing a story which written by many people and only the next person in the chain knows where the story will end. Based on the previous research, the implementation of the chain story strategy in teaching narrative text has a significant effect. Hidayani and Al-Hafizh (2014) found that there is any difference of students’ achievement between the students who taught using chain story strategy and students who did not teach using chain story strategy. Research design of this study is Qualitative Research. Researcher found that the implementation of chain story strategy in teaching narrative text is divided into 5 steps, such as; (1) Presenting the material, (2) Dividing the students into some groups, (3) Forming several rows of students, (4) Students composing the text one by one in turn in a group until it becomes a story, (5) Discussing and giving the feedback, and (6) Students read their texts. In practice, the implementation of chain story strategy for teaching narrative text made the class feel more alive due to active student involvement in group activities. Based on the observation of the implementation of chain story strategy in teaching narrative text, it can be concluded that it had incorporated with the basic principles of teaching writing include; planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. The similarity between two teacher in implementing chain story strategy for narrative text were (1) activities in each step tend to be the same and (2) At the group division stage, the teachers determined the members of by counting the numbers in order. The difference between two teacher in implementing chain story strategy for narrative text were; (1) The first teacher discussed the results of student work, provide feedback, and ask the students to revised their work. While the second teacher only asked students to collect their work and then summarize the subject matter that day. (2) The first teacher provided the theme and pictures at students’ worksheeet, while the second teacher only provided the theme at students’ worksheet. Furthermore, the implementation of chain story strategy for teaching narrative text made the class feel more alive due to active student involvement in group activities. ii Finally, researcher will give some recommendation for other researchers. Research related to the implementation of chain story strategy to improve others language skill is also needed. Moreover, conducting research on teachers' thinking about chain story strategy in teaching english is also needed. It is because of the impact teachers have on instruction and students. Moreover, the teacher plays a powerful role in determining what, and how, the subject matter is taught. Understanding teachers 'thinking about the chain story strategy in teaching English is a needed


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    Perguruan tinggi (PT) mempunyai peran penting dalam mengembangkan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Dosen merupakan unsur dalam PT diharapkan dapat mempunyai kinerja yang baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan image masyarakat terhadap PT tersebut. Salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja dosen adalah dengan memberikan kualitas layanan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan jenis atribut kualitas layanan yang perlu diperbaiki. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner berdasarkan dimensi Servquel (tangible, reliability, responsibility, assuarance, empathy) Responden yang digunakan adalah dosen pada Universitas XYZ sebanyak 87 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan yang ada saat ini belum memenuhi harapan dosen, dan jenis atribut yang perlu dipebaiki adalah kebersihan kamar mandi (T6), kerapian ruang kuliah (T3), Ketersediaan informasi yang terkait dengan pengembangan dosen (informasi tentang jadwal penelitian, kepangkatan dll) (A17). Kata Kunci: Servquel, tangible, reliability, responsibility, assuarance, empathy

    The Effect Of Purple Sweet Potato Flour Substitution On The Quality Of Lidah Kucing Cookies

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    The background of this research is to vary the cat's tongue cookies with purple sweet potato flour which aims to utilize local food ingredients, add to the innovation of cat tongue cookies products.The main ingredient in making cat's tongue cookies is wheat flour which is still imported. This study aims to analyze the quality (volume, shape, color, aroma, texture and taste) of cat tongue cookies substituted with purple sweet potato flour as much as 20%, 40% and 60%. This type of research is a pure experiment with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. The data used are primary data obtained directly from 3 expert panelists who provide answers from a questionnaire (organoleptic test format) on the quality of cat tongue cookies with purple sweet potato flour. The data that has been obtained is then tabulated in the form of a table and an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is performed. If the analysis of variance shows Fcount F table, then it is continued with Duncan's test. The results showed that the substitution of purple sweet potato flour had an effect on the quality of volume and aroma, while for the quality of shape, color, texture and taste there was no significant effect. purple sweet potato as much as 40%.                                                                                                                                           

    Diversifikasi Pangan Olahan Ampas Kelapa Sebagai Peluang Usaha di Kabupaten Malang

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    Gajahrejo Village, Gedangan sub-district, Malang Regency is a community service location, most of which work as coconut plantation farmers. The abundant harvest results in the low selling price of coconut at post-harvest. The making of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) is an attraction for the people of Gajahrejo village as a daily profit, but the manufacture of VCO causes the accumulation of waste or coconut dregs which is not used properly and ends up being wasted. To increase the added value of coconuts, one of them is processing coconuts from VCO manufacturing waste into processed coconut cake products that are suitable as snacks. The limited innovation of human resources causes the low selling value of coconut, so that the utilization of coconut dregs is not maximized. Besides being suitable as a snack for making processed coconut cookies products and coconut lidah kucing cookies, it can also increase the productivity of PKK mothers to process cake products that can be marketed more broadly. The stage in the implementation of the service begins with the preparation of proposals, deepening the problems that exist in Gajahrejo Village, preparing human resources and technology, formulating recipes, testing coconut cakes and coconut lidah kucing cakes, implementing product manufacture in village locations, and preparing reports. Through that all solutions that can be done in the problems that occur are developing coconut processed innovations through training in making coconut cakes and coconut lidah kucing cookies for PKK women in Gajahrejo village and modeling product packaging to increase selling prices in the market. Training for PKK women as a new business opportunity (KUB) and can help support economic stability in the household

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Dan Intellectual Capital Disclosure Terhadap Cost of Equity Capital

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    This study aimed to examine the effect good corporate governance and intellectual capital disclosure on cost of equity capital. This research was conducted on issues of banking sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2012-2014. The sample of this research totally are 90 data from the manufacturing sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. Statistical t-test was performed before analysis of multiple regression equation, in the first phase of testing performed classical assumption of normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation. The next step is to test the hypothesis that is done using the t test to determine the effect of each independent variable. Based on the analysis, it is known that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the proportion of independent board and the proportion of independent audit committees do not affect the cost of equity capital. While intellectual capital disclosure positive effect on the cost of equity capital. The coefficient of determination that saw the influence of the independent variables used in the study model of the dependent variable was 9.4%, while the rest (90.6%) is explained by other variables

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Dan Intellectual Capital Disclosure Terhadap Cost of Equity Capital

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    This study aimed to examine the effect good corporate governance and intellectual capital disclosure on cost of equity capital. This research was conducted on issues of banking sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2012-2014. The sample of this research totally are 90 data from the manufacturing sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. Statistical t-test was performed before analysis of multiple regression equation, in the first phase of testing performed classical assumption of normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation. The next step is to test the hypothesis that is done using the t test to determine the effect of each independent variable. Based on the analysis, it is known that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the proportion of independent board and the proportion of independent audit committees do not affect the cost of equity capital. While intellectual capital disclosure positive effect on the cost of equity capital. The coefficient of determination that saw the influence of the independent variables used in the study model of the dependent variable was 9.4%, while the rest (90.6%) is explained by other variables

    النقد على نصوص ترجمة آتاب مولد الديبعي لمحمد أشكوري داروسمان: دراسة تحليلية نقدية

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    مستخلص البحث عملية الترجمة ليست عملية غريبة في ذهننا منذ زمان بعيد. وهذه الوسيلة قد استعملها الشعوب والقبائل لتبادل العلوم والمعريفات أوالتكنولوجيات أو الثقافة س٢!لع؟٣!مصئلآ:مةع0مشتهئئة!وكم٩وجاةي٣ئتوئيسي٦ذصؤص الترجمة من الكتب العربية آالنص المصدر، منها نص الترجمة آتاب مولد الدباعي الذى ألفه الإمام الجليل عبد الرحمن الدباعي رحمه الله وتعالى على المترجم محمد أشكورى داروسمان إنتشارها مطبعة ''جاهيا بركة سيدوكيري" في سيدوكيري كراطان فاسوروان. كان هذا الكتاب من أكثر كتب المقروء لمجتمع الإندونيسية المسلمين في سكانهم وطلاب المعاهد الإسلامية. وهذا الذى تعتمد عليه الباحثة في عملية هذا البحت. الهدف من هذا البحت تعريض الترجمة بمناسبة للغة الإندونيسية وما تضمنه النص المصدر. اعتمادا على هذا الفرص أخدت الباحثة ثلاثة مسائل وهي الطرق و الإجراءات التى سلكها المترجم في ترجمة كتاب مولد الدباعي وتطابق معناها- وهذا البحث بحث وصفي على طريقة الكيفي. والمادة في هذا البحث هي عرض لفظي للبيانات المكتبية التى تحتوى على الكلمة والترآيب والجملة المفيدة. ومصدر الأساسى هو نص آتاب مولد الدباعي في العربية والإندونيسة وأدته هي الباحثة نفسها. وفي جمع البيانات استخدمت الباحثة طريقة وثيقية وطريقة الملاحظة، ثمّ حلّلت الباحثة البيانات المأخوذة. قدمت الباحثة نتيجة من عملية البحث وهي وجود الطريقتين المستعملتين في نص الترجمة آتاب مولد الدباعي باللغة الإندونيسية للمترجم محمد أشكورى داروسمان، وهي طريقة الترجمة بين الأسطر( One For One Translation) ططويقة الترجمة الحرفية(Penerjemahan Harfiah). ووجود تسعة إجراء الترجمة في نص ترجمة هذا الكتاب وهي الإجراء الحرفي ( Literal Procedure) والإجراء الحدف والزيادة (Deletion-Additions) والإجراء الإبدال اخصزخي Tlassposttoni١) ؤ\لإجز\ء طقق وطتجتدس (T١ Reduction ) والتخفسض والتوسيع (Synonim) والمرادف (Naturalitation Contextual ) والمقارنة بالسياق (Modulation) والتعديل (and Expansion Conditioning) وإعادة الصياغة (Paraphrasing) . وفي هذه عملية الترجمة اهتم المترجم على تطابق المعنى غير أسلوب اللغة حتى ضاعت عليه جمال أسلوب اللغة المصدر

    Analisis Resiko Pada Rantai Pasok

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    Makanan mempunyai peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, dalam proses penyediaannya terdapat resiko adanya kontaminasi dari unsur lain yang mengakibatkan makanan tidak layak dikonsumsi. untuk itu, buku ini disusun untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang resiko-resiko yang melekat dalam proses penyediaan makanan dari bahan baku sampai ditangan konsumen ( rantai pasok


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    People expect things to be more practical, quick, and simple as a result of developing societal changes. This has led to modifications to the spice products we regularly find on the market, which are created in instant form, especially in Indonesian delicacies whose spices are hard to get in some regions and whose cooking method is extremely laborious. Consequently, the objective of this service is to socialize and provide instruction on the production of instant spices using spices from the surrounding environment to PKK women so that they can produce superior goods in Gajahrejo village and improve the economy of coastal community


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    This study aimed to examine the effect good corporate governance and intellectual capital disclosure on cost of equity capital. This research was conducted on issues of banking sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2012-2014. The sample of this research totally are 90 data from the manufacturing sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. Statistical t-test was performed before analysis of multiple regression equation, in the first phase of testing performed classical assumption of normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation. The next step is to test the hypothesis that is done using the t test to determine the effect of each independent variable. Based on the analysis, it is known that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the proportion of independent board and the proportion of independent audit committees do not affect the cost of equity capital. While intellectual capital disclosure positive effect on the cost of equity capital. The coefficient of determination that saw the influence of the independent variables used in the study model of the dependent variable was 9.4%, while the rest (90.6%) is explained by other variables