71 research outputs found


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    Industry financial sectors such as banking, the bank's financial ratios may also improve performance to remain in the public trust. The aimed of this study was to determine the effect of the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and the Operating Expenses Operating Income Ratio (ROA) on Return On Assets (ROA) in the banking system. The data used is the financial statements of Conventional Commercial Bank has total assets of over 25 billion in 2008 to 2014. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the variables of the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) had no significant effect on Return On Assets (ROA). While the Operating Expense Ratio Operating Income (ROA) negative effect on Return On Assets (ROA)Kata Kunci : ROA, LDR, CAR, BOP


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    This study aims to find out how the work discipline of the employees of PT. Kharisma Dayung Utara Pekanbaru. High workloads make employees undisciplined in their work. This research uses descriptive research that is looking for an overview of the research phenomena for later conclusions drawn. In this case the object to be investigated is employees who work at PT. Kharisma Dayung Utara Pekanbaru. The reason to use descriptive research type is because the variable studied is a single variable so it does not require testing hypotheses and statistics, only it gives an overview of how discipline in working for employees at PT. Kharisma Dayung Utara Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is census sampling with the same population and sample, namely 32 people. The results showed that the work discipline was in a good category based on 8 indicators, role models of leadership, remuneration, justic, respect, sanctiion and assertiveness obtainedan average of 78.64%. That means that the average employee in the company feels that the company’s goals are in line with the abilities of their employees, with a high level of discipline they should make amployees more productive than before

    Elderly in the Perspective of Minangkabau Nagari Aie Dingin of Solok Regency of West Sumatera Province

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    Minangkabau people are very well known for their customs which are interesting to know and study. The existence of the Nagari government illustrates how a customary-based governance system governs the Minangkabau community's life. The role of ulayat land explains assets or properties and their benefits for clan members' security. Women's existence and function explain the degree of their role in family and community life. The function and existence of sponsorship for the elderly explains the model and form of sponsorship for the elderly. The purpose of this research is to know the life of the elderly if in the study of Minangkabau Culture in Nagari Aie Dingin of Solok Regency of West Sumatra Province. This study used qualitative methods and descriptive types, data collection was carried out using observation methods, interviews using interview guides and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses the Miles and Huberman model: data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. The findings in this study indicate that with the high level of population aged 60 years and over, many elderly people are still actively working and the communal system is less active. Older women are prioritized over older men in Minangkabau


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    Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) eksklusif pada bayi merupakan strategi terbaik untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang akan menjadi penerus bangsa sejak usia dini. Cakupan ASI eksklusif mengalami penurunan dalam tiga tahun terakhir dari 60,1 % pada 2019 menjadi 56,9 % pada 2020, dan 52,2 % pada 2021, jauh di bawah target Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kampar sebesar 80 %. Untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pekerjaan Ibu Menyusui dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif  di Desa Silam Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuok Tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Adapun Populasi seluruh ibu yang memiliki bayi berumur > 6 bulan - 12 bulan sebanyak 86  responden dengan tekhnik pengambilan sampel total populasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pekerjaan ibu menyusui dengan pemberian ASI Ekslusif dengan nilai P Value = 0,001 (< 0,005). Diharapkan  bagi ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 0-6 bulan mampu berperan serta dalam program pemberian ASIeksklusif serta memberikan informasi positif kepada ibumenyusui lainnya bahwa ASI adalah makanan yang paling ideal bagi bayiusia 0-6 bulan tersebut


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    This research is motivated by the fact that the project based learning model is not yet effective, student learning creativity is still low. One effort to overcome this problem is to apply the project based learning model in the sociology learning process. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of implementing project based learning in sociology learning as an effort to increase the creativity of Phase E 1 students at SMA N 1 Sutera. The theory used in this research is the behaviorist theory put forward by Gagne. The type of research used is quantitative because the data obtained is in the form of numbers. with Quasi-experimental research type. The population in this study were class X students of SMA N 1 Sutera with a sample size of 36 people. Sampling used purposive sampling technique. The instrument used for this research was an observation sheet. The data analysis technique in research is by using the T Test. Based on the results of research that has been carried out using the t test statistic, tcount = 21.13. Then t table with dk = n-k-1, dk = 36-1-1 = 34 at a significance level of 5% (0.05), then from the t distribution table the value of t table = 2.032 is obtained. So the result is 21.13 > 2.032 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The result of hypothesis testing is that Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of the application of the project based learning model in sociology learning as an effort to increase creativity (case study of Phase E1 students at SMA N 1 Sutera)

    Analysis of Production and Inventory Control of Batik Raw Materials According to Islamic Economic Perspective (Case Study at SME Santi Batik)

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    This study aims to find out how the batik production process and batik raw material inventory control in UKM Santi Batik using the EOQ (economic order quantity) method, safety stock, reorder point and total cost. . In this study, researchers used a descriptive-comparative method with a quantitative approach and used primary data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire specifically for UKM Santi Batik. The data analysis technique used is the approah formula, namely the method of determining the number of economic orders by reducing them in the formulas. The results of the research and discussion can be concluded that the EOQ (economic order quantity) method is more effectively used in raw material inventory control than the existing policies in UKM Santi Batik. Because UKM Santi Batik has not used optimal raw material inventory control, namely only using estimates in purchasing batik raw materials. In addition, by using safety stocks, UKM Santi Batik can avoid shortages of raw materials in production, reorder points so that UKM Santi Batik knows when to buy raw materials again and obtain them with minimum total inventory costs


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis bagaimana Implementasi Kebijakan Rail Document System Di Pt Kereta Api Daerah Operasi II Bandung. Dalam laporan hasil penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai bagaimana implementasi kebijakan kebijakan Rail Document System Di Pt Kereta Api Daerah Operasi II Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data yaiti penelitian kepustakaan, penelitian lapangan yaitu observasi, wawancra, dan dokumentasi, adapun informan dalam penelitian ini Vice President Manager Corporate Document Management, Assistant Manager Corporate Document Management, dan Pegawai Pt KAI Daop II Bandng. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Terdapat faktor hambatan yang dihadapi dalam implementasi kebijakan Rail Document System Di Pt Kereta Api Daerah Operasi II Bandung. Beberapa diantaranya yaitu, kurangnya Komunikasi Antara pembuat kebijakan dengan para pelaksana kebijakan. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan diantaranya melakukan Sosialisasi terhadap pegawai dan pelatihan tentang Rail Document System Serta masih kurangnya sumber daya yang memadai untuk menunjang keberhasilan Implementasi Rail Document System . Kata Kunci : Implementasi Kebijakan, Rail Document System (RDS

    Pengembangan Media Video Tutorial Uji Antibakteri pada Submateri Peranan Bakteri X SMA: (The Development of Tutorial Test of Antibacteril Media on Submaterial Role Bacterial Submaterials for Tent-Grade Students of Senior High School)

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    The use of learning media and information that is less varied is the reason for the need to develop video tutorial media. This study aims to determine the development and feasibility of antibacterial test tutorial video media on the sub-material the role of bacteria in tenth grade senior high school. This research uses the Research and Development method, which is a 4D model but is limited to three stages (define, design, develop). The instruments used in this study were validation sheets and validators consisting of 5 people with 4 aspects and 25 assessment criteria. The validation results use Aiken’s V formula to calculate the validity coefficient and test its reliability using the ICC formula. The result indicate that the tutorial video can proceed to the next stage by obtaining a minimum Aiken’s V value of 0,87 and an ICC value of 0,964. Abstrak. Penggunaan media pembelajaran dan informasi yang kurang bervariasi menjadi alasan perlunya dikembangkan media video tutorial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan dan kelayakan media video tutorial uji antibakteri pada Submateri Peranan Bakteri kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development yaitu model 4D namun dibatasi dengan tiga tahap (define, design, develop). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar validasi dengan lima validator dengan 4 aspek dan 25 kriteria penilaiannya. Hasil validasi dianalisis menggunakan formula Aiken’s V untuk dihitung koefesien validitasnya dan diuji reliabilitasnya dengan menggunakan rumus ICC. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa video tutorial dinyatakan layak untuk dilanjutkan ke tahap selanjutnya dengan memperoleh nilai minimum Aiken’s V sebesar 0,87 dan nilai reliabilitas ICC sebesar 0,964

    Pengembangan Media Powtoon Submateri Peranan Bakteri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat media pembelajaran yang interaktif pada submateri peranan bakteri SMA kelas X dengan informasi tambahan berupa uji antibakteri ekstrak daun salam pada bakteri Shigella sonnei. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) model 4D yang direduksi menjadi 3D, yaitu define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), dan develop (pengembangan). Media divalidasi oleh lima orang ahli menggunakan angket validasi dan analisis validasi diadaptasi dari Aiken’s V. Selanjutnya dilakkan uji reliabilitas dilakukan menggunakan ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Media animasi PowToon dinyatakan layak digunakan dengan nilai minimum Aiken’s V yang diperoleh sebesar 0,87 dan nilai ICC sebesar 0,799 dengan kategori baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesepakatan antar validator dalam menilai video animasi PowToon.Kata kunci: Aiken’s V; Media Pembelajaran; Metode R&D; PowToon; BakteriDevelopment of Powtoon Media for Sub Material Role of BacterialABSTRACTThe research aimed to create interactive learning media the sub-material of the role of bacteria on the tenth grade of Senior High School with additional information in the form of antibacterial test of the bayleaf on bacteria Shigella sonnei. The research used the qualitative and quantitative approach. The method that was used was Research and Development (R&D), the 4D model that was reduced to 3D which was define, design, and develop. The media was validated by 5 experts using the validation checklist and the analysis of the validation was adapted from Aiken’s V. Futthermore, the reliability test was carried out using ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) by SPSS software. The PowToon animation media was claimed to be usable with the minimum score of Aiken’s V obtained was 0,87, and the ICC score was 0,799 which was categorized as good. It was showed that there was an agreement among the validators in assessing the PowToon animation video
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