10 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Reading Guide terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Kelas IV di SD Negeri 23 Kota Sorong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan metode reading guide terhadap kemampuan membaca pemahaman kelas IV di SD Negeri 23 Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini merupakan desain eksperimen tipe one-group pretest-posttest design. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah metode reading guide dan variabel terikatnya kemampuan membaca pemahaman peserta didik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri 23 Kota Sorong sebanyak 29 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa, tes (pretest/posttest). Teknik analisis data terdiri dari 3 tahap observasi dan dekriptif data , uji normalitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil uji reliabilitas butir instrumen pretest dan posttest yang diperoleh sebesar 0,430. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh deskriptif data pretest nilai mean sebesar 42,5241 sedangkan posttest mean sebesar 73,0138. Dari analisis data diperoleh uji normalitas sig sebesar 0,200 > 0,05, maka data berdistribusi normal. Hasil uji one sample T-test dari data posttest diperoleh Thitung >Ttabel yaitu 46,364 >2,052 dengan besar taraf Sig (2-teiled) sebesar 0,001< 0,05, sehingga H1 diterima dan H0 di tolak, dapat simpulkan bahwa metode reading guide memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan membaca pemahaman peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri 23 Kota Sorong

    Pengaruh Stad Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using of cooperative learning model Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) to the learning of mathematics. This research method is  non-equivalent control group design with the type of research that is experimental research. Technique of collecting data is done by test technique and student response questionnaire. Data analysis techniques are quantitative data. The result of the research shows that the average value of posttest in the experimental class is higher than the control class, which means that there is an increase of students' mathematics learning outcomes. Based on hypothesis testing using independent sample t-test formula it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence on STAD type cooperative learning model toward mathematics learning result of grade V students of SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) terhadap hasil belajar matematika. Metode penelitian ini adalah The non equivalent control group design dengan jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan angket respon siswa. Teknik analisis data berupa data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata posttest pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol, artinya terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar matematika siswa. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan rumus independent sample t-test dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V SD Negeri 5 Metro Pusat. Kata kunci: hasil belajar, matematika, Student Team Achievement Divisio

    Effect of biocompost fermented by Trichoderma spp. on the growth of soybean (Glycine max L)

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    National soybean production is not enough to meet the national demand for soybeans so there is a need to increase the production of this commodity because it is needed as a raw material for various processed products. The utilisation of dry land as soybean cultivation land is still lacking. This is due to several factors, namely cultivation techniques, and limited fertilisation. So the use of cultivation techniques by applying biocompost fertiliser is one approach to improve soil nutrients and also the use of Trichoderma spp. bacteria helps soybean plants to avoid wilt disease.  This study aims to determine the growth response of several varieties of soybean on dry land by applying biocompost fermented by Trichoderma spp. The method used in this research is an experimental method carried out by manipulating the object of research and the existence of controls. The research was conducted on dry land in Giri Tembesi Village, Gerung Sub-district, West Lombok Regency, the soil type of the experimental site was regusol soil with a pH of 5.7 and organic matter moisture content of 0.77%. The results showed that the application of biocompost to several varieties of soybean has not been able to spur plant growth but in general can adapt to dry land. Differences in soybean varieties resulted in significantly different growth responses in plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, flowering age and weight of 100 soybean seeds. However, there is no significant difference in the application of biocompost on the vegetative and generative growth of soybean in dryland which is thought to be caused by the dose of biocompost given is not optimal. Therefore, further research is needed to obtain the optimal dose of biocompost

    Faktor-Faktor yang Menyebabkan Kemiskinan di Provinsi Papua: Analisis Spatial Heterogeneity

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    Abstract Pro-poor growth program has not been effective reducing poverty in Papua because the government does not have complete information about the spatial variation of poverty-causing factors (spatial heterogeneity). Therefore, this study will analyze poverty-causing factors using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model. This study finds that the influence of the cultivated land area, use of technical irrigation, source of drinking water, and the electrical infrastructure vary spatially. In additions, multivariate K-means clustering shows that subdistricts are spatially clustered by geographical conditions. These results imply that poverty alleviation interventions should be dierent for different areas. Keywords: Geographically Weighted Regression, Poverty, Multivariate K-means Clustering, Spatial Heterogeneity   Abstrak Program pro-poor growth (program pembangunan ekonomi yang berpihak kepada penduduk miskin) belum efektif mengurangi kemiskinan di Papua karena pemerintah tidak memiliki informasi lengkap mengenai faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kemiskinan menurut variasi wilayah (spatial heterogeneity). Oleh karena itu, studi ini akan menganalisis faktor-faktor tersebut dengan menggunakan model Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Studi ini menemukan pengaruh luas lahan yang diusahakan, penggunaan irigasi teknis, sumber air minum, dan listrik terhadap kemiskinan bervariasi secara spasial. Sementara itu, multivariate K-means clustering menunjukkan kecamatan mengelompok menurut kondisi geografis. Ini menyiratkan bahwa intervensi pengentasan kemiskinan seharusnya berbeda untuk wilayah berbeda. Kata kunci: Geographically Weighted Regression, Kemiskinan, Multivariate K-means Clustering, Variasi Wilayah Spatial Heterogeneit


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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi adalah pembelajaran yang mengakomodasi keberagaman peserta didik menurut kesiapan, minat, dan preferensi belajar. Pendidik harus mempersiapkan pembelajaran dengan serangkaian perlakuan dan aktivitas yang unik bagi setiap peserta didik ketika menerapkan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran berdiferensiasi diterapkan dalam kurikulum merdeka khususnya di sekolah penggerak menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif bahkan lebih cenderung menggunakan analisis. Temuan dari penelitian ini mendukung gagasan diferensiasi proses, yang lebih berfokus pada bagaimana pendidik mendorong peserta didiknya untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran mandiri dan aktivitas penemuan pengetahuan berdasarkan pengalaman belajar yang disajikan pendidik. Untuk membuat proses pembelajaran yang holistic dan menyenangkan, pendidik harus membuat pertanyaan pemantik, menyajikan konten yang menarik, dan memberikan pengalaman belajar selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Lingkungan belajar yang kondusif bagi siswa merupakan salah satu ciri pembelajaran yang berdiferensiasi. Siswa tidak perlu belajar hanya di dalam kelas; sebaliknya, mereka dapat belajar di luar kelas dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan sekitar sebaik-baiknya.Abstract:  According to each student's readiness, interests, and preferred method of learning, differentiated learning takes into account individual uniqueness. Differentiated learning requires teachers to set up a set of special interventions and activities for every pupil. This study seeks to understand how differentiated learning is applied in the autonomous curriculum, particularly in driving schools. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method that frequently use of analysis. The results of this study provide credence to the concept of process differentiation, which is centered more on how teachers promote their pupils' participation in self-directed learning and knowledge-building activities based on the experiences they have given them. Throughout the learning process, teachers should provide thought-provoking questions, offer engaging content, and facilitate learning experiences in order to establish a comprehensive and joyful learning environment. One feature of diversified learning is a setting that is favorable for pupils to study in. By making the most of their surroundings, pupils can study outside of the classroom in addition to in it


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    The exotic fruit that became the pride of farmers as an additional family income in Tanah Merah and Langsar villages is a srikaya fruit that is in great demand by Madurese people and outside the region because the texture, taste, and aroma are better than other regional production. To be able to get into the hands of consumers, marketing srikaya fruit requires marketing agencies (intermediary traders) that play a role in selling to consumers. Competition often occurs between traders especially when there is an increase in demand. This study aims to determine the market structure of srikaya fruit in Bluto Seasonal Fruit Market. Primary data were obtained through observation and interviews with traders as many as 19 respondents and literature studies were used to obtain secondary data. The data analysis method uses market share analysis, market concentration, and minimum efficiency scale (MES). The results showed that the market structure of the srikaya fruit formed in the Bluto Market from the calculation of CR4 amounted to 28.52%, which led to a monopolistic market. The barriers to entry for new traders are fairly easy to know through the MES calculation results of 8.3% with this value new traders can still compete in the fight for market share

    Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Good Corporate Governance dalam perspektif Syariat Islam pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia

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    Abstrak Good Corporate Governance ialah prinsip yang populer untuk menjaga integritas organisasi di dunia. Isu perkembangan Good Corporate Governance terus berkembang seiring dengan terjadinya skandal keuangan yang menimpa beberapa perusahaan besar seperti Enron dan WorldCom. Indonesia sebagai negara dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama islam perlu memahami prinsip Good Corporate Governance 0079ang islami dalam melaksanakan bisnis. Perkembangan entitas syariah menuntut para pebisnis untuk menerapkan GCG sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) yaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, profesional, kewajaran dan kesetaraan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia periode tahun 2020 yang dikaitkan dengan ayat-ayat dalam Al - Qur’an terutama dalam Q.S. An - Nisa ayat 58 dan Q.S. Al-Baqoroh ayat 282. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Kata Kunci : Prinsip Good Corporate Governance, Syariat Islam, Bank Muamalat   Abstract Good Corporate Governance is a popular principle for maintaining the integrity of organizations in the world. The issue of the development of Good Corporate Governance continues to grow along with the financial scandals that hit several large companies such as Enron and WorldCom. Indonesia as a country with a majority Muslim population needs to understand the principles of Islamic Good Corporate Governance in conducting business. The development of sharia entities requires business people to implement GCG in accordance with sharia principles. The principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) are transparency, accountability, responsibility, professionalism, fairness and information. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance at Bank Muamalat Indonesia for the 2020 period with verses in the Qur'an, especially in Q.S. An-Nisa verse 58 and Q.S. Al-Baqoroh verse 282. This research is a library research using descriptive analysis. Keywords: Good Corporate Governance Principles, Islamic Sharia, Bank Muamala


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis keuntungan kedelai untuk lahan semi teknis, (2)menganalisis daya saing baik dari sudut pandang keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulankompetitif, (3) mengkaji dampak kebijakan pemerintah dalam usahatani kedelai, dan (4)mengetahui daya saing kedelai berkaitan dengan perubahan harga faktor-faktor produksi. Metodeanalisis yang digunakan adalah alat analisis matrik kebijakan Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM).Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usahatani kedelai yang ditanam di lahan semi tehnis secaraprivat menguntungkan sebesar Rp. 5.139.011 per ha. Secara sosial nilai profitabilitas untuk lahansemi tehnis memiliki efisiensi usahatani dengan keuntungan Rp. 1.337.776 per ha. Usahatanikedelai di lahan semi tehnis memiliki keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif dengan nilai DRCsebesar 0,8058, serta nilai PCR sebesar 0,5622. Perubahan kebijakan pemerintah jika terjadikenaikan harga input tradable sebesar 10% dan 30% mengakibatkan penurunan keunggulankompetitif. Kebijakan pemerintah jika terjadi kenaikan harga pupuk urea sebesar 40%mengakibatkan penurunan keunggulan kompetitif. Kenaikan pajak impor kedelai sebesar 20 %mengakibatkan penurunan keunggulan komperatif.Kata Kunci: Daya Saing, Kedela

    Subjective Well Being Mahasiswa Penyandang Disabilitas

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    This research is a literature review that aims to investigate the subject of Subjective Well-Being in students with disabilities. Subjective well-being covers various aspects of life which include happiness, life satisfaction, and individual perceptions of the quality of their life. Students with disabilities face unique and varied challenges in achieving their subjective well-being, due to being in an academic environment that is often not fully aware of their needs. This literature research will explore scientific articles, journals, books, and other trusted sources that discuss the subjective well-being of students with disabilities. Research will evaluate the factors that affect their subjective well-being, including social support, accessibility of facilities, level of participation in academic and non-academic activities, and the role of self-perception in the adaptation process. In addition, this research will also identify the challenges and obstacles faced by students with disabilities in achieving their subjective well-being. Some of the possible challenges include social stigmatization, lack of awareness of their needs, as well as physical and psychological limitations that affect their participation in campus life. It is hoped that the results of this literature review can provide better insight on how to improve the subjective well-being of students with disabilities in the higher education environment. The practical implications of this research can help educational institutions to develop more inclusive policies and programs, as well as provide appropriate resources and support for students with disabilities. In addition, this research can also identify research areas that need more exploration in the future to better understand and improve the subjective well-being of this group. &nbsp

    Inter-District Road Infrastructure and Spatial Inequality in Rural Indonesia

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    Road quality plays an important role, especially in rural areas where most poor households are situated. This study aims to calculate the Rural Access Index (RAI), an indicator of rural road quality (SDG indicator 9.1.1), at the district level, to evaluate the implementation of the Nawacita programme in Indonesia from 2014–2020. The RAI describes the proportion of rural residents who live within 2 km of an all-season road. This study recommends the utilisation of road network maps, urban–rural boundary maps, three road network condition datasets, and WorldPop data to calculate the RAI. The results show that during this period, the RAI increased and its inequality decreased, specifically in the regions of priority for this programme (Papua and West Papua). The results also capture a strong pattern of regional convergence. To ensure the future success of this implementation, the government can create regulations to designate several road infrastructure projects as a national strategy, as well as increase tax collection and private sector investment as sources of road infrastructure development funding