16 research outputs found

    Representasi Kawaii dan Omotenashi pada Yuru-Kyara Prefektur Nara (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)

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    Yuru-kyara merupakan salah satu jenis maskot di Jepang yang dibuat untuk mempromosikan acara pemerintahan daerah, revitalisasi desa/kota/provinsi, dan lembaga atau instansi pemerintahan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan makna semiotika pada yuru-kyara prefektur Nara, serta menginterpretasikan konsep kawaii dan omotenashi yang terdapat pada yuru-kyara tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian interpretatif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode baca, simak, catat (BSC) dan studi pustaka. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan metode analisis data interaktif Miles dan Huberman, dengan sumber data dari website localchara.jp. Data berupa gambar dan foto dari yuru-kyara Sento kun, Manto kun, Na-ra chan, Renka chan, Narakkii, dan Nakkyon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada masing-masing yuru-kyara prefektur Nara yang dianalisis, terdapat makna denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos di dalamnya. Selain itu juga pada masing-masing yuru-kyara prefektur Nara, terdapat 7 indikator kawaii dan 2 indikator omotenashi pada Sento kun, 6 indikator kawaii dan 3 indikator omotenashi pada Manto kun, 5 indikator kawaii dan 3 indikator omotenashi pada Na-ra chan, 6 indikator kawaii dan 3 indikator omotenashi pada Renka chan, 4 indikator kawaii dan 2 indikator omotenashi pada Narakkii, serta 5 indikator kawaii dan 2 indikator omotenashi pada Nakkyon

    Representasi Kawaii dan Omotenashi pada Yuru-kyara Prefektur Nara

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    AbstractYuru-chara is one of a type of mascot in Japan that aims to promote local government events, revitalization of villages/cities/provinces, and government institutions. The purpose of this study is to describe the denotative and connotative meanings of yuru-chara from Nara Prefecture, and to interpret the representation of the kawaii and omotenashi concepts contained in the yuru-chara. This research is qualitative interpretive research using library research as a methods of data collection. The data in this study were pictures and photos of yuru-chara Sento kun, Manto kun, Na-ra chan, Renka chan, Narakkii and Nakkyon which were then analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. The results of data analysis show that in every yuru-chara of Nara Prefecture that has been analyzed, there are denotative and connotative meanings that are closely related to the elements of the brand that created the yuru-chara because it’s uses as a promotional media (promotional characters). The representation of the kawaii concept in yuru-kyara is a way to attract people's attention. Omotenashi maintains the collaboration between the brand and the community as well as an image of the friendly culture of Japanese society.Keywords: Kawaii, omotenashi, Roland Barthes’ semiotics, Yuru-chara AbstrakYuru-kyara merupakan salah satu jenis maskot di Jepang yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan baik acara pemerintahan daerah, revitalisasi desa/kota/provinsi, maupun lembaga/instansi pemerintahan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan makna denotasi dan konotasi dari yuru-kyara Prefektur Nara, serta menginterpretasikan bagaimana representasi dari konsep kawaii dan omotenashi yang terdapat pada yuru-kyara tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian interpretatif kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode studi pustaka. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa gambar dan foto dari yuru-kyara Sento kun, Manto kun, Na-ra chan, Renka chan, Narakkii dan Nakkyon yang kemudian masing-masing dianalisis menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap yuru-kyara Prefektur Nara yang telah dianalisis, terdapat makna denotasi dan konotasi yang berkaitan erat dengan unsur-unsur dari brand yang menciptakan yuru-kyara tersebut karena Ia berperan sebagai media promosi (promotional characters). Representasi konsep kawaii pada yuru-kyara merupakan sebuah cara untuk dapat memikat perhatian masyarakat. Omotenashi menjaga kerjasama antara brand dengan masyarakat serta sebagai gambaran budaya masyarakat Jepang yang ramah-tamah.Kata kunci: Kawaii, omotenashi, semiotika Roland Barthes, Yuru-kyar

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Manajemen Pusat Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Wisata Edukatif di Desa Loning, Purworejo

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    Purworejo termasuk kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang memiliki daya tarik wisata. Seiring dengan hal tersebut sektor pendidikan juga sangat penting ditingkatkan. Data BPS Purworejo 2015 menyebutkan kecamatan Kemiri sebagai kecamatan dengan lembaga pendidikan dasar terbanyak di Purworejo. Kemiri juga memiliki banyak destinasi wisata potensial, salah satunya adalah wisata religi Makam Tuan Guru Loning. Namun wisata tersebut belum mampu memaksimalkan potensinya karena kelemahan dari sisi manajamen dan marketing. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi manajerial masyarakat dan kelompok sosial penggerak di desa Loning agar dapat mengelola lembaga pendidikan Islam di masjid Loning yang diintegrasikan dengan makam Tuan Guru Loning, sehingga tempat wisata akan lebih terkelola karena dilakukan melalui satu pintu dalam Yayasan Masjid dan Makam Tuan Guru Loning. Metode pengabdian ini menggunakan teknik survey, ceramah, diskusi dan pelatihan. Mitra yang terlibat yaitu Pemdes, PKK dan Pokdarwis, mereka dijelaskan dan didampingi menyusun konsep manajemen pendidikan Islam yang terintegrasi dengan wisata edukatif, mulai dari penyusunan pengurus, redesain dan perencanaan konsep sarana prasarana seperti museum tokoh Islam Tuan Guru Loning sebagai wahana edukasi. Hasilnya peserta mampu menyusun struktur organisasi kepengurusan wisata sekaligus memiliki bekal wawasan tentang manajemen pusat pendidikan Islam berbasis wisata edukatif dan marketingnya. Dengan bekal tersebut, diproyeksikan 5-10 tahun mendatang wisata ini akan berimplikasi positif pada peningkatan sosial ekonomi, budaya, pendidikan dan keagamaan masyarakat sekitar. Kami merekomendasikan Pemerintah kabupaten Purworejo terutama Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan untuk mengembangkan wisata makam dan Masjid Tuan Guru Loning menjadi cagar budaya dan wisata edukasi-religius unggulan di Purworejo

    Phenomenological study of primiparous mother's experience of emergency cesarean section in Yogyakarta

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    A phenomenological study of primiparous mothers’ experience of emergency cesarean section in YogyakartaPurposeThe purpose of the study was to explore the experience of primipara mothers when the emergency cesarean section was decided at hospital of Wates Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta.Method A phenomenological study was conducted involving in-depth interviews with 7 post emergency cesarean section mothers at hospital of Wates Kulon Progo in Yogyakarta from April until July 2014. ResultsThe study found three themes in the mothers’ experiences related to emergency cesarean section: the perception of the mothers was associated with emergency cesarean section, the influence of spirituality on positive perceptions of mothers and support for mothers in the face of emergency cesarean section. ConclusionMothers have a specific strategy in dealing with the emergency cesarean section which they will experience. Support for mothers in facing emergency cesarean section, spirituality influences on mother's positive perception and mothers’ perceptions related to emergency cesarean section affect mothers’ readiness to undergo emergency cesarean section. It is necessary to create a policy focusing on FCMC by involving family counselors when the mother has decided for emergency cesarean section.PurposeThe purpose of the study was to explore the experience of primipara mother when the emergency cesarean section was decided at RSUD Wates Kulon Progo Yogyakarta.MethodA phenomenological study was conducted involving indepth interview of 7 post emergency cesarean section mothers at Wates Kulon Progo Yogyakarta hospital in April-July 2014.ResultsThe study found three themes on the mother experience related to emergency cesarean section; the perception of the mother associated with emergency cesarean section, the influence of spirituality on positive perceptions of mothers and support for mothers in the face of emergency cesarean section.ConclusionMothers have a specific strategy in dealing with the emergency cesarean section which they will experience. Support for mothers in facing emergency cesarean section, spirituality influence on mother's positive perception and mother perception related to emergency cesarean section affects mother's readiness to undergo emergency cesaeran section. It is necessary to create a policy focusing on FCMC by involving family counselors when the mother is determined by emergency cesarean section.

    Molecular Genotyping of Tsst-1 Gene Staphylococcus Aureus from Clinical Specimen

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the most common pathogen in humans that causes various infections. Variations in infections due to S. aureus are related to the presence of virulence factors, one of which is Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 (TSST-1) which is the main cause of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This study aimed to explore the genetic pattern of the tsst-1 genes among MSSA and MRSA from clinical isolates of patients at Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital, Surabaya-Indonesia. PCR examination was performed on 106 clinical samples of S. aureus isolates to determine the presence of the tsst-1 genes; subsequently, phylogenetic analysis was performed. The positive tsst-1 genes were found in 3 (5.7%) MSSA isolates and 2 (3.8%) MRSA isolates from 106 samples, of which were divided into 53 MSSA isolates and 53 MRSA isolates. No significant difference was noticed between the tsst-1 genes on both the MSSA and MRSA bacteria (p = 0.648). The positive tsst-1 genes were found in 1 (4.5%) of pus specimens and 2 (16.7%) of blood specimens from MSSA isolates. However, the positive tsst-1 genes were found in neither sputum nor urine specimens. The genes were found in 2 (16.7%) of blood specimens from MRSA isolates. Based on the phylogenetic tree, Indonesian tsst-1 isolates belonged to the same clade as Japan, Iran, Iraq, India, Egypt and the United Kingdom isolates. The prevalence of tsst-1 genes of both MSSA and MRSA from clinical isolates in Dr. Soetomo Academic Hospital Surabaya are 5.7% and 3.8%, respectively. The tsst-1 genes of Surabaya-Indonesia, Japan, Iran, Iraq, India, Egypt and the United Kingdom belonged to the same clade

    The distribution of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinusin children with dental caries severity level

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    Background: The prevalence of dental caries is high worldwide and specifically in Indonesia, especially in children. Cariogenic bacteria are the major cause of dental caries. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) is one of the bacteria often associated with caries, due to its ability in producing acid and forming the biofilm for bacterial colonisation on the surface of oral cavities. In addition to S. mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus (S. sobrinus) bacteria are also thought to play an important role in the process of caries. Purpose: This study aims to analyse the distribution of S. mutans and S. sobrinus in children with seriously high dental caries levels. Methods: This study was an observational analytical study. Bacterial isolation was conducted in carious lesions of 50 paediatric patients 6-12 years old with superficial dental caries. Samples of caries lesions were put directly into a tube containing the Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI-B) and incubated at 37o C for 24 hours. The samples were sub-cultured on selective tryptone yeast cystine sucrose bacitracin (TYCSB-Himedia) agar, and then incubated for two days. Bacterial identification was then performed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Multiplex method. Statistical analysis with Chi-square. Results: The total number of children with dental caries included in this study was 50. Among these, 94% showed positive for S. mutans and 30% positive for S. sobrinus. The analysis of the prevalence of bacterial colonisation (S. mutans and S. sobrinus) based on caries severity and the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), showed there was no significant difference (p> 0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that among 50 caries noted in the children, 94% were colonised S. mutans and 30% S. sobrinus. There was no significant difference between the colonisation of S. mutans and S. sobrinus among children from the severe to mild decayed exfoliated filling teeth (DEFT) category, and between bad and good OHI-S


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    THE RELATIONSHIP OF YOUTH ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS WITH STRESS LEVEL AND MENS CYCLE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN MAN II KULON PROGO YEAR 2021 Background: Covid-9 is a disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus. The Indonesian government has established a policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to prevent the transmission of this disease. Activity restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic require teenagers to do more activities at home, which can result in disruption of the menstrual cycle and trigger stress. The purpose of study: to determine the relationship between limiting adolescent activity during the Covid-19 pandemic with stress levels and menstrual cycles. Methods: This research is a descriptive analytic study using a cross sectional approach which was conducted on 44 respondents at MAN II Kulon Progo. Samples were taken by simple random sampling method. Results: Students who comply with the restrictions on learning activities at school are 39 students (88.6%) has moderate stress category. The majority of students, (63.6%), followed the restrictions on activities in public places and experienced stress in the moderate category. The results of the bivariate test of stress levels and menstrual cycles showed that stress levels did not have a significant interrelation with the incidence of abnormal menstrual cycle disorders. The average menstrual cycle before the pandemic was higher, which means that restrictions on adolescent activities during the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the menstrual cycle. The results of the bivariate test obtained that the chi square test value was 6.570 with a significant number of 0.173 (p <0.05), meaning that nutritional status had no significant relationship with the menstrual cycle of class XII students at MAN II Kulon Progo Conclusion: There is no interrelation between nutritional status and the menstrual cycle. Keywords: activity restriction, menstrual cycle, stres