37 research outputs found

    To develop an efficient variable speed compressor motor system

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    This research presents a proposed new method of improving the energy efficiency of a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for induction motors. The principles of VSD are reviewed with emphasis on the efficiency and power losses associated with the operation of the variable speed compressor motor drive, particularly at low speed operation.The efficiency of induction motor when operated at rated speed and load torque is high. However at low load operation, application of the induction motor at rated flux will cause the iron losses to increase excessively, hence its efficiency will reduce dramatically. To improve this efficiency, it is essential to obtain the flux level that minimizes the total motor losses. This technique is known as an efficiency or energy optimization control method. In practice, typical of the compressor load does not require high dynamic response, therefore improvement of the efficiency optimization control that is proposed in this research is based on scalar control model.In this research, development of a new neural network controller for efficiency optimization control is proposed. The controller is designed to generate both voltage and frequency reference signals imultaneously. To achieve a robust controller from variation of motor parameters, a real-time or on-line learning algorithm based on a second order optimization Levenberg-Marquardt is employed. The simulation of the proposed controller for variable speed compressor is presented. The results obtained clearly show that the efficiency at low speed is significant increased. Besides that the speed of the motor can be maintained. Furthermore, the controller is also robust to the motor parameters variation. The simulation results are also verified by experiment

    Battery charging and discharging control of a hybrid energy system using microcontroller

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    This study aims to control charging and discharging the battery for hybrid energy systems. The control system works by selecting the right energy source to supply voltage to the load. And also this control system can regulate charging and discharging the battery automatically. The voltage source consists of two energy, namely from the battery and DC source. The control system that has been designed has the ability to choose the right DC source when the battery capacity is less than 80%. This system also has a good ability to choose a battery source when the battery reaches 100% capacity and the DC source has a voltage drop of more than 20%. This control system is equipped with excessive electric current protection so that the security level is high

    The Effectiveness of Fuzzy-SAW Method for the Selection of New Student Admissions in Vocational High School

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    New student admission activities are routine activities carried out by vocational high schools every year to get the best students. A method is needed that can be used as a means of screening to select students based on their abilities and fields that are in accordance with the characteristics of students. This study uses the Fuzzy-SAW Method which is carried out through 3 stages, namely preparation of the components of the situation, the analysis and synthesis of information. The use of this method is expected to be able to help and provide the best decisions in the acceptance of new students

    Healthy Monitoring and Fault Detection Outer Race Bearing in Induction Motor Using Stator Current

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    This paper describes a new method for monitor and detection bearing damage on induction motor. This is considered important because induction motors have an important role in the industry which functions as the main engine in the production process. This paper focuses on bearing damage because this is the most common case. the case of damaged bearing is done by giving the outer race bearing hole in three cases, 1 mm hole, 2 mm hole and 3 mm hole. Bearing damage analysis is carried out through a stator current signal on an induction motor, then the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is used to see the characteristics of the frequency spectrum that appears in the stator current signal. High frequency analysis is applied to get clear analysis results. The results obtained by analyzing the frequency spectrum in the stator current that bearing damage indicate there is an amplitude that appears in the sideband frequenc

    The Effectiveness Of Google Classroom and Dojo Class Using the Discovery Learning Model on The Learning Outcomes of Vocational School Students

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    The aims of this study were to determine: (1) student learning outcomes through the use of Google Classroom and Class Dojo with the discovery learning model and (2) the effectiveness and efficiency of using Google Classroom and Class Dojo with the discovery learning model for class X. Multimedia students at SMKN 7 Poor. This research is a quasi-experimental research with quantitative and qualitative methods with the design of "Pre-test Post-test Nonequivalent Control Group". Data collection techniques by conducting interviews, giving treatment during learning, and student response questionnaires. The hypothesis is obtained from efficiency test data and effectiveness test. The results obtained from this study are: (1) the implementation of learning using Google Classroom and Class Dojo with the discovery learning model has increased learning outcomes and (2) the use of Google Classroom and Class Dojo with the discovery learning model provides efficient and effective results. In terms of efficiency and effectiveness, learning using Class Dojo with the discovery learning model is more efficient and effective compared to Google Classroom.


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    Setiap tahun jumlah kendaraan yang ada di Indonesia selalu bertambah. Jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang semakin banyak dapat menimbulkan masalah lalu lintas di jalan. Masalah sosisal, kriminal, maupun masalah politik bisa timbul karena sulitnya pengawasan terhadap kendaraan bermotor yang beredar di jalanan Indonesia. Internet of Things (IoT) dapat digunakan sebagai alat kontrol pendeteksi kendaraan sehingga tercipta solusi Green Economic Development City Smart dengan Sistem Transportasi yang baik dalam penanganan kendaraan bermotor. Sensor dengan teknologi IoT yang dipasang pada kendaraan bermotor dapat mengenali kendaraan melalui model informasi SSID plat nomor kendaraan. Sistem IoT yang terhubung dengan deteksi plat nomor kendaraan bermotor di embedded ke dalam sebuah chip digital yang dipasang pada setiap kendaraan bermotor. Implementasi IoT untuk Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK) Digital merupakan sebuah aplikasi Android yang terintegrasi dengan CHIP ESP8266 yang tertanam di kendaraan bermotor yang berisi identitas kendaraan bermotor dan pemilik kendaraan. CHIP ESP8266 berfungsi sebagai perangkat identifikasi terhadap kendaraan bermotor yang terintegrasi antara plat, nomor rangka, nomor mesin kendaraan dan STNK. Dengan adanya identifikasi ini maka STNK Digital hanya bisa digunakan oleh orang yang berhak melalui aplikasi smartphone dapat menjawab tantangan industry 4.0 yang menghendaki system yang terintegrasi

    Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy perpose as speed controller in indirect field oriented control of induction motor drive

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    This paper deal with the problem in speed controller for Indirect Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor. The problem cause decrease performance of Induction Motor where it widely used in high-performance applications. In order decrease the fault of speed induction motor, Takagi- Sugeno type Fuzzy logic control is used as the speed controller. For this, a model of indirect field oriented control of induction motor is built and simulating using MATLAB simulink. Secondly, error of speed and derivative error as the input and change of torque command as the output for speed control is applied in simulation. Lastly, from the simulation result overshoot is zero persent, rise time is 0.4s and settling time is 0.4s. The important data is steady state error is 0.01 percent show that the speed can follow reference speed. From that simulation result illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach


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    Al-Quran is the word of Allah was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Jibril AS. Appearances ‘ilmu Tafsir’ is the position of al-Quran as the primary source of Islamic law. The importance of studying the interpretation of the Quran is very high so it is difficult to understand the language, thus requiring the interpretation of Rasulullah saw, sahabat, tabiin and ulama. This knowledge also to understand the meanings of the Quran with more complete and accurate and can be picked up and passed a law contained therein. Thus, preventing a person from understanding the sentence the wrong way or deviate from its true meaning. This article aims to explain the history of the interpretation on the three days of the beginning of the time of the Rasulullah saw, sahabat and tabiin. The results showed that the interpretation of the rapid development has occurred in the day’s tabiin and have a tendency israilliyyat histor


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    Perkantoran, industry, atau mall yang luas membutuhkan pengawasan ataupun konektivitas yang cepat dan efisien antar unit-unit. Sehingga muncul gagasan untuk membuat alat transportasi yang mudah di kendalikan yang dapat membantu kegiatan tersebut. Pada awalnya Segway adalah robot yang mengutamakan keseimbangan tetapi saat ini di kembangkan menjadi alat trasportasi yang membantu manusia sehari-hari. Dalam perancangan Segway mengunakan metode proportional integral derivative (PID) yang ditanamkan dalam sebuah mikrokontroler Arduino Nano. Sensor gyroaccelero digunakan untuk menjaga keseimbangan robot agar dapat dinaiki untuk keperluan pengawasan dan konektivitas antar unit. Parameter nilai yang dihasilkan Kp=20, nilai Ki = 0,1 dan  nilai Kd = 0,2 mampu mengendalikan keseimbangan robot Segway sehingga dapat berjalan sesuai dengan pergerakan sensor pada bidang yang datar. Kata Kunci: PID, Segway, Arduino Nano, Robo

    Analysis of Deflection and Moment Capacity On The Precast Beam Of The Nk-Spircon Connecting System

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    This study is a case study on the planning of a multilevel building of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, which aims to compare the strength of precast beam structure using NK-SpirCON connection system with conventional beam (cast in situ). The model of building structure and beam used is the result of consultant planning modified into precast beam with dimension and number of reinforcement according to planning result where connection between beam and column is used NK-SpirCON connection system. The test is done in collaboration with the number of specimens according to the number of variations of the existing beam type. The test is performed by gradually loading the load on the specimen to calculate the maximum load, maximum deflection and acceptable capacity moments of the beam. The results conclude that the precast beam using NK-SpirCON connection system has the ability to receive larger deflection and moment capacity than the conventional beam (cast in situ) with 29,81 % and 34,64 % difference. For further research it is advisable to research the shear strength of the beam and the strength of the connection between the beams and the columns due to various loads including quasi dynamic loads according to the prevailing regulations and regulations in Indonesia. Keywords: precast beam, NK-SpirCON connection, deflection, moment capacit