977 research outputs found

    Compilation of detection sensitivities in thermal-neutron activation

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    Detection sensitivities of the chemical elements following thermal-neutron activation have been compiled from the available experimental cross sections and nuclear properties and presented in a concise and usable form. The report also includes the equations and nuclear parameters used in the calculations

    Searching for a link between the presence of chemical spots on the surface of HgMn stars and their weak magnetic fields

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    We present the results of mapping the HgMn star AR Aur using the Doppler Imaging technique for several elements and discuss the obtained distributions in the framework of a magnetic field topology.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 259 "Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Planets, to Stars and Galaxies", Tenerife, Spain, November 3-7, 200

    Effect of quantum noise on Coulomb blockade in normal tunnel junctions at high voltages

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    We have investigated asymptotic behavior of normal tunnel junctions at voltages where even the best ohmic environments start to look like RC transmission lines. In the experiments, this is manifested by an exceedingly slow approach to the linear behavior above the Coulomb gap. As expected on the basis of the quantum theory taking into account interaction with the environmental modes, better fits are obtained using 1/sqrt{V}- than 1/V- dependence for the asymptote. These results agree with the horizon picture if the frequency-dependent phase velocity is employed instead of the speed of light in order to determine the extent of the surroundings seen by the junction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Safety of intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy at stroke onset

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    <p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> Antiplatelets (APs) may increase the risk of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) following intravenous thrombolysis after ischemic stroke.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We assessed the safety of thrombolysis under APs in 11 865 patients compliant with the European license criteria and recorded between 2002 and 2007 in the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke (SITS) International Stroke Thrombolysis Register (SITS-ISTR). Outcome measures of univariable and multivariable analyses included symptomatic ICH (SICH) per SITS Monitoring Study (SITS-MOST [deterioration in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale >= 4 plus ICH type 2 within 24 hours]), per European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study II (ECASS II [deterioration in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale >= 4 plus any ICH]), functional outcome at 3 months and mortality.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> A total of 3782 (31.9%) patients had received 1 or 2 AP drugs at baseline: 3016 (25.4%) acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), 243 (2.0%) clopidogrel, 175 (1.5%) ASA and dipyridamole, 151 (1.3%) ASA and clopidogrel, and 197 (1.7%) others. Patients receiving APs were 5 years older and had more risk factors than AP nave patients. Incidences of SICH per SITS-MOST (ECASS II respectively) were as follows: 1.1% (4.1%) AP naive, 2.5% (6.2%) any AP, 2.5% (5.9%) ASA, 1.7% (4.2%) clopidogrel, 2.3% (5.9%) ASA and dipyridamole, and 4.1% (13.4%) ASA and clopidogrel. In multivariable analyses, the combination of ASA and clopidogrel was associated with increased risk for SICH per ECASS II (odds ratio, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.29 to 3.45; P = 0.003). However, we found no significant increase in the risk for mortality or poor functional outcome, irrespective of the AP subgroup or SICH definition.</p> <p><b>Conclusion:</b> The absolute excess of SICH of 1.4% (2.1%) in the pooled AP group is small compared with the benefit of thrombolysis seen in randomized trials. Although caution is warranted in patients receiving the combination of ASA and clopidogrel, AP treatment should not be considered a contraindication to thrombolysis.</p&gt

    Multiwalled carbon nanotube: Luttinger liquid or not?

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    We have measured IV-curves of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using end contacts. At low voltages, the tunneling conductance obeys non-Ohmic power law, which is predicted both by the Luttinger liquid and the environment-quantum-fluctuation theories. However, at higher voltages we observe a crossover to Ohm's law with a Coulomb-blockade offset, which agrees with the environment-quantum-fluctuation theory, but cannot be explained by the Luttinger-liquid theory. From the high-voltage tunneling conductance we determine the transmission line parameters of the nanotubes.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 EPS-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The spectroscopic evolution of the symbiotic-like recurrent nova V407 Cygni during its 2010 outburst. I. The shock and its evolution

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    On 2010 Mar 10, V407 Cyg was discovered in outburst, eventually reaching V< 8 and detected by Fermi. Using medium and high resolution ground-based optical spectra, visual and Swift UV photometry, and Swift X-ray spectrophotometry, we describe the behavior of the high-velocity profile evolution for this nova during its first three months. The peak of the X-ray emission occurred at about day 40 with a broad maximum and decline after day 50. The main changes in the optical spectrum began at around that time. The He II 4686A line first appeared between days 7 and 14 and initially displayed a broad, symmetric profile that is characteristic of all species before day 60. Low-excitation lines remained comparatively narrow, with v(rad,max) of order 200-400 km/s. They were systematically more symmetric than lines such as [Ca V], [Fe VII], [Fe X], and He II, all of which showed a sequence of profile changes going from symmetric to a blue wing similar to that of the low ionization species but with a red wing extended to as high as 600 km/s . The Na I D doublet developed a broad component with similar velocity width to the other low-ionization species. The O VI Raman features were not detected. We interpret these variations as aspherical expansion of the ejecta within the Mira wind. The blue side is from the shock penetrating into the wind while the red wing is from the low-density periphery. The maximum radial velocities obey power laws, v(rad,max) t^{-n} with n ~ 1/3 for red wing and ~0.8 for the blue. (truncated)Comment: Accepted for publication, A&A (submitted: 9 Oct 2010; accepted: 1 Dec 2010) in press; based on data obtained with Swift, Nordic Optical Telescope, Ondrejov Observatory. Corrected typo, Fermi?LAT detection was at energies above 100 MeV (with thanks to C. C. Cheung

    HD 65949: Rosetta Stone or Red Herring

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    HD 65949 is a late B star with exceptionally strong Hg II at 3984[A], but it is not a typical HgMn star. The Re II spectrum is of extraordinary strength. Abundances, or upper limits are derived here for 58 elements based on a model with Teff = 13100K, and log(g) = 4.0. Even-Z elements through nickel show minor deviations from solar abundances. Anomalies among the odd-Z elements through copper are mostly small. Beyond the iron peak, a huge scatter is found. The abundance pattern of the heaviest elements resembles the N=126 r-process peak of solar material, though not in detail. We find a significant correlation of the abundance excesses with second ionization potentials for elements with Z > 30. This indicates the relevance of photospheric or near-photospheric processes. We explore a model with mass accretion of exotic material followed by the more commonly accepted differentiation by diffusion. That model leads to a number of predictions which challenge future work. Likely primary and secondary masses are near 3.3 and 1.6 M(solar), with a separation of ca. 0.25 AU. New atomic structure calculations are presented in two appendices.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Lanthanides and other spectral oddities in a Centauri

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    Context: There is considerable interest in the helium variable a Cen as a bridge between helium-weak and helium-strong CP stars. Aims: We investigate Ce III and other possible lanthanides in the spectrum the of hottest chemically peculiar (CP) star in which these elements have been found. A {Kr II line appears within a broad absorption which we suggest may be due to a high-level transition in C II. Methods: Wavelengths and equivalent widths are measured on high-resolution UVES spectra, analyzed, and their phase-variations investigated. Results: New, robust identifications of Ce III and Kr II are demonstrated. Nd III is likely present. A broad absorption near 4619[A] is present at all phases of a Cen, and in some other early B stars. Conclusions: The presence of lanthanides in a Cen strengthens the view that this star is a significant link between the cooler CP stars and the hotter helium-peculiar stars. Broad absorptions in a Cen are not well explained.Comment: Research Note accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics; 4 pages, 4 Figs. 2 Table

    Tunneling between two Luttinger liquids with long range interaction

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    The non linear charge transfer through a tunnel junction between two Luttinger systems is studied for repulsive, finite range interaction between electrons on the same, V_{11}, and on different,V_{12}, sides of the junction. Features of the Coulomb blockade effect are observed if V_{12}=0. We predict a novel interaction induced enhancement of the current if V_{12}>0. When V_{12}=V_{11}, the current is suppressed at small bias, but the ``charging energy'', obtained from the asymptotic behavior at high bias voltage, vanishes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, to be published in Physical Review B (Brief Report

    Plasmodium falciparum:Rosettes do not protect merozoites from invasion-inhibitory antibodies

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    Rosetting is a parasite adhesion phenotype associated with severe malaria in African children. Why parasites form rosettes is unknown, although enhanced invasion or immune evasion have been suggested as possible functions. Previous work showed that rosetting does not enhance parasite invasion under standard in vitro conditions. We hypothesised that rosetting might promote invasion in the presence of host invasion-inhibitory antibodies, by allowing merozoites direct entry into the erythrocytes in the rosette and so minimising exposure to plasma antibodies. We therefore investigated whether rosetting influences invasion in the presence of invasion-inhibitory antibodies to MSP-1. We found no difference in invasion rates between isogenic rosetting and non-rosetting lines from two parasite strains, R29 and TM284, in the presence of MSP-1 antibodies (P=0.62 and P=0.63, Student's t test, TM284 and R29, respectively). These results do not support the hypothesis that rosettes protect merozoites from inhibitory antibodies during invasion. The biological function of rosetting remains unknown