2,079 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Nonformal

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    : Communications in Non-Formal Education Institutions. This multi-site qualitative study aims at describing the process of communication using kato mandaki, kato manurun, kato mandata, and kato malereng in the formal and informal communication network among the employers of nonformal edu­cation institutions. A modified analytical induction method was used to analyze the data collected from three Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (Learning-Activity Centers) in Minangkabau region through in-depth inter­views and participatory observation. The findings show that the uses of kato manurun, kato mandaki, kato mandata, and kato melereng in both formal and informal communications in the three institutions under study depend on the communication purposes, social relationship between people communicating, and the degree of formality in the communication contexts

    The Uptake of 32P by Brown Planthoppers (Nilaparvata Lugens Stal) Gonads

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    Abstract. The radioisotop 32P has been used quite extensively in the field of insect ecology and insect physiology. It has been widely known that 32P is one of the several isotopes applied to tag the insects for migration studies, to estimate the sap uptake or the excretion of sucking insects as well as for the study of sperms transfer in sterilization study. Within the scope of Sterile Insects Techniques, the study on the uptake of 32P by the gonads of brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) could be meaningful. The 32P radioisotopes used had been one of most available products of the Centre. The radioisotope provided also a possible source for sterilization due to its accumulative effect. Results of the investigation on the 32P uptake by the whole body and gonads after feeding on radioactive rice seedlings will be reported.a. Absorption of 32PP by rice seedling ( Pelita I/1 )The specific activities of 32PP (Carrier free) applied to the two week old seedlings were 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, and 20 uci/cc. The radioactivity count of hoppers and leaf tips were made 48 hrs. after submersion of the seedlings in the radioactive solution.b. Absorption of 32PP by BPHThe radioactive seedlings were offered to BPH after being washed thoroughly with water. A single BPH is fed on a single rice seedlings kept in a glass tube. Count of the whole body and dissected gonads were made 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after feeding. Sterility effects were observed from the mating of 32P treated hoppers. Sari. Radioisotop 32p telah dipergunakan secara luas dalam bidang ekologi dan fisiologi serangga. Telah diketahui secara luas bahwa 32Pp merupakan salah satu dari beberapa isotop yang telah dipergunakan untuk penandaan serangga guna menunjang studi migrasi, pengambilan cairan tanaman ataupun ekskresi dari serangga penghisap ataupun studi tentang transfer dari sperma. Didalam ruangan lingkup Teknik Serangga Mandul, studi dari pengambilan 32p oleh gonad dari wereng coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) dapat mempunyai arti penting mengingat bahwa produk ini merupakan salah satu hasil yang mudah diperoleh dari PPTN dan mempunyai prospek yang baik sebagai sumber sterilisasi internat mengingat pengaruh akumulatipnya. Berikut adalah hasil penelitian tentang pengambilan 32P oleh seluruh tubuh dan gonad wereng setelah diberi makan benih padi yang radioaktip.a. Absorbsi 32P oleh benih padi (Pelita I/1)Aktivitas jenis dari 32P (bebas pengemban) yang dipergunakan untuk penandaan benih padi berumur 2 minggu adalah 1,2,4,6,8,10,15 dan 20 uci/cc. pencacahan terhadap ujung daun dan wereng dilakukan setelah akar benih padi direndam dalam larutan radioaktip selama 48 jam.b. Absorbsi 32P oleh wereng coklatBenih padi yang telah radioaktip dumpankan kepada wereng coklat setelah dicuci bersih dengan air suling.Satu wereng coklat dewasa diberi makan satu benih padi di dalam sebuah tabung kaca. Pencacahan dari tubuh dan gonad wereng yang telah dikeluarkan dilakukan 24, 48, 72, dan 96 jam setelah makan. Efek pemandulan diamati dari perkawinan wereng yang telah mendapat perlakuan 32P

    A user oriented microcomputer facility for designing linear quadratic Gaussian feedback compensators

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    A laboratory design facility for digital microprocessor implementation of linear-quadratic-Gaussian feedback compensators is described. Outputs from user interactive programs for solving infinite time horizon LQ regulator and Kalman filter problems were conditioned for implementation on the laboratory microcomputer system. The software consisted of two parts: an offline high-level program for solving the LQ Ricatti equations and generating associated feedback and filter gains and a cross compiler/macro assembler which generates object code for the target microprocessor system. A PDP 11/70 with a UNIX operating system was used for all high level program and data management, and the target microprocessor system is an Intel MDS (8080-based processor). Application to the control of a two dimensional inverted pendulum is presented and issues in expanding the design/prototyping system to other target machine architectures are discussed

    Some general classes of comatching graphs

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    Some sufficient conditions are given for two graphs to have the same matching polynomial (comatching graphs). Several general classes of comatching graphs are given. Also, techniques are discussed for extending certain pairs of comatching graphs to larger pairs of comatching graphs

    Feature extraction using regular expression in detecting proper noun for Malay news articles based on KNN algorithm

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    No AbstractKeywords: data mining; named entity recognition; regular expression; natural language processin


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    The learning model is the teacher's way of managing learning activities. The choice of learning model is adjusted to the teacher's needs, subject characteristics and learning objectives. Learning is an inseparable part of students' daily lives. Therefore, learning topics are related to problems that occur in students' daily lives. Contextual Teaching Learning is a learning model that directs academic material to students' daily lives. Through the use of the Contextual Teaching Learning model. The aim of this researcher is: 1) To test and prove the difference in self-confidence between those who apply the CTL learning model and the direct learning model for Phase E/Class X students at SMK Negeri 1 Sampang, and 2) To test and prove creative abilities. student learning between those who apply the CTL learning model and the direct learning model for Phase E / Class X students at SMK Negeri 1 Sampang. The samples used in this research were class X TF 1, totaling 32 students as the experimental class and class X TF2, totaling 32 students as the control class. The aim of assigning research subjects is that if there is a difference in the mean in classes X TF 1 and Researchers use a quantitative approach and experimental research type. Researchers collected data using a self-confident and creative questionnaire instrument, then the data obtained was analyzed using the independent sample t test analysis technique to produce the following research conclusions: 1) There is a difference in Confidence Attitudes between students who apply the CTL learning model and the direct type learning model For students in Class

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) terhadap Kemampuan Siswa Mengajukan Pertanyaan pada Tema Pemanasan Global

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    Questioning skills is the ability of students need to be developed to face the challenges of the 21st century. The purpose of study is to get an idea of ​​the number and types of questions students through cooperative learning model of NHT and investigate the cooperative model of NHT influence on the ability to ask questions. The method used is an experimental study with the static-group comparison design. The population in this study are 61 students of the Junior High School in Bengkalis, Riau Province. The instrument of this study is the submiting written questions task and questionnaires. The results showed that there was a significant effect on the number of questions that the student generated between the experimental class and control class, where the questions generated experimental class students are greater than the control class. There is the influence of students type of questions which are grouped based on revised Bloom taxonomy between experiment and controll class. The most asked types of questions of students in the two classes, namely the question of cognitive levels C1 and C2. The results of questionnaire analysis showed that almost all of the students agree on the implementation of cooperative learning model of NHT


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    This study aims to determine: (1) The difference effect of active recovery and cold bath to lactic acid levels. (2) The difference of lactic acid levels between men and women. (3) The effect of the interaction between recovery method (active recovery and cold bath) and gender of the lactic acid levels after the maximum exercise. The research is using experimental methods research factorial design 2 x 2. The exercise maximum award is 400 m sprint. The population in this study is composed by a number of 32 volleyball athletes, consisting of 16 male and 16 female athletes. Groups of men and women were divided into two groups, each group consisting of 8 people. Each member of the group will be given exercises with maximum intensity of 400 m. After sprint exercise maximum intensity samples were then measured, the levels of lactic acid in the blood (pretest). Next,  do recovery method that is active recovery for 20 minutes and the cold bath for 20 minutes with a temperature of 150C- 100C in the group of men and women. After 20 minutes, the samples are re-measured for the blood lactic acid levels (posttest). The analysis technique of the data in this study is Two Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA Two-Way).             The results showed that: (1) There is a significant difference between the active recovery and cold bath  of lactic acid levels, which gained F(o) at 45.96 and the value of p = .00 (P <.05). Better cold bath method with an average value reducing in lactic acid levels by 4.63 mM/L compared to active methods of recovery with the average value reducing levels of lactic acid of 3.50 mM/L. (2) There is a difference in lactic acid levels between men and women, which gained F(o) at 14.18 and the value of p = .00 (P <.05). Men are more rapid of reduction lactic acid levels with an average value reducing levels of lactic acid at 4.38 mM/L compared to women with an average value reducing lactic acid levels at 3.06 mM/L. (3) There is no significant interaction effect between recovery method and sex, which gained F(o) at .16 and .41 p = (P>.05). (1) There are differences between the effects of active recovery method and a cold bath to the reduction in blood lactic acid levels. The effect of cold bath method is better than the active recovery method in lowering levels of blood lactic acid. (2) There are differences in blood lactic acid levels between men and women. The reduction in lactic acid levels in men is faster than women. (3) There is no interaction effect between recovery methods and sex against lactic acid levels. Both groups of men and women have a reduction in blood lactic acid levels that are higher with cold bath recovery methods.  Article visualizations

    Tolerance in Inquiry-Based Learning: Building Harmony and Solidarity in Students

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    This study aims to reveal how inquiry-based learning can be used as a strategy in building harmony and solidarity which, in turn, can instill tolerance values in students. It is a qualitative research involving Sekolah Alam Ungaran in Semarang Regency as its subject of study. The study employs in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. It uses triangulation of resources and methods to ensure data validity. Meanwhile, data analysis refers to the Miles and Huberman technique. The study finds that the tolerance values in inquiry-based learning in Sekolah Alam Ungaran are built through three types of activities: (1) self-development through routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary and conditioning; (2) integration into materials or courses, and (3) formation of school culture. Later, these findings are designed to be a model of inquiry-based learning to build harmony and solidarity in students

    Pengaruh Arah Pemakanandan Sudut Permukaan Bidang Kerja Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Material S45c Pada Mesin Frais Cnc Menggunakan Ballnose Endmill

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    Nilai sebuah produk dapat diindikasikan salah satunya adalah kualitas permukaan. Bahan baja S45C banyak dipakai pada konstruksi mesin sehingga sering mengalami perlakuan proses pemesinan. Proses pemesinan mempunyai kualitas kehalusan (nilai kekasaran) yang berbeda terutama pada mesin frais CNC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi arah pemakanan dan sudut permukaan bidang kerja pada proses mesin frais CNC pada material S45C menggunakan jenis alat potong ballnose endmill terhadap nilai kekasaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan memberikan variasi arah pemakanan searah 45°, searah 90° dan berputar konstan sumbu Z dengan variasi sudut permukaan bidang kerja sebesar sebesar 0, 30, 45 dan 60°. Pergeseran alat potong sebesar 0,3 mm berputar pada 3000 rpm dan feeding 429 mm/menit dengan kedalaman pemakanan 0,4 mm. Pengujian kekasaran hasil pemesinan menggunakan TR 100 Surface Roughness Tester dan diamati menggunakan mikroskop digital USB perbesaran 800x. Hasil yang didapat nilai kekasaran yang paling kecil (halus) adalah sebesar 0,85 µm terjadi pada arah pemakanan searah 45° bertemu dengan sudut bidang permukaan kerja 30°. Pada arah pemakanan searah 90° dan searah 45°nilai kekasaran semakin meningkat (semakin kasar) sebanding dengan bertambahnya sudut permukaan bidang kerja sedangkan pada arah pemakanan berputar konstan sumbu Z nilai kekasaran semakin menurun (semakin halus) berbanding terbalik dengan bertambahnya sudut permukaan bidang kerja
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