200 research outputs found

    Linear Momentum Transfer in 40-150-MeV Proton-induced Reactions with 238-U

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Properties of the Intermediate Mass Fragment Emission Source in the 270 MeV 3-He + 232-Th Reaction

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Comparison of computed tomographic findings in pulmonary mucormycosis and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

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    AbstractBecause there are no available molecular markers for pulmonary mucormycosis (PM), which has low culture sensitivity, early diagnosis and treatment rely heavily on imaging modes such as computed tomography (CT). However, there are limited data comparing CT findings for PM with those for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). Adult patients who met the modified criteria for proven and probable PM (over an 11-year period) and IPA (over a 6-year period, owing to the availability of the galactomannan assay) according to the modified European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group definitions were retrospectively enrolled. IPA cases were selected at a 1 : 4 (PM/IPA) ratio. Thoracic CT scans were reviewed by two experienced radiologists blinded to the patients' demographics and clinical outcomes. A total of 24 patients with PM, including 20 (83%) with proven PM and four (17%) with probable PM, and 96 patients with IPA, including 12 (13%) with proven IPA and 84 (87%) with probable IPA, were eventually analysed. The reverse halo sign was more common in patients with PM (54%) than in those with IPA (6%, p < 0.001), whereas some airway-invasive features, such as clusters of centrilobular nodules, peribronchial consolidations, and bronchial wall thickening, were more common in patients with IPA (IPA 52% vs. PM 29%, p 0.04; IPA 49% vs. PM 21%, p 0.01; IPA 34% vs. PM 4%, p 0.003, respectively). The reverse halo sign was more common, and airway-invasive features were less common, in patients with PM than in those with IPA. These findings may help physicians to initiate Zygomycetes-active antifungal treatment earlier

    β-lapachone induces growth inhibition and apoptosis in bladder cancer cells by modulation of BCL-2 family and activation of caspases

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    Aim: To study in vitro the molecular mechanism of apoptosis caused by b-lapachone, a quinone obtained from the bark of the lapacho tree (Tabebuia avellanedae). Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on human bladder carcinoma T24 cell line. Determination of cell viability was done using trypan blue exclusion method, apoptosis quantitative estimation — by DAPI staining and agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA fragmentation. Flow cytometry analysis, RT-PCR and Western blot analysis, colorimetric assay of caspase activity were applied as well. Results: It was found that in micromolar range of concentrations b-lapachone inhibited the viability of T24 cells by inducing apoptosis, which could be proved by formation of apoptotic bodies and DNA fragmentation. Treatment of T24 cells with b-lapachone resulted in a down-regulation of Bcl-2 expression and up-regulation of Bax expression. b-lapachone-induced apoptosis was also associated with activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9, inhibition of IAP expression, and degradation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, phospholipase C-g1 and b-catenin proteins. At the same time Fas and FasL levels were inhibited upon treatment with b-lapachone in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion: b-lapachone-induced apoptosis in T24 cells is mediated, at least in part, by the mitochondrial-signaling pathway.Цель: изучить механизмы апоптоза клеток карциномы мочевого пузыря человека Т24 при действии β-лапакона, хинона из коры дерева Tabebuia avellanedae. Материалы и методы: для определения жизнеспособности клеток использовали окраску трипановым синим; окрашивание DAPI и электрофоретический анализ фрагментации ДНК в агарозном геле, метод проточной цитометрии (для количественной оценки апоптоза); полимеразную цепную реакцию в режиме реального времени (РВ-ПЦР) и Вестерн блот-анализ (для оценки уровня экспрессии генов и белков), а также колориметрический анализ активности каспаз. Результаты: выявлено, что в микромолярных концентрациях β-лапакон понижает жизне- способность клеток линии Т24 путем активации апоптоза, что подтверждается формированием апоптотических тел и фрагментацией ДНК. Результаты РВ-ПЦР и иммуноблоттинга указывают на то, что обработка клеток β-лапаконом приводит к снижению экспрессии Bcl-2 и к активации Bax. Апоптоз, индуцированный β-лапаконом, также сопровож- дается активацией каспаз -3­­ и -9, ингибированием экспрессии семейства IAP, а также деградацией поли-(ADP-рибозо) полимеразы, фосфатазы C-γ1 и β-катенина. Тем не менее, уровень экспрессии Fas и FasL снижался при увеличении концентрации β-лапакона. Выводы: апоптоз, индуцированный при действии β-лапакона в клетках Т24, может быть час- тично опосредован митохондриальным сигнальным каскадом

    Phase diagram of an Ising model with long-range frustrating interactions: a theoretical analysis

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    We present a theoretical study of the phase diagram of a frustrated Ising model with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions and long-range (Coulombic) antiferromagnetic interactions. For nonzero frustration, long-range ferromagnetic order is forbidden, and the ground-state of the system consists of phases characterized by periodically modulated structures. At finite temperatures, the phase diagram is calculated within the mean-field approximation. Below the transition line that separates the disordered and the ordered phases, the frustration-temperature phase diagram displays an infinite number of ``flowers'', each flower being made by an infinite number of modulated phases generated by structure combination branching processes. The specificities introduced by the long-range nature of the frustrating interaction and the limitation of the mean-field approach are finally discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    EML4-ALK V3 oncogenic fusion proteins promote microtubule stabilization and accelerated migration through NEK9 and NEK7

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    EML4-ALK is an oncogenic fusion present in ∼5% non-small cell lung cancers. However, alternative breakpoints in the EML4 gene lead to distinct variants with different patient outcomes. Here, we show in cell models that EML4-ALK variant 3 (V3), which is linked to accelerated metastatic spread, causes microtubule stabilization, formation of extended cytoplasmic protrusions and increased cell migration. It also recruits the NEK9 and NEK7 kinase to microtubules via the N-terminal EML4 microtubule-binding region. Overexpression of wild-type EML4 as well as constitutive activation of NEK9 also perturb cell morphology and accelerate migration in a microtubule-dependent manner that requires the downstream kinase NEK7 but not ALK activity. Strikingly, elevated NEK9 expression is associated with reduced progression-free survival in EML4-ALK patients. Hence, we propose that EML4-ALK V3 promotes microtubule stabilization through NEK9 and NEK7 leading to increased cell migration. This represents a novel actionable pathway that could drive metastatic disease progression in EML4-ALK lung cancer

    Остеоартроз, артериальная гипертензия и ожирение: проблема коморбидности

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    Представлены данные современных исследований отечественных и зарубежных ученых, касающиеся распространенности сочетанной патологии − остеоартроза с артериальной гипертензией и ожирением.Наведено дані сучасних досліджень вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених щодо поширеності поєднаної патології − остеоартрозу з артеріальною гіпертензією та ожирінням.The data of contemporary investigations of Ukrainian and foreign scientists about the prevalence of combined pathology (osteoarthrosis with arterial hypertension and obesity) are presented

    Turbulent Compressible Convection with Rotation - Penetration above a Convection Zone

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    We perform Large eddy simulations of turbulent compressible convection in stellar-type convection zones by solving the Navi\'{e}r-Stokes equations in three dimensions. We estimate the extent of penetration into the stable layer above a stellar-type convection zone by varying the rotation rate ({\boldmathΩ\rm\Omega}), the inclination of the rotation vector (θ\theta) and the relative stability (SS) of the upper stable layer. The computational domain is a rectangular box in an f-plane configuration and is divided into two regions of unstable and stable stratification with the stable layer placed above the convectively unstable layer. Several models have been computed and the penetration distance into the stable layer above the convection zone is estimated by determining the position where time averaged kinetic energy flux has the first zero in the upper stable layer. The vertical grid spacing in all the model is non-uniform, and is less in the upper region so that the flows are better resolved in the region of interest. We find that the penetration distance increases as the rotation rate increases for the case when the rotation vector is aligned with the vertical axis. However, with the increase in the stability of the upper stable layer, the upward penetration distance decreases. Since we are not able to afford computations with finer resolution for all the models, we compute a number of models to see the effect of increased resolution on the upward penetration. In addition, we estimate the upper limit on the upward convective penetration from stellar convective cores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Asttrophysics & Space Scienc