2,231 research outputs found

    Low-lignin hull in oat

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe use of whole oat in feed rations is restricted due to low digestibility of the hull. AC Assiniboia hulls have decreased acid detergent lignin (ADL) content. AC Assiniboia was crossed with OT 775 and the resulting lines were measured for ADL content. The ratio of F4:5 lines with low to normal ADL concentration fit a 1:1 genetic ratio. Indicating that the low-lignin trait is controlled by a single major gene. ADL concentration was correlated with hull colour and acid detergent fiber concentration. ADL concentration was not correlated with the protein or fat concentration of the groat. Simple inheritance of the low-lignin trait indicates that it can be incorporated into the oat breeding program. Furthermore, ADL concentration is not correlated with groat fat so a cultivar with a low lignin hull and high fat groat can be developed

    Reptiles sold as traditional medicine in Xipamanine and Xiquelene Markets (Maputo, Mozambique).

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    Zootherapy plays a role in healing practices in Mozambican society. Although several studies have focused on ethnobotany and traditional medicine in the country, little research has been conducted on the use of reptiles in zootherapy. The aim of this study was therefore to fill this gap by assessing the reptile species traded for traditional medicine in the Xipamanine and Xiquelene Markets in Maputo, Mozambique. We found that few reptile species are traded domestically for traditional medicine and that their use appears to be in decline in Mozambique. Our findings also suggest that the domestic trade of reptiles for traditional medicines in Maputo markets is unlikely to have a significant impact on the conservation of reptiles in Mozambique. However, we suggest that international trade with South Africa is likely having a larger impact, given observations of Mozambican nationals selling a diverse range of fauna in urban traditional medicine markets in Johannesburg and Durban.SP201

    Identifying multiple coral reef regimes and their drivers across the Hawaiian archipelago

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    Loss of coral reef resilience can lead to dramatic changes in benthic structure, often called regime shifts, which significantly alter ecosystem processes and functioning. In the face of global change and increasing direct human impacts, there is an urgent need to anticipate and prevent undesirable regime shifts and, conversely, to reverse shifts in already degraded reef systems. Such challenges require a better understanding of the human and natural drivers that support or undermine different reef regimes. The Hawaiian archipelago extends across a wide gradient of natural and anthropogenic conditions and provides us a unique opportunity to investigate the relationships between multiple reef regimes, their dynamics and potential drivers. We applied a combination of exploratory ordination methods and inferential statistics to one of the most comprehensive coral reef datasets available in order to detect, visualize and define potential multiple ecosystem regimes. This study demonstrates the existence of three distinct reef regimes dominated by hard corals, turf algae or macroalgae. Results from boosted regression trees show nonlinear patterns among predictors that help to explain the occurrence of these regimes, and highlight herbivore biomass as the key driver in addition to effluent, latitude and depth

    H, He-like recombination spectra I : l-changing collisions for hydrogen

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    Hydrogen and helium emission lines in nebulae form by radiative recombination. This is a simple process which, in principle, can be described to very high precision. Ratios of He I and H I emission lines can be used to measure the He+/H+ abundance ratio to the same precision as the recombination rate coefficients. This paper investigates the controversy over the correct theory to describe dipole l-changing collisions (nl → nl0 = l ±1) between energy-degenerate states within an n-shell. The work of Pengelly & Seaton (1964) has, for half-a-century, been considered the definitive study which “solved” the problem. Recent work by Vrinceanu et al. (2012) recommended the use of rate coefficients from a semi-classical approximation which are nearly an order of magnitude smaller than those of Pengelly & Seaton (1964), with the result that significantly higher densities are needed for the nl populations to come into local thermodynamic equilibrium. Here, we compare predicted H I emissivities from the two works and find widespread differences, of up to ≈ 10%. This far exceeds the 1% precision required to obtain the primordial He/H abundance ratio from observations so as to constrain Big Bang cosmologies. We recommend using the rate coefficients of Pengelly & Seaton (1964) for l-changing collisions, to describe the H recombination spectrum, based-on their quantum mechanical representation of the long-range dipole interaction

    Ultra precise characterization of LCLS hard X ray focusing mirrors by high resolution slope measuring deflectometry

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    We present recent results on the inspection of a first diffractionlimited hard X ray Kirkpatrick Baez KB mirror pair for the Coherent Xray Imaging CXI instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source LCLS . The full KB system mirrors and holders was under inspection by use of high resolution slope measuring deflectometry. The tests confirmed that KB mirrors of 350mm aperture length characterized by an outstanding residual figure error of lt;1 nm rms has been realized. This corresponds to the residual figure slope error of about 0.05 amp; 956;rad rms, unprecedented on such long elliptical mirrors. Additional measurements show the clamping of the mirrors to be a critical step for the final shape preserving installation of such outstanding optic

    Inferior vena cava agenesis: a rare cause of deep vein thrombosis

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    The development of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is influenced by a myriad of risk factors which are seen across a wide spectrum of healthcare settings. We present a previously fit and well male in his early 40s with extensive bilateral lower limb DVT associated with total inferior vena cava (IVC) agenesis. The diagnosis was made with contrast-enhanced CT imaging of the abdomen and pelvis. With no demonstrable subhepatic IVC, the majority of the venous drainage was via large azygous veins and distended collateral vessels. Lifelong anticoagulation was advised by both haematology and vascular surgery teams. IVC agenesis represents a very rare and largely unknown clinical entity within the medical community with currently no firmly established pathogenesis, guideline for future VTE prophylaxis or standardised follow-up strategy

    Novae Ejecta as Colliding Shells

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    Following on our initial absorption-line analysis of fifteen novae spectra we present additional evidence for the existence of two distinct components of novae ejecta having different origins. As argued in Paper I one component is the rapidly expanding gas ejected from the outer layers of the white dwarf by the outburst. The second component is pre-existing outer, more slowly expanding circumbinary gas that represents ejecta from the secondary star or accretion disk. We present measurements of the emission-line widths that show them to be significantly narrower than the broad P Cygni profiles that immediately precede them. The emission profiles of novae in the nebular phase are distinctly rectangular, i.e., strongly suggestive of emission from a relatively thin, roughly spherical shell. We thus interpret novae spectral evolution in terms of the collision between the two components of ejecta, which converts the early absorption spectrum to an emission-line spectrum within weeks of the outburst. The narrow emission widths require the outer circumbinary gas to be much more massive than the white dwarf ejecta, thereby slowing the latter's expansion upon collision. The presence of a large reservoir of circumbinary gas at the time of outburst is suggestive that novae outbursts may sometime be triggered by collapse of gas onto the white dwarf, as occurs for dwarf novae, rather than steady mass transfer through the inner Lagrangian point.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; Revised manuscript; Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Fabrication of molecular nanopatterns at aluminium oxide surfaces by nanoshaving of self-assembled monolayers of alkylphosphonates

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    Nanoshaving, by tracing an atomic force microscope probe across a surface at elevated load, has been used to fabricate nanostructures in self-assembled monolayers of alkylphosphonates adsorbed at aluminium oxide surfaces. The simple process is implemented under ambient conditions. Because of the strong bond between the alkylphosphonates and the oxide surface, loads in excess of 400 nN are required to pattern the monolayer. Following patterning of octadecylphosphonate SAMs, adsorption of aminobutyl phosphonate yielded features as small as 39 nm. Shaving of monolayers of aryl azide-terminated alkylphosphonates, followed by attachment of polyethylene glycol to unmodified regions in a photochemical coupling reaction, yielded 102 nm trenches into which NeutrAvidin coated, dye-labelled, polymer nanospheres could be deposited, yielding bright fluorescence with little evidence of nonspecific adsorption to other regions of the surface. Structures formed in alkylphosphonate films by nanoshaving were used to etch structures into the underlying metal. Because of the isotropic nature of the etch process, and the large grain size, some broadening was observed, but features 25–35 nm deep and 180 nm wide were fabricated

    A within farm clinical trial to compare two treatments (parenteral antibacterials and hoof trimming) for sheep lame with footrot

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    From observational studies, farmers who use parenteral antibacterials to promptly treat all sheep with footrot (FR) or interdigital dermatitis (ID) have a prevalence of lameness of <2% compared with a prevalence of 9% lameness reported by farmers who treat lame sheep by trimming affected feet. We tested the hypothesis that prompt treatment of sheep lame with naturally developing FR or ID with parenteral and topical antibacterials reduces the prevalence and incidence of lameness with these conditions compared with less frequent treatment with trimming of hoof horn and applying topical antibacterials. A further hypothesis was that reduction of ID and FR would improve productivity. A lowland sheep flock with 700 ewes was used to test these hypotheses in an 18-month within farm clinical trial with four groups of ewes: two intervention and two control. The duration and severity of lameness was used to categorise sheep into three weighted scores of lameness (WLS): never lame (WLS0), mildly lame/lame for <6 days (WLS1) and severely or chronically lame (WLS2). The intervention reduced the prevalence of lameness due to FR and ID in ewes and lambs and the incidence of lameness in ewes. The WLS was also significantly lower in sheep in the intervention groups. Ewes with a higher WLS were subsequently significantly more likely to have a body condition score <2.5 and to have lame lambs. Significantly more ewes lambed and successfully reared more lambs that were ready for slaughter at a younger age in the intervention versus control groups. There was an increase in the gross margin of £630/100 ewes mated in the intervention group, including the cost of treatment of £150/100 ewes mated. We conclude that prompt parenteral and topical antibacterial treatment of sheep lame with ID and FR reduced the prevalence and incidence of these infectious conditions and led to improved health, welfare and productivity