94 research outputs found
Analisa dan Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan dari Departemen Pembelian di Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas (Studi Kasus: PT.A)
PT. A adalah Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas yang beroperasi di Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan pemasok untuk melakukan kegiatannya melalui kontrak kerjasama. Pengguna menggunakan kontrak melalui Divisi Kontrak dan Pengadaan menentukan kebutuhan akan barang dan jasa. Tujuan dari Divisi C&P adalah untuk memuaskan pengguna melalui pernyataan: "Menyediakan Barang dan Jasa dengan biaya optimal, untuk mencapai operasi yang efektif, efisien dan kepuasan pelanggan". Merujuk dari hasil Customer Satisfaction Survey; Kualitas layanan Departemen Pembelian adalah 68%, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan memperbaiki Kualitas Pelayanan Departemen Pembelian. Dalam penelitian ini, ada 3 kesenjangan terbesar yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna yang telah diidentifikasi: Proses pengadaan yang tercantum dalam kerangka bisnis; Pengetahuan terapan pada operasi OG dalam proses pengadaan; Proses pengadaan yang cepat. Untuk memperbaiki kesenjangan, ada 11 respon teknis sebagai prioritas yang berpotensi meningkatkan kepuasan kualitas layanan, seperti: Melakukan rapat DUET secara regular, Meninjau ulang tujuan pembelian, Spesifikasi PR yang jelas, Melakukan penilaian kompetensi staf C&P, Sosialisasi peraturan terkait, Berbagi pengetahuan (Contact), Meningkatkan kehandalan tim compliance, Melakukan studi lapangan, Mengeluarkan rencana pembelian, Melakukan pelatihan secara regular ke buyer, Memanfaatkan dan meningkatkan REX +, Ensiklo. Setelah mendapat prioritas respons teknis, dengan menggunakan prinsip Altshuller, untuk memperbaiki respons teknis, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek perbaikan dan dampak buruknya dari prinsip Altshuller tersebut. Tindakan perencanaan perbaikan ini direkomendasikan untuk dapat diterapkan dan dipantau secara ketat dan sesuai tujuannya, untuk memperbaiki Layanan Mutu Departemen Pembelian.
PT. A is the Oil and Gas Company operated in Indonesia, works with the supplier to do the operations thru contracts agreement. The user, who uses the contract thru Contract and Procurement Division, drive the needs of the service or material. C&P Division objective is to satisfy the users thru the statement: "To provide Goods and Services at optimal cost, in order to achieve effective, efficient operations and customer satisfaction". Refer to the Customer Satisfaction Survey; Purchasing Department's service quality is 68%, therefore this study intends to analyze and to improve Service Quality of Purchasing Department. In this research, there are 3 top biggest gaps effecting the users' satisfaction that identified: The procurement process already included in the business framework; Knowledge on Know-How on the operation in OG applied in the procurement process; Fastest procurement lead-time. To improve the gap that identified, there are 11 technical response as priority that potentially bring up service quality satisfaction, such as: Conduct regular DUET meeting, Review of purchasing objective, Clear specification of PR, Conduct C&P staff competency assessment, Socialization of related regulation, Sharing Knowledge (Contact), Enhance Procurement Compliances, Survey/Visit Field/Workshop/Supplier premises, Issue procurement planning, Regular training for Purchase Engineer, Utilize and enhance REX+, Ensiklo. After having the technical response priorities, using Altshuller’s principles, to improve the technical response, considering the aspect of improving and worsening from those Altshuller’s principles. These actions plan for improvements are recommended to be implemented and to be closely monitor and recommence to its objective, in order to improve the Service Quality of Purchasing Department
Speaking does to express the meaning in conversation. It will influence the meaning
which received when the speaker did the mistake in speaking. The speaker has to
choose the appropriate words in speaking to make someone understand the meaning.
Teaching and learning speaking by using small group discussion at the first semester
of the eleventh grade in the class was the research object.
The subjects of this research were eleventh grade students of MA 1 Bumi Mulya
Kecamatan Pakuan Ratu Kabupaten Way Kanan and the English teacher. The data
was gotten by them, started from interview to the teacher to get the information about
the teacher’s problems, teaching and learning process, and student’s problem. Then
observe the teaching and learning process in the class, and give the questionnaire to
students to get the data to know the information deeply. Triangulation of method was
used to make the data become valid; those were observation, interview, and
Based on the data analysis, the conclusions were found that shown that, first, teaching
and learning speaking by using small group discussion occurred unwell because there
were some steps lost. Second the teacher’s problem was English teacher it selves.
Third the students’ problem was students difficult to learn and understand about
speaking lesson
Rencana Pengelolaan Waduk Grawan Kabupaten Rembang
Waduk Grawan dibangun pada tahun 2004. Semekain bertambahnya usia waduk, Waduk Grawan mengalami berbagai perubahan mulai dari hulu waduk, inti waduk dan hilir waduk. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis debit banjir, laju erosi dan sedimentasi, neraca air serta kualitas air pada Waduk Grawan. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam menganalisis debit banjir adalah dengan menggunakan HSS SCS sedangkan analisis laju erosi menggunakan metode USLE. Hasil penelitian adalah debit banjir 0,5 PMF sebesar 246,160 m3/detik dan akan mengalami overtopping. Laju erosi sebesar 406,663 ton/ha/tahun dengan laju sedimen 96,732 ton/ha/tahun dengan umur waduk didapatkan 1,45 tahun sebelum memenuhi tampungan mati. Debit inflow dan outflow tertinggi sebesar 1,45 m3/detik dan 0,47 m3/detik. Hasil perhitungan neraca air menunjukkan seluruh debit kebutuhan air dapat terpenuhi waduk. Hasil kualitas air Waduk Grawan tergolong dalam kategori kelas C atau tercemar sedang. Sehingga, berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, direncanakan pengelolaan waduk kedalam tiga bagian yaitu hulu waduk, area inti waduk dan hilir waduk
Modelling and control of flexible manipulators
Structural flexibility is a characteristic of all robotic systems. Designing a high performance controller for a robot with a certain degree of link flexibility is not an easy task. This requires, not only a sound knowledge of the dynamics of the system to be controlled, but also a good characterization of the friction as well as an appropriate form of friction compensation. The presence of structural Vibrations in the system during and after high speed positioning makes the design of such a controller even more difficult.
This thesis presents a method of modelling and controlling a single-link flexible manipulator for high speed precise end-point positioning. Several mathematicalmodels for a flexible robotic system are presented and described together with those for friction in the system. The parameters of the flexible system such as the natural frequencies, damping ratios and the parameters of friction, including Coulomb and Viscous friction coefficients, are identified offline, based on experimental data. Methods used for finding these parameters are described in detail. The objective of the control system is to move the flexible robot as fast as possible without producing vibrations at the end-point of the move. The position control of a single-link flexible robot is seen as a combination of two different problems namely trajectory planning and trajectory following. Two computational techniques, based on radial basis functions and the assumed-modes method, for planning the trajectories for a single-link flexible robot arm, are presented. These two techniques are compared with the aid of some numerical examples. In order to follow the derived trajectories, a combination of feedback and feedforward control along with a lead compensator is developed. The parameters of the compensator are found using an optimization process based on GeneticAlgorithms. Results of the experiments performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy show that feedback control with feedforward compensation is more suitable than a simple feedback controller. Furthermore, these experiments also demonstrate the effectiveness of the trajectory planning process
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh word of mouth, harga dan kualitas terhadap keputusan pembelian (studi kasus konsumen Smartphone Xiaomi di kota Kudus)dimana diajukan tiga variabel bebas/independen dan satu variabel terikat/dependen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei terhadap konsumen Smartphone Xiaomi di kota Kudus dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 96 responden.Tahap pertama ialah menguji validitas dan reliabilitas pertanyaan setiap variabel. Tahap kedua, meregresi variabelword of mouth, harga, kualitas dan keputusan pembelian konsumen Smartphone Xiaomi di kota Kudus.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel dalam penelitian yaitu word of mouth, harga dan kualitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian baik melalui uji t maupun uji F. variabelword of mouth, harga dan kualitas memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian sebesar 63,2%. Kualitas Produk memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi dibandingkan variabel lainnya, disarankan pihak xiaomi mempertahankan kualitas produknya karena hal tersebut mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen membeli sebuah produk
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