707 research outputs found

    Sensitivity to measurement perturbation of single atom dynamics in cavity QED

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    We consider continuous observation of the nonlinear dynamics of single atom trapped in an optical cavity by a standing wave with intensity modulation. The motion of the atom changes the phase of the field which is then monitored by homodyne detection of the output field. We show that the conditional Hilbert space dynamics of this system, subject to measurement induced perturbations, depends strongly on whether the corresponding classical dynamics is regular or chaotic. If the classical dynamics is chaotic the distribution of conditional Hilbert space vectors corresponding to different observation records tends to be orthogonal. This is a characteristic feature of hypersensitivity to perturbation for quantum chaotic systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of oxygen stoichiometry in the mixed-valent manganites

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    The possible redox (oxidation reduction) chemical methods for precisely determining the oxygen content in the perovskite manganites including hole-doped La1-xCaxMnOy and electron-doped La1-xTexMnOy compounds are described. For manganites annealed at different temperatures, the oxygen content of the samples was determined by a redox back titration in which the powder samples taken in a quartz crucible were dissolved in (1+1) sulfuric acid containing an excess of sodium oxalate, and the excess sodium oxalate was titrated with permanganate standard solution. The results indicate that the method is effective and highly reproducible. Moreover, the variation of oxygen content is also reflected in significantly affecting the electrical transport property of the samples, which is mainly considered to be closely related to introduce oxygen vacancies in the Mn-O-Mn network.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. J. Magn. Magn .Mater (accepted

    Conductance fluctuations in diffusive rings: Berry phase effects and criteria for adiabaticity

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    We study Berry phase effects on conductance properties of diffusive mesoscopic conductors, which are caused by an electron spin moving through an orientationally inhomogeneous magnetic field. Extending previous work, we start with an exact, i.e. not assuming adiabaticity, calculation of the universal conductance fluctuations in a diffusive ring within the weak localization regime, based on a differential equation which we derive for the diffuson in the presence of Zeeman coupling to a magnetic field texture. We calculate the field strength required for adiabaticity and show that this strength is reduced by the diffusive motion. We demonstrate that not only the phases but also the amplitudes of the h/2e Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are strongly affected by the Berry phase. In particular, we show that these amplitudes are completely suppressed at certain magic tilt angles of the external fields, and thereby provide a useful criterion for experimental searches. We also discuss Berry phase-like effects resulting from spin-orbit interaction in diffusive conductors and derive exact formulas for both magnetoconductance and conductance fluctuations. We discuss the power spectra of the magnetoconductance and the conductance fluctuations for inhomogeneous magnetic fields and for spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures; minor revisions. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Trapping of Single Atoms with Single Photons in Cavity QED

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    Two recent experiments have reported the trapping of individual atoms inside optical resonators by the mechanical forces associated with single photons [Hood et al., Science 287, 1447 (2000) and Pinkse et al., Nature 404, 365 (2000)]. Here we analyze the trapping dynamics in these settings, focusing on two points of interest. Firstly, we investigate the extent to which light-induced forces in these experiments are distinct from their free-space counterparts. Secondly, we explore the quantitative features of the resulting atomic motion and how these dynamics are mapped onto variations of the intracavity field. Not surprisingly, qualitatively distinct atomic dynamics arise as the coupling and dissipative rates are varied. For the experiment of Hood et al., we show that atomic motion is largely conservative and is predominantly in radial orbits transverse to the cavity axis. A comparison with the free-space theory demonstrates that the fluctuations of the dipole force are suppressed by an order of magnitude. This effect is based upon the Jaynes-Cummings eigenstates of the atom-cavity system and represents qualitatively new physics for optical forces at the single-photon level. By contrast, even in a regime of strong coupling in the experiment of Pinkse et al., there are only small quantitative distinctions between the free-space theory and the quantum theory, so it is not clear that description of this experiment as a novel single-quantum trapping effect is necessary. The atomic motion is strongly diffusive, leading to an average localization time comparable to the time for an atom to transit freely through the cavity and to a reduction in the ability to infer aspects of the atomic motion from the intracavity photon number.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure files, REVTEX, corrected spelling, LaTeX now produces postscript which includes figures, minor changes to figures. Final version to be published in Physical Review A, expanded summary of results in introduction, minor changes to figures and tex

    Chaos and flights in the atom-photon interaction in cavity QED

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    We study dynamics of the atom-photon interaction in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), considering a cold two-level atom in a single-mode high-finesse standing-wave cavity as a nonlinear Hamiltonian system with three coupled degrees of freedom: translational, internal atomic, and the field. The system proves to have different types of motion including L\'{e}vy flights and chaotic walkings of an atom in a cavity. It is shown that the translational motion, related to the atom recoils, is governed by an equation of a parametric nonlinear pendulum with a frequency modulated by the Rabi oscillations. This type of dynamics is chaotic with some width of the stochastic layer that is estimated analytically. The width is fairly small for realistic values of the control parameters, the normalized detuning δ\delta and atomic recoil frequency α\alpha. It is demonstrated how the atom-photon dynamics with a given value of α\alpha depends on the values of δ\delta and initial conditions. Two types of L\'{e}vy flights, one corresponding to the ballistic motion of the atom and another one corresponding to small oscillations in a potential well, are found. These flights influence statistical properties of the atom-photon interaction such as distribution of Poincar\'{e} recurrences and moments of the atom position xx. The simulation shows different regimes of motion, from slightly abnormal diffusion with τ1.13\sim\tau^{1.13} at δ=1.2\delta =1.2 to a superdiffusion with τ2.2 \sim \tau^{2.2} at δ=1.92\delta=1.92 that corresponds to a superballistic motion of the atom with an acceleration. The obtained results can be used to find new ways to manipulate atoms, to cool and trap them by adjusting the detuning δ\delta.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of oxygen stoichiometry on electrical transport and magnetic properties of La0.9Te0.1MnOy

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    The effect of the variation of oxygen content on structural, magnetic and transport properties in the electron-doped manganites La0.9Te0.1MnOy has been investigated. All samples show a rhombohedral structure with the space group . The Curie temperature decreases and the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic (PM-FM) transition becomes broader with the reduction of oxygen content. The resistivity of the annealed samples increases slightly with a small reduction of oxygen content. Further reduction in the oxygen content, the resistivity maximum increases by six orders of magnitude compared with that of the as-prepared sample, and the r(T) curves of samples with y = 2.86 and y = 2.83 display the semiconducting behavior () in both high-temperature PM phase and low-temperature FM phase, which is considered to be related to the appearance of superexchange ferromagnetism (SFM) and the localization of carriers. The results are discussed in terms of the combined effects of the increase in the Mn2+/(Mn2++Mn3+) ratio, the partial destruction of double exchange (DE) interaction, and the localization of carriers due to the introduction of oxygen vacancies in the Mn-O-Mn network.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    New results from DAMA/LIBRA

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    DAMA/LIBRA is running at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the I.N.F.N.. Here the results obtained with a further exposure of 0.34 ton x yr are presented. They refer to two further annual cycles collected one before and one after the first DAMA/LIBRA upgrade occurred on September/October 2008. The cumulative exposure with those previously released by the former DAMA/NaI and by DAMA/LIBRA is now 1.17 ton x yr, corresponding to 13 annual cycles. The data further confirm the model independent evidence of the presence of Dark Matter (DM) particles in the galactic halo on the basis of the DM annual modulation signature (8.9 sigma C.L. for the cumulative exposure). In particular, with the cumulative exposure the modulation amplitude of the single-hit events in the (2 -- 6) keV energy interval measured in NaI(Tl) target is (0.0116 +- 0.0013) cpd/kg/keV; the measured phase is (146 +- 7) days and the measured period is (0.999 +- 0.002) yr, values well in agreement with those expected for the DM particles.Comment: presented at the Int. Conf. Beyond the Standard Models of Particle Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics (BEYOND 2010), 1-6 February 2010, Cape Town, South Afric

    Computer modeling of diabetes and Its transparency: a report on the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge

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    Objectives The Eighth Mount Hood Challenge (held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, in September 2016) evaluated the transparency of model input documentation from two published health economics studies and developed guidelines for improving transparency in the reporting of input data underlying model-based economic analyses in diabetes. Methods Participating modeling groups were asked to reproduce the results of two published studies using the input data described in those articles. Gaps in input data were filled with assumptions reported by the modeling groups. Goodness of fit between the results reported in the target studies and the groups’ replicated outputs was evaluated using the slope of linear regression line and the coefficient of determination (R2). After a general discussion of the results, a diabetes-specific checklist for the transparency of model input was developed. Results Seven groups participated in the transparency challenge. The reporting of key model input parameters in the two studies, including the baseline characteristics of simulated patients, treatment effect and treatment intensification threshold assumptions, treatment effect evolution, prediction of complications and costs data, was inadequately transparent (and often missing altogether). Not surprisingly, goodness of fit was better for the study that reported its input data with more transparency. To improve the transparency in diabetes modeling, the Diabetes Modeling Input Checklist listing the minimal input data required for reproducibility in most diabetes modeling applications was developed. Conclusions Transparency of diabetes model inputs is important to the reproducibility and credibility of simulation results. In the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge, the Diabetes Modeling Input Checklist was developed with the goal of improving the transparency of input data reporting and reproducibility of diabetes simulation model results