16 research outputs found

    Contemporary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Characteristics Of Laser-Induced Plasma As A Spectroscopic Light Emission Source

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    Laser-induced plasma is today a widespread spectroscopic emission source. It can be easily generated using compact and reliable nanosecond pulsed lasers and finds applications in various domains with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). It is however such a particular medium which is intrinsically a transient and non-point light emitting source. Its timeand space-resolved diagnostics is therefore crucial for its optimized use. In this paper, we review our work on the investigation of the morphology and the evolution of the plasma. Different time scales relevant for the description of the plasma\u27s kinetics and dynamics are covered by suitable techniques. Our results show detailed evolution and transformation of the plasma with high temporal and spatial resolutions. The effects of the laser parameters as well as the background gas are particularly studied. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Dinâmica da renda Per Capita, longevidade e educação nos municípios brasileiros

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    Este trabalho analisa a dinâmica de distribuição da Renda Per Capita, da Taxa de Alfabetização, dos Anos de Estudo Concluídos e da Expectativa de Vida ao Nascer nos municípios brasileiros. A estimação de matrizes de transição revelou os padrões nacionais, regionais e intrarregionais de convergência no período entre 1970 e 2000. As várias mudanças na estrutura municipal brasileira demandaram o agrupamento dos municípios em Áreas Mínimas Comparáveis (AMC). As estimações revelaram dois resultados importantes: a) convergência para as variáveis ligadas à educação, mas convergência em clubes para a Renda Per Capita e Longevidade; b) o clube de baixa Renda Per Capita, formado pelas AMC do Norte e do Nordeste, apresentou apenas um terço da Renda Per Capita de longo prazo do clube de alta renda, formado pelas AMC do Sul, do Sudeste e do Centro-Oeste.<br>This work analyses the dynamics of Per Capita Income, Literacy Rates, Years of Study and Life Expectation distributions on Brazilian municipalities. The estimation of transition matrices modeled the national, regional and intra-regional convergence pattern for the period from 1970 to 2000. The many changes in the Brazilian municipality structure demanded the grouping of municipalities into Minimal Comparable Areas (MCA). The estimations revealed two important results: a) convergence for the variables related to education, but convergence in clubs for Longevity and Per Capita Income; b) the low Per Capita Income club, formed by the North and Northeast MCA, presented approximately one third of the long term Per Capita Income in the high income club, formed by the Center-West, South and Southeast