185 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Experimental Variables and the Occurence of Duodenal Ulcer

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    The research about to be reported is part of a larger research program with duodenal ulcer patients carried out at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, under the direction of Drs. Gerald R. Pascal and William O. Jenkins of the University of Tennessee Psychology Department. This research program has attempted to bring a systematic, behaviorally-oriented approach to the problem of duodenal ulcer. The early work of Bergmann (3) has been followed by sufficient experimental research, notably that of Wolf and Wolff (28), Mittelmann and Wolff (16), Gantt (8) and Sawrey (24, 25), to make tentative the hypothesis that there is what may be called a psychogenic factor in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer. This hypothesis seems to have been commonly accepted into both medical and psychological thinking. Twenty-six years ago, in fact, Cushing observed that most medical men of that day recognized that high strung individuals were more susceptible to nervous indigestion and peptic ulcer, that the ulcer symptoms became quiescent or even tended to heal when the patients were put mentally and physically at rest, and that these symptoms tended to recur as soon as the patient resumed his former tasks and responsibilities (6). Despite its widespread acceptance, however, the precise relationship of this psychogenic factor to the physiology of duodenal ulcer has not been clearly understood, nor has this psychogenic factor itself been acceptably defined

    The Relationship Between Experiential Variables and the Occurence of Duodenal Ulcer

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    INTRODUCTION The research about to be reported is part of a larger research program with duodenal ulcer patients carried out at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, under the direction of Drs. Gerald R. Pascal. and William O. Jenkins of the University of Tennessee Psychology Department. This research program has attempted to bring a systematic, behaviorally-oriented approach to the problem ot duodenal ulcer. The early work of Bergmann (3) has been followed by sufficient expermental research, notably that of Wolf and Wolff (28), Mittelmann and Wolff (16), Gantt (8) and Sawrey (24, 25), to make tentative the hypothesis that there is what may be called a psychogenic factor in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer. This hypothesis seems to have been commonly accepted into both medical and psychological thinking. Twenty-six years ago, in fact, Cushing observed that most medical men of that day recognized that high-strung individuals were more susceptible to nervous indigestion and peptic ulcer, that the ulcer symptoms became quiescent or even tended to heal when the patients were put mentally and physically at rest, and that these symptoms tended to recur as soon as the patient resumed his former tasks and responsibilities (6). Despite its widespread acceptance, however, the precise relationship of this psychogenic factor to the physiology of duodenal ulcer has not been clearly understood, nor has this psychogenic factor itself been acceptably defined

    Qualitative Microanalysis of Non-Ferrous Metals

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    During summer vacations, part of my school expense was earned as a purchaser of non-ferrous scrap metal for a small Chicago smelter. In such purchasing, it is very necessary to know something of the general composition of the metal. For example, in buying soldered articles, it is of vital importance to know whether the solder is high in tin or lead, and whether it contains antimony or bismuth. Other purchasers to whom I have talked have reported the same difficulty

    Color Characteristics of Certain Acid-Base Indicators

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    It was found that students have difficulty in observing end points when titrating with methyl red and methyl orange as indicators, because of the comparatively large volume of solution necessary to cause a definite color change. Methyl orange-xylene cyanole was purchased from Eastman Kodak Company to overcome this difficulty. However, it was found that the color change of this mixed indicator was not completely satisfactory. A study has been made to obtain an indicator which presented the best possible color characteristics combined with the lowest pH interval for the titration of strong acids and bases. Four indicators were studied. They were methyl red, methyl red-xylene cyanole, methyl red plus methyl orange-xylene cyanole, and methyl orange-xylene cyanole

    Qualitative analysis by Means of Drop-Reactions: A Systematic Study of Interference

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    In a previous paper (1), the authors presented a system of qualitative microanalysis by means of drop tests based on a sodium carbonate-sodium peroxide separation. As was pointed out at that time, the separation gives two groups, namely the aqueous group, which consists mainly of elements that yield water-soluble carbonates and hydroxides, and the acid group which is made up chiefly of elements that give insoluble carbonates and hydroxides. It was further pointed out that one of the main advantages of the system offered was that the oxidation by the sodium peroxide yields the elements in a constant state of oxidation, usually the highest. This adjustment of valence has two main advantages; first, since all forms of an element are converted to one common valence, many tests are eliminated; second, the elimination of extra valence forms reduces the possible interferences and makes interference studies much more simple

    Book Reviews

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    Bacterial porin disrupts mitochondrial membrane potential and sensitizes host cells to apoptosis

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    The bacterial PorB porin, an ATP-binding beta-barrel protein of pathogenic Neisseria gonorrhoeae, triggers host cell apoptosis by an unknown mechanism. PorB is targeted to and imported by host cell mitochondria, causing the breakdown of the mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi m). Here, we show that PorB induces the condensation of the mitochondrial matrix and the loss of cristae structures, sensitizing cells to the induction of apoptosis via signaling pathways activated by BH3-only proteins. PorB is imported into mitochondria through the general translocase TOM but, unexpectedly, is not recognized by the SAM sorting machinery, usually required for the assembly of beta-barrel proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane. PorB integrates into the mitochondrial inner membrane, leading to the breakdown of delta psi m. The PorB channel is regulated by nucleotides and an isogenic PorB mutant defective in ATP-binding failed to induce delta psi m loss and apoptosis, demonstrating that dissipation of delta psi m is a requirement for cell death caused by neisserial infection

    Effect of resource spatial correlation and Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer mobility on social cooperation in Tierra del Fuego

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    This article presents an agent-based model designed to explore the development of cooperation in hunter-fisher-gatherer societies that face a dilemma of sharing an unpredictable resource that is randomly distributed in space. The model is a stylised abstraction of the Yamana society, which inhabited the channels and islands of the southernmost part of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina-Chile). According to ethnographic sources, the Yamana developed cooperative behaviour supported by an indirect reciprocity mechanism: whenever someone found an extraordinary confluence of resources, such as a beached whale, they would use smoke signals to announce their find, bringing people together to share food and exchange different types of social capital. The model provides insight on how the spatial concentration of beachings and agents’ movements in the space can influence cooperation. We conclude that the emergence of informal and dynamic communities that operate as a vigilance network preserves cooperation and makes defection very costly.MICINN http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/ CSD2010-00034 (SimulPast CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010) and HAR2009-06996; the government of Castilla y Leónhttp://www.jcyl.es/ GREX251-2009; the Argentine CONICET http://www.conicet.gov.ar/PIP-0706; and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Researchhttp://www.wennergren.org/ "Social Aggregation: A Yamana Society's Short Term Episode to Analyse Social Interaction, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina". The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    What Do We Know About Neuropsychological Aspects Of Schizophrenia?

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    Application of a neuropsychological perspective to the study of schizophrenia has established a number of important facts about this disorder. Some of the key findings from the existing literature are that, while neurocognitive impairment is present in most, if not all, persons with schizophrenia, there is both substantial interpatient heterogeneity and remarkable within-patient stability of cognitive function over the long-term course of the illness. Such findings have contributed to the firm establishment of neurobiologic models of schizophrenia, and thereby help to reduce the social stigma that was sometimes associated with purely psychogenic models popular during parts of the 20th century. Neuropsychological studies in recent decades have established the primacy of cognitive functions over psychopathologic symptoms as determinants of functional capacity and independence in everyday functioning. Although the cognitive benefits of both conventional and even second generation antipsychotic medications appear marginal at best, recognition of the primacy of cognitive deficits as determinants of functional disability in schizophrenia has catalyzed recent efforts to develop targeted treatments for the cognitive deficits of this disorder. Despite these accomplishments, however, some issues remain to be resolved. Efforts to firmly establish the specific neurocognitive/neuropathologic systems responsible for schizophrenia remain elusive, as do efforts to definitively demonstrate the specific cognitive deficits underlying specific forms of functional impairment. Further progress may be fostered by recent initiatives to integrate neuropsychological studies with experimental neuroscience, perhaps leading to measures of deficits in cognitive processes more clearly associated with specific, identifiable brain systems