1,412 research outputs found

    Long period polytype boundaries in silicon carbide

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    A significant gap in our understanding of polytypism exists, caused partly by the lack of experimental data on the spatial distribution of polytype coalescence and knowledge of the regions between adjoining polytypes. Few observations, Takei & Francombe (1967) apart, of the relative location of different polytypes have been reported. A phenomenological description of the boundaries, exact position of one-dimensional disorder (1DD) and long period polytypes (LPP’s) has been made possible by synchrotron X-ray diffraction topography (XRDT)

    Anomalous scaling of fermions and order parameter fluctuations at quantum criticality

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    We analyze the quantum phase transition between a semimetal and a superfluid in a model of attractively interacting fermions with a linear dispersion. The quantum critical properties of this model cannot be treated by the Hertz-Millis approach since integrating out the fermions leads to a singular Landau-Ginzburg order parameter functional. We therefore derive and solve coupled renormalization group equations for the fermionic degrees of freedom and the bosonic order parameter fluctuations. In two spatial dimensions, fermions and bosons acquire anomalous scaling dimensions at the quantum critical point, associated with non-Fermi liquid behavior and non-Gaussian order parameter fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, highlighted differences to Gross-Neveu model, updated version as publishe

    Fingerprint-enhanced capacitive-piezoelectric flexible sensing skin to discriminate static and dynamic tactile stimuli

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    nspired by the structure and functions of the human skin, a highly sensitive capacitive‐piezoelectric flexible sensing skin with fingerprint‐like patterns to detect and discriminate between spatiotemporal tactile stimuli including static and dynamic pressures and textures is presented. The capacitive‐piezoelectric tandem sensing structure is embedded in the phalange of a 3D‐printed robotic hand, and a tempotron classifier system is used for tactile exploration. The dynamic tactile sensor, interfaced with an extended gate configuration to a common source metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET), exhibits a sensitivity of 2.28 kPa−1. The capacitive sensing structure has nonlinear characteristics with sensitivity varying from 0.25 kPa−1 in the low‐pressure range (<100 Pa) to 0.002 kPa−1 in high pressure (≈2.5 kPa). The output from the presented sensor under a closed‐loop tactile scan, carried out with an industrial robotic arm, is used as latency‐coded spike trains in a spiking neural network (SNN) tempotron classifier system. With the capability of performing a real‐time binary naturalistic texture classification with a maximum accuracy of 99.45%, the presented bioinspired skin finds applications in robotics, prosthesis, wearable sensors, and medical devices

    Thermodynamics of the Coma Cluster Outskirts

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    We present results from a large mosaic of Suzaku observations of the Coma Cluster, the nearest and X-ray brightest hot, dynamically active, non-cool core system, focusing on the thermodynamic properties of the ICM on large scales. For azimuths not aligned with an infalling subcluster towards the southwest, our measured temperature and X-ray brightness profiles exhibit broadly consistent radial trends, with the temperature decreasing from about 8.5 keV at the cluster center to about 2 keV at a radius of 2 Mpc, which is the edge of our detection limit. The SW merger significantly boosts the surface brightness, allowing us to detect X-ray emission out to ~2.2 Mpc along this direction. Apart from the southwestern infalling subcluster, the surface brightness profiles show multiple edges around radii of 30-40 arcmin. The azimuthally averaged temperature profile, as well as the deprojected density and pressure profiles, all show a sharp drop consistent with an outward propagating shock front located at 40 arcmin, corresponding to the outermost edge of the giant radio halo observed at 352 MHz with the WSRT. The shock front may be powering this radio emission. A clear entropy excess inside of r_500 reflects the violent merging events linked with these morphological features. Beyond r_500, the entropy profiles of the Coma Cluster along the relatively relaxed directions are consistent with the power-law behavior expected from simple models of gravitational large-scale structure formation. The pressure is also in agreement at these radii with the expected values measured from SZ data from the Planck satellite. However, due to the large uncertainties associated with the Coma Cluster measurements, we cannot yet exclude an entropy flattening in this system consistent with that seen in more relaxed cool core clusters.Comment: submitted to ApJ; revised after first referee repor

    Studying the WHIM with Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We assess the possibility to detect and characterize the physical state of the missing baryons at low redshift by analyzing the X-ray absorption spectra of the Gamma Ray Burst [GRB] afterglows, measured by a micro calorimeters-based detector with 3 eV resolution and 1000 cm2 effective area and capable of fast re-pointing, similar to that on board of the recently proposed X-ray satellites EDGE and XENIA. For this purpose we have analyzed mock absorption spectra extracted from different hydrodynamical simulations used to model the properties of the Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium [WHIM]. These models predict the correct abundance of OVI absorption lines observed in UV and satisfy current X-ray constraints. According to these models space missions like EDGE and XENIA should be able to detect about 60 WHIM absorbers per year through the OVII line. About 45 % of these have at least two more detectable lines in addition to OVII that can be used to determine the density and the temperature of the gas. Systematic errors in the estimates of the gas density and temperature can be corrected for in a robust, largely model-independent fashion. The analysis of the GRB absorption spectra collected in three years would also allow to measure the cosmic mass density of the WHIM with about 15 % accuracy, although this estimate depends on the WHIM model. Our results suggest that GRBs represent a valid, if not preferable, alternative to Active Galactic Nuclei to study the WHIM in absorption. The analysis of the absorption spectra nicely complements the study of the WHIM in emission that the spectrometer proposed for EDGE and XENIA would be able to carry out thanks to its high sensitivity and large field of view.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Large-scale Motions in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster

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    By combining large-scale mosaics of ROSAT PSPC, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku X-ray observations, we present evidence for large-scale motions in the intracluster medium of the nearby, X-ray bright Perseus Cluster. These motions are suggested by several alternating and interleaved X-ray bright, low-temperature, low-entropy arcs located along the east-west axis, at radii ranging from ~10 kpc to over a Mpc. Thermodynamic features qualitatively similar to these have previously been observed in the centers of cool core clusters, and were successfully modeled as a consequence of the gas sloshing/swirling motions induced by minor mergers. Our observations indicate that such sloshing/swirling can extend out to larger radii than previously thought, on scales approaching the virial radius.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    K-Shell Photoabsorption Studies of the Carbon Isonuclear Sequence

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    K-shell photoabsorption cross sections for the isonuclear C I - C IV ions have been computed using the R-matrix method. Above the K-shell threshold, the present results are in good agreement with the independent-particle results of Reilman & Manson (1979). Below threshold, we also compute the strong 1s -> np absorption resonances with the inclusion of important spectator Auger broadening effects. For the lowest 1s -> 2p, 3p resonances, comparisons to available C II, C III, and C IV experimental results show good agreement in general for the resonance strengths and positions, but unexplained discrepancies exist. Our results also provide detailed information on the C I K-shell photoabsorption cross section including the strong resonance features, since very limited laboratory experimental data exist. The resultant R-matrix cross sections are then used to model the Chandra X-ray absorption spectrum of the blazar Mkn 421

    Preparation of distilled and purified continuous variable entangled states

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    The distribution of entangled states of light over long distances is a major challenge in the field of quantum information. Optical losses, phase diffusion and mixing with thermal states lead to decoherence and destroy the non-classical states after some finite transmission-line length. Quantum repeater protocols, which combine quantum memory, entanglement distillation and entanglement swapping, were proposed to overcome this problem. Here we report on the experimental demonstration of entanglement distillation in the continuous-variable regime. Entangled states were first disturbed by random phase fluctuations and then distilled and purified using interference on beam splitters and homodyne detection. Measurements of covariance matrices clearly indicate a regained strength of entanglement and purity of the distilled states. In contrast to previous demonstrations of entanglement distillation in the complementary discrete-variable regime, our scheme achieved the actual preparation of the distilled states, which might therefore be used to improve the quality of downstream applications such as quantum teleportation

    Studying the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in Emission

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    We assess the possibility to detect the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) in emission and to characterize its physical conditions and spatial distribution through spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, in the framework of the recently proposed DIOS, EDGE, Xenia, and ORIGIN missions, all of which are equipped with microcalorimeter-based detectors. For this purpose we analyze a large set of mock emission spectra, extracted from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. These mock X-ray spectra are searched for emission features showing both the OVII K alpha triplet and OVIII Ly alpha line, which constitute a typical signature of the warm hot gas. Our analysis shows that 1 Ms long exposures and energy resolution of 2.5 eV will allow us to detect about 400 such features per deg^2 with a significance >5 sigma and reveals that these emission systems are typically associated with density ~100 above the mean. The temperature can be estimated from the line ratio with a precision of ~20%. The combined effect of contamination from other lines, variation in the level of the continuum, and degradation of the energy resolution reduces these estimates. Yet, with an energy resolution of 7 eV and all these effects taken into account, one still expects about 160 detections per deg^2. These line systems are sufficient to trace the spatial distribution of the line-emitting gas, which constitute an additional information, independent from line statistics, to constrain the poorly known cosmic chemical enrichment history and the stellar feedback processes.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, ApJ in press; revised version according to revie