65 research outputs found

    Centrosymmetric PbTe/CdTe quantum dots coherently embedded by epitaxial precipitation

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    A concept for the fabrication of highly symmetric quantum dots that are coherently embedded in a single crystalline matrix is demonstrated. In this approach, the formation of the quantum dots is induced by a transformation of an epitaxial 2D quantum well into an array of isolated precipitates with dimensions of about 25 nm. The formation process is driven by the immiscibility of the constituent materials resulting from their different lattice structures. The investigated PbTe/CdTe heterosystem combines two different cubic lattices with almost identical lattice constants. Therefore, the precipitated quantum dots are almost strain free and near thermodynamic equilibrium they exhibit the shape of small-rhombo-cubo-octahedrons. The PbTe/CdTe quantum dots, grown on GaAs substrates, display intense room temperature luminescence at wavelength around 3.2 micrometer, which makes them auspicious for applications in mid-infrared photonic devices.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : UV–optical accretion disk measurements with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    Funding: Y.H., J.R.T., and G.F.A. acknowledge support from NASA grants HST-GO-15650 and 18-2ADAP18-0177 and NSF grant CAREER-1945546. K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. C.J.G. acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-2009949. Y.S. acknowledges support from NSF grants AST-1715579 and AST-2009947. P.H. acknowledges support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), funding reference number 2017-05983. L.C.H. was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11991052) and the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400702).We present accretion-disk structure measurements from UV–optical reverberation mapping (RM) observations of a sample of eight quasars at 0.24 < z < 0.85. Ultraviolet photometry comes from two cycles of Hubble Space Telescope monitoring, accompanied by multiband optical monitoring by the Las Cumbres Observatory network and Liverpool Telescopes. The targets were selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping project sample with reliable black hole mass measurements from HÎČ RM results. We measure significant lags between the UV and various optical griz bands using JAVELIN and CREAM methods. We use the significant lag results from both methods to fit the accretion-disk structure using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. We study the accretion disk as a function of disk normalization, temperature scaling, and efficiency. We find direct evidence for diffuse nebular emission from Balmer and Fe ii lines over discrete wavelength ranges. We also find that our best-fit disk color profile is broadly consistent with the Shakura & Sunyaev disk model. We compare our UV–optical lags to the disk sizes inferred from optical–optical lags of the same quasars and find that our results are consistent with these quasars being drawn from a limited high-lag subset of the broader population. Our results are therefore broadly consistent with models that suggest longer disk lags in a subset of quasars, for example, due to a nonzero size of the ionizing corona and/or magnetic heating contributing to the disk response.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : the MBH–host relations at 0.2 ∌< z ∌< 0.6 from reverberation mapping and Hubble Space Telescope imaging

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    Funding: Y.S. acknowledges support from an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and NSF grants AST-1715579, AST-2009947. Support for Program number HST-GO-14109 was provided through a grant from the STScI under NASA contract NAS5-26555. L.C.H. was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400702) and the National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11991052). E.D.B. is supported by Padua University grants DOR1715817/17, DOR1885254/18, and DOR1935272/19 and by MIUR grant PRIN 201720173ML3WW_001. J.V.H.S.and K.H. acknowledge funds from a Science and Technology Facilities Council grant ST/R000824/1.We present the results of a pilot Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging study of the host galaxies of ten quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project. Probing more than an order of magnitude in BH and stellar masses, our sample is the first statistical sample to study the BH-host correlations beyond z>0.3 with reliable BH masses from reverberation mapping rather than from single-epoch spectroscopy. We perform image decomposition in two HST bands (UVIS-F606W and IR-F110W) to measure host colors and estimate stellar masses using empirical relations between broad-band colors and the mass-to-light ratio. The stellar masses of our targets are mostly dominated by a bulge component. The BH masses and stellar masses of our sample broadly follow the same correlations found for local RM AGN and quiescent bulge-dominant galaxies, with no strong evidence of evolution in the MBH-M*bulge relation to z~0.6. We further compare the host light fraction from HST imaging decomposition to that estimated from spectral decomposition. We found a good correlation between the host fractions derived with both methods. However, the host fraction derived from spectral decomposition is systematically smaller than that from imaging decomposition by ~30%, indicating different systematics in both approaches. This study paves the way for upcoming more ambitious host galaxy studies of quasars with direct RM-based BH masses at high redshift.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : how broad emission line widths change when luminosity changes

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    Funding: National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11890693, 11991052) and the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400702, 2016YFA0400703). YS acknowledges support from an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and NSF grant AST-1715579. CJG, WNB, JRT, and DPS acknowledge support from NSF grants AST-1517113 and AST-1516784. KH acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. PBH acknowledges support from NSERC grant 2017-05983. YH acknowledges support from NASA grant HST-GO-15650.Quasar broad emission lines are largely powered by photoionization from the accretion continuum. Increased central luminosity will enhance line emissivity in more distant clouds, leading to increased average distance of the broad-line-emitting clouds and decreased averaged line width, known as the broad-line region (BLR) "breathing". However, different lines breathe differently, and some high-ionization lines, such as C IV, can even show "anti-breathing" where the line broadens when luminosity increases. Using multi-year photometric and spectroscopic monitoring data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping project, we quantify the breathing effect (Δlog W=αΔlog L) of broad Hα, HÎČ, Mg II, C IV,and C III] for statistical quasar samples over z≈0.1−2.5. We found that HÎČ displays the most consistent normal breathing expected from the virial relation (α∌−0.25), Mg II and Hα on average show no breathing (α∌0), and C IV (and similarly C III] and Si IV mostly shows anti-breathing (α>0). The anti-breathing of C IV can be well understood by the presence of a non-varying core component in addition to a reverberating broad-base component, consistent with earlier findings. The deviation from canonical breathing introduces extra scatter (aluminosity-dependent bias) in single-epoch virial BH mass estimates due to intrinsic quasar variability, which underlies the long argued caveats of C IV single-epoch masses. Using the line dispersion instead of FWHM leads to less, albeit still substantial, deviations from canonical breathing in most cases. Our results strengthen the need for reverberation mapping to provide reliable quasar BH masses, and quantify the level of variability-induced bias in single-epoch BH masses based on various lines.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : low-ionization broad-line widths and implications for virial black hole mass estimation

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    Funding: UK STFC grant ST/R000824/1 (KH).The width of the broad emission lines in quasars is commonly characterized by either the FWHM or the square root of the second moment of the line profile (σ line) and used as an indicator of the virial velocity of the broad-line region (BLR) in the estimation of black hole (BH) mass. We measure FWHM and σ line for Hα, HÎČ, and Mg ii broad lines in both the mean and rms spectra of a large sample of quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping project. We introduce a new quantitative recipe to measure σ line that is reproducible, is less susceptible to noise and blending in the wings, and scales with the intrinsic width of the line. We compare the four definitions of line width (FWHM and σ line in mean and rms spectra, respectively) for each of the three broad lines and among different lines. There are strong correlations among different width definitions for each line, providing justification for using the line width measured in single-epoch spectroscopy as a virial velocity indicator. There are also strong correlations among different lines, suggesting that alternative lines to HÎČ can be used to estimate virial BH masses. We further investigate the correlations between virial BH masses using different line width definitions and the stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxies and the dependence of line shape (characterized by the ratio FWHM/σ line) on physical properties of the quasar. Our results provide further evidence that FWHM is more sensitive to the orientation of a flattened BLR geometry than σ line, but the overall comparison between the virial BH mass and host stellar velocity dispersion does not provide conclusive evidence that one particular width definition is significantly better than the others.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Initial C IV lag results from four years of data

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    K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/M001296/1.We present reverberation-mapping (RM) lags and black hole mass measurements using the C iv λ1549 broad emission line from a sample of 348 quasars monitored as a part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey RM Project. Our data span four years of spectroscopic and photometric monitoring for a total baseline of 1300 days, allowing us to measure lags up to ~750 days in the observed frame (this corresponds to a rest-frame lag of ~300 days in a quasar at z = 1.5 and ~190 days at z = 3). We report significant time delays between the continuum and the C iv λ1549 emission line in 48 quasars, with an estimated false-positive detection rate of 10%. Our analysis of marginal lag measurements indicates that there are on the order of ~100 additional lags that should be recoverable by adding more years of data from the program. We use our measurements to calculate black hole masses and fit an updated C iv radius–luminosity relationship. Our results significantly increase the sample of quasars with C iv RM results, with the quasars spanning two orders of magnitude in luminosity toward the high-luminosity end of the C iv radius–luminosity relation. In addition, these quasars are located at some of the highest redshifts (z ≈ 1.4–2.8) of quasars with black hole masses measured with RM. This work constitutes the first large sample of C iv RM measurements in more than a dozen quasars, demonstrating the utility of multiobject RM campaigns.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : accretion disk sizes from continuum lags

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    K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1We present accretion disk structure measurements from continuum lags in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project. Lags are measured using the JAVELIN software from the first-year SDSS-RM g and i photometry, resulting in well-defined lags for 95 quasars, 33 of which have lag S/N > 2σ. We also estimate lags using the ICCF software and find consistent results, though with larger uncertainties. Accretion disk structure is fit using a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach, parameterizing the measured continuum lags as a function of disk size normalization, wavelength, black hole mass, and luminosity. In contrast with previous observations, our best-fit disk sizes and color profiles are consistent (within 1.5σ) with the Shakura & Sunyaev analytic solution. We also find that more massive quasars have larger accretion disks, similarly consistent with the analytic accretion disk model. The data are inconclusive on a correlation between disk size and continuum luminosity, with results that are consistent with both no correlation and the Shakura & Sunyaev expectation. The continuum lag fits have a large excess dispersion, indicating that our measured lag errors are underestimated and/or our best-fit model may be missing the effects of orientation, spin, and/or radiative efficiency. We demonstrate that fitting disk parameters using only the highest-S/N lag measurements biases best-fit disk sizes to be larger than the disk sizes recovered using a Bayesian approach on the full sample of well-defined lags.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Hα and HÎČ reverberation measurements from first-year spectroscopy and photometry

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    Funding: UK Sciences and Technology Facilities Council STFC grant ST/M001296/1 (KH).We present reverberation mapping results from the first year of combined spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project. We successfully recover reverberation time delays between the g+i band emission and the broad HÎČ emission line for a total of 44 quasars, and for the broad Hα emission line in 18 quasars. Time delays are computed using the JAVELIN and CREAM software and the traditional interpolated cross-correlation function (ICCF): using well-defined criteria, we report measurements of 32 HÎČ and 13 Hα lags with JAVELIN, 42 HÎČ and 17 Hα lags with CREAM, and 16 HÎČ and eight Hα lags with the ICCF. Lag values are generally consistent among the three methods, though we typically measure smaller uncertainties with JAVELIN and CREAM than with the ICCF, given the more physically motivated light curve interpolation and more robust statistical modeling of the former two methods. The median redshift of our HÎČ-detected sample of quasars is 0.53, significantly higher than that of the previous reverberation mapping sample. We find that in most objects, the time delay of the Hα emission is consistent with or slightly longer than that of HÎČ. We measure black hole masses using our measured time delays and line widths for these quasars. These black hole mass measurements are mostly consistent with expectations based on the local – relationship, and are also consistent with single-epoch black hole mass measurements. This work increases the current sample size of reverberation-mapped active galaxies by about two-thirds and represents the first large sample of reverberation mapping observations beyond the local universe (z < 0.3).PostprintPeer reviewe

    Assessment of Renal Function by the Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Human Blood Plasma

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    Water (H2O) is the most abundant and important molecule of life. Natural water contains small amount of heavy isotopes. Previously, few animal model studies have shown that the isotopic composition of body water could play important roles in physiology and pathophysiology. Here we study the stable isotopic ratios of hydrogen (ή2H) and oxygen (ή18O) in human blood plasma. The stable isotopic ratio is defined and determined by ήsample = [(Rsample/RSTD)−1] * 1000, where R is the molar ratio of rare to abundant, for example, 18O/16O. We observe that the ή2H and the ή18O in human blood plasma are associated with the human renal functions. The water isotope ratios of the ή2H and ή18O in human blood plasma of the control subjects are comparable to those of the diabetes subjects (with healthy kidney), but are statistically higher than those of the end stage renal disease subjects (p<0.001 for both ANOVA and Student's t-test). In addition, our data indicate the existence of the biological homeostasis of water isotopes in all subjects, except the end stage renal disease subjects under the haemodialysis treatment. Furthermore, the unexpected water contents (ή2H and ή18O) in blood plasma of body water may shed light on a novel assessment of renal functions
