9 research outputs found

    Seamounts as hot-spots of large pelagic aggregations

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    The distribution of four top predators in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a sub-basin of the Mediterranean Sea, was investigated by means of random forest regression considering depth, distance from the coast, seafloor slope, and distance from seamounts as habitat descriptors on a 2x2–nautical mile regular grid. RF results are processed to estimate variable importance and model performance. Random forest architecture reached optimal sensitivity and specificity, thus providing a consistent support tool for identifying suitable habitats. The considered species are characterized as having patched suitable habitats with a number of hot-spot areas where the different species' habitats overlap. These hot-spot areas' locations correspond to those of specific seamounts identifying the attraction effect of these topographic structures. The mean features typifying the most attractive seamounts are investigated and found to be shallow peak and base depths but wide base area and high relative elevation

    Draft Guidelines for Inventoring and Monitoring of Dark Habitats

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    UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG. 431/Inf.12Dark habitats1 are distributed throughout the Mediterranean basin from the sea surface (i.e. caves) to the deep-sea realm. Various habitats of unique scientific and conservation interest are included in this broad habitat category, such as dark caves, submarine canyons, seamounts and chemo-synthetic features supporting sensitive assemblages which require special protection. Therefore, dark habitats were considered under the Action Plan adopted in the Eighteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (Turkey, December 2013). In the context of implementation schedule of the Dark Habitats Action Plan (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2015a) a set of guidelines should be identified aiming to reduce the imminent pressures and threats affecting these vulnerable assemblages. This document aims to establish guidelines for inventorying and monitoring Mediterranean deep-sea habitats and marine caves in order to settle the basis for a regional-based assessment

    Occurrence of a herd of female sperm whales and their calves ( Physeter catodon

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    From Alcohols to Indoles: A Tandem Ru Catalyzed Hydrogen-Transfer Fischer Indole Synthesis

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    In a new version of the Fischer indole synthesis, primary and secondary alcohols have been catalytically oxidized in the presence of phenylhydrazines and protic or Lewis acids to give the corresponding indoles. The overall reaction can be accomplished in one step, and the use of alcohols instead of aldehyes or ketones as starting materials has several advantages in terms of a large selection of reagents, easy handling, and safety of the proces