10 research outputs found

    Strategy Competitive Fight

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá nalezením takové strategie, která umožní zavedené firmě setrvání v pozici lídra trhu spotřebitelských úvěrů v České republice. K tomu potřebuje získat pokud možno detailní informace o aktivitách konkurence, vývoji oborového prostředí a trendu preferencí koncového zákazníka. Na základě těchto informací formuluje několik možných strategických variant včetně jejich dopadu na zákazníka, obchodní partnery a interní chod firmy.The thesis deals with finding such a competitive strategy, which enables a well-established Copany to remain on the leading edge of sales finance market in the Czech Republic. To do that, it is necessary to acquire as detailed information about competitors´ activities, professional environment development and end-user preferences trend, as possible. Based on this information it proposes possible models of strategic options including the impact on customers, business partners and internal issues.

    Effect of petrographic composition and chemistry of aggregate on the local and general fracture response of cementitious composites

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    This paper concerns the results of research into the influence of the composition of rock inclusions on the fracture response of cement-based composite specimens. Specially designed specimens of the nominal dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm with inclusions in the shape of prisms with nominal dimensions of 8 × 8 × 40 mm were provided with an initial central edge notch with a depth of 12 mm. These specimens, which were made of fine-grained cement-based composite with different types of rock inclusion – amphibolite, basalt, granite, and marble – were tested in the three-point bending configuration. Fracture surfaces were examined via scanning electron microscopy and local response in the vicinity of rock inclusions was characterized via the nanoindentation technique. The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the chemical/petrographic composition of rock inclusions on the effective mechanical fracture parameters of cement-based composites, as well as on the microstructural mechanical parameters of the interfacial transition zone. The results of this research indicate the significant dependence of the effective fracture parameters on the petrographic and related chemical composition of the rock inclusions

    Analysis and development of tourism in Olomouc region

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    Diplomová práce je tématicky zaměřena na současný stav cestovního ruchu v Olomouckém kraji se zaměřením na turistickou oblast obcí Javoříčko a Bouzov. Struktura práce je rozdělena do jedné teoretické a dvou praktických částí. První část je věnována vymezení základních pojmů, které se vztahují k cestovnímu ruchu. Jednotlivé podkapitoly rovněž tematicky navazují na jednotlivé oblasti praktické části. První část praktické sekce analyzuje především potenciál cestovního ruchu a turistickou návštěvnost v Olomoucké kraji. Druhá část obsahuje vlastní koncepci rozvoje cestovního ruchu v javoříčsko-bouzovské lokalitě. Tato část obsahuje základní vymezení, SWOT analýzu a konkrétní návrhy pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu v lokalitě.The thesis is focused on the actual state of tourism in the Olomouc region, zooming the tourist area of the Javoricko and Bouzov municipalities. The thesis is structured into one theoretical and two practical parts. The first – theoretic part - deals with definition of key words related to tourism. The particular sub-chapters match the practical parts. The first part of the practical section analyses mainly the potential for tourism and the tourist incoming in the Olomouc region. The second part contains the conception of tourism development in the Javoricko-Bouzov localities and brings the main definitions, SWOT analysis and concrete proposals for development of tourism in this area.Ústav veřejné správy a právaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Financing of the police in the Czech republic

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    Financování Policie ČR, vývoj výdajů Ministerstva vnitra, zachycení finančních toků mezi složky policie.Ústav ekonomieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Vliv stupně zakmenění na faunu nočních motýlů

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    This thesis deals with a investigation of the forest night night Lepidoptera. There is in introduction a review about problemacy of coppiced and coppiced forests with standards in the relation to the day and night active Lepidoptera species. There are also presented research localities of the project TARMAG and there are introduced wider spatial relations. My particular research was done on these localities, which are under management of the project TARMAG together with ŠLP Masarykův les Křtiny. The management is like coppiced forest with standards volume of tree stands is between 4--10. During the years 2012 and 2013 I collected 8 times on each locality by using light traps, totally I collected 24 times altogether. There were collected 152 species (151 specimens of night Lepidoptera which belong to 10 families. From point of view of absolute numbers, the higher proportion of species was found in not managed stand forest, then in coppiced one. The question is, if it was due to lack of management or due other factors

    Robust Controller Design for Feedback Architectures with Signal Shapers

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    Available feedback architectures with time delay based signal shapers are outlined and studied with the objective to determine the channels in which the flexible mode compensation (by the shaper) takes place. As the main result, a systematic methodology for the robust controller design is proposed and tested for three most common feedback architectures with signal shapers. The validation is performed on a Gantry crane anti-sway problem, considering four types of distributed delay shapers. It is demonstrated that for the selected robustness H-infinity measure, the applicable parameter range is considerably reduced by placing the signal shaper to the loop. Still, the obtained characteristics and responses of shaper feedback architectures show that viable controller setting can well be found by the considered control design method

    Frequency weighted H2 optimization of multi-mode input shaper

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    An optimization-based design of a robust multi-mode input shaper is presented with an embedded weighting of the frequency response. By prefixing the delay length in the shaper, the optimization design task is formulated as a standard quadratic programming problem. The shaper robustness in terms of zeroed or upper-bounded residual vibration function for the modes to be precompensated is imposed via the equality and inequality constraints. As the main result, an additional degree of freedom in the shaper design is introduced via parametrization of the quadratic form cost matrix and utilized to modulate the amplitude frequency response over a given frequency range. In particular, this allows to embed the high-frequency roll-off to the shaper and improve its insensitivity to modelling errors by adjusting its stop-band response. The proposed shaper design is demonstrated and experimentally validated on a problem of positioning a flexible manipulator arm with multiple oscillatory modes

    Effect of petrographic composition and chemistry of aggregate on the local and general fracture response of cementitious composites

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    This paper concerns the results of research into the influence of the composition of rock inclusions on the fracture response of cement-based composite specimens. Specially designed specimens of the nominal dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm with inclusions in the shape of prisms with nominal dimensions of 8 × 8 × 40 mm were provided with an initial central edge notch with a depth of 12 mm. These specimens, which were made of fine-grained cement-based composite with different types of rock inclusion – amphibolite, basalt, granite, and marble – were tested in the three-point bending configuration. Fracture surfaces were examined via scanning electron microscopy and local response in the vicinity of rock inclusions was characterized via the nanoindentation technique. The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the chemical/petrographic composition of rock inclusions on the effective mechanical fracture parameters of cement-based composites, as well as on the microstructural mechanical parameters of the interfacial transition zone. The results of this research indicate the significant dependence of the effective fracture parameters on the petrographic and related chemical composition of the rock inclusions