197 research outputs found

    Mogućnost primene okare kao sekundarne sirovine u proizvodnji hraniva za ribe

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    Poslednjih godina istraživanju soje poklanja se velika pažnja zbog povoljnih zdravstvenih efekata. Mnoge studije su utvrdile u zrnu soje prisustvo komponenti poput proteina, dijetalnih vlakana, masnih kiselina, izoflavona i drugih fitohemikalija, koje povoljno deluju na organizam. Sirova okara, poznata i kao "sojina pulpa", je nusprodukt u priozvodnji sojinog mleka. To je belo-žućkasta materija koja se sastoji od nerastvorljivih delova semena soje (uglavnom semenjače) koji ostaju na filteru pri filtriranju usitnjenog kuvanog zrna soje pri proizvodnji sojinog mleka (Jimenez-Escrig et al., 2008). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se proceni uticaj metoda polupogonskog postrojenja koje koristi hidrotermičku obradu sojinog zrna u proizvodnji sojinog mleka (HTC obrada; visoka temperatura i povišen pritisak/kratko vreme) na sadržaj i aktivnost hranljivih komponenti okare, pripremane od šest različitih genotipova soje, kao i da se proceni mogućnost korišćenja okare u pripremi hrane za ribe. Može se pretpostaviti da će primenjeni HTC postupak, koji je sličan procesu ekstrudiranja, koji se najčešće koriste u proizvodnji hrane za ribe (visoka temperatura/kratako vreme), dati okaru povoljnih svojstava, pogodna za ishranu riba. Pored toga, obzirom da je optimalna pH vrednost vode za uzgoj riba od 7.0 do 8.0 (Zhanga et al., 2011), različita od izoelektrične tačke (Ip) glavnih proteina okare može se pretpostaviti da se proteini okare neće taložiti u mulju, već će ostati da plutaju u vodi. Glavne komponente okare dobijene primenjenim HTC postupkom su ugljeni hidrati (51.25-59.25%) i proteini (31.81-40.36%). Mateos-Aparicio et al. (2010b) ističu veoma povoljnu antioksidativnu aktivnost okare, koju uglavnom pripisuju polisharidima semenjače sojinog zrna, pre svega pektinima, iako ističu da se ne može isključiti ni doprinos belančevina. Ovakva istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost delovanja okare kao komponete u ishrani riba u smislu odbrane od antioksidativnog stresa. Visok sadržaj proteina, čini okaru potencijalno dobrim izvorom biljnih proteina, niske cene, za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Visok sadržaj i vrlo dobre funkcionalne karakteristike proteina okare (Mateos-Aparicio et al., 2010a), ukazuju na to da mogu biti pogodni kao dopuna hrane za ribu u smislu vezivnog medijuma za druge aktivne i hranljive komponente u proizvodu, pri čemu doprinose nutritivnoj vrednosti hraniva. Štaviše, odnos esencijalnih amino kiselina u ukupnom aminokiselinskom sastavu proteina okare je sličan kao u sojinom mleku i tofuu (Vang i Cavins, 1989). Glavni proteini okare su bazni, 7S globulin (Bg7S; 24.61-28.37%) i glicinin (11S globulin; 28.49-33.11%). Poznato je da je Bg7S glikoprotein bogat cisteinom (Omi et al., 1996) što povećava nutritivnu vrednost proizvoda. Proteini soje nisu nutritivno idealni proteini, obzirom da ispoljavaju neželjeni efekat na metabolizam nakon konzumiranja sirove sojine sačme, što se pripisuje prisustvu tripsin inhibitora (TI) i lektina. Tripsin inhibitorska aktivnost ispitivanih uzoraka je veoma mala (4.82-7.99%) što ukazuje da okara ne bi ispoljavala antinutritivni efekat na organizam, tim pre što se veruje da postizanje zadovoljavajućeg nivoa TIA dovoljno smanjuje aktivnost lektina, obzirom da su inhibitori termički stabilniji nego lektini (Friedman i Brendon, 2001)

    The Effect of Partial Root Drying on Antioxidant Activity in Different Agricultural Crops

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    Partial root drying (PRD) is a new irrigation strategy which applies alternating regimes of irrigation to half the root system while the other half dries out. Many published results showed that PRD may save water without significant effect on yield. The aim of this work was to compare the effects of PRD with full irrigation (FI) on yield and antioxidant activity in grape berry, potato tuber and tomato fruit. in both experimental conditions (field and polytunnel), the soil water content in FI treatment was kept close to field capacity, although in PRD treatment, 70o/o of the irrigation water in FI was uppti"a to one half of the root system, and irrigation was shifted according to soil water content decrease in the dry side of the root zone. At the end of the vegetation season, analyses of total yield of fruit and tubers and their quality were carried out. Antioxidant activity of tomato fruit ethanolic extract was evaluated against 2,2'-azinobis (3-eyhylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation (ABTS'*) and expressed as Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchtoman-2- carboxylic acid) equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)' In general, treatment differences in yield were not significant for either crop although WUE and anti,oxidant activity in the PRD treatments were higher than in the FI treatment for investigated crops. These results for all PRD-treated crops showed that PRD could be a useful strategy to save irrigation water without significantly sacrificing either the quantity or quality of yield

    Water-soluble carbohydrates accumulation in peduncle of wheat and its relationship to morpho-anatomical and productive traits

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    Water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) accumulating in internodes of the wheat stem can be a consequential contributor to grain filling, especially under stress conditions. In this study the WSC content and the WSC specific content (WSCSC) per unit of length were determined in the uppermost internode (peduncle) of the main stem at 10 days after anthesis across 44 wheat genotypes in two-year field trials. The defoliation was done at 10 days after anthesis by cutting off all leaf blades and defoliated plants were grown along with the intact control plants. Among 16 morphological, anatomical and developmental traits, the area of pith intercellular of peduncle, chlorophyll content in flag leaf and the flag leaf area appeared to be most important for WSC accumulation in peduncle. High WSCSC genotypes tended to have higher grain weight per spike than low WSCSC genotypes both in defoliated and control plants

    A pilot study of transrectal endoscopic ultrasound elastography in inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND: Using standard diagnostic algorithms it is not always possible to establish the correct phenotype of inflammatory bowel disease which is essential for therapeutical decisions. Endoscopic ultrasound elastography is a new endoscopic procedure which can differentiate the stiffness of normal and pathological tissue by ultrasound. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the role of transrectal ultrasound elastography in distiction between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. ----- METHODS: A total 30 Crohn's disease, 25 ulcerative colitis, and 28 non-inflammatory bowel disease controls were included. Transrectal ultrasound elastography was performed in all patients and controls. In all ulcerative coltis patients and 80% of Crohn's disease patients endoscopy was performed to assess disease activity in the rectum. ----- RESULTS: Significant difference in rectal wall thickness and strain ratio was detected between patients with Crohn's disease and controls (p = 0.0001). CD patients with active disease had higher strain ratio than patients in remission (p = 0.02). In ulcerative colitis group a significant difference in rectal wall thickness was found between controls and patients with active disease (p = 0.03). A significant difference in rectal wall thickness (p = 0.02) and strain ratio (p = 0.0001) was detected between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patient group. Crohn's disease patients with active disease had a significantly higher strain ratio compared to ulcerative colitis patients with active disease (p = 0.0001). ----- CONCLUSION: Transrectal ultrasound elastography seems to be a promising new diagnostic tool in the field of inflammatory bowel disease. Further study on a larger cohort of patients is needed to definitely assess the role of transrectal ultrasound elastography in inflammatory bowel disease


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    The aim of paper was to asses the use of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) for production of two tomato cultivars (Cedrico and Abellus) in polytunnels in Serbia. RDI plants received 60% of the water that was applied to FI plants and significant saving of water for irrigation and increased in irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were achieved. Yield data for Cedrico cultivar showed no differences between RDI and FI, while due to the bigger sensitivity to drought, yield of Abellus was reduced under RDI. In general, fruit quality (soluble solids, titrable acidity) was sustained or improved in both cultivars under RDI. Economic analyses showed that due to the current low prices of water and electricity in Serbia, the profit increase of Cedrico, similarly to the previously trialed cultivar Amati, was not high under RDI comparing to FI. Reduction of yield and consequent profit for Abellus, indicated that for future commercial growing of tomato under RDI should be used drought resistant cultivars

    Review of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Prevention in the Endoscopy Practitioner

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    Practitioners of endoscopy often experience musculoskeletal pain and injury (most often in the back, neck, shoulders, hands, wrists, and thumbs) that are associated with the minute and repetitive strain that is placed on these areas during endoscopic procedures. This review of the current documentation of endoscopy-related pain and injuries among practitioners finds that such problems are widespread and specific in kind as well as strongly correlated with high procedure volume and procedure duration. Research on the nature and impact of cumulative trauma and overuse syndromes in other professions such as dentistry, pianists, production labor, and athletics is brought to bear on the work of the endoscopist. A more thorough understanding of the nature and prevalence of work-related pain and injury sustained by endoscopists should inform further development of ergonomic practices and equipment design. This article reviews current recommendations for ergonomic design in the endoscopy procedure space and finds that reported compliance with those recommendations is quite low. Strategies for the management of the risk of musculoskeletal injuries related to the practice of endoscopy include compliance with currently recommended ergonomic practices, education of trainees in ergonomic technique when practicing endoscopy, and research toward the modification and development of more ergonomic endoscopes and procedure spaces

    Feasibility of joystick guided colonoscopy

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    The flexible endoscope is increasingly used to perform minimal invasive interventions. A novel add-on platform allows single-person control of both endoscope and instrument at the site of intervention. The setup changes the current routine of handling the endoscope. This study aims to determine if the platform allows effective and efficient manipulation to position the endoscope at potential intervention sites throughout the bowel. Five experts in flexible endoscopy first performed three colonoscopies on a computer simulator using the conventional angulation wheels. Next they trained with the joystick interface to achieve their personal level of intubation time with low pain score. 14 PhD students (novices) without hands-on experience performed the same colonoscopy case using either the conventional angulation wheels or joystick interface. Both novice groups trained to gain the average expert level. The cecal intubation time, pain score and visualization performance (% of bowel wall) were recorded. All experts reached their personal intubation time in 6 ± 6 sessions. Three experts completed their learning curve with low pain score in 8 ± 6 sessions. The novices required 11 ± 6 sessions using conventional angulation wheels, and 12 ± 6 sessions using the joystick interface. There was no difference in the visualization performance between the novice and between the expert groups. This study shows that the add-on platform enables endoscope manipulation required to perform colonoscopy. Experts need only a relatively short training period. Novices are as effective and as efficient in endoscope manipulation when comparing the add-on platform with conventional endoscope contro

    A hydraulically driven colonoscope

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional colonoscopy requires a high degree of operator skill and is often painful for the patient. We present a preliminary feasibility study of an alternative approach where a self-propelled colonoscope is hydraulically driven through the colon. METHODS: A hydraulic colonoscope which could be controlled manually or automatically was developed and assessed in a test bed modelled on the anatomy of the human colon. A conventional colonoscope was used by an experienced colonoscopist in the same test bed for comparison. Pressures and forces on the colon were measured during the test. RESULTS: The hydraulic colonoscope was able to successfully advance through the test bed in a comparable time to the conventional colonoscope. The hydraulic colonoscope reduces measured loads on artificial mesenteries, but increases intraluminal pressure compared to the colonoscope. Both manual and automatically controlled modes were able to successfully advance the hydraulic colonoscope through the colon. However, the automatic controller mode required lower pressures than manual control, but took longer to reach the caecum. CONCLUSIONS: The hydraulic colonoscope appears to be a viable device for further development as forces and pressures observed during use are comparable to those used in current clinical practice