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RIVeC - Repository of the Institute for Vegetable Crops
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    860 research outputs found

    Веза између протеина глутена и волумена хлеба

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    The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits, and loaf quality. The aim of this study is to estimate variability in the dry gluten content, loaf volume, and their relationships with encoding alleles of gliadin and glutenins. Wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation seasons (2015/16 and 2016/17) were studied. The technological quality traits analyzed in this study varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation seasons. In both vegetation seasons the highest dry gluten content was established in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation seasons the least dry gluten content was found in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles in the wheat genotypes analyzed was different. The genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b, and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest gluten content, while the genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high bread volume. The results have shown relationships between gliadin and glutenin alleles and quality traits of grain, flour, and bread.Резервни протеини ендосперма семена утичу на вредност особина технолошког квалитета семена пшенице, особине квалитета теста и квалитет хлеба. Циљ овог рада је био оцена варијабилности садржаја сувог глутена и запремине хлеба, као и њихове повезаности са кодирајућим алелима глијадина и глутенина. У изучавања је укључено 10 генетички дивергентних генотипова пшенице (G-3626-1, G-3618-2, G-3606-4, G3636-3, G-3627-1, G-3621-1, G-3606-5, G -3607-5, G-3606-6, G-3632-2). Код ових генотипова је анализиран, садржај сувог глутена и запремине хлеба у две вегетационе сезоне (2015/16 и 2016/17). У истраживањима је установљено варирање вредности особина технолошког квалитета код анализираних генотипова пшенице у обе вегетационе сезоне, као и варирање вредности особина између вегетационих сезона код истог генотипа. У обе вегетационе сезоне утврђен је највећи садржај сувог глутена код генотипа G-3621-1 (30,23% и 31,15%) и највећа вредност запремине векне код генотипа G-3621-1 (530 ml и 540 ml). У обе вегетације је најмањи садржај сувог глутена био код генотипа G-3606-6 (25,42% и 25,98%), а најмањa запремина векне у G-3606-6 (380 ml и 390 ml). Састав алела глијадина и глутенина код анализираних генотипова пшенице је био различит. Генотипови код којих су били идентификовани алели: GliB1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b i Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали највећи садржај глутена, а генотипови који је носиоци алела Gli -B1l и Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали веће вредности запремине хлеба. Добијени резултати су показали да постоји повезаност између алела глијадина и глутенина са испољавањем вредности особина квалитета семена, брашна и хлеба

    Influence of effective microorganisms on bioactive substances in different plant species

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    Due to the pronounced food needs of the growing population, inputs in agricultural production in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and mechanization of agriculture have increased, which has led to higher yields, but also numerous problems in the environment. Although agriculture is highly dependent on climate conditions, it also has a significant role in changing them. All of this has influenced the introduction of measures to replace chemical inputs and protect the health of people and ecosystems. One of the measures is the introduction of different microbiological products into the production technology. In order to test the effect of effective microorganisms in the preparation (EM Aktiv (trade name) on the characteristic bioactive substances of certain plant species, research was conducted on different genotypes: lettuce on the total antioxidant potential and vitamin C, wheat on the grain protein content and corn on the nitrogen content. Research has been carried out for many years in different agro-climatic conditions. Using preparations with effective microorganisms, it is possible to increase the content of biologically active substances in agricultural and vegetable crops and alleviate the stress of plants in unfavorable agro-meteorological conditions

    Interpreting the Interaction of Genotype with Environmental Factors in Barley Using Partial Least Squares Regression Model

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    Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) is a complex problem that complicates the barley selection and breeding process. The knowledge of the relationship between cereal phenology and climatic data is important for understanding GEI and the physiological pathways responsible for the interaction effect. The grain yield of twenty winter barley genotypes in six environments was observed. Factors influencing the variability were analyzed using a linear mixed model. The partial least squares regression (PLSR) model was applied to determine the most relevant environmental variables in certain stages of development that explained GEI effects. Biplot with environmental variables explained 43.7% of the GEI. The barley was generally the most sensitive to the environmental conditions (relative humidity, maximum temperature and its variation, sun hours, and precipitation) during the anthesis and filling stage (May) which caused GEI. Temperature variables did not show significance only in the vegetative phase. Different genotypes responded differently to environmental factors. Genotypes NS-525, NS-589, and J-103 were highlighted as widely adaptable, and Zajeˇcar was a suitable and reliable location for yield testing. The GEI information presented in this paper can be useful in traditional plant breeding and future breeding programs through molecular research of crop developmental genes and examination of physiological processes in two-row barley

    Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)

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    Background: In order to reduce the use of synthetic and chemical agents in agriculture, more and more research is turning to ecological, more environmentally friendly methods. Plant aqueous extracts are products that can be a significant source of various elements, depending on the type and quality of soil on which the plant species from which the solution is prepared is grown. Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the yield and quality parameters of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.). Aqueous extracts of: nettle, nettle+comfrey, banana, banana peel, onion, willow and soybeans were used foliarly. The 1st foliar treatment plants was done when first flowers opened and the 2nd treatment was done when first pod reached final length. Result: The effect of aqueous extracts depends on the agroecological conditions and the analyzed traits. In 2020 the greatest effect was achieved on the free proline, SOD, Px and CAT. In 2021 the application of certain aqueous extracts had a significant effect on the yield, gerimination energy, germination percentage and vigour seed.[

    Ograničenje i potencijal gajenja pšenice za obezbedjenje hrane

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    Wheat is the staple plant species for production food and end food products for nutrition of majority world populations. The constraints of natural resources and an increase of human population, require increasing arable land for plant cultivation and improving crop yield for security of food. Existing limitations present a challenge to breeders to use classical and new biotechnological methods to create new varieties with higher yield, better quality and greater resistance to stress conditions. In addition, during cultivation, it is necessary to apply adequate crop nutrition and protection of crops from diseases and pests with mineral fertilizers in order to increase crop resistance and reduce the negative impact of stress factors, thus increasing yields.Pšenica je osnovna biljna vrsta za proizvodnju hrane i krajnjih prehrambenih proizvoda za ishranu većine svetske populacije. Ograničenja prirodnih resursa i povećanje ljudske populacije, zahtevaju povećanje obradivog zemljišta za uzgoj biljaka i poboljšanje prinosa i kvaliteta za sigurnost hrane. Postojeća ograničenja predstavljaju izazov oplemenjivačima za korišćenje klasičnih i novih biotehnoloških metoda za stvaranje novih sorti sa većim prinosom, boljim kvalitetom i većom otpornosti na uslove stresa. Osim toga, u toku gajenja, neophodno je primeniti adekvatnu ishranu useva i zaštitu useva od bolesti i štetočina mineralnim djubrivima u cilju povećanja otpornosti useva i smanjenje negativnog uticaja faktora stresa, a na taj način i povećanje prinosa

    Isolation of Streptomyces species from agricultural and non-agricultural soil

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    На локалитету Смедеревска Паланка из узорака пољопривредног и непољопривредног земљишта изолаване су врсте рода Streptomyces. Укупно је изоловано 30 потенцијално различитих изолата. Највећи број изолата је изолован је из непољопривредног земљишта (21), док је далеко мањи број изолован из пољопривредног земљишта (отворено поље - 7 и заштићени простор - 2). Са петри шоља и из земљишта је извршена екстракција укупне ДНК. Након добијања чистих култура, планирано је изучавање биолошке активности изолата према неким фитопатогенима и њихов утицај на раст и развој биљака. Појединачни изолати ће бити секвенцирани.Streptomyces species were isolated from samples of agricultural and non-agricultural soil at the Smederevska Palanka site. A total of 30 potentially different isolates were isolated. The largest number of isolates was isolated from non-agricultural land (21), while a much smaller number was isolated from agricultural land (open field - 7 and protected area - 2). Total DNA was extracted from soil and Petri dishes. After obtaining pure cultures, it is planned to study the biological activity of the isolates against some phytopathogens and their influence on the growth and development of plants. Individual isolates will be sequenced

    Induction of direct somatic embryogenesis and genetic stability of somatic embryo-derived plants of broccoli

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    The influence of the developmental stage of zygotic embryos and the composition and pH of the Gamborg induction medium B5 on the initiation and development of somatic embryos was investigated. The optimal medium was B5 medium with a pH value of 5.0 and without plant growth regulator, at which the highest frequency of somatic embryogenesis (56.67%) and the highest average number of somatic embryos per explant (3.35) were achieved. Somatic embryos appeared directly on the hypocotyls of the explants, without the callus stage. On zygotic embryos in the early cotyledonary phase, three times higher regeneration was achieved compared to larger embryos in the cotyledonary phase. The induction of somatic embryogenesis did not occur during the growth of explants on the medium containinig 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, nor on zygotic embryos in the late cotyledonary phase. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis showed the genetic stability of somatic embryo-derived plants, which makes this newly established protocol suitable for the regeneration and propagation of desirable broccoli genotypes

    Ocena pokazatelja kvaliteta semena hibrida paprike tokom klijanja

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    The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of the hybrid and the medium for germination testing on indicators of pep- per seed quality. The obtained results should provide an answer as to whether the application of different growing media for testing seed germination can lead to discrepancies between test results in quality indicators for hybrid seeds. The seed quality of three pep- per hybrids: KG 2025 F1, KG 2129 F1 and KG 2032 F1 was tested on two growing media (filter paper and substrate). Statistical analysis of germination energy, total germination, diseased seedlings and dead seeds showed highly significant differences (r<0.01) under the influence of the hybrid factor. The growing media factor also had a highly significant effect on all examined quality indica- tors, except for total germination. A significantly lower number of abnormal and diseased seedlings was found on the filter paper compared to the substrate. A highly negative significant correlation (r = -0.90951, p≤0.001) was recorded only between total germi- nation and diseased seedlings. The obtained results indicate that the application of different media for testing the germination of hy- brid pepper seeds can lead to inconsistencies in the obtained values for all evaluated quality indicators.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se izvrši ocena uticaja hibrida i podloge za ispitivanje klijavosti na pokazatelje kvaliteta semena paprike. Dobijeni rezultati treba da daju odgovor da li primena različitih podloga za ispitivanje klijavosti može dovesti do neslaganja između rezultata ispitivanja u pokazateljima kvaliteta kod hibridnog semena paprike. Ispitivani su tri različita hibrida paprika: KG 2025 F1, KG 2129 F1 i KG 2032 F1 na dve različite podloge (filter papiru i supstratu). Statistička analiza energije klijanja, ukupne klijavosti, bolesnih klijanaca i mrtvog semena pokazala je visoko značajne razlike (р<0,01) pod uticajem faktora hibrid, dok je uticaj hibrida na broj nenormalnih klijanaca izostao. Faktor supstrat značajno je uticao na nivou (р<0,01) na sve ispitivane pokazatelje kvaliteta, osim na ukupnu klijavost. Veoma značajna interakcija (р<0,01) ispitivanih faktora u pogledu svih ispitivanih pokazatelja kvaliteta semena paprike dobijena je kod međusobnog uticaja faktora hibrid × supstrat. Kod hibrida KG 2025 F1 konstatovana je prosečno vrlo značajno veća energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost, u odnosu na ostala dva hibrida. Ispitivani hibridi su značajno brže klijali sedmog dana u proseku za 26% na podlozi filter papir, u odnosu na utvrđenu energiju klijanja na podlozi supstrat. Na podlozi filter papir konstatovan je značajno manji broj nenormalnih i bolesnih klijanaca u odnosu na podlogu supstrat. Visoko negativna značajna korelacija (r = -0,90951, p≤0.001) zabeležena je samo između ukupne klijavosti i bolesnih klijanaca. Ostvareni rezultati ukazuju da primena različitih podloga za ispitivanje klijavosti hibridnog semena paprike može dovesti do nepodudarnosti dobijenih vrednosti kod svih ocenjivanih pokazatelja kvaliteta

    The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize

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    The aim of the research was to determine the impact of the EM Aktiv preparation in the maize crop (ZP 427 and ZP 548) at 160, 120, 102 kg ha-1 N in 2017 at the location of the municipality of Vladimirovci. During the growing season, there was a pronounced water deficit. The preparation was applied in three variants: EM1 - control, EM2 - foliar 2 x 6 l ha-1 in the phenological stages of 5-7 leaves and after 15 days; EM3 - the preparation was introduced into the soil 7 days before sowing 30 l ha-1 + EM2. The mass of 1000 grains, the height of the yield and the nitrogen content in the grain were determined. Application of 160 kg ha-1 nitrogen had the greatest effect on the weight of 1000 grains, and 120 kg ha-1 The production of maize on a global level takes place in a way that affects the degradation of resources and elements of the environment, the increasing dependence on mineral fertilizers and pesticides, which leads to the production of greenhouse gases and a negative impact on climate change. Today, N on grain yield in all treatments. The treatments had a positive effect on both traits. Higher values of the tested properties were found in the EM3 treatment. The applied factors did not have a statistically significant effect on the nitrogen content of maize grains

    Iskra Bella sorta paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) : Priznata sorta na nacionalnom nivou

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    Sorta sa izduženim plodovima u tipu kapije sa izraženom debljinom perikarpa mlečno bele boje u tehnološkoj zrelosti,a crvene u fiziološkoj.Pogodna za sve načine proizvodnje i potrošnje.Kako za svežu upotrebu tako i za sve vrste prerade.Može se gajiti u zatvorenom prostoru(staklenici, plastenici),a in a otvorenom polju.Prinosna je 50 do 60 tona po hektaru


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