111 research outputs found

    Kryoballon- Pulmonalvenenisolation bei paroxysmalem und kurz persistierendem Vorhofflimmern: Langzeitergebnisse und PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr ein Rezidiv an einem universitĂ€ren Zentrum

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    Hintergrund: Die Pulmonalvenenisolation (PVI) eines symptomatischen Vorhofflimmerns (VHF) mit dem Kryoballon ist ein etabliertes Verfahren. Anhand der aktuellen Studiendaten ist die Erfolgsquote mit ca. 65% vergleichbar mit der Radiofrequenzablation bei einer geringeren Anzahl an notwendigen Energieapplikationen. Zielsetzung: 1) Rezidivrate bei Patienten (Pat) mit paroxysmalem und kurz anhaltendem persistierendem VHF in einem universitĂ€ren Zentrum. 2.) Ermittlung von PrĂ€diktoren einer erfolgreichen Ablation. Patienten und Methode: 166 Pat. mit symptomatischem VHF (60% paroxysmales VHF) wurden in dieser retrospektiven klinischen Studie untersucht. Es bestanden folgende Begleiterkrankungen: KHK 24 Pat., Z.n. Schlaganfall/TIA 12 Pat., Diabetes 28 Pat., Hypertonie 122 Pat.. Nach Ausschluss intrakardialer Thromben mit einer transösophagealen Echokardiographie erfolgte die Pulmonalvenenisolation mit einem Kryoballon (162 Pat mit einem 28mm, 4 Pt mit einem 23mm Ballon). WĂ€hrend der Kryoablation in den rechten Pulmonalvenen erfolgte eine Phrenicusstimulation um eine Phrenicusparese frĂŒhzeitig erkennen zu können. Das Follow-up (FU) erfolgte nach 3, 6 und 12 Monaten. Ergebnisse: 72 Pat. entwickelten ein Rezidiv (43,4%). Die Rezidive erfolgten im Mittel nach 3,4 Monaten (SD=2,98). In der univariaten Analyse zeigte sich, dass die Patienten ohne Rezidiv wĂ€hrend der Kryoablation signifikant tiefere Temperaturen in den Pulmonalvenen aufwiesen. Auch die LV-Funktion war ein univariater PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr eine höhere Erfolgsrate. Mit dem Kryoballon der zweiten Generation zeigte sich ebenfalls eine höhere Erfolgsrate. In der multivariaten Analyse zeigte sich, dass nur die erreichte Temperatur in der rechten unteren Pulmonalvene (RIPV) (OR 0,9 CI 95% 0,8-1, p=0,011) ein PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche PVI war, wĂ€hrend die VorhofgrĂ¶ĂŸe, die linksventrikulĂ€re Wanddicke, eine KHK, DM, Hypertonie, die Behandlung mit einem ACE-Hemmer Durchleuchtungszeit keinen Einfluss auf den Therapieerfolg hatten. Ein weibliches Geschlecht war signifikant mit einer höheren Rezidivquote vergesellschaftet. (OR=6,7 CI 95=1,4-32,3, p=0,015). Bei vier Pat kam es zu einer Phrenicusparese (PNP, 2,4%), wovon 75% nach spĂ€testens sechs Monaten regredient waren. Drei Pat. (1,8%) entwickelten einen hĂ€modynamisch relevanten Perikarderguss der bei allen Patienten erfolgreich punktiert werden konnte und im Verlauf nicht zu Komplikationen fĂŒhrte. Es traten keine periinterventionellen SchlaganfĂ€lle auf. Zusammenfassung: Die PVI ist ein sicheres und effektives Therapieverfahren zur Behandlung des VHF. Anhand unserer Daten ist die erreichte Temperatur in der RIPV ein PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Pulmonalvenenisolation. Ein weibliches Geschlecht ist ein negativer PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr ein VH-Flimmerrezidiv nach PVI mit Kryoenergie. Die Komplikationsrate bei dieser Prozedur ist niedrig

    Echocardiographic AV-interval optimization in patients with reduced left ventricular function

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    BACKGROUND: Ritter's method is a tool used to optimize AV delay in DDD pacemaker patients with normal left ventricular function only. The goal of our study was to evaluate Ritter's method in AV delay-interval optimization in patients with reduced left ventricular function. METHODS: Patients with implanted DDD pacemakers and AVB III° were assigned to one of two groups according to ejection fraction (EF): Group 1 (EF > 35%) and Group 2 (EF < 35%). AV delay optimization was performed by means of radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) and application of Ritter's method. RESULTS: For each of the patients examined, we succeeded in defining an optimal AV interval by means of both RNV and Ritter's method. The optimal AV delay determined by RNV correlated well with the delay found by Ritter's method, especially among those patients with reduced EF. The intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.8965 in Group 1 and 0.9228 in Group 2. The optimal AV interval in Group 1 was 190 ± 28.5 ms, and 180 ± 35 ms in Group 2. CONCLUSION: Ritter's method is also effective for optimization of AV intervals among patients with reduced left ventricular function (EF < 35%). The results obtained by RNV correlate well with those from Ritter's method. Individual programming of the AV interval is fundamentally essential in all cases

    Holocene Atlantic climate variations deduced from carbonate peri-platform sediments (leeward margin, Great Bahama Bank)

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    A marine sediment core from the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (GBB) was subjected to a multiproxy study. The aragonite dominated core MD992201 comprises the past 7230 years in a decadal time resolution and shows sedimentation rates of up to 13.8 m/kyr. Aragonite mass accumulation rates, age differences between planktonic foraminifera and aragonite sediments, and temperature distribution are used to deduce changes in aragonite production rates and paleocurrent strengths. Aragonite precipitation rates on GBB are controlled by exchange of carbonate ions and CO2 loss due to temperature-salinity conditions and biological activity, and these are dependent on the current strength. Paleocurrent strengths on GBB show high current velocities during the periods 6000–5100 years BP, 3500–2700 years BP, and 1600–700 years BP; lower current speeds existed during the time intervals 5100–3500 years BP, 2700–1600 years BP, and 700–100 years BP. Bahamian surface currents are directly linked to the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation, and thus periods with high (low) current speeds are proposed to be phases of strong (weak) atmospheric circulation

    Influence of the atrio-ventricular delay optimization on the intra left ventricular delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) leads to a reduction of left-ventricular dyssynchrony and an acute and sustained hemodynamic improvement in patients with chronic heart failure. Furthermore, an optimized AV-delay leads to an improved myocardial performance in pacemaker patients. The focus of this study is to investigate the acute effect of an optimized AV-delay on parameters of dyssynchrony in CRT patients. METHOD: 11 chronic heart failure patients with CRT who were on stable medication were included in this study. The optimal AV-delay was defined according to the method of Ismer (mitral inflow and trans-oesophageal lead). Dyssynchrony was assessed echocardiographically at three different settings: AVD(OPT); AVD(OPT)-50 ms and AVD(OPT)+50 ms. Echocardiographic assessment included 2D- and M-mode echo for the assessment of volumes and hemodynamic parameters (CI, SV) and LVEF and tissue Doppler echo (strain, strain rate, Tissue Synchronisation Imaging (TSI) and myocardial velocities in the basal segments) RESULTS: The AVD(OPT )in the VDD mode (atrially triggered) was 105.5 ± 38.1 ms and the AVD(OPT )in the DDD mode (atrially paced) was 186.9 ± 52.9 ms. Intra-individually, the highest LVEF was measured at AVD(OPT). The LVEF at AVD(OPT )was significantly higher than in the AVD(OPT-50)setting (p = 0.03). However, none of the parameters of dyssynchrony changed significantly in the three settings. CONCLUSION: An optimized AV delay in CRT patients acutely leads to an improved systolic left ventricular ejection fraction without improving dyssynchrony

    Mechanisms of the noxious inflammatory cycle in cystic fibrosis

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    Multiple evidences indicate that inflammation is an event occurring prior to infection in patients with cystic fibrosis. The self-perpetuating inflammatory cycle may play a pathogenic part in this disease. The role of the NF-ÎșB pathway in enhanced production of inflammatory mediators is well documented. The pathophysiologic mechanisms through which the intrinsic inflammatory response develops remain unclear. The unfolded mutated protein cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTRΔF508), accounting for this pathology, is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), induces a stress, and modifies calcium homeostasis. Furthermore, CFTR is implicated in the transport of glutathione, the major antioxidant element in cells. CFTR mutations can alter redox homeostasis and induce an oxidative stress. The disturbance of the redox balance may evoke NF-ÎșB activation and, in addition, promote apoptosis. In this review, we examine the hypotheses of the integrated pathogenic processes leading to the intrinsic inflammatory response in cystic fibrosis

    Zur Kenntniss der Parawolframate

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