72 research outputs found

    Variability of Winter Wheat Quality Features in Northern Trans-Urals

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    The studies were carried out in laboratory conditions on the basis of the Agrotechnological Institute of Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University. The studies include 5 varieties of winter wheat grown in 2009-2011 in three agroclimatic zones of Tyumen Region: sub-regional (Nizhnetavdinsky state crop testing site), northern forest steppe (Yalutorovsky state crop testing site), southern forest steppe (Berduzhsky state crop testing site). Bashkirskaya variety – 10 (45 g) demonstrated the highest potential in the formation of a 1000 grain weight. The same variety has the highest range of variability (11.7 g) and the variability coefficient (10.9%) indicates average variability. Other varieties showed minor variability of characteristic (V = 8.7-9.9%). Winter wheat varieties varied in terms of average hardness, at the same time the level of values of all varieties (66-77%) corresponded to the standards of high classes according to GOST. Novosibirskayaaya 32 (61-93%) and Bashkirskaya 10 (60-86%) varieties were the most stable in forming the required value of characteristic. The average gluten content in a grain of winter wheat varieties was corresponded to the standards of the third class according to GOST. Novosibirskaya 32 variety (V = 8.5%) had minor variability of the characteristic, while other varieties demonstrated the average variability. A significant proportion of the effect of the “variety” factor on the variability of such features as a 1000 grain weight (56.5%), grain-unit (50.5%) and hardness (45.1%) was established. The amount of gluten depended more on the growing environment (35.5%) and interaction of factors (39.3%). The quality of gluten was much influenced by the growing environment (52.2%)

    Computer-mediated Discourse and the Process of Lexical Meaning Transformation in Modern English

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    Having become a Lingua Franca, English is undergoing constant changes in its phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems. Nowadays, rapid technological development, a growing number of information sources, and many other substantial transformations contribute to the language evolution. In addition, complex interaction between different social and cultural groups has a significant impact on the language as well. These changes may affect phonetic, lexical, semantic and syntactic aspects of the language. The purpose of this paper is to reveal and analyze the semantic changes that have taken place in the English language due to the development of “net-English”. Several lexical units, ‘twit’ (or ‘tweet’), ‘surf’, ‘google’, ‘share’, ‘like’ among them, were taken as examples. Generally, this type of language change can be explained by the emergence of new concepts in different spheres. But it is connected not only with physical changes such as new technological achievements or development of new products and tools. There also exist more subjective reasons, such as human perception, which is constantly changing as well. Semantic change can be classified into different types including metonymic transfer, generalization, metaphorization, etc., all which are traced in the Internet discourse. The research employs the traditional research methodology of definitional and contextual analysis and involves the comparative study of vocabulary definitions and the contextual meaning of the lexical units under analysis; excerpts from the National Corpora (British National Corpora and Corpus of Contemporary American English), online forums and the Internet articles (blogs, twits) serve as the empirical basis for the research. The study concludes the existence of the global “semantic shift” in modern English, the assessment of which and its influence on the English and global culture requires further thorough research and detailed linguistic description. Keywords: computer-mediated discourse, the Internet discourse, lexical meaning, transformation, “semantic shift

    South-Siberian mountain mires: Perspectives on a potentially vulnerable remote source of biodiversity

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    Changes in climate, land-use and pollution are having disproportionate impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity of arctic and mountain ecosystems. While these impacts are well-documented for many areas of the Arctic and alpine regions, some isolated and inaccessible mountain areas are poorly studied. Furthermore, even in well-studied regions, assessments of biodiversity and species to environmental change are biased towards vascular plants and cryptogams, particularly bryophytes are far less represented. This paper aims to document the environments of the remove and inaccessible Altai-Sayan mountain mires and particularly their bryofloras where threatened specias exist and species new to the regional flora are still being found. As these mountain mires are relatively inaccessible, changes in drivers of change ad their ecosystem and biodiversity impacts have not been monitored. However, the remoteness of the mires has so far protected them and their species. In this study, we describe the mires, their bryophyte species and the expected impacts of environmental stressors to bring attention to the urgency of documenting change and conserving these pristine ecosystems

    Eggology and mathematics of a quail egg: an innovative non-destructive technology for evaluating egg parameters in Japanese quail

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    Quail eggs, the smallest ones among poultry species, require special methodological aspects for their non-destructive examination and quality analysis. Using eggs from a cross between the Japanese and Texas breeds, we devised a methodology for defining the main geometric parameters of quail eggs. Calculation formulae were proposed to estimate indirectly egg volume and surface area. Our findings on the weights of structural egg components enabled to obtain mathematical equations for computing the weights of shell, yolk and albumen, depending on the complex of measured parameters including the egg weight, its volume and surface area. When taken as a whole, the results of our study can be regarded as the most thorough methodological approach to date for the execution of comprehensive investigations of quail egg quality. They will be applicable and instrumental in areas of food research and emerging technologies, including the aspects of storage, packing, and processing of quail eggs

    Metabolic rate and egg production in Japanese quails can be predicted by assessing growth parameters of laying hens

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    Simple Summary: Quails are becoming increasingly popular for their meat and eggs, and thus, the productivity of laying hens, and how that can be predicted, is of growing interest to quail producers. Because of this, we wanted to find out whether we could predict the performance of laying hens (typically expressed as the number of eggs produced multiplied by the egg weight—the so-called total egg mass) simply by looking at certain growth traits (i.e., body weight, surface area, and volume), as well as the metabolic rate among eight Japanese quail breeds. To succeed in this analysis, we developed a novel method for calculating the volume and surface area of a quail body. As a result, we derived a new mathematical formula called the metabolic index, which included the measurements of body weight, surface area, and volume. We discovered that the total egg mass in quails can be judged from these growth parameters, particularly when we examined the slope angles of the trend lines in the graphs pertaining to these parameters. Abstract: The aim of the current study was to assess the female metabolic rate and test the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the egg productivity of Japanese quails from eight breeds and their morphometric, or growth, parameters. Parameters measured were body weight (B), volume (V), and surface area (S), as well as the metabolism level expressed by the ratio S/V. The collected egg performance traits were as follows: the number of eggs produced (N), the average egg weight (W), and the total egg mass (M) (i.e., N multiplied by W). To measure the S and V values, a novel technique was developed that takes into account the similarity of the quail’s body to an ellipsoid. An analysis of the relationships between productivity indicators allowed us to introduce a new index called the metabolic index, B·S/V, based on all three main growth parameters in quails. Using the values of this index, we were then able to judge indirectly the level of quails’ egg productivity. We went on to assess the N, W, and M values, not only depending on the size of the bird’s growth parameters but also according to the degree of their changes during quail growth. These changes were expressed as the slope angles of trend lines describing the growth process data. This approach produced more accurate results for predicting the egg productivity in terms of W and M

    Развитие социологического знания и изменение структуры раздела «60.5 Социология» в Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    There is substantiated the necessity to change the section “60.5 Sociology” in the schedules of the domestic Library bibliographical classification, due to the development of sociological knowledge in the recent decades. Based on the analysis of causes, forms and the nature of changes of sociological knowledge, there is proposed a new version of schedules. Comparative analysis of the previous and proposed versions of the LBC schedules, the analysis of a large mass of the latest literature on sociology allows to point out the increasing multi-paradigmality, interdisciplinarity and historicity of the sociological knowledge. It poses a number of problems to the classifiers on the reflection of these features in the LBC schedules and distributing the literature by sectors of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Some examples of solutions to these problems are proposed in this work.В статье обосновывается необходимость изменения раздела «60.5 Социология» в таблицах отечественной Библиотечно-библиографической классификации, вызванная развитием социологического знания за последние десятилетия. На основе анализа причин, форм и характера изменений социологического знания предлагается новый вариант данных таблиц. Сравнительный анализ предыдущего и предлагаемого вариантов таблиц ББК, анализ массива новейшей литературы по социологии позволяют говорить об усиливающейся мультипарадигмальности, междисцилинарности и историчности социологического знания. Это ставит ряд проблем перед систематизаторами по отражению данных особенностей в таблицах ББК и разведению литературы по отраслям социально-гуманитарного знания. Некоторые примеры решения этих проблем предлагаются в данной работе

    Гуманитарные науки в структуре Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    The constant increase in the number of publications containing the term “humanitarian” in the title, the subject and methodological diversity of these works testify to the formation of the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, including not only traditional Humanities (cultural studies, literary studies, philology, linguistics, etc.), but also philosophical, transdisciplinary, methodological, popular science and even pseudo-scientific texts. All this literature needs to be systematized.Meanwhile, the literature on various aspects of humanitarian sphere in the system of Library Bibliographic Classification (LBC) is scattered in different sections. In part, it can be found in the sections of philosophy, epistemology and philosophical anthropology, in part it can be placed in cultural studies, in the philosophy of science. In addition, there are texts that are difficult to classify basing on the existing dividing.The term “humanitarian” did not immediately begin to be used in compilation of LBC Schedules that is largely due to the lack of clear differentiation of social and humanitarian knowledge. Until now, there are different traditional approaches in literature in considering their correlation. In our opinion, the trends towards their increasingly clear differentiation are quite clear. Therefore, the determination of the place for literature in the humanitarian sphere in the LBC Schedules is becoming more and more important. According to the authors’ opinion, it would be logical in front of the row of the Humanities to single out the section “Humanities as a whole”, which would head the LBC sector “Culture. Science. Education”. The authors suggest putting here the literature on General characteristic features of humanitarian knowledge, its role in spiritual culture, philosophical and cultural reflections on the humanitarian sphere. Publications in which researchers are trying to implement a new synthesis of the Humanities would also find their place here. The section may include literature on humanitarian knowledge, its structure, features and functions in society. An important feature of the development of the humanitarian sphere is the development of problems of practical application of humanitarian knowledge. Literature on digital Humanities, humanitarian informatics, humanitarian technologies and humanitarian expertise will also be reflected in this section.Постоянный рост числа публикаций, содержащих в заглавии термин «гуманитарный», предметное и методологическое разнообразие этих работ свидетельствуют о формировании сферы гуманитарного познания. Она включает не только традиционные гуманитарные науки (культурологию, литературоведение, филологию, языкознание и т. д.), но и философские, трансдисциплинарные, методологические, научно-популярные и даже псевдонаучные тексты. Весь этот массив литературы нуждается в систематизации.Между тем литература, посвященная различным аспектам гуманитарной сферы, в системе Библиотечно-библиографической классификации (ББК) разбросана по разным разделам. Частично она может находиться в разделах философии, гносеологии и философской антропологии, частично — культурологии, философии науки. Кроме того, есть тексты, которые сложно классифицировать на основе существующих делений. Термин «гуманитарный» не сразу начал использоваться при составлении таблиц ББК, что во многом связано с недостаточно четкой дифференциацией социального и гуманитарного познания. До сих пор в литературе существуют разные традиции рассмотрения их соотношения. На наш взгляд, тенденции ко все более четкой их дифференциации достаточно ясны. Поэтому определение места для литературы по гуманитарной сфере в Таблицах ББК постепенно становится все более важным. Логично выделить в начале ряда гуманитарных наук раздел «Гуманитарное науки в целом», возглавляющий отдел ББК «Культура. Наука. Просвещение». Здесь можно поместить литературу, посвященную общей характеристике гуманитарного познания, его роли в духовной культуре, философско-культурологическим размышлениям над гуманитарной сферой. Также нашли бы свое место публикации, в которых исследователи пытаются осуществить новый синтез гуманитарных наук. Раздел может включать в себя литературу, посвященную гуманитарному знанию, его структуре, особенностям, функциям в обществе. Важной особенностью развития гуманитарной сферы является разработка проблем практического применения гуманитарного знания. Литература по цифровым гуманитарным наукам, гуманитарной информатике, гуманитарным технологиям, гуманитарной экспертизе также найдет отражение в этом разделе