102 research outputs found

    Atom gratings produced by large angle atom beam splitters

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    An asymptotic theory of atom scattering by large amplitude periodic potentials is developed in the Raman-Nath approximation. The atom grating profile arising after scattering is evaluated in the Fresnel zone for triangular, sinusoidal, magneto-optical, and bichromatic field potentials. It is shown that, owing to the scattering in these potentials, two \QTR{em}{groups} of momentum states are produced rather than two distinct momentum components. The corresponding spatial density profile is calculated and found to differ significantly from a pure sinusoid.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Method of estimation of turbulence characteristic scales

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    Here we propose an optical method that use phase data of a laser beam obtained from Shack-Hartmann sensor to estimate both inner and outer scales of turbulence. The method is based on the sequential analysis of normalized correlation functions of Zernike coefficients. It allows excluding the value of refractive index structural constant from the analysis and reduces the solution of a two-parameter problem to sequential solution of two single-parameter problems. The method has been applied to analyze the results of measurements of the laser beam that propagated through a water cell with induced turbulence and yielded estimates for outer and inner scales.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Accounting for anisoplanatic point spread function in deep wide-field adaptive optics images

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    In this paper we present the approach we have used to determine and account for the anisoplanatic point spread function (PSF) in deep adaptive optics (AO) images for the Survey of a Wide Area with NACO (SWAN) at the ESO VLT. The survey comprises adaptive optics observations in the Ks band totaling ~ 30 arcmin^2, assembled from 42 discrete fields centered on different bright stars suitable for AO guiding. We develop a parametric model of the PSF variations across the field of view in order to build an accurate model PSF for every galaxy detected in each of the fields. We show that this approach is particularly convenient, as it uses only easily available data and makes no uncertain assumptions about the stability of the isoplanatic angle during any given night. The model was tested using simulated galaxy profiles to check its performance in terms of recovering the correct morphological parameters; we find that the results are reliable up to Ks ~ 20.5 (K_AB ~ 22.3) in a typical SWAN field. Finally, the model obtained was used to derive the first results from five SWAN fields, and to obtain the AO morphology of 55 galaxies brighter than Ks = 20. These preliminary results demonstrate the unique power of AO observations to derive the details of faint galaxy morphologies and to study galaxy evolution.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    λ8\frac{\lambda}{8}-period optical potentials

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    A Raman configuration of counterpropagating traveling wave fields, one of which is linlinlin\bot lin polarized and the other linlinlin\Vert lin polarized, is shown to lead to optical potentials having λ8\frac{\lambda}{8} periodicity. Such optical potentials may be used to construct optical lattices having λ8% \frac{\lambda}{8} periodicity. Using numerical diagonalization, we obtain the optical potentials for 85^{\text{85}}Rb atoms.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Momentum losses by charge exchange with neutral particles in H-mode discharges at JET

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    Introduction Extensive investigations both in theory and experiments have been done in recent years to identify the influence of rotation on plasma performance. Results have shown that a radial velocity gradient can play a role in the suppression of turbulent transport and profile stiffness [1]. It remains however largely unknown what processes determine the shape and magnitude of the observed rotation profile. With the presence of an inwards momentum pinch [2], the edge momentum density is observed to contribute significantly to the global confinement [3]. Therefore, in order to accurately predict the observed rotation profile, a better understanding of the processes that determine the edge rotation is needed. Several components play a role in momentum transport in the edge. The dominant source of torque at JET is provided by NBI, while radial transport by outwards diffusivity and an inwards convective pinch redistribute the momentum density. At the edge, a continuous sink is present in the form of charge-exchange (CX) interactions between plasma ions and a neutral particle background. Besides these direct losses, the penetration of low energy neutrals into the plasma periphery is also believed to play a role in several plasma models related to the pedestal shape [4] and the L-H transition [5]. In this paper, the results from a qualitative neutral transport model are used to assess the penetration of neutral atoms into the plasma edge. A forward model of the passive charge-exchange emission [6] is used in order to quantify the neutral density and to estimate the magnitude of momentum and energy losses by CX interactions

    perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Kombinasi Lari-Lompat Tanah Datar dan Tanah Berpasir Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai Pada Mahasiswa Pembinaan Prestasi Taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017

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    ABSTRAK Alif Fatkhurahman. PERBEDAAN PENGARUH LATIHAN KOMBINASI LARI-LOMPAT TANAH DATAR DAN TANAH BERPASIR TERHADAP PENINGKATAN POWER OTOT TUNGKAI PADA MAHASISWA PEMBINAN PRESTASI TAEKWONDO POK FKIP UNS TAHUN 2017. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Maret 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui: 1) Pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari – lompat tanah datar terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017. 2) Pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari – lompat tanah berpasir terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017. 3) Perbedaan pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari – lompat tanah datar dan tanah berpasir terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen, populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa putra pembinaan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS yang berjumlah 20 mahasiswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok 1 sejumlah 10 orang dengan mendapatkan pelatihan lari-lompat tanah datar dan kelompok 2 sejumlah 10 orang dengan mendapatkan pelatihan lari-lompat tanah berpasir. Proses pembagian kelompok menggunakan teknik ordinal pairing. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji t-test. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari-lompat tanah datar terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinaan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai thitung = 12,537 > ttabel = 1,83 ini berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara data pre test dengan data post test pada kelompok eksperimen 1 (latihan kombinasi lari-lompat di tanah datar). Ada pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari-lompat tanah berpasir terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinaan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan thitung = 14,581 > ttabel = 1,83 ini berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara data pre test dengan data post test pada kelompok eksperimen 2 (latihan kombinasi lari-lompat di tanah berpasir). Ada perbedaan pengaruh latihan kombinasi lari-lompat tanah datar dan tanah berpasir terhadap peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai pada mahasiswa pembinaan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai thitung = 3,131 > ttabel = 1,83. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa metode latihan kombinasi lari-lompat di tanah berpasir lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode latihan kombinasi lari-lompat di tanah datar terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai mahasiswa pembinaan prestasi taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Tahun 2017. Kata kunci: Power otot tungkai, metode latihan lari-lompat, tanah datar, tanah berpasir. �ABSTRACT Alif Fatkhurahman. INFLUENCE of DIFFERENCE EXERCISE COMBINATION RUN-JUMP FLAT GROUND and SANDY SOIL AGAINST INCREASED POWER LIMB MUSCLES on STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT COACHING FKIP UNS POK TAEKWONDO YEAR 2017. Thesis, Faculty of teacher training and educational sciences of the University Sebelas maret Maret Surakarta. March 2018. The purpose of this research is untukmengetahui: 1) the influence of combination of exercise running jump – flat ground against increased Power limb muscles on student achievement pembinan FKIP UNS POK taekwondo Year 2017. 2) influence of combination of exercise running jump – sandy soil against increased Power limb muscles on student achievement pembinan FKIP UNS POK taekwondo Year 2017. influence of Difference exercise 3) combination of the run – skip the flat ground and sandy soil against increased Power limb muscles on student achievement pembinan FKIP UNS POK taekwondo Year 2017. This research is experimental, the population and the sample in this research is a student son coaching taekwondo POK FKIP UNS achievements that add up to 20 students. The sample in this research are divided into two groups, group 1 a number of 10 people by getting the training run-flat ground and jump Group 1 a number of 10 people by getting the training run-jump-sandy soil. The process uses ordinal group Division pairing. Data analysis techniques using a t-test test. The research results obtained conclusions that there was influence of exercise a combination of run-flat land the jump to increased Power limb muscles on student achievement coaching taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Year 2017, it is indicated by the value of thitung = 12.537 > ttabel = 1.83 this means there is a significant difference between the data pre test post test data on the experimental group 1 (combination workouts run-jump across flat ground). There is the influence of combination of exercise running jump-sandy soil to increased Power limb muscles on student achievement coaching taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Year 2017, it is indicated with thitung = 14.581 > ttabel = 1.83 this means there are differences that significantly between the data pre test post test data on the experimental group 2 (practice run-jump combination in the sandy soil). There is a difference of influence of exercise running-jump combination flat ground and sandy soil to increased Power limb muscles on student achievement coaching taekwondo POK FKIP UNS Year 2017, it is indicated by the value of thitung = ttabel > 3.131 = 1.83. These results indicate that the method combination exercises run-jump across the sandy soil is better compared with the method of exercise combinations run-jump across the flat land to increased power student achievement coaching limb muscles taekwondo POK FKIP UNS The year 2017. Keywords: Power method of limb muscles, exercise run-jump, flat ground, sandy soil

    Effect of anisotropic imaging in off-axis adaptive astronomical systems

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    Effect of anisotropic imaging arising due to the off-axis adaptive correction is considered. The main manifestation of this effect is that the isophotes of the image of a star separated by some angular distance from the guide one have a non-circular form. It is shown that the effect of interest depends strongly on the observation conditions, and under certain conditions the image width in direction towards the guide star can be up to two times wider than in the transversal one. The results obtained can be used in practice for the reconstruction or calibration of images obtained after the off-axis adaptive correction