36 research outputs found

    Overexpression of alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase 2 protects from asymmetric dimethylarginine-induced endothelial dysfunction and aortic remodeling

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    Elevated plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) are associated with an increased risk of mortality and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. ADMA can be metabolized by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolases (DDAHs) and by alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase 2 (AGXT2). Deletion of DDAH1 in mice leads to elevation of ADMA in plasma and increase in blood pressure, while overexpression of human DDAH1 is associated with a lower plasma ADMA concentration and protective cardiovascular effects. The possible role of alternative metabolism of ADMA by AGXT2 remains to be elucidated. The goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that transgenic overexpression of AGXT2 leads to lowering of plasma levels of ADMA and protection from vascular damage in the setting of DDAH1 deficiency. We generated transgenic mice (TG) with ubiquitous overexpression of AGXT2. qPCR and Western Blot confirmed the expression of the transgene. Systemic ADMA levels were decreased by 15% in TG mice. In comparison with wild type animals plasma levels of asymmetric dimethylguanidino valeric acid (ADGV), the AGXT2 associated metabolite of ADMA, were six times higher. We crossed AGXT2 TG mice with DDAH1 knockout mice and observed that upregulation of AGXT2 lowers plasma ADMA and pulse pressure and protects the mice from endothelial dysfunction and adverse aortic remodeling. Upregulation of AGXT2 led to lowering of ADMA levels and protection from ADMA-induced vascular damage in the setting of DDAH1 deficiency. This is especially important, because all the efforts to develop pharmacological ADMA-lowering interventions by means of upregulation of DDAHs have been unsuccessful

    Investigating Sub-Spine Actin Dynamics in Rat Hippocampal Neurons with Super-Resolution Optical Imaging

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    Morphological changes in dendritic spines represent an important mechanism for synaptic plasticity which is postulated to underlie the vital cognitive phenomena of learning and memory. These morphological changes are driven by the dynamic actin cytoskeleton that is present in dendritic spines. The study of actin dynamics in these spines traditionally has been hindered by the small size of the spine. In this study, we utilize a photo-activation localization microscopy (PALM)–based single-molecule tracking technique to analyze F-actin movements with ∼30-nm resolution in cultured hippocampal neurons. We were able to observe the kinematic (physical motion of actin filaments, i.e., retrograde flow) and kinetic (F-actin turn-over) dynamics of F-actin at the single-filament level in dendritic spines. We found that F-actin in dendritic spines exhibits highly heterogeneous kinematic dynamics at the individual filament level, with simultaneous actin flows in both retrograde and anterograde directions. At the ensemble level, movements of filaments integrate into a net retrograde flow of ∼138 nm/min. These results suggest a weakly polarized F-actin network that consists of mostly short filaments in dendritic spines

    Selective footprints and genes relevant to cold adaptation and other phenotypic traits are unscrambled in the genomes of divergently selected chicken breeds

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    Background: The genomes of worldwide poultry breeds divergently selected for performance and other phenotypic traits may also be affected by, and formed due to, past and current admixture events. Adaptation to diverse environments, including acclimation to harsh climatic conditions, has also left selection footprints in breed genomes. Results: Using the Chicken 50K_CobbCons SNP chip, we genotyped four divergently selected breeds: two aboriginal, cold tolerant Ushanka and Orloff Mille Fleur, one egg-type Russian White subjected to artificial selection for cold tolerance, and one meat-type White Cornish. Signals of selective sweeps were determined in the studied breeds using three methods: (1) assessment of runs of homozygosity islands, (2) FST based population differential analysis, and (3) haplotype differentiation analysis. Genomic regions of true selection signatures were identified by two or more methods or in two or more breeds. In these regions, we detected 540 prioritized candidate genes supplemented them with those that occurred in one breed using one statistic and were suggested in other studies. Amongst them, SOX5, ME3, ZNF536, WWP1, RIPK2, OSGIN2, DECR1, TPO, PPARGC1A, BDNF, MSTN, and beta-keratin genes can be especially mentioned as candidates for cold adaptation. Epigenetic factors may be involved in regulating some of these important genes (e.g., TPO and BDNF). Conclusion: Based on a genome-wide scan, our findings can help dissect the genetic architecture underlying various phenotypic traits in chicken breeds. These include genes representing the sine qua non for adaptation to harsh environments. Cold tolerance in acclimated chicken breeds may be developed following one of few specific gene expression mechanisms or more than one overlapping response known in cold-exposed individuals, and this warrants further investigation

    Пульмональный Лангергансоклеточный гистиоцитоз легких: клиническое наблюдение в стадии раннего поражения

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    Histocytosis X is a rare disease of unknown etiology involving the reticuloendothelial system. We present a case of a 32 year-old man diagnosed with Pulmonary Histocytisis X. The CT image of the lungs showed disseminated disease with the formation of cyst-like cavities, which were histologically verified using lung biopsy. Лангергансоклеточный гистиоцитоз (гистиоцитоз Х) – заболевание ретикулогистиоцитарной системы неизвестной этиологии. Представлен клинический случай данной патологии у мужчины 32 лет с характерной компьютерно-томографической картиной легких в виде диссеминированного процесса с формированием кистозных полостей, который верифицирован морфологически с помощью биопсии легких.

    Some Elements of Biologization in Crops Production on Radioactively Contaminated Areas

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    The modern environmental and biological approaches to the selection of field agricultural crops for cultivation at contaminated areas are considered. It is established that the satiation of rotations with agricultural crops differed by potentially low capacity to accumulate 13Cs can significantly extend the areal of radioactively contaminated lands use for the production of safe products. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on radiocaesium uptake by plants is analyzed. The ability of arbuscular mycorrhiza to modify significantly radiocaesium accumulation by agricultural crops is found