70 research outputs found

    Aerodrome Flight Information Service

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    The objective of this article is to describe aerodrome flight information service and activities provided by AFIS officer and also highlight potential improvements

    Aerodrome Flight Information Service

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    The objective of this article is to describe aerodrome flight information service and activities provided by AFIS officer and also highlight potential improvements

    A comparison of chandge of direction speed and reactive agility in football

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    Title: A comparison of Change of direction speed and reactive agility in football Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to determine the level of skill of football players in agility and change of direction speed. Also to find out whether these two abilities correlate with each other, if the best players in agility also achieve the best results in tests focused mainly on change of direction speed and which components distinguish these two abilities from each other. Method: By using metaanalysis we first define the parameters of individual performance in football, its requirements and needs at the present time, the importance of change of direction speed and agility for football performance. At the same time, we will determine the differences between the environment and preparation of football players in the Czech republic and abroad. I would like to describe here the components and sub-components of performance in agility and finally introduce the differences between tests focused on change of direction speed and reactive agility. Key words: Agility, football, change of direction speed, reactive agilityNázev: Srovnání rychlosti změny směru pohybu a reaktivní agility ve fotbale Cíle: Cílem práce je určit stupeň zdatnosti fotbalových hráčů v dovednostech agility a rychlosti změny směru pohybu. Zároveň zjistit, zda tyto dvě dovednosti mezi sebou korelují, zda nejlepší hráči v reaktivní agility dosahují nejlepších výkonů v testech na rychlost změny směru pohybu a jaké komponenty od sebe odlišují tyto dvě dovednosti. Metodika práce: Při využití metaanalýz nejprve definujeme parametry individuálního herního výkonu ve fotbale, jeho požadavky a potřeby v současné době, důležitost rychlosti změny směru pohybu a agility pro výkon hráčů ve fotbale. Zároveň určíme rozdíly mezi prostředím a sportovní přípravou fotbalových hráčů u nás a v zahraničí. Rád bych zde popsal komponenty a dílčí složky výkonu pro agility a na závěr představím rozdíly mezi testy zaměřenými na rychlost změny směru pohybu a reaktivní agility. Klíčová slova: agility, fotbal, změna směru, reaktivní agilityAtletikaFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Business Plan for Establishing Company Concerning in Building the Golf Areas for Training

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na návrh podnikatelského plánu na založení podnikatelského subjektu zabývajícího se budováním tréninkových golfových ploch. Na základě získaných poznatků, provedených analýz a teoretických zdrojů jsou vyvozeny návrhy řešení uvedené v podnikatelském plánu sestaveném dle doporučené struktury.This thesis is focused on suggestion of business plan for establishing company concernig in building the golf areas for training. Based on acquired findings, accomplished analysis and theoretical sources there are deduced suggestions of solution stated in business plan which is created according to recommended structure.

    Construction Design Briquetting

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    Import 03/08/2012Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem konstrukčního řešení hydraulického briketovacího lisu pro zpracování pilin a hoblin. Parametry lisu jsou dány lisovacím výkonem 100 kg/hod. V úvodu jsou popsány aktuálně používané konstrukční typy lisů a jejich výhody a nevýhody. Následuje návrh lisovacího mechanismu s rozměry lisovací komory a výpočet potřebných lisovacích sil. Dále je zde proveden výpočet parametrů hydraulického agregátu pro pohon lisu. Jsou definována kritická místa lisu a provedeny jejich kontrolní výpočty.This thesis deals with the structural design of hydraulic briquetting press for processing of sawdust and shavings. The parameters are given by pressing a press capacity of 100 kg / hr. The introduction describes the currently used structural types of presses and their advantages and disadvantages. Following the pressing mechanism design with dimensions of the bale chamber and calculating the necessary compression forces. There is also performed calculation parameters of the hydraulic drive unit for the press. They are defined as critical points of the press and made their control calculations.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn


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    Raman spectroscopic structural analysis of concrete cementious matrix represents elegant method to determination of thermal history of highly exposed concrete. Experiments were carried out in furnace at 1200°C. On the surface of heated concrete mechanical cracks and the mixture of dicalcium silicate and gehlenite were found, while inside the cracks the development of gehlenite, pseudowollastonite, pseudobrookite and various iron oxides and spinels was observed. The products of chemical reactions analyzed by Raman spectroscopy can be used as markers for the identification and understanding the structural changes during a fire treatment


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    In 2012 and 2013, the authors of this paper worked on the Czech Science Foundation Project - Information Technology Competencies of Children and Their Development in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. This article briefly reports on this project focused on examining the current state, structure and trends in development of ICT literacy education in Czech primary (ISCED 1) and lower-secondary schools (ISCED 2). 1,183 schools (ICT teachers) and 2,507 pupils joined the project. It presents the key findings of the research in particular issues including characteristics and thematic units of educational ICT activities, pupils´ information technology skills development and implementation of ICT competencies into educational activities. The research follows up on a similarily orientated project realized in 2006, in which the relevant data was obtained from 930 schools and it seeks to update and compare these research findings

    Effect of plasma treatment on the release kinetics of a chemotherapy drug from biodegradable polyester films and polyester urethane films

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    Investigation was made into the effect of plasma treatment on the release kinetics of the drug Temozolomide (TMZ) from thin, biodegradable polyester films, comprising polylactic acid (PLA) and polyester urethane. The authors utilized two systems to achieve this, the first being diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge, applying air as the gaseous medium, while the other involved capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge plasma under an argon atmosphere with hexamethyldisiloxane. Results showed that both forms of plasma treatment positively reduced the undesirable burst effect and benefited the release rate of TMZ. The hydrolytic degradability of the materials was slightly enhanced following hydrophilization, whereas the same diminished after hydrophobization had taken place. This was especially true for PLA due to modification of its wettability. © 2017 Taylor & Francis.02/0199/14, VEGA, Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV; APVV-14-0518, APVV, Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja; QJ1310254, MZe, Ministerstvo Zemědělství; SAV, Slovenská Akadémia Vied; 15-08287Y, GACR, Grantová Agentura České Republiky; CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409; LO1504Czech Science Foundation [15-08287Y]; Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic [QJ1310254]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic [LO1504, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409]; Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic; Slovak Academy of Sciences, as a part of the "VEGA" project [02/0199/14]; Slovak Research and Development Agency [APVV-14-0518