179 research outputs found

    How the “lessons learned” from emergency remote teaching can enrich European higher education in the post-COVID-19 era

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    More than 2.5 years after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lessons learned from the implementation of emergency remote teaching in (European) higher education, this essay reflects on how universities, governments, and policy makers can re-imagine higher education in the post-COVID-19 era. It envisions universities as inclusive, student-centered, and accessible organizations capable of meeting diverse learning needs through technology-enhanced high-quality academic programs. This can be achieved through wide-scale uptake of blended learning in higher education; capacity building for stakeholders on online/blended learning; consideration of the unique needs of its stakeholders; and a holistic quality assurance framework. The author’s proposal is evolving, and its elements can be adjusted to the strategic priorities and characteristics of each institution

    Introducció de l'ensenyament en línia en Humanitats : estudis de cas sobre l'acceptació d'activitats en línia per part del professorat de llengües clàssiques

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    L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar les percepcions del professorat de llengües clàssiques (grec antic i llatí) amb relació a les activitats en línia fetes durant els cursos. L'estudi es va fer a tres països: Grècia (a tres universitats importants), Espanya (a la Universitat de Barcelona) i els Estats Units (a la Universitat de Califòrnia a Berkeley) amb la participació de trenta-tres professors. Segons el nivell d'ús i d'acceptació de les TIC i a partir de la classificació de G. Moore, vam separar els docents participants en tres grups: els conservadors, el corrent principal i els adoptadors primerencs. El fet que el grup més petit sigui el tercer mostra clarament que hi ha una necessitat de preparació i formació dels professors abans d'introduir projectes innovadors a l'aula. Com que el punt d'inici de l'aplicació d'innovació a l'aula és el professorat, els responsables dels projectes d'innovació s'haurien de centrar a ajudar-los a conscienciar-se dels canvis en els mètodes d'ensenyament i a incloure la seva opinió durant el disseny dels esmentats projectes.The purpose of this paper is to show the perceptions of the academic staff of classical languages (ancient Greek and Latin) concerning use of online activities during their courses. The study was carried out in three countries: Greece (three major Universities), Spain (University of Barcelona) and the United States (University of California, Berkeley) with the participation of thirty-three academic instructors. Depending on the level of use and acceptance of the ICT and following G. Moore's classification, we separated the participating academics in three groups: the conservatives, the mainstream and the early adopters. The fact that the smallest group is the third clearly shows the necessity for teachers' preparation and training before introducing innovative projects in the classroom. Since the starting point for the application of innovation in the classroom is the teacher, policy makers should focus on helping them become conscious of changes in teaching methods and include their opinion during the design of innovative projects

    The impact of different loading sports and a jumping intervention on bone health in adolescent males

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    Adolescence is a crucial period for bone development and exercise can enhance bone acquisition during this period of life. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence on how different loading sports practiced during adolescence can affect bone development in males. The present thesis is part of the PRO-BONE study and aimed to investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal effects of participation in football (osteogenic sport), swimming and cycling (non-osteogenic sports) on bone mass, bone geometry, texture and bone metabolism in adolescent males. An active control group has been included too. Additionally, the thesis examined the effect of a 9-month jumping intervention programme on bone outcomes in adolescent males involved these sports. Cross-sectional findings from Chapter 4 show that footballers have better bone status than swimmers, cyclists and controls (7 to 21 %), and that there are no differences between participants of non-osteogenic sports and controls. Chapter 5 identifies that lean mass is the strongest determinant of bone outcomes, followed by football participation and height in adolescent male athletes, whereas the contribution of the other predictors, such as nutrition, physical activity and fitness, is site specific. Longitudinal evidence in Chapters 6 and 7 show that bone mass (5 to 8 %) and geometry (4 to 10 %) is higher in adolescent male footballers compared to swimmers and cyclists after one year of sport specific training, and that there are no differences in bone development between non-osteogenic sports groups and controls. Chapters 8 and 9 indicate that a 9-month jumping intervention programme can improve bone outcomes only in male adolescents participating in swimming and cycling (4 to 13 %), but not in those engaged in football, while it can improve fitness outcomes in all 4 groups (4 to 8 %). Collectively, the present thesis contributes to the literature by providing novel evidence in adolescent male athletes on the effects of popular sports such as football, swimming and cycling on bone status and development, and that a jumping intervention programme can improve bone development in those involved in non-osteogenic sports.European Commission: This project is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013]

    COVID-19: Threat or Opportunity for Online Education?

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 began in the Wuhan region of China in December 2019. By February 2020, cases of COVID-19 had been detected on every continent. Governments are advising citizens to be prepared for an outbreak in their community. Today, we are globally experiencing closures in schools and universities, postponements or even cancellations of conferences and other organised events, and social distancing. In addition, we have also seen the promotion of flexible ways of studying and working to hinder the rapid spread of the virus. This position paper aims to reflect on where exactly does online education figure into this crisis situation by focusing on 4 important pillars: a) policy-making, b) access to resources, c) training opportunities and d) ongoing evaluation and monitoring

    The use of games and simulations in higher education can improve students' cognitive and behavioural skills

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    In recent years there has been a surge of interest in how games and simulations might be applied to higher education learning. Dimitrios Vlachopoulos and Agoritsa Makri have reviewed the literature on the subject and here outline the positive learning effects of games and simulations; from cognitive outcomes such as improved critical thinking and problem-solving skills, to behavioural outcomes such as improved social and communication skills

    The Meaning of Mission Statements to School Practice and Professional Development : an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    While mission statements (MSs) are included in schools often due to governing policy, evidence suggests they remain underutilized by leaders. Scant research is undertaken with regard to school mission statements and how these affects daily practice. This qualitative phenomenological study explores the extent to which school MSs influence daily practice, as well as professional development for school leaders and teachers. This study draws upon interviews with six individuals who lead or teach at two different international schools. The findings provide valuable insight into how MSs are experienced by leaders and teachers. The paper concludes with a discussion around the potential implications for policy makers and school leaders who wish to shape school culture and professional development.Si bien las declaraciones de misión (DM) se incluyen en las escuelas a menudo debido a la política de gobierno, la investigación actual subraya que los líderes siguen subutilizándolas. El presente estudio fenomenológico explora la medida en que las DM y el desarrollo profesional influyen en la práctica diaria de las escuelas tanto para los líderes escolares como para el profesorado. El presente estudio fenomenológico interpretativo se basa en entrevistas a seis personas que dirigen o enseñan en dos escuelas internacionales diferentes. Los resultados proporcionan información valiosa sobre cómo los líderes y el profesorado experimentan las DM. El artículo concluye con una discusión sobre las posibles implicaciones para los responsables de las políticas educativas que desean protagonizar la cultura escolar y el desarrollo profesional.Si bé les declaracions de missió (DM) s'inclouen en les escoles sovint a causa de la política de govern, la investigació actual subratlla que els líders continuen subutilitzant-les. El present estudi qualitatiu fenomenològic explora la mesura en què les DM i el desenvolupament professional influeixen en la pràctica diària de les escoles tant per als líders escolars com per al professorat. L'estudi es basa en entrevistes a sis persones que dirigeixen o ensenyen en dues escoles internacionals diferents. Els resultats proporcionen informació valuosa sobre com els líders i el professorat experimenten les DM. L'article conclou amb una discussió sobre les possibles implicacions per als responsables de les polítiques educatives que desitgen protagonitzar la cultura escolar i el desenvolupament professional

    Towards and inclusive definition of e-learning

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    L'estudi té com a objectiu la construcció d'una definició actual i integradora del concepte d'e-learning, que sigui acceptada per la major part de la comunitat científica i que serveixi com a referent pels estudiosos i professionals d'aquesta temàtica.El estudio tiene como objetivo la construcción de una definición actual e integradora del concepto de e-learning, que sea aceptada por la mayor parte de la comunidad científica y que sirva como referente para los estudiosos y profesionales de esta temática.The main aim of the project is to create an up-to-date and comprehensive definition of the concept of e-learning. The project aimed to ensure that the definition was accepted by the scientific community and became a point of reference for experts and professionals in the field

    Indirect Feedback: A dialoguing approach to assessment

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    Whilst there is consensus in the current literature that feedback plays a fundamental role to student performance and learning, there is also debate about what makes it effective. Particularly, some assessment instruments, like the National Student Survey in the United Kingdom, reveal that evaluation and feedback are systematically amongst the areas that students are less satisfied with. This paper aims to describe the ‘indirect feedback’ (IF) technique, which was utilised by the principle author in his previous tenure as a Professor at the University of Cadiz (Spain) and to reflect on how it can be applied to overcome some of the limitations presented in a different ‘context of practice’. It is argued that indirect feedback meets many of the principles of good practice, as it “facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning, delivers high quality information to students about their learning, encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning … provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance [and] provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape their teaching” (Nicol & MacFarlane-Dick, 2006, p. 205)

    La Nueva Naturaleza del Aprendizaje y de la Evaluación en el Contexto del Desarrollo Competencial, Retos Europeos en la Educación del Siglo XXI

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    El conocimiento ha cambiado sustancialmente su naturaleza y su papel en la sociedad en el transcurso del siglo XX y ha conducido a la necesidad de modificar desde el comienzo de este nuevo siglo la relación establecida con él en el marco educativo, hecho que ha provocado un cambio profundo en nuestras concepciones sobre formación, instrucción y docencia, pero también y de forma muy especial en los planteamientos evaluadores. El presente artículo presenta la respuesta europea a este fenómeno que apuesta abiertamente por el tránsito desde los modelos educativos basados en la transmisión del conocimiento a los centrados en el desarrollo competencial. Se analiza la naturaleza de las competencias y la propuesta europea basada en ocho dominios competenciales, también se estudian la orientación de los nuevos enfoques curriculares surgidos a partir de ellas. Finalmente abordamos el trascendental papel que adopta en este nuevo marco la evaluación, al convertirse en pieza fundamental en los procesos de aprendizaje orientados al desarrollo competencial.In the course of the twentieth century, the nature of knowledge has evolved substantially within the society and its established relation with the educational sector has been modified from de beginning of the new century causing a deep change in our conceptions of training, instruction and teaching but especially of the evaluation process. This paper aims to present the European answer to this phenomenon, which pledges clearly the switch from current educational models, based on knowledge transmission, to new ones that focus on the development of competences. In this context, we analyze the nature of competence in parallel to the European proposal, which is based on the achievement of eight competences, and we present the new approaches to curriculum design and development that emerge from them. Finally, we present the transcendental role of evaluation in this new framework where it becomes a fundamental part of the learning processes for the development of competences


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    En el transcurso del siglo XX, la naturaleza del conocimiento se ha transformado de manera substancial y ha conducido a modificaciones importantes en el sector educativo. El nuevo papel del conocimiento en la sociedad actual ha provocado un cambio profundo en nuestras concepciones sobre la formación y la docencia, pero también en los planteamientos y modelos de evaluación. En este contexto, la mayoría de universidades europeas han ido incorporando, en los últimos años, el desarrollo competencial en sus planteamientos curriculares. Las competencias contenidas en el currículo se constituyen en elementos nucleares de éste y se les otorga el «rol» de referente curricular para la evaluación y se asume, con esta decisión normativa, la necesidad de modificar los planteamientos metodológicos y evaluativos. El presente artículo describe esta nueva concepción del currículo y el nuevo marco conceptual para el binomio aprendizaje-evaluación, que apuesta abiertamente por el tránsito desde los modelos educativos basados en la transmisión del conocimiento a los centrados en el desarrollo competencial. El artículo concluye con un ejemplo de dicho cambio, relacionado con la elaboración y evaluación del trabajo final de grado, que ayuda a ilustrar y entender los elementos conceptuales mencionados anteriormente.In the course of the twentieth century, the nature of knowledge has evolved substantially and has provoked important changes within the educational sector. More analytically, the new role of knowledge in the society has changed our conceptions about training and teaching, but also the approaches and models about evaluation. In this context, the majority of the European universities have incorporated, during the last years, the development of the competences in their curricula. These competences constitute their core elements and they are given the «role» of reference for evaluating the curriculum and they assume, with this policy decision, the need to change the methodological and assessment approaches. This paper aims to present this new concept about the curriculum and the new conceptual framework for the binomial learning-evaluation, which supports openly the transition from the educational models based on the transmission of knowledge to those focused on the development of competences. The paper concludes with an example of this change, related to the development and evaluation of the Final Year Project in undergraduate studies, in order to facilitate the understanding of the conceptual elements mentioned before