193 research outputs found

    Situación de inmigrantes y refugiados en España

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    Este proyecto va enfocado a la investigación- acción sobre las personas inmigrantes y refugiados que llegan a España y que una vez aquí se encuentran en una situación de vulnerabilidad. Asimismo, se investigará la labor que realizan con estas personas diferentes asociaciones. Por último, a partir de unas entrevistas realizadas a varios inmigrantes y refugiados que se encontraban en una de las asociaciones (Accem) durante una estancia limitada, se analizarán los contenidos más comunes y relevantes y se concluirá con unas propuestas de mejora

    Classroom emotional climate: nature, measurement, effects and implications for education

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    Classroom Emotional Climate (CEC) is a variable that is been connected with academic skills, satisfaction, psychological wellbeing. However, its definition, the limits of the construct and the relationship with others classroom factors are not clearly established. This study we develop and validate and an instrument, the Classroom Emotional Climate Questionnaire (CECQ), to assess the CEC and analyze the relationships between different components of classroom climate as well as their relative role for predicting students’ satisfaction with teachers’ socioemotional support and with sense of community. A total of 749 Secondary and High School students formed the sample. Students completed five questionnaires: Classroom Emotional Climate Questionnaire (CEC-Q); Classroom Motivational Climate Questionnaire (CMC-Q); Disruption Management Climate Questionnaire (DMC-Q); Sense of Community Questionnaire (SoC-Q); Satisfaction with Teacher’s way of treating students Questionnaire (SAT-TWTS). For validating the CEC-Q structure, several models were tested trough confirmatory factor analyses, and for testing construct validity, correlation and regression analysis were realized using children’s sense of community and satisfaction with teacher’s socio-emotional support as external criteria. Results support hypotheses related to CEC-Q structure, to discriminant validity in relation to the other components of classroom climate, and to concurrent validity in relation to external criteria. These results underlie the importance of acting on CEC-Q and CMC components to favor students’ emotional satisfaction and sense of communityEste trabajo se lleva a cabo con financiación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Proyectos EDU2012-37382 y EDU2017-89036-P

    Comparación entre Klein y Lacan en base a sus abordajes de la transferencia

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral es tracta d’un estudi teòric descriptiu i comparatiu, sota un paradigma hermenèutic, del tractament de la transferència que fan Klein i Lacan. Per tant el seu objectiu es descriure comparativament l’abordatge tècnic de la transferència en aquests autors. La justificació roman en diversos punts. Primer, l’escassetat d’estudis comparatius entre Klein i Lacan. Segon, la influència d’ambdós autors en psicoanalistes posteriors. Tercer, la importància del concepte de transferència en els diàlegs psicoanalítics. S’empra un disseny inspirat en l’hermenèutica fenomenològica i en la bibliometria. Es conclou, a partir de la bibliometria, que Klein i Lacan sempre han atès el concepte de transferència al llarg de la seva obra. Ambdós presenten un especial interès sobre el mateix en la part mitja i final dels seus treballs. A partir de l’anàlisi de textos, inspirat en l’hermenèutica fenomenològica, es conclou que Klein verbalitza interpretativament la transferència en tot moment. En canvi Lacan, malgrat que entén que la transferència és necessària, no la verbalitza donat que ho considera contraindicat.Esta tesis doctoral se trata de un estudio teórico descriptivo y comparativo, bajo un paradigma hermenéutico, del tratamiento de la transferencia que hacen Klein y Lacan. Por tanto su objetivo es describir comparativamente el abordaje técnico de la transferencia en estos autores. La justificación se basa en varios puntos. Primero, la escasez de estudios comparativos entre Klein y Lacan. Segundo, la influencia de ambos autores en psicoanalistas posteriores. Tercero, la importancia del concepto de transferencia en los diálogos psicoanalíticos. Se emplea un diseño inspirado en la hermenéutica fenomenológica y en la bibliometría. Se concluye, a partir de la bibliometría, que Klein y Lacan siempre han atendido el concepto de transferencia a lo largo de su obra. Ambos presentan un especial interés sobre el mismo en la parte media y final de sus trabajos. A partir del análisis de textos, inspirado en la hermenéutica fenomenológica, se concluye que Klein verbaliza interpretativamente la transferencia en todo momento. En cambio Lacan, a pesar de que entiende que la transferencia es necesaria, no la verbaliza ya que lo considera contraindicado.This doctoral thesis is a descriptive and comparative study, following an hermeneutic paradigm, about Klein and Lacan transference work. So that its goal is to describe the authors transference technical procedures. The justification is supported in different points. One reason is the not enough studies about the topic. Second, the influence of both authors in many psychoanalysts of nowadays. Third reason is the importance of transference concept in psychoanalytic dialogues. We use a design inspired in the phenomenological hermeneutic and in bibliometrics. We conclude, supported in bibliometrics, that Klein and Lacan always have been interested in transference concept along all their work. Both of them show and special interest in this concept in their middle-final writings. Thanks to phenomenological hermeneutic we conclude that Klein verbalize, with interpretations, the transference every time. However Lacan, although considers transference important, don’t verbalize it

    Evaluación interna de la calidad de un programa a distancia. Una exploración etnográfica, desde la visión de los estudiantes titulados

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    El presente artículo es resultado de un estudio cualitativo que, mediante el método etnográfico, logra describir e interpretar el significado de calidad que, como programa a distancia, otorgan los estudiantes titulados durante el periodo 2003-2008, al programa de Nivelación a Licenciatura en Trabajo Social que ofrece la Universidad de Guadalajara en México. El método de análisis de contenido, aplicado a los registros etnográficos (relatorías de titulación), producto de las entrevistas realizadas por el jurado de titulación, permite sistematizar la información, cuantificar las opiniones por categorías y obtener las frecuencias respectivas, con lo que se obtiene una evaluación interna del programa educativo

    Construction and evidence of validity regarding the emotion self-regulation questionnaire

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    This study provides validity evidence for the scores interpretations of an 18-item emotion self-regulation questionnaire (ESQ) which measures both adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation (ER) strategies (Positive Reappraisal, Controlled Expression, Arousal Regulation, Suppression, Rumination, and Unhealthy Behaviors). Participants (N = 622 adults) completed the ESQ and other measures of ER and ER beliefs, stress, and satisfaction with life. Structural Equations Modeling was used to compare four-factor models (one correlational, two hierarchical, and one bifactor) and to cross-validate the results across randomized and gender subsamples. The correlated model showed the best fit and demonstrated invariance between subsamples. Internal consistency (McDonald's ω) was acceptable for most strategies scores and their temporal stability (Intra-class Correlation Coefficients) on a 1-month follow-up was moderate. Correlation analyses also provided evidence of validity of the ESQ scores interpretations. This study provides an instrument whose scores and scores interpretations have received empirical support in terms of internal consistency, temporal stability, and evidence of validityThis work was carried out with funding from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project EDU2017-89036-P

    Exposure to Feminist Humor and the Proclivity to Collective Action for Gender Equality: The Role of Message Format and Feminist Identification

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    Previous research has pointed out that feminist humor or subversive humor against sexism is an important precursor to collective action for gender equality. This effect has been found contrasting subversive humor with neutral humor, however, to date, no study has explored the impact of the message format. Thus, we conducted two experiments to analyze the effect of exposure to a subversive humorous vignette against sexism (vs. subversive serious information against sexism and neutral humorous vignette) on involvement in collective action for gender equality, considering participants’ feminist identification. In Study 1 (n = 135 men and n = 198 women), participants with lower feminist identification reported a greater proclivity toward collective action after being exposure to both a subversive humorous vignette and subversive serious vignette (vs. neutral humorous vignette). In Study 2 (n = 157 men and 188 women), we replaced the subversive serious vignette with a subversive serious discourse. The results revealed that exposure to a subversive humorous vignette (vs. subversive serious discourse and neutral humorous vignette) increased participants’ collective action proclivity, but only in participants with weaker feminist identification. Both studies highlight a new pathway to motivate collective action for gender equality, as well as the potential effect of humor to promote a change in attitudes.The present research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grants Ref. Project PID2019-104239 GB-I00 and Ref. PID2022-138665NB-I00

    Preconception Care for Men and Women during the Pandemic, an Intervention Proposal

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and its measures resulted in limited outdoor activities, reduced group meetings, etc., leading to unhealthy habits. Several studies showed how certain unhealthy habits can lead to serious consequences for both men and women, as well as affect future offspring. (1) Background: Therefore, we present a community intervention at the preconception stage to avoid future risks. The purpose of this intervention is to change lifestyles and beliefs about the health of men and women in the preconception period; (2) Methods: For the design of the intervention, a bibliographic search was performed both in English and Spanish in the main databases of health sciences and nursing (Cochrane, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, LILACS, Dialnet), using descrip tors in MeSH health for sciences; (3) Results: We proposed that a variety of lifestyles be analyzed, including aspects such as physical activity, nutrition, etc. In addition, stress management should be emphasized through a relaxation workshop, where three different techniques be proposed to reduce anxiety levels in stressful situations; (4) Conclusions: Due to the limited scientific results of interventions carried out in the preconception period simultaneously with men and women, more community interventions that address this topic are needed to assess the impact of these actions on the health of the population

    Dispersion management in two-photon microscopy by using diffractive optical elements

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    We demonstrate efficient generation of wide-field fluorescence signals in two-photon microscopy exploiting diffractive optical elements and short pulses by using a dispersion-compensated beam delivery optics module. Computer-generated holograms are codified onto a phase-only spatial light modulator, which allows for arbitrary single-shot patterning of the sample. Spatiotemporal shaping of the pulse is mandatory to overcome spatial chirp and pulse-front tilt effects that spread both in space and time the irradiance patterns, thus limiting not only the spatial resolution but also the signal-to-noise ratio in two-photon microscopy. By using a multipass amplifier delivering 30 fs, 0.8 mJ pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate, we experimentally demonstrated arbitrary single-shot fluorescence irradiance patterns in Rhodamine B