51 research outputs found

    Evaluación interna de la calidad de un programa a distancia. Una exploración etnográfica, desde la visión de los estudiantes titulados

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    El presente artículo es resultado de un estudio cualitativo que, mediante el método etnográfico, logra describir e interpretar el significado de calidad que, como programa a distancia, otorgan los estudiantes titulados durante el periodo 2003-2008, al programa de Nivelación a Licenciatura en Trabajo Social que ofrece la Universidad de Guadalajara en México. El método de análisis de contenido, aplicado a los registros etnográficos (relatorías de titulación), producto de las entrevistas realizadas por el jurado de titulación, permite sistematizar la información, cuantificar las opiniones por categorías y obtener las frecuencias respectivas, con lo que se obtiene una evaluación interna del programa educativo

    Talento humano: una contribución a la competitividad organizacional

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    El objetivo del artículo es identificar la relación que existe entre el talento humano y la competitividad de las organizaciones, como parte a la revisión documental obtenida en los antecedentes científicos del estudio y sustentado en la teoría de recursos y capacidades. Producto de esta revisión, se encontró que las personas constituyen un recurso valioso dentro de la organización y la formación del talento humano es una variable determinante para lograr la competitividad de las organizaciones

    Identificación de factores que obstaculizan la estancia y egreso del estudiante del programa de nivelación a licenciatura en trabajo social, abierto a distancia (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)

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    El objetivo del estudio es identificar factores presentes en el perfil socio-económico de los alumnos de la NILITS, los cuales obstaculicen la estancia y el egreso de los estudiantes en el programa. La metodología utilizada en el presente estudio es de carácter descriptivo y transversal estableciéndose un muestreo por conveniencia. Se estudiaron 305 estudiantes en el período de enero de 2004 a marzo de 2006, y en enero de 2009. Las variables estudiadas fueron: la edad, sexo, estado civil, número de hijos, jornada laboral, lugar de residencia y trabajo, dictamen de ingreso y año de egreso. Los datos obtenidos se capturaron en el paquete estadístico Dbase III y su análisis en el programa estadístico de Epi Info para Windows. Los resultados son: la población estudiantil son mujeres, de entre 36 a 40 años, casadas con por lo menos 2 hijos, foráneas al estado de Jalisco, laboran en un área relacionada con su formación técnica. A diciembre de 2008, sólo el 22.3% ha egresado con período promedio de tiempo de 4.7 años

    Propuesta de medición de calidad del servicio en la atención de adultos mayores: reto social de México para el siglo XXIVIZCAINO

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general enfatizar la importancia de introducir métodos de medición de la calidad en el servicio en las instituciones de asistencia social orientadas a la atención integral de los adultos mayores, como factor determinante para elevar la competitividad y efectividad del servicio otorgado por quienes fungen como agentes solucionadores de la problemática social que enfrenta México en el siglo xxi en materia de servicio asistencial a la población más longeva, y su acelerado proceso de multiplicación, que tendrá un gran impacto económico y social en el país en un futuro próximo. la incorporación de técnicas y herramientas de medición de la calidad en el servicio han sido ampliamente desarrolladas en el ámbito empresarial; sin embargo, poco o nada existe respecto a su implementación en las instituciones de asistencia social, sean públicas o privadas. Consideramos que la incorporación de dicha metodología en estas instituciones coadyuvará a la profesionalización y mejora de la calidad en el servicio asistencial ofrecido

    From invasion to fish fodder: inclusion of the brown algae rugulopteryx okamurae in aquafeeds for european sea bass dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758)

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    In keeping with the premises of Blue Circular Economy in the European Union, the present study explored the possibility of using the invasive brown alga Rugulopteryx okamurae in aquafeeds for European sea bass (Dicen-trarchus labrax). Assuming the raw algae biomass could negatively impact animal performance, four experi-mental formulations were prepared, by including macroalgae material at 5%, using crude (CR), enzymatically hydrolysed and fermented (EF), enzymatically hydrolysed (E), or fermented (F) R. okamurae biomass, which we tested against a control feed (CT). To evaluate the effects of the experimental diets, besides animal growth performance and biometric parameters, we devised a toolbox focused on the intestine and intestinal function: i) ex-vivo epithelial resistance and permeability in Ussing chambers; ii) microbiota composition through NGS; iii) expression profiles of selected markers for epithelial integrity, transport, metabolism, and immune response, by qPCR. Our results show differentiated allometric growth among diets, coupled with intestinal epithelium al-terations in permeability, integrity, and amino acid transport. Additionally, evidence of microbiota dysbiosis and contrasting immune responses between experimental diets, i.e. pro-inflammatory vs. anti-inflammatory, are also described. In conclusion, we believe that R. okamurae could be a suitable resource for aquafeeds for the European sea bass, although its use requires a pre-treatment before inclusion. Otherwise, while the fish still have a positive growth performance, the gastrointestinal tract pays a toll on the integrity, transport, and inflammatory processes.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Generation, annotation and analysis of ESTs from Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413

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    BACKGROUND: The filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum is used as biological control agent of several plant-pathogenic fungi. In order to study the genome of this fungus, a functional genomics project called "TrichoEST" was developed to give insights into genes involved in biological control activities using an approach based on the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). RESULTS: Eight different cDNA libraries from T. harzianum strain CECT 2413 were constructed. Different growth conditions involving mainly different nutrient conditions and/or stresses were used. We here present the analysis of the 8,710 ESTs generated. A total of 3,478 unique sequences were identified of which 81.4% had sequence similarity with GenBank entries, using the BLASTX algorithm. Using the Gene Ontology hierarchy, we performed the annotation of 51.1% of the unique sequences and compared its distribution among the gene libraries. Additionally, the InterProScan algorithm was used in order to further characterize the sequences. The identification of the putatively secreted proteins was also carried out. Later, based on the EST abundance, we examined the highly expressed genes and a hydrophobin was identified as the gene expressed at the highest level. We compared our collection of ESTs with the previous collections obtained from Trichoderma species and we also compared our sequence set with different complete eukaryotic genomes from several animals, plants and fungi. Accordingly, the presence of similar sequences in different kingdoms was also studied. CONCLUSION: This EST collection and its annotation provide a significant resource for basic and applied research on T. harzianum, a fungus with a high biotechnological interest

    Dietary Use of the Microalga Chlorella fusca Improves Growth, Metabolism, and Digestive Functionality in Thick-Lipped Grey Mullet (Chelon labrosus, Risso 1827) Juveniles

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    In recent years, a clear emphasis has been placed on replacing fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeeds with other alternative ingredients, including algae, particularly in low trophic omnivorous fish species. This work aimed at evaluating the effects of moderate dietary supplementation with the green microalga Chlorella fusca on growth, metabolism, and digestive functionality in juvenile thick-lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus). Fish were fed a control diet (CT) or a diet containing 15% C. fusca (C-15) biomass during 90 days. C. labrosus fed with the C-15 diet showed higher growth performance (in terms of final weight and length, weight gain, and specific growth rate) than the control group. Somatic indices and muscle proximate composition were similar at the end of the feeding trial. Regarding fatty acids profile, C. fusca-fed fish showed a selective retention of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the liver, and arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and DHA in the muscle. Dietary inclusion of this microalga significantly increased intestinal total alkaline protease, leucine aminopeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase activities in specimens fed with C-15 diet. Furthermore, intestine histological analysis revealed the absence of damage signs on gut morphology in fish fed the microalgae supplemented diet. Thick-lipped grey mullets fed the C-15 diet increased plasma glucose and decreased plasma lactate. Overall, the effects observed on liver (lipid metabolism, glycolysis and glycogenolysis) enzyme activities, together with adequate fatty acid profile, metabolic response, and gut morphology, and a significant increase in the intestinal mucosa's digestive and absorptive capacity, could explain the positive effects on growth performance obtained in fish fed the microalgae-supplemented diet. In conclusion, the results obtained showed that C. fusca is suitable as dietary ingredient for feeding thick-lipped grey mullet juveniles

    Partial Characterization of Protease Inhibitors of Ulva ohnoi and Their Effect on Digestive Proteases of Marine Fish

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    This piece of research evaluates the presence of protease inhibitors in the macroalga Ulva ohnoi and provides an initial overview of their mode of action. The ability of Ulva protease inhibitors to inhibit digestive proteases of three marine fish species, as well as their capacity to hamper the hydrolysis of a reference protein by those fish proteases, were assessed. In addition, thermal stability and the mode of inhibition on trypsin and chymotrypsin were also studied. Dose-response inhibition curves and in vitro protein hydrolysis assays revealed a noticeable inhibition of fish enzymes when Ulva concentration increased in the assay. The thermal treatment of Ulva reduced markedly the inhibitory effect on fish digestive protease. Finally, Lineweaver–Burk plots indicated that trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibition consisted of a mixed-type inhibition mechanism in which the inhibitory effect depends on Ulva concentration. Overall, the results confirmed the presence of protease inhibitors in Ulva, though heat treatment was enough for inactivating these compounds

    Near surface geophysical analysis of the Navamuño depression (Sierra de Béjar, Iberian Central System): Geometry, sedimentary infill and genetic implications of tectonic and glacial footprint

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    The geometric and genetic characterization of the Navamuño depression peatland system (Iberian Central System) is presented here using results from a geophysical survey. This depression is a ~30 ha pseudo-endorheic flat basin over granitic bedrock. Three geophysical techniques were used to map the subsurface geology, and identify and describe the infill sequence: shallow seismic refraction (SR), magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) and electrical resistivity measurements (VES and ERT). The three main geoelectrical layers (G1, G2, G3) identified in previous research, have also been identified in the present work. Using the data obtained in this new research we have been able to analyse these three geological layers in detail and reinterpret them. They can be grouped genetically into two sedimentary units: an ancient sedimentary body (G3), of unknown age and type, beneath an Upper Pleistocene (G2) and Holocene (G1) sedimentary infill. The facies distribution and geometry of the Upper Pleistocene was examined using the Sequence Stratigraphy method, revealing that the Navamuño depression was an ice-dammed in the last glacial cycle resulting in glaciolacustrine sedimentation. A highly permeable sedimentary layer or regolith exists beneath the glaciolacustrine deposits. Below 40 m depth, water content falls dramatically down to a depth of 80 m where unweathered bedrock may be present. The information obtained from geophysical, geological and geomorphological studies carried out in this research, enabled us to consider various hypotheses as to the origin of this depression. According to these data, the Navamuño depression may be explained as the result of a transtensional process from the Puerto de Navamuño strike-slip fault during the reactivation of the Iberian Central System (Paleogene-Lower Miocene, Alpine orogeny), and can be correlated with the pull-apart type basins described in these areas. The neotectonic activity of this fault and the icedammed processes in these areas during the Last Glacial Cycle (MIS2) were the main causes of recent sedimentary infill in this depression

    Effects of feeding European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles with crude, hydrolysed and fermented biomass of the invasive macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta)

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    The increasing expansion of the invasive Asian alga Rugulopteryx okamurae along the Andalusian coasts is a major challenge to marine biodiversity, and urgent coordinated measures are required for its removal or elimination. Among the different actions, the biotechnological valorisation could be a strategy for the management of alien biomass within the frame of the Blue Economy. This work evaluates the potential of R. okamurae biomass, either raw or processed by biotechnological treatments based on enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation processes, to be used as a dietary ingredient in juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). These treatments, intended primarily to improve the nutrient vailability, might also decrease the content of undesirable and potentially harmful algal metabolites, such as the diterpenoid dilkamural. To this end, a 90-day feeding trial was carried out using four experimental diets containing 5% (w/w) crude or processed R. okamurae biomass. The results obtained revealed that the inclusion in the diet of raw R. okamurae caused adverse effects on fish growth, yielding lower values than those of the control group (p < 0.05), although this detrimental effect was negligible when the algae was processed prior to its inclusion in the experimental feeds. In terms of muscle composition, diets supplemented with the algal biomass induced an increase in protein content, especially in fish fed with pre-treated biomass. Qualitative differences (p < 0.05) were also found in muscle fatty acid profile, with a significant increase in ARA and DHA contents in fish fed on algae-supplemented diets. A significant reduction (p < 0.05)in muscle and liver lipid oxidation was evidenced in fish fed the algae-enriched diets, especially with treated biomass. Finally, 5% R. okamurae raw biomass caused negative effects on gut functionality, although these effects were not observed when the algal biomass was previously processed. In conclusion, the results revealed the potential of R. okamurae as a functional ingredient for the feeding of juvenile sea bass, provided that the biomass is pre-treated, and corroborated the efficacy of a low-cost biotechnological treatment as a valorisation method for the biomass of this invasive alga
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