77 research outputs found

    Host plant of anastrepha pulchra (Diptera: Tephritidae) in central amazon, brazilmistaken identity resolved

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    Pouteria oblanceolata, the true natural host of Anastrepha pulchra, is reported in the state of Amazon, Brazil. Parasitoids attacking A. pulchra are also reported. Comments on a previous erroneous identification of the host plant of A. pulchra are also included. Copyright © 2011 BioOne All rights reserved

    A Fronteira do Gado e a Melinis Minutiflora P. Beauv. (POACEAE):: A História Ambiental e as Paisagens Campestres do Cerrado Goiano no Século XIX

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    This article offers a discussion about a range of exotic grasses - most of them originally from Africa-present in the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Cattle-ranching was the main economic activity inGoiás during the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. The Cerrado´s grasslands favored thesettlement of a cattle-ranching community, including their herds and farms. Through the lensesof the environmental history of grasses and cattle-ranching, this article seeks to analyze the relationbetween society and nature in the savannas of the Brazilian central plateau in the 19th andfirst half of the 20th centuries. The presented discussion links the approaches of botany and environmentalhistory to analyze the transformation of the local landscape due to anthropogenicactivities. The study follows the process of introduction of exotic grasses in the Cerrado biome,highlighting the historical records of native African grasses (capim-gordura/Melinis minutiflora)and their role in the expansion of livestock production in Goiás.Este artigo objetiva apresentar uma revisão da bibliografia que informa sobre a introdução de gramíneas exóticas, sobretudo de origem africana, no Cerrado goiano. A pecuária foi a principal atividade econômica de Goiás no século XIX e na primeira metade do século XX. Os campos do Cerrado goiano favoreceram o assentamento de parte da sociedade rancheira com seus currais e boiadas. Neste artigo, pretendemos analisar, por meio da história ambiental das gramíneas e da pecuária, a relação entre sociedade e natureza nas savanas do Planalto Central do Brasil nesse período. Dialogamos com os estudos de botânica e a sua relação com a história ambiental, no que se refere às transformações das paisagens pelas ações antrópicas. O estudo destaca a introdução de gramíneas exóticas, especialmente os registros históricos sobre o capim-gordura na expansão da atividade pastoril em Goiás

    Tidal deformability of strange stars and the GW170817 event

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    In this work we consider strange stars formed by quark matter in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase of color superconductivity. The CFL phase is described by a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with four-fermion vector and diquark interaction channels. The effect of the color superconducting medium on the gluons are incorporated into the model by including the gluon self-energy in the thermodynamic potential. We construct parametrizations of the model by varying the vector coupling GV and comparing the results to the data on tidal deformability from the GW170817 event, the observational data on maximum masses from massive pulsars such as the MSP J0740+6620, and the mass/radius fits to NICER data for PSR J003+0451. Our results point out to windows for the GV parameter space of the model, with and without gluon effects included, that are compatible with all these astrophysical constraints, namely, 0.2

    Uso de decocto de Spondias mombin L. como antisséptico em felinos submetidos à castração

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    Foi avaliada a eficiência do decocto das folhas de cajá (Spondias mombin L.) como antisséptico no pós-cirúrgico de gatos submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia. Para tal, foram submetidos à castração 45 gatos sem raça definida, divididos em três grupos. O primeiro grupo como controle positivo com Solução Alcoólica de Clorexidine a 0,5%; segundo grupo controle negativo com água destilada estéril; e o grupo teste com o decocto de cajá à concentração de 100 mg/mL. Todos os animais, independentemente da idade e sexo, tiveram cicatrização visível em tempo similar. Animais tratados com o decocto apresentaram uma redução significativa do crescimento bacteriano. Além disso, observou-se uma melhor cicatrização das feridas cirúrgicas dos animais tratados no grupo teste. Todas as estirpes bacterianas isoladas apresentaram halo de inibição para clorexidine e para Spondias mombin L. Portanto, o decocto das folhas da Spondias mombin L. apresentou eficácia antisséptica nas feridas cirúrgicas de gatos submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia.This survey evaluated mombin leaves (Spondias mombin L.) decoction efficiency as an antiseptic during post-surgery period on cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy. For this purpose, 45 castrated mongrels cats were divided into three groups, the first group as a positive control using 0.5% chlorhexidine-alcohol solution, the second a negative control group using sterile distilled water and, finally, the test group using mombin leaves decocted with a concentration of 100 mg/mL. All animals, independent of age and sex, had visibly healed in most cases in a similar time. Animals treated with mombin leaves decoction presented a significant reduction of bacterial growth. In addition, the animals treated in the test group had better surgical wound healing. All isolated bacterial strains presented inhibition halo for chlorhexidine and for Spondias mombin L. Thus, the decoction of Spondias mombin L. leaves proved antiseptic efficacy in the surgical wounds of cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy

    O livro didático digital na perspectiva de professores: Um estudo com professores do Ensino Médio de uma rede particular no Brasil

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    Com as novas tendências de leitura e acesso ao conhecimento provocados pela inserção do livro didático digital (LDD) no contexto educacional, procurou-se neste estudo mostrar a importância de se ter um olhar cuidadoso na avaliação desse recurso, por meio da expectativa docente, como meio de contribuir com o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Para isso, o foco inicial desse artigo concentrou-se na análise teórica baseada nos estudos internacionais recentes desenvolvidos na área digital, destacando os índices de aceitação e as dificuldades apresentadas por estudantes do Ensino superior e da Educação básica na utilização do LDD comparado ao livro didático em papel (LDP). A pesquisa mostra ainda como desenvolver um LDD baseado nas necessidades educacionais. Realizou-se também uma avaliação entre os professores de uma rede particular de ensino no Brasil sobre suas expectativas quanto ao preparo das instituições para a implantação do LDD; a perspectiva ao uso do LDD na sala de aula e ao uso do LDD pelo estudante e as expectativas do LDD em relação ao LD (livro didático) em papel, sobre a percepção diante da implantação de um LDD digital classificado como intermediário, conforme modelo CACE (Contextualização, Aprendizagem, Compartilhamento, Ensino). Os resultados mostram que são necessários estudos mais aprofundados a fim de se avaliar a efetividade do uso do LDD no contexto de sala de aula; de acompanhar as práticas dos professores e de se ouvir os estudantes envolvidos no processo, sendo esse passos, importantes para implantação de uma possível inovação tecnológica que traga efeitos pedagógicos reais.With the new trends of reading and access to knowledge caused by the insertion of the digital textbook (DT) in the educational context, this study aimed presents the importance of having a careful look at the evaluation of this resource, through teacher expectation, as contribute to the teaching and learning process. For this, the initial focus was on the theoretical analysis based on the recent international studies developed in the digital area, highlighting the acceptance rates and the difficulties presented by students of Higher Education and Basic Education in the use of LDD compared to the paper textbook (PT). The research also presents how to develop an LDD based on educational needs. An evaluation was made among high school teachers of a particular teaching network in Brazil about their expectations regarding the preparation of institutions for the implementation of LDD; the perspective to the use of the DT in the classroom and the use of the DT by the student and the expectations of the DT in relation to the paper textbook, on the perception before the implantation of a DT classified as intermediate according to the model CACE (Contextualization, Learning, Sharing, Teaching). The results show that more in-depth studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of DT use in the context of the classroom; to follow the teachers’ practices and to listen to the students involved in the process, and these steps are important for the implementation of a possible technological innovation that brings real pedagogical effects.Con las nuevas tendencias de lectura y acceso al conocimiento provocadas por la inserción del libro didáctico digital (LDD) en el contexto educativo, se buscó en este estudio presentar la importancia de tener una mirada cuidadosa en la evaluación de ese recurso, por medio de la expectativa docente, como medio de contribuir con el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para ello, el foco inicial de este artículo se concentró en el análisis teórico basado en los estudios internacionales recientes desarrollados en el área digital, destacando los índices de aceptación y las dificultades presentadas por alumnos de la Enseñanza superior y de la Educación básica en la utilización del LDD comparado al libro didáctico en papel (LDP). La investigación presenta también cómo desarrollar un LDD basado en las necesidades educativas. Se realizó también una evaluación entre los profesores de una red particular de enseñanza en Brasil sobre sus expectativas en cuanto a la preparación de las instituciones para la implantación del LDD; la perspectiva al uso del LDD en el aula y al uso del LDD por el alumno y las expectativas del LDD en relación al LD (libro didáctico) en el papel sobre la percepción ante la implantación de un LDD digital clasificado como intermediario conforme modelo CACE (Contextualización, Aprendizaje, Compartir, Enseñanza). Los resultados muestran que son necesarios estudios más profundos para evaluar la efectividad del uso del LDD en el contexto del aula; de acompañar las prácticas de los profesores y de oír a los alumnos involucrados en el proceso, siendo estos pasos, importantes para la implantación de una posible innovación tecnológica que trae efectos pedagógicos reales.publishe

    COVID-19 x cardiovascular system: clinical evolution, risk factors and myocardial injury mechanism

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    SARS-CoV-2 has driven the COVID-19 epidemic around the world, making it one of the most significant medical challenges of the last century. This infectious agent infects host cells by binding to ACE2 receptors (an enzyme present in several tissues, such as the heart, lung and kidneys) and can lead to pneumonia, acute myocardial damage and chronic damage to the cardiovascular system. Pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity are related to greater severity and a significant increase in the fatality rate of COVID-19. The exacerbated production of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α leads to systemic inflammation, which can directly affect the cardiovascular system. Acute myocardial infarction (increased risk), myocarditis, arrhythmias, venous thromboembolism and takotsubo cardiomyopathy are some of the most prevalent complications of the cardiovascular system described in patients with COVID-19

    Surdez audível: narrativas docentes sobre o ingresso de um estudante na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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    The Brazilian university was composed historically of students with a solid knowledge base both in their home and school environment. Thus, few Brazilians could reach the higher level. In the 2010s, it was observed the democratization of higher education through affirmative policies, such as the Quota Law, which enabled the access of students from public education, also with income differentials and ethnic-racial distinctions. In 2016, the quota policy was expanded for people with disabilities. At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of 2018, the admission of a deaf student, through the Quota Law, motivated numerous discussions, reflections, and actions of social responsibility, in favor of its accessibility and inclusion since it has the Brazilian Sign Language as the first language and has little knowledge of the Portuguese language. Thus, the present study analyzed the centrality of the narratives from the teaching perspective about the admission of deaf students to the UFRJ. Qualitative research was conducted by semi-structured interviews. The Content Analysis method and the Iramuteq textual analysis software were used. The research participants were ten teachers who were close to the student in the first semester of 2018. We conclude that the academic trajectory of deaf students, despite seeming fairer when ensured by redistributive policies of access to higher education, also demonstrates a total lack of recognition and individualized attendance for their accessibility.A universidade brasileira foi composta historicamente por estudantes detentores de uma base sólida de conhecimento tanto em seu ambiente doméstico quanto escolar. Dessa forma, poucos brasileiros alcançaram o nível superior. Na década de 2010, observou-se a democratização do ensino superior por meio de políticas afirmativas, como a Lei de Cotas, que viabilizou o acesso de estudantes oriundos da educação pública, além de diferenciais de renda e distinções étnico-raciais. No ano de 2016, a política de cotas foi ampliada para as pessoas com deficiência. Na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, no primeiro semestre de 2018, o ingresso de um estudante Surdo, por meio da Lei de Cotas, motivou inúmeras discussões, reflexões e ações de responsabilidade social, em prol de sua acessibilidade e inclusão, uma vez que ele tem a Língua Brasileira de Sinais como primeira língua e possui pouco conhecimento da língua portuguesa. Assim, o presente estudo analisou a centralidade das narrativas pela perspectiva docente acerca do ingresso do estudante Surdo. Realizou-se uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, por entrevista semiestruturada. Foram utilizados o método de Análise de Conteúdo sobre os resultados de processamento oriundos do software de análise textual Iramuteq. Os participantes da pesquisa foram dez docentes que estavam próximos ao estudante no primeiro semestre de 2018. Concluímos que a trajetória acadêmica do estudante, apesar de parecer mais justa quando assegurada por políticas redistributivas de acesso ao ensino superior, demonstra também, total falta de reconhecimento e atendimento individualizado para sua acessibilidade

    Moscas-das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae) em um pomar de goiabeira, no semiárido Brasileiro

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    Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are key pests of guava Psidium guajava L. crops, with different dominant species according to the Brazilian growth region The objectives of this study were to determine the fruit fly diversity and submit the results of flies captured in guava orchard from the municipality of Cruzeta, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazilian semiarid to the faunistic analysis. Fruit flies were collected weekly with McPhail traps using protein hydrolisate at 5% v/v. Five species were recorded in the orchard: Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi, Anastrepha sororcula Zucchi, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) and Anastrepha dissimilis Stone. Ceratitis capitata was the most frequent, constant, and dominant species and could be considered an invasive species with potential to become pest on guava orchards in the Brazilian semiarid

    Reflexões Acerca das Práticas do Núcleo de Educação Ambiental da Universidade Evangélica de Goiás, Brasil (2016 – 2021)

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    This article aims to present experience reports from the Environmental Education Center (NEA) of the Universidade Evangélica de Goiás (UniEVANGELICA) exposing environmental education practices and educational processes developed at the NEA, with emphasis on the Circuito Ambiental (Environmental Circuit), Escola da Natureza (School of Nature) projects, and Environmental Education to the Elderly at the UniAPI. This is an experience report that presents the institutional role of NEA in UniEVANGELICA's Sustainable Development and Environmental Education Policy. The NEA, through its projects, seeks to build thinking about environmental sustainability and promote environmental awareness.Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar relatos de experiência do Núcleo de Educação Ambiental (NEA) da Universidade Evangélica de Goiás (UniEVANGELICA) expondo sobre as práticas de educação ambiental e os processos educativos desenvolvidos no NEA, com ênfase nos projetos Circuito Ambiental, Escola da Natureza, e Educação Ambiental na Universidade Aberta da Pessoa Idosa. Trata-se de um relato de experiência em que se apresenta o papel institucional NEA na Política de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Educação Ambiental da UniEVANGELICA. O NEA, por meio de seus projetos, busca construir um pensamento sobre a sustentabilidade ambiental e promover a sensibilização ambiental

    Common mental disorders prevalence in adolescents : a systematic review and meta-analyses

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    An increasing number of original studies suggest the relevance of assessing mental health; however, there has been a lack of knowledge about the magnitude of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) in adolescents worldwide. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of CMD in adolescents, from the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Only studies composed by adolescents (10 to 19 years old) that evaluated the CMD prevalence according to the GHQ-12 were considered. The studies were searched in Medline, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, Adolec, Google Scholar, PsycINFO and Proquest. In addition, the reference lists of relevant reports were screened to identify potentially eligible articles. Studies were selected by independent reviewers, who also extracted data and assessed risk of bias. Meta-analyses were performed to summarize the prevalence of CMD and estimate heterogeneity across studies. A total of 43 studies were included. Among studies that adopted the cut-off point of 3, the prevalence of CMD was 31.0% (CI 95% 28.0–34.0; I2 = 97.5%) and was more prevalent among girls. In studies that used the cut-off point of 4, the prevalence of CMD was 25.0% (CI 95% 19.0–32.0; I2 = 99.8%). Global prevalence of CMD in adolescents was 25.0% and 31.0%, using the GHQ cut-off point of 4 and 3, respectively. These results point to the need to include mental health as an important component of health in adolescence and to the need to include CMD screening as a first step in the prevention and control of mental disorders