1,684 research outputs found

    American Translators Association Conference

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    This association was founded in 1959 and is now the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the United States with more than 11,000 members in 90 countries. One of its primary missions is to promote the professional development of translators and interpreters. Annually, the ATA organizes a conference, a four-day international event offering language professionals more than 150 continuing education sessions, seminars, and workshops. This poster presents a selection of the sessions that I attended, including a summary of some of the dilemma’s and questions that translators and interpreters face

    A New Proposal for Collection and Generation of Information on Financial Institutions' Risk: the case of derivatives

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    This article aims at providing a new alternative for the collection of information on risks taken by financial institutions, which enables the calculation of risk tools usually used in risk management, such as VaR and stress tests. This approach should help risk managers, off-site supervision and academics in assessing the potential risks in financial institutions principally due to derivatives positions. The basic idea, for linear financial instruments, like the traditionally used by the management risk systems, is to reduce positions in risk factors and then mapping by vertices. For the nonlinear financial instruments all of the positions in different types of options – European, Americans, exotic, etc.– are represented as plain vanilla European options or replicated by portfolios of plain vanilla European options. The methodology was applied to Brazil, within the worst scenarios during the period from 1994 to 2004, and the paper demonstrates that the proposed approach captured the risks satisfactorily in the analyzed portfolios, including the risk existent in the strategies involving options, given an accepted error margin. This approach could be useful for regulators, risk managers; financial institutions and risk management modeling as it can be used as an input in general risk management models.

    Green jobs from a small state perspective : case studies from Malta

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    The basic argument in this paper is based on the premise that when green is the qualifying criterion for work rather than profit or economic growth, the world of work and the economic scenario in which it has to operate assume a different dimension. The focus of this new dimension is here placed on work performed in the intersection between employment and entrepreneurship. This is a grassroots level hibernation sphere for innovation and thus also a fertile breeding ground for green jobs. A green job in this context is being associated with meaningful work. What makes work meaningful is its potential to enable the worker to participate meaningfully and creatively in the life of society in less materialistic ways. This does not however mean that the instrumental value of work has to be ignored. In whatever perspective work is perceived it ultimately has to assure one’s survival and well being. Herein lies the principle of basic income. This paper challenges the conventional economic theory of pay and argues that a national and/or macro policy of basic income can be very conducive to the creation and sustenance of green jobs.peer-reviewe

    Leggere l’Africa in Italia. La ricezione delle letterature africane nei cinquant’anni delle indipendenze, 1960-2010

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    In this essay, Itala Vivan looks back at the way African literatures have beenreceived in Italy and analyses the features of such reception within the frameof the European approach to postcolonial literature on one side, and, on theother, considering the long survival of a colonial mentality in Italy. The essayembraces a long period of time and shows the growth of a more open andcurious attitude towards the African literary production, although a certaininclination for exoticism is still visible in contemporary Italy

    Facetas cerâmicas: espessura,opacidade e cimento ideal para obtenção do sucesso clínico

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Este trabalho objetivou determinar o quanto a opacidade e a espessura da faceta cerâmica influenciam na mudança da cor do substrato dental. Além disso avaliou-se a influência da cor do cimento nesse processo, e da atuação desses cimentos com suas pastas de prova (try-in). Foram utilizados oito incisivos centrais resinosos da cor A3 (aferidos com espectrofotômetro Vita Easy Shade), os quais não sofreram nenhum tipo de preparo. Sobre cada um deles foi confeccionada uma faceta de E.Max Press, uma cerâmica vítrea de dissilicato de lítio, através da técnica da injeção. As facetas foram divididas em duas espessuras (0,3 e 0,7 mm) e subdivididas em duas opacidades (baixa translucidez e média opacidade), para finalmente serem cada uma delas cimentadas com dois cimentos de cores diferentes (opaca e transparente). As facetas foram preparadas e fixadas conforme indicação dos fabricantes. Após a fotoativação do cimento e remoção dos excessos procedeu-se a análise da cor através do espectrofotômetro. Os resultados mostraram que: 1) A espessura da faceta influenciou na mudança de cor, sendo 0,7 mm com mais efeito que 0,3 mm, exceto quando se usou cerâmica de baixa translucidez mais cimento opaco. 2) A opacidade da cerâmica somente influenciou para as facetas de 0,3 mm. 3) O cimento opaco foi mais efetivo na mudança de cor em todos espécimes testados. 4) Houve concordância entre pastas “try-in” e cimentos definitivos de mesma cor somente quando foram utilizadas pastilhas de baixa translucidez

    Genotypic variability in grain quality of corn Zea mays L.

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    A morphological and experimental study of the growth of the skeleton in the posterior extremity of Gallus domesticus

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of ArtsText from page 1: It is established that the thickness and the arrangement of the architecture of bone in the adult is regulated to a large extent by the action of mechanical stress and strain. It has not been determined how much of a factor this is in the growing animal nor how early in embryonic development this regulating action develops. It has been maintained by one man recently (R. Thoma) that mechanical factors control the growth of bone from the start- that beginning with the first formation of bone, mechanical stress and strain control the process. The present studies were started with a view of testing this portion of the problem, to find out if possible, whether the first formation of bone is dependent upon the action of mechanical forces, or whether it is regulated by some other factors. It was further designed to find out, in case bone were formed, whether it would have a normal architecture and a normal rate of growth during the early stages of development.Included bibliographical references (pages 50-52

    Um sistema de recomendação baseado em filtragem colaborativa

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com a pesquisa na área de sistemas de recomendação, particularmente sistemas baseados em Filtragem Colaborativa, buscando promover o desenvolvimento de tecnologias informacionais no Brasil. Para tal, propõe-se desenvolver um sistema de recomendação completo para a competição promovida pela empresa Netflix, procurando obter uma precisão melhor que a do sistema em uso pela empresa - o Cinematch. Como resultado, primeiramente apresenta-se o estado da arte da pesquisa em sistemas de recomendação e a sistemática da competição. Na seqüência, a contribuição do autor é exposta através da descrição do algoritmo desenvolvido e dos resultados alcançados. Dentre estes, está a qualificação dentro da competição, o bom tempo computacional do algoritmo e a sua precisão que superou a do sistema Cinematch. Ao final, as conclusões acerca dos resultados alcançados são descritas e, estabelecem-se perspectivas para a continuidade do trabalho

    X-Ray Florescence Analysis (XRF) of Kaolin in the South Eastern Nigeria

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    The analysis of Kaolin using X-ray Florence analysis was carried out to determine the elements that kaolin are made of , as well as to ascertain Kaolin’s health benefits. There is variation in the concentration of Kaolin in the five South Eastern states of Nigeria. The analysis shows the presence of six (6) major elements (Mg, Ti, Na, K, Fe), six (6) minor elements (V, Mn, Cr, CZn, Rb, Ba) and Seven trace elements (As, Sm, U, Sc, Co, Cs, Th) in the five South Eastern states under studies. The concentrations of most of these elements far exceeds the daily dietary needs or permissible limits of human being and can thus make them toxic unless taken in small doses