293 research outputs found

    Domain modeling and grid generation for multi-block structured grids with application to aerodynamic and hydrodynamic configurations

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    About five years ago, a joint development was started of a flow simulation system for engine-airframe integration studies on propeller as well as jet aircraft. The initial system was based on the Euler equations and made operational for industrial aerodynamic design work. The system consists of three major components: a domain modeller, for the graphical interactive subdivision of flow domains into an unstructured collection of blocks; a grid generator, for the graphical interactive computation of structured grids in blocks; and a flow solver, for the computation of flows on multi-block grids. The industrial partners of the collaboration and NLR have demonstrated that the domain modeller, grid generator and flow solver can be applied to simulate Euler flows around complete aircraft, including propulsion system simulation. Extension to Navier-Stokes flows is in progress. Delft Hydraulics has shown that both the domain modeller and grid generator can also be applied successfully for hydrodynamic configurations. An overview is given about the main aspects of both domain modelling and grid generation

    New perspectives in physics and astrophysics from the theoretical understanding of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    If due attention is given in formulating the basic equations for the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) phenomenon and in performing the corresponding quantitative analysis, GRBs open a main avenue of inquiring on totally new physical and astrophysical regimes. This program is one of the greatest computational efforts in physics and astrophysics and cannot be actuated using shortcuts. A systematic approach has been highlighted in three paradigms: the relative space-time transformation (RSTT) paradigm, the interpretation of the burst structure (IBS) paradigm, the GRB-supernova time sequence (GSTS) paradigm. In fundamental physics new regimes are explored: (1) the process of energy extraction from black holes; (2) the quantum and general relativistic effects of matter-antimatter creation near the black hole horizon; (3) the physics of ultrarelativisitc shock waves with Lorentz gamma factor γ>100\gamma > 100. In astronomy and astrophysics also new regimes are explored: (i) the occurrence of gravitational collapse to a black hole from a critical mass core of mass M\agt 10M_\odot, which clearly differs from the values of the critical mass encountered in the study of stars ``catalyzed at the endpoint of thermonuclear evolution" (white dwarfs and neutron stars); (ii) the extremely high efficiency of the spherical collapse to a black hole, where almost 99.99% of the core mass collapses leaving negligible remnant; (iii) the necessity of developing a fine tuning in the final phases of thermonuclear evolution of the stars, both for the star collapsing to the black hole and the surrounding ones, in order to explain the possible occurrence of the "induced gravitational collapse". A new class of space missions to acquire information on such extreme new regimes are urgently needed.Comment: RevTeX4, 93 pages, 50 figures, to appear in the "Proceedings of the Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation", M. Novello, editor, AIP, in pres

    Is the treatment of the tear trough deformity with hyaluronic acid injections a safe procedure? A systematic review

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    Among the various therapeutic options for the treatment of tear trough deformities, the use of hyaluronic acid-based fillers has constantly been increasing. The aim of this research is to conduct a systematic review of the published literature related to the use of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers for the treatment of tear trough deformities and possible related complications. A search of the published literature was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines, including PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Ovid databases. Text words and Medical Search Headings (MeSH terms) were used to identify nine articles included in our analysis. The most used filler was Restylane (Galderma). The injection technique was performed through the use of a cannula or, more frequently, with a needle, through the execution of boluses or retrograde release. The injection plane was predominantly the supra-periosteal layer. The most observed side effects were mild and included redness, edema, contour irregularities, bruising, and blue-gray dyschromia. The degree of patient satisfaction was high, with an optimal aesthetic result that was maintained for 6 to 12 months. Although the duration of treatment of tear trough deformities with HA fillers is not comparable to surgical treatment, this is a minimally invasive, safe procedure, quick to perform, and with a high degree of patient satisfaction

    Higher-order Mechanics: Variational Principles and other topics

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    After reviewing the Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism (i.e, the Skinner-Rusk formalism) for higher-order (non-autonomous) dynamical systems, we state a unified geometrical version of the Variational Principles which allows us to derive the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations for these kinds of systems. Then, the standard Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of these principles and the corresponding dynamical equations are recovered from this unified framework.Comment: New version of the paper "Variational principles for higher-order dynamical systems", which was presented in the "III Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control" (Salamanca, 2012). The title is changed. A detailed review is added. Sections containing results about variational principles are enlarged with additional comments, diagrams and summarizing results. Bibliography is update

    Parametrization for the Scale Dependent Growth in Modified Gravity

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    We propose a scale dependent analytic approximation to the exact linear growth of density perturbations in Scalar-Tensor (ST) cosmologies. In particular, we show that on large subhorizon scales, in the Newtonian gauge, the usual scale independent subhorizon growth equation does not describe the growth of perturbations accurately, as a result of scale-dependent relativistic corrections to the Poisson equation. A comparison with exact linear numerical analysis indicates that our approximation is a significant improvement over the standard subhorizon scale independent result on large subhorizon scales. A comparison with the corresponding results in the Synchronous gauge demonstrates the validity and consistency of our analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor modifications and references added to match published versio

    From Atiyah Classes to Homotopy Leibniz Algebras

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    A celebrated theorem of Kapranov states that the Atiyah class of the tangent bundle of a complex manifold XX makes TX[1]T_X[-1] into a Lie algebra object in D+(X)D^+(X), the bounded below derived category of coherent sheaves on XX. Furthermore Kapranov proved that, for a K\"ahler manifold XX, the Dolbeault resolution Ω1(TX1,0)\Omega^{\bullet-1}(T_X^{1,0}) of TX[1]T_X[-1] is an LL_\infty algebra. In this paper, we prove that Kapranov's theorem holds in much wider generality for vector bundles over Lie pairs. Given a Lie pair (L,A)(L,A), i.e. a Lie algebroid LL together with a Lie subalgebroid AA, we define the Atiyah class αE\alpha_E of an AA-module EE (relative to LL) as the obstruction to the existence of an AA-compatible LL-connection on EE. We prove that the Atiyah classes αL/A\alpha_{L/A} and αE\alpha_E respectively make L/A[1]L/A[-1] and E[1]E[-1] into a Lie algebra and a Lie algebra module in the bounded below derived category D+(A)D^+(\mathcal{A}), where A\mathcal{A} is the abelian category of left U(A)\mathcal{U}(A)-modules and U(A)\mathcal{U}(A) is the universal enveloping algebra of AA. Moreover, we produce a homotopy Leibniz algebra and a homotopy Leibniz module stemming from the Atiyah classes of L/AL/A and EE, and inducing the aforesaid Lie structures in D+(A)D^+(\mathcal{A}).Comment: 36 page

    Averaging inhomogeneities in scalar-tensor cosmology

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    The backreaction of inhomogeneities on the cosmic dynamics is studied in the context of scalar-tensor gravity. Due to terms of indefinite sign in the non-canonical effective energy tensor of the Brans-Dicke-like scalar field, extra contributions to the cosmic acceleration can arise. Brans-Dicke and metric f(R) gravity are presented as specific examples. Certain representation problems of the formalism peculiar to these theories are pointed out.Comment: Comments and references added. 14 page

    The correlation of RNase A enzymatic activity with the changes in the distance between Nepsilon2-His12 and N delta1-His119 upon addition of stabilizing and destabilizing salts.

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    The effect of stabilizing and destabilizing salts on the catalytic behavior of ribonuclease A (RNase A) was investigated at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees C, using spectrophotometric, viscometric and molecular dynamic methods. The changes in the distance between N(epsilon2) of His(12) and N(delta1) of His(119) at the catalytic center of RNase A upon the addition of sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate and sodium thiocyanate were evaluated by molecular dynamic methods. The compactness and expansion in terms of Stokes radius of RNase A upon the addition of sulfate ions as kosmotropic salts, and thiocyanate ion as a chaotropic salt, were estimated by viscometric measurements. Enzyme activity was measured using cytidine 2', 3'-cyclic monophosphate as a substrate. The results from the measurements of distances between N(epsilon2) of His(12) and N(delta1) of His(119) and Stokes radius suggest (i) that the presence of sulfate ions decreases the distance between the catalytic His residues and increases the globular compactness, and (ii) that there is an expansion of the enzyme surface as well as elongation of the catalytic center in the presence of thiocyanate ion. These findings are in agreement with activity measurements

    Efficacy of idelalisib and rituximab in relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated outside of clinical trials. A report of the Gimema Working Group

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    Because the efficacy of new drugs reported in trials may not translate into similar results when used in the real-life, we analyzed the efficacy of idelalisib and rituximab (IR) in 149 patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated at 34 GIMEMA centers. Median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival were 22.9 and 44.5 months, respectively; performance status (PS) ≥2 and ≥3 previous lines of therapy were associated with shorter PFS and overall survival (OS). 48% of patients were on treatment at 12 months; the experience of the centers (≥5 treated patients) and PS 0-1 were associated with a significantly longer treatment duration (p = 0.015 and p = 0.002, respectively). TP53 disruption had no prognostic significance. The overall response rate to subsequent treatment was 49.2%, with median OS of 15.5 months and not reached in patients who discontinued, respectively, for progression and for toxicity (p < 0.01). Treatment breaks ≥14 days were recorded in 96% of patients and adverse events mirrored those reported in trials. In conclusion, this real-life analysis showed that IR treatment duration was longer at experienced centers, that the ECOG PS and ≥3 lines of previous therapy are strong prognostic factor and that the overall outcome with this regimen was superimposable to that reported in a randomized trial

    Filtering out the cosmological constant in the Palatini formalism of modified gravity

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    According to theoretical physics the cosmological constant (CC) is expected to be much larger in magnitude than other energy densities in the universe, which is in stark contrast to the observed Big Bang evolution. We address this old CC problem not by introducing an extremely fine-tuned counterterm, but in the context of modified gravity in the Palatini formalism. In our model the large CC term is filtered out, and it does not prevent a standard cosmological evolution. We discuss the filter effect in the epochs of radiation and matter domination as well as in the asymptotic de Sitter future. The final expansion rate can be much lower than inferred from the large CC without using a fine-tuned counterterm. Finally, we show that the CC filter works also in the Kottler (Schwarzschild-de Sitter) metric describing a black hole environment with a CC compatible to the future de Sitter cosmos.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, discussion extended, references added, accepted by Gen.Rel.Gra