12 research outputs found

    Using electrical boiler with solar panel direct connection in building heating

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    Magistritöö Energiakasutuse õppekavalTöö annab ülevaate hetkel päikesepaneelide kasutuse sagenemisest, nende tüüpidest ning erinevatest paigaldusviisidest. Töö eesmärk on välja selgitada, kui palju on võimalik hoone küttesüsteemis tõsta taastuvenergia osakaalu, kui kasutatakse päikesepaneele elekterveesoojendi otseühendusega. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks loodi hoone küttevajaduse mudel SciLab 6.0.2 keskkonnas kasutades Coselica plokke. Mudeli modelleerimise käigus tuli välja, et aastane hoone taastuvenergia osakaal on 11,30%. Kui vaadata taastuvenergia osakaalu kuu lõikes, siis kõige suurem osakaal oli mai kuus (33,06 %), järgmiseks tuli aprilli kuu (30,42 %) ja siis septembri kuu (27,84 %). Arendusena pakutakse välja suurema päikesepaneelide koguvõimsusega paneelidekompleksi kasutamist, et katta paremini soojavajadust.In this research, overview of the increasing use of solar panels is given, where also their types and different installation methods are described. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much it is possible to increase the percentage of renewable energy in the building heating system, using polar panels with direct connection. To archive the aim, model of the building’s heating demand was created using SciLab 6.0.2 with Coselica blocks. When modeling the model, it turned out that annual share is 11,30%. If share of renewable energy is viewed by month, then it turns out that largest share was in May (33,06%), followed by April (30,42%) and then September (27,84%). In future, it is proposed to use solar panels, which have higher total power to cover the heat demand of a building

    Comfort Module for Volvo

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    Bakalaureusetöö Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekavalTöö eesmärk on luua mugavusmooduli 1999-2014 aasta Volvo mudelitele, mis on ehitatud P2 platvormile. Kuigi moodul on suunatud kindlale platvormile, töötab seade ka uuematel platvormidel väikeste muudatustega. Töös antakse ülevaade mugavusmooduli elektriskeemist ning trükkplaadist. Samuti sõidukimoodulite ühendusest ning mugavusmooduli ühendamisest sõidukiga. Mugavusmooduli eesmärk on lisada sõidukile mugavuslisasid, mida tehases paigaldatud pole, kuid mis on teistel sama-aasta automarkidel juba olemas. Seadme abil kuulatakse ning sisestatakse sõiduki CAN-võrku käsklusi saavutamaks soovitud tulemusi. Töö käigus lisati sõidukile järgnevad lisad: Puldilt akende avamine/sulgemine; uste avamisel/sulgemisel küljepeeglite lahti/kinni klappimine; uste avamisel/sulgemisel lombivalgusti tööle; koos lombivalgustiga põlema ka tagurdustuled; automaatne uste lukustus sõitma hakkamisel. Edasiarenduse võimalusena on välja pakutud arvuti ja seadme vahelise programmi loomist ning USB mikrokontrolleri juhtkoodi muutmist programmiga suhtlemiseks.The aim of this thesis is to manufacture comfort module for Volvo P2 platform models. Even though this comfort module is aimed for P2 platform, with slight modifications, it would work on newer platform models. This thesis gives overview of comfort module electrical schematic and circuit board design. Also it gives overview of connections with vehicle’s modules and how to connect given comfort module to vehicle. The aim of comfort module is to add functions to vehicle, which is not included from factory but other car manufacturing companies have added to their same year models. Comfort module listens and writes command to vehicle’s CAN-bus to add such features. Features added to vehicle: open/close windows from remote; open/close side mirrors when locking/unlocking vehicle; approach lights on when unlocking/locking vehicle; reverse lights on with approach lights; automatic door lock when starting to drive. Further development possibility would be to create computer software to communicate with device to change settings. Also to modify USB microcontroller’s program to accept such commands from computer

    Examining the effects of rational emotive behavior therapy on performance outcomes in elite paralympic athletes

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    © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Traditionally a psychotherapeutic intervention, rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is receiving increasing attention within the extant literature as an intervention to enhance the athletic performance and psychological well-being of competitive athletes. Whilst the benefits of REBT on psychological health are established, less is understood about the effects on athletic performance. This study aimed to examine the immediate and maintained effects of REBT on physiological, psychological, and performance outcomes with elite Paralympic athletes. Using a single-case research design, eight athletes recruited from the same Paralympic sport (M=40.12, SD=12.99) received five, one-to-one REBT sessions. Measures of irrational beliefs were collected weekly, whereas the remaining psychological and physiological measures were collected at a pre-, post-, and at a 9-month follow-up time point. Visual and statistical analyzes of the data indicates reductions in irrational beliefs were coupled with reductions in systolic blood pressure indicative of an adaptive physiological response, improved athletic performance during competition simulations, and reductions in avoidance goals. Furthermore, social validation data indicated greater self-awareness, emotional control, and enhanced focus during competition as a result of the REBT intervention. This study contributes to growing literature supporting the efficacy of REBT as an intervention that not only facilitates psychological health but also enhances athletic performance. Results are discussed with reference to theory, limitations, and future recommendations

    “I need to go to the gym”: Exploring the use of rational emotive behaviour therapy upon exercise addiction, irrational and rational beliefs

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Extant research suggests that irrational and rational beliefs may play an important role in both substance and behavioural addictions. However, the influence of irrational and rational beliefs pertaining to exercise addiction has yet to be investigated. Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) is a cognitive-behavioural approach that provides a theoretical framework to identify and change irrational beliefs through cognitive restructuring and endorsing rational beliefs. The principal aim of the current study is to examine the effectiveness of a one-to-one REBT programme in decreasing irrational beliefs and exercise addiction symptoms, and increasing unconditional self-acceptance, in three male exercisers. The exercisers present high symptoms of exercise addiction, and high irrational beliefs. A single-case, staggered multiple-baseline across participant A-B design is used in the current study to examine the effects of a six-week REBT program comprising six 45 min one-to-one counselling sessions and 5 homework assignments. Visual and statistical analyses and social validation data indicate strong reductions in low-frustration tolerance, composite irrational beliefs, and exercise addiction from pre- to intervention phase. In addition, all participants report increased unconditional self-acceptance. This is the first study to report the effects of REBT in an exercise population, and the first to demonstrate that exercise addiction symptoms can be attenuated using REBT. This study supports literature suggesting that irrational and rational beliefs are an important mechanism in exercise addiction and provides important implications for the development of its treatment

    Ressourcenorientierung als Interventionsleitbild

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    Übermäßige Sorgen, Ängste und depressive Gefühle können bei Personen bewirken, dass die Gedanken voll und ganz auf Gefahr, Vermeidung problematischer Ereignisse und Verarbeitung negativer Emotionen fixiert sein können, sodass mögliche Ressourcen und dahinter liegende Handlungsziele und -wünsche aus dem Fokus geraten. Psychotherapie stellt sich in den Dienst der gesellschaftlichen Aufgabe, Personen mit psychischem Leidensdruck darin zu unterstützen, dass sie ihr Leiden reduzieren sowie ihr Wohlbefinden und psychosoziales Funktionieren verbessern können. Es ist verlockend, Psychotherapie in ein medizinisches Schema zu pressen. Diese Fokussierung kann dazu führen, dass wir die immense Zahl an Stärken, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten, die die Patienten gleichzeitig in die Therapie mitbringen, allzu rasch vernachlässigen. Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über ressourcenorientierte Zugänge in der Psychotherapie und fordert Selbstbewusstsein im Vertreten basaler handlungspsychologischer Grundkonzepte

    Core beliefs, automatic thoughts and response expectancies in predicting public speaking anxiety

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    The present study examined the relationships between broad core cognitions, situation-specific automatic thoughts, and response expectancies in regard to their relative contributions to public speaking anxiety. Ninety-nine socially anxious participants (mean age = 20.25) completed measures of irrational beliefs and automatic thoughts specific to public speaking. Participants were then announced the task - giving a speech in front of a virtual reality audience - and response expectancies were measured. Subjective anxiety was measured just before the speech. As predicted, response expectancies and negative automatic thoughts specific to public speaking were each found to mediate the relationship between irrational beliefs and public speaking anxiety. Multiple mediation analysis indicated that the core irrational beliefs generated specific beliefs (i.e., response expectancies that primed automatic thoughts) that acted on speech-related anxiety. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd