2,701 research outputs found

    Soil Quality Assessment after 25 Years of Sewage Sludge vs. Mineral Fertilization in a Calcareous Soil

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    The aim of this work was to identify the most sensitive soil quality indicators and assess soil quality after long-term application of sewage sludge (SS) and conventional mineral fertilization for rainfed cereal production in a sub-humid Mediterranean calcareous soil. The treatments included six combinations of SS at different doses (40 t ha−1 and 80 ha−1) and frequencies (every 1, 2 and 4 years), plus a control with mineral fertilization, and a baseline control without fertilization. Twenty-five years after the onset of the experiment, 37 pre-selected physical, chemical and biological soil parameters were measured, and a minimum data set was determined. Among these indicators, those significantly affected by treatment and depth were selected as sensitive. A principal component analysis (PCA) was then performed for each studied depth. At 0–15 cm, PCA identified three factors (F1, F2 and F3), and at 15–30 cm, two factors (F4 and F5) that explained 71.5% and 67.4% of the variation, respectively, in the soil parameters. The most sensitive indicators (those with the highest correlation within each factor) were related to nutrients (P and N), organic matter, and trace metals (F1 and F4), microporosity (F2), earthworm activity (F3), and exchangeable cations (F5). Only F3 correlated significantly (and negatively) with yield. From these results, we concluded that soil quality can be affected in opposite directions by SS application, and that a holistic approach is needed to better assess soil functioning under SS fertilization in this type of agrosystem.This project has received funding from the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) through the RTA2017-00088-C03-01 project and from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 80158

    Development of new remediation technologies for contaminated soils based on the application of zero-valent iron nanoparticles and bioremediation with compost

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    This study aimed to develop new techniques for the remediation of contaminated soils based on the applicationof zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) and bioremediation with compost from organic wastesand a mixed technique of both. An assessment of the effectiveness of remediation in two soils contaminatedwith hydrocarbons and heavy metals was carried out, with the aim of looking for positive synergiesby combining the two techniques, and demonstrating their viability on an industrial scale. The applicationof nZVI for in situ immobilization of As and Cr in two different soils (Soil I from a contaminatedindustrial site and Soil II, contaminated artificially) showed a decrease in the concentration of As in SoilI and Soil II, as well as a decrease in Cr concentration for Soil I and Soil II in the leachate of both soils.The addition of compost and nanoparticles under uncontrolled environmental conditions in biopiles wasable to produce a decrease in the concentration of aliphatic hydrocarbons of up to 60% in the two soils.Especially, degradation and transformation of longer chains occurred. A significant reduction of ecotoxicitywas observed throughout the process in the biopile of soil II, not reaching the LC50 even with 100%of the sample after the treatment, in both earthworm and seeds growth tests

    Development of new remediation technologies for contaminated soils based on the application of zero-valent iron nanoparticles and bioremediation with compost

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    This study aimed to develop new techniques for the remediation of contaminated soils based on the application of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) and bioremediation with compost from organic wastes and a mixed technique of both. An assessment of the effectiveness of remediation in two soils contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals was carried out, with the aim of looking for positive synergies by combining the two techniques, and demonstrating their viability on an industrial scale. The application of nZVI for in situ immobilization of As and Cr in two different soils (Soil I from a contaminated industrial site and Soil II, contaminated artificially) showed a decrease in the concentration of As in Soil I and Soil II, as well as a decrease in Cr concentration for Soil I and Soil II in the leachate of both soils. The addition of compost and nanoparticles under uncontrolled environmental conditions in biopiles was able to produce a decrease in the concentration of aliphatic hydrocarbons of up to 60% in the two soils. Especially, degradation and transformation of longer chains occurred. A significant reduction of ecotoxicity was observed throughout the process in the biopile of soil II, not reaching the LC50 even with 100% of the sample after the treatment, in both earthworm and seeds growth tests. [All rights reserved Elsevier]

    Potential of histamine-degrading microorganisms and diamine oxidase (DAO) for the reduction of histamine accumulation along the cheese ripening process

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    Lentilactobacillus parabuchneri is the main bacteria responsible for the accumulation of histamine in cheese. The goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of potential histamine-degrading microbial strains or, alternatively, the action of the diamine oxidase (DAO) enzyme in the reduction of histamine accumulation along the ripening process in cheese. A total of 8 cheese variants of cow milk cheese were manufactured, all of them containing L. parabuchneri Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen 5987 (except for the negative control cheese variant) along with histamine–degrading strains (Lacticaseibacillus casei 4a and 18b; Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Colección Española de Cultivos Tipo (CECT) 4005 and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus CECT 7207; two commercial yogurt starter cultures; or Debaryomyces hansenii), or DAO enzyme, tested in each cheese variant. Histamine was quantified along 100 days of cheese ripening. All the degrading measures tested significantly reduced the concentration of histamine. The highest degree of degradation was observed in the cheese variant containing D. hansenii, where the histamine content decreased up to 45.32 %. Cheese variants with L. casei, or L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus strains, also decreased in terms of histamine content by 43.05 % and 42.31 %, respectively. No significant physicochemical changes (weight, pH, water activity, color, or texture) were observed as a consequence of the addition of potential histamine-degrading adjunct cultures or DAO in cheeses. However, the addition of histamine-degrading microorganisms was associated with a particular, not unpleasant aroma. Altogether, these results suggest that the use of certain histamine-degrading microorganisms could be proposed as a suitable measure in order to decrease the amount of histamine accumulated in cheeses. © 2022 The Author

    The significance of cheese sampling in the determination of histamine concentration: Distribution pattern of histamine in ripened cheeses

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    Cheeses are becoming a major safety and public health concern: cheeses available in supermarkets occasionally contain high histamine concentrations that can have negative effects on consumer health. In this study, we have attempted to assess the histamine distribution pattern in ripened cheeses, with the purpose of establishing a correct cheese sampling strategy for the quantification of histamine. To this aim, histamine was determined in four distinct areas of twelve long-ripened hard cheeses: the external and internal rind, along with the outer and inner core of the wedge. The concentrations measured were remarkably different: histamine accumulated in the central core, whereas the lowest amount was found in the peripheral rind. To explain this heterogenous distribution, histamine producers were determined in the four areas by identifying the hdc sequences obtained from cheese samples. Non-starter bacteria were identified as main histamine producers; however, these microbiota were homogeneously distributed throughout the wedge. Nevertheless, the analysis of psychochemical properties of the different areas revealed an observable trend: histamine tended to accumulate in the saltier, more humid, and less oxidized areas in a wedge. Overall, this study highlights the significance of a correct sampling strategy when histamine is quantified in cheese

    First constraints from DAMIC-M on Sub-GeV dark-matter particles interacting with electrons

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    We report constraints on sub-GeV dark matter particles interacting with electrons from the first underground operation of DAMIC-M detectors. The search is performed with an integrated exposure of 85.23 g days, and exploits the subelectron charge resolution and low level of dark current of DAMIC-M charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Dark-matter-induced ionization signals above the detector dark current are searched for in CCD pixels with charge up to 7e−. With this dataset we place limits on dark matter particles of mass between 0.53 and 1000 MeV/c², excluding unexplored regions of parameter space in the mass ranges [1.6; 1000] MeV/c² and [1.5; 15.1] MeV/c² for ultralight and heavy mediator interactions, respectively.IFCA was supported by project PID2019–109829GB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

    Multi-modelling predictions show high uncertainty of required carbon input changes to reach a 4‰ target

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    Soils store vast amounts of carbon (C) on land, and increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in already managed soils such as croplands may be one way to remove C from the atmosphere, thereby limiting subsequent warming. The main objective of this study was to estimate the amount of additional C input needed to annually increase SOC stocks by 4%(0) at 16 long-term agricultural experiments in Europe, including exogenous organic matter (EOM) additions. We used an ensemble of six SOC models and ran them under two configurations: (1) with default parametrization and (2) with parameters calibrated site-by-site to fit the evolution of SOC stocks in the control treatments (without EOM). We compared model simulations and analysed the factors generating variability across models. The calibrated ensemble was able to reproduce the SOC stock evolution in the unfertilised control treatments. We found that, on average, the experimental sites needed an additional 1.5 +/- 1.2 Mg C ha(-)(1) year(-1) to increase SOC stocks by 4%(0) per year over 30 years, compared to the C input in the control treatments (multi-model median +/- median standard deviation across sites). That is, a 119% increase compared to the control. While mean annual temperature, initial SOC stocks and initial C input had a significant effect on the variability of the predicted C input in the default configuration (i.e., the relative standard deviation of the predicted C input from the mean), only water-related variables (i.e., mean annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) explained the divergence between models when calibrated. Our work highlights the challenge of increasing SOC stocks in agriculture and accentuates the need to increasingly lean on multi-model ensembles when predicting SOC stock trends and related processes. To increase the reliability of SOC models under future climate change, we suggest model developers to better constrain the effect of water-related variables on SOC decomposition

    Bacterial community structure in soil microaggregates and on particulate organic matter fractions located outside or inside soil macroaggregates

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    Soil aggregates and particulate organic matter (POM) are thought to represent distinct soil microhabitats for microbial communities. This study investigated whether organo-mineral (0–20, 20–50 and 50–200 μm) and POM (two sizes: >200 and 200 μm). The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles revealed that bacterial communities structure of organo-mineral soil fractions were significantly different in comparison to the unfractionated soil. Conversely, there were little differences in C concentrations, C:N ratios and no differences in DGGE profiles between organo-mineral fractions. Bacterial communities between soil fractions located inside or outside macroaggregates were not significantly different. However, the bacterial communities on POM fractions were significantly different in comparison to organo-mineral soil fractions and unfractionated soil, and also between the 2 sizes of POM. Thus in the studied soil, only POM fractions represented distinct microhabitats for bacterial community, which likely vary with the state of decomposition of the POM

    Performance of the CMS drift tube chambers with cosmic rays

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    47 páginas, 24 figuras.-- Open Access.-- CMS Collaboration: et al.Studies of the performance of the CMS drift tube barrel muon system are described, with results based on data collected during the CMS Cosmic Run at Four Tesla. For most of these data, the solenoidal magnet was operated with a central field of 3.8 T. The analysis of data from 246 out of a total of 250 chambers indicates a very good muon reconstruction capability, with a coordinate resolution for a single hit of about 260 μm, and a nearly 100% efficiency for the drift tube cells. The resolution of the track direction measured in the bending plane is about 1.8 mrad, and the efficiency to reconstruct a segment in a single chamber is higher than 99%. The CMS simulation of cosmic rays reproduces well the performance of the barrel muon detector.Acknowledge support from: FMSR (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); Academy of Sciences and NICPB (Estonia); Academy of Finland, ME, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NKTH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); NRF (Korea); LAS (Lithuania); CINVESTAV, CONACYT, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); PAEC (Pakistan); SCSR (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan); MST and MAE (Russia); MSTDS (Serbia); MICINN and CPAN (Spain); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); NSC (Taipei); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA). Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie IEF program (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the A. P. Sloan Foundation; and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Peer reviewe