16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kreativitas Mahasiswa dan Komunikasi Interpersonal dengan Dosen terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

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    This research was conducted in the study program of economic education STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, on the effect of student creativity and interpersonal communication with faculty on student achievement education department of economics. The purpose of this study were (1) To determine the effect of creativity of students on student achievement education department of economics STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. (2) To determine the effect of interpersonal communication with faculty on student learning achievement of the education department of economics STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. (3) To determine the effect of students creativity and interpersonal communication with faculty on student learning achievement of the education department of economics STKIP PGRI West Sumatra.The results of data analysis showed that (1) There is a positive and significant impact of student creativity on student achievement education department of economics STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, this is evidenced by the regression coefficient of 0.560, with a value of 4,927 t count> t table 1.6622 seen from sig 0.000 t table 0.000 1.6622 seen from the sig F table value of 3.10 and a significant of 0.002. Sig value <α, namely (0.000 <0.05)

    Eksistensi pranata mangsa sunda sebagai pedoman musim : studi kasus di Kampung Naga Desa Neglasari Kecamatan Salawu Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat

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    Penanggalan Pranata Mangsa merupakan aturan waktu yang digunakan petani khususnya masyarakat Jawa sebagai pedoman musim. Fenomena global yang terjadi menjadi salah satu kelemahan dari penanggalan ini. Sebab, Pranata Mangsa tidak menggambarkan variasi yang mungkin muncul akibat perubahan musim yang bisa disebabkan oleh El Nino dan La Nina. Salah satu masyarakat yang masih menggunakan Pranata Mangsa untuk kepentingan pertanian adalah masyarakat di Kampung Naga. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penanggalan Pranata Mangsa masih dipercaya oleh masyarakat, akan tetapi faktor apa saja yang menjadi penyebab penanggalan ini masih eksis digunakan? Penelitian ini akan membahas terkait konsep Pranata Mangsa yang ada di Kampung Naga serta pendapat masyarakat tani terkait eksistensi Pranata Mangsa sebagai pedoman musim. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelitian lapangan (field research). Sumber data primer diperoleh melaui proses wawancara (Interview) kepada masyarakat tani di Kampung Naga. Sumber data sekunder berasal dari dokumentasi buku-buku, makalah, dan tulisan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menghasilkan dua kesimpulan, yaitu: Pertama, Pranata Mangsa di Kampung Naga tidak digunakan secara utuh tetapi dilengkapi dengan sebuah aturan dari nenek moyang yang dinamakan Rizki Poe’ (hari baik) sebagai acuan menentukan hari dan jam yang berdasarkan hari lahir pemilik lahan. Kemudian dari 12 mangsa yang ada terdapat perbedaan pada Mangsa Kasa (21 Juni – 31 Juli) yang menunjukkan musim kemarau sehingga tidak cocok untuk bercocok tanam, tetapi di Kampung Naga pada Mangsa ini merupakan masa tanam. Selain itu pada Mangsa Kanem (8 November – 20 Desember) merupakan waktu membersihkan sawah dari gulma, tetapi di Kampung Naga adalah waktu memanen padi. Kedua, eksistensi Pranata Mangsa di Kampung Naga selain karena masyarakatnya yang masih menjalankan adat juga didukung faktor geografis dan lingkungan yang subur, sehingga tidak pernah terjadi gagal panen akibat fenomena El Nino dan La Nin

    Human-centered place branding: an integrated approach to place branding

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    Recently, several scholars have called for rethinking the concept of place branding (PB), articulating fundamental questions in favour of furthering its theory and practice. They have suggested the re-assessment of the applications, constructs, measures, and strategies of PB which necessitate the cross-disciplinary elaborations towards the development of the field. Place branding is, however, considered a complex social practice due to the multiplicity of stakeholders, diversity of components and approaches involved in the process, as well as the complexity of the places where the process takes place. Hence, an alternative integrated perspective is required that extends conventional approaches and frameworks beyond mere economic interests and fixed market-driven solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to conceptualise an integrated place branding (IPB) framework, to determine and demonstrate how such a framework can be developed, and to reflect upon what an integrated approach implies for the development of PB theory and practice. The research indicates that the development of such a process requires long-term negotiation and participation of internal stakeholders, an all-inclusive human-centred approach, and the application of social innovation (SI) strategies. The proposed framework is then examined through a survey of residents of six different cities in Canada, Iran, and Portugal. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLSSEM) is used to empirically evaluate the proposed framework. This thesis provides several theoretical and practical contributions to the field. While developing an IPB framework based on SI strategies, this study represents a practical tool for policymakers and brand managers to foster, facilitate and enhance the processes of PB, development, and transformation in an integrated way. This thesis’ findings highlight the impact of IPB on several aspects of improvements in the place including sociocultural, institutional, and territorial developments. The results indicate such a framework can bring about changes in community values, beliefs, and norms, socio-political relations, and overall image of the place supporting the development of innovative practices and multi-purpose activities and fostering a creative atmosphere and competencies in the place that might improve the local economy. The findings also show the opportunities for the development of a multilevel governance system that involves disadvantaged groups in decisions, and new multiscalar social organisations that support social inclusion and community empowerment.Recentemente, diversos estudiosos têm defendido a necessidade de repensar o conceito de place branding (PB), em prol do seu aprofundamento teórico e prático. Neste contexto, e com base em abordagens interdisciplinares, é oportuna a reavaliação de constructos, métodos de mensuração, estratégias e ações, o que poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento desta área de investigação. Place branding é, pois, considerada uma prática social complexa devido à multiplicidade de stakeholders, componentes e abordagens envolvidas no processo de criação da marca dos lugares. O lugar é, devido à sua natureza compósita, uma entidade complexa. Consequentemente, a adoção de uma perspetiva integrada de PB, que estenda as abordagens e estruturas convencionais além de meros interesses económicos e soluções fixas voltadas para o mercado, é um fator crítico de sucesso na gestão dos lugares. O objetivo desta investigação é concetualizar um modelo integrado de place branding (IPB) e contribuir para a operacionalização do constructo. A pesquisa indica que o desenvolvimento deste processo requer negociação e participação de longo prazo entre as partes interessadas, tendo como base uma abordagem inclusiva e centrada no ser humano, através da aplicação de estratégias de inovação social (IS). O modelo integrado de place branding proposto é testado em seis cidades no Canadá, Irão e Portugal. Este estudo fornece contributos teóricos e empíricos. Os resultados apresentam-se com utilidade prática para gestores públicos, políticos e profissionais responsáveis pela criação e gestão de marcas de lugares. Além disso, destacam o impacto da abordagem integrada de gestão da marca dos lugares, sobretudo ao nível sociocultural, institucional e territorial, com impactos nos valores partilhados pela comunidade, crenças e normas, relações sociopolíticas e imagem geral do local. Pode, ainda, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de práticas inovadoras e atividades polivalentes, promovendo uma atmosfera criativa e estimulando competências no lugar com reflexos na economia local. Além disso, contribui para criar condições à implementação de um sistema de governança multinível no qual estão envolvidos grupos desfavorecidos e novas organizações sociais, uma evolução do sentido da inclusão social e do empoderamento da comunidade.This research was supported by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/ 04020/2020

    Light Pollution, Urbanization and Ecology

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    Light Pollution, Urbanization and Ecology presents a comprehensive review of light pollution, including scientific research on the ecological impacts of artificial illumination in urban regions. Chapters cover such topics as general ecological aspects, plants, invertebrate and vertebrate biology, and environmental and landscape architecture aspects of this interesting and important topic


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran generative learning dengan siswa yang belajar menggunakan model konvensional pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Kelayang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Quasi Experiment. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas XI Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial sedangkan objeknya adalah model pembelajaran generative learning dan hasil belajar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial kelas X, XI, XII berjumlah 136 orang sedangkan sampelnya kelas XI Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial yang berjumlah 46 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah test t. Berdasarkan analisis uji-t menunjukkan bahwa data akhir diperoleh nilai t_hitung>t_tabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (1,680) maupun 1% (2,414) atau 2,4141,680. Nilai t_hitung>t_tabel sehingga H_aditerima dan H_o ditolak yang berarti adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran generatif learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Kelayang. Sumbangan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran generative learning sebesar 76,7% terhadap hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran ekonomi. Sedangkan sisanya 23,3% lagi dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Pengaruh, Model Pembelajaran Generative Learning, Hasil Belaja


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    This paper provides an overview of the profile of creative thinking of students in SMPN 13 and MTs Alitqonin solving open-ended problems. Students are given an open question and analyzed based on the criteria of ability to think creatively is fluency, flexibility and originality. The results of these observations are SMPN 13 better than MTs Alitqonnamely the originality and flexibility in dicators and both students alike are at level 2 even though the only difference is the number of students who are at level 2. Students MTs at most at the level of 0. While the indicator visible fluency striking difference is at most SMPN students at level 4 while MTs all students at level 0. The difference in the ability to think creatively because school profile and character of the students in the face of a different matter. Students of SMPN 13 has a character trying to continue to understand and resolve open-ended problems. While students MTs Alitqon easier desperate seen from the results of student work that many complaints. When viewed from the profile of the school, SMPN 13 is a public school while MTs Alitqon more dominated because of religious boarding school nuanced. Keywords: creative thinking, open-ende

    Direktori Industri Pengolahan Indonesia 2006

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