321 research outputs found

    Digital Deblurring of CMB Maps II: Asymmetric Point Spread Function

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    In this second paper in a series dedicated to developing efficient numerical techniques for the deblurring Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps, we consider the case of asymmetric point spread functions (PSF). Although conceptually this problem is not different from the symmetric case, there are important differences from the computational point of view because it is no longer possible to use some of the efficient numerical techniques that work with symmetric PSFs. We present procedures that permit the use of efficient techniques even when this condition is not met. In particular, two methods are considered: a procedure based on a Kronecker approximation technique that can be implemented with the numerical methods used with symmetric PSFs but that has the limitation of requiring only mildly asymmetric PSFs. The second is a variant of the classic Tikhonov technique that works even with very asymmetric PSFs but that requires discarding the edges of the maps. We provide details for efficient implementations of the algorithms. Their performance is tested on simulated CMB maps.Comment: 9 pages, 13 Figure

    Digital Deblurring of CMB Maps: Performance and Efficient Implementation

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    Digital deblurring of images is an important problem that arises in multifrequency observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) where, because of the width of the point spread functions (PSF), maps at different frequencies suffer a different loss of spatial resolution. Deblurring is useful for various reasons: first, it helps to restore high frequency components lost through the smoothing effect of the instrument's PSF; second, emissions at various frequencies observed with different resolutions can be better studied on a comparable resolution; third, some map-based component separation algorithms require maps with similar level of degradation. Because of computational efficiency, deblurring is usually done in the frequency domain. But this approach has some limitations as it requires spatial invariance of the PSF, stationarity of the noise, and is not flexible in the selection of more appropriate boundary conditions. Deblurring in real space is more flexible but usually not used because of its high computational cost. In this paper (the first in a series on the subject) we present new algorithms that allow the use of real space deblurring techniques even for very large images. In particular, we consider the use of Tikhonov deblurring of noisy maps with applications to {\it PLANCK}. We provide details for efficient implementations of the algorithms. Their performance is tested on Gaussian and non-Gaussian simulated CMB maps, and PSFs with both circular and elliptical symmetry. Matlab code is made available.Comment: 14 pages, 16, figures, A&A in press; high quality figures available upon request to the author

    From proper motions to star cluster dynamics: measuring velocity dispersion in deconvolved distribution functions

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    We investigate the effect that the usually large errors associated with ground-based proper motion (PM) components have on the determination of a star cluster's velocity dispersion (\sv). Rather than histograms, we work with PM distribution functions (PMDFs), taking the 1σ1\sigma uncertainties formally into account. In this context, a cluster's intrinsic PMDF is broadened by the error distribution function (eDF) that, given the average error amplitude, has a width usually comparable to the cluster PMDF. Thus, we apply a Richardson-Lucy (RL) deconvolution to the PMDFs of a set of relatively nearby and populous open clusters (OCs), using the eDFs as point spread functions (PSFs). The OCs are NGC\,1039 (M\,34), NGC\,2477, NGC\,2516, NGC\,2682 (M\,67), and NGC\,7762. The deconvolved PMDFs are approximately Gaussian in shape, with dispersions lower than the observed ones by a factor of 4-10. NGC\,1039 and NGC\,2516, the nearest OCs of the sample, have deconvolved \sv\ compatible with those of bound OCs of mass 103\sim10^3\,\ms. NGC\,2477 and NGC\,2682 have deconvolved PMDFs with a secondary bump, shifted towards higher average velocities, which may be an artefact of the RL deconvolution when applied to asymmetric profiles. Alternatively, it may originate from cluster merger, large-scale mass segregation or, least probably, binaries.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    On the Nature of X-ray Variability in Ark 564

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    We use data from a recent long ASCA observation of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Ark 564 to investigate in detail its timing properties. We show that a thorough analysis of the time series, employing techniques not generally applied to AGN light curves, can provide useful information to characterize the engines of these powerful sources.We searched for signs of non-stationarity in the data, but did not find strong evidences for it. We find that the process causing the variability is very likely nonlinear, suggesting that variability models based on many active regions, as the shot noise model, may not be applicable to Ark 564. The complex light curve can be viewed, for a limited range of time scales, as a fractal object with non-trivial fractal dimension and statistical self-similarity. Finally, using a nonlinear statistic based on the scaling index as a tool to discriminate time series, we demonstrate that the high and low count rate states, which are indistinguishable on the basis of their autocorrelation, structure and probability density functions, are intrinsically different, with the high state characterized by higher complexity.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    As caracter?sticas da execu??o da gest?o ambiental pela Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do munic?pio de Cajazeiras-PB

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    Entendendo a dualidade existente entre a quest?o da utiliza??o e a preserva??o dos recursos naturais, assim como a import?ncia da realiza??o de estudos e pesquisas relacionados a essa tem?tica, o presente trabalho tem o escopo de verificar as caracter?sticas da execu??o da Gest?o Ambiental no munic?pio de Cajazeiras-PB, tendo em vista a necessidade de conhecer as legisla??es que subsidiam as a??es de vigil?ncia ambiental no munic?pio, buscando identificar aspectos relacionados as infra??es cometidas e suas respectivas penalidades com o intuito de constatar se s?o realizadas a??es de puni??o ao processo de degrada??o ambiental. Deste modo, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva de car?ter quantitativo, por meio de uma revis?o bibliogr?fica e documental em que coleta de dados foi feita atrav?s da aplica??o de um question?rio atrav?s da utiliza??o da Escala de Likert e an?lise dos dados realizada conforme verifica??o das informa??es coletadas

    Velocity Field Statistics in Star-Forming Regions. I. Centroid Velocity Observations

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    The probability density functions (pdfs) of molecular line centroid velocity fluctuations and fluctuation differences at different spatial lags are estimated for several nearby molecular clouds with active internal star formation. The data consist of over 75,000 13^{13}CO line profiles divided among twelve spatially and/or kinematically distinct regions. Although three regions (all in Mon R2) appear nearly Gaussian, the others show strong evidence for non-Gaussian, often nearly exponential, centroid velocity pdfs, possibly with power law contributions in the far tails. Evidence for nearly exponential centroid pdfs in the neutral HI component of the ISM is also presented, based on older optical and radio observations. These results are in contrast to pdfs found in isotropic incompressible turbulence experiments and simulations. Furthermore, no evidence is found for the scaling of difference pdf kurtosis with Reynolds number which is seen in incompressible turbulence, and the spatial distribution of high-amplitude velocity differences shows little indication of the filamentary appearance predicted by decay simulations dominated by vortical interactions. The variation with lag of the difference pdf moments is presented as a constraint on future simulations.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, with 15 Figures included separately as gif image files. Refereed/revised version accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. A complete (but much larger) postscript version is available from http://ktaadn.gsfc.nasa.gov/~miesc

    Quantum Search with Two-atom Collisions in Cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme to implement two-qubit Grover's quantum search algorithm using Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics. Circular Rydberg atoms are used as quantum bits (qubits). They interact with the electromagnetic field of a non-resonant cavity . The quantum gate dynamics is provided by a cavity-assisted collision, robust against decoherence processes. We present the detailed procedure and analyze the experimental feasibility.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Impact of emergency oral rabies vaccination of foxes in northeastern Italy, 28 December 2009-20 January 2010: preliminary evaluation.

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    Fox rabies re-emerged in northeastern Italy in 2008, in an area bordering Slovenia. In 2009, the infection spread westward to Veneto region and in 2010 to the provinces of Trento and Bolzano. Aerial emergency oral fox vaccination was implemented in the winter 2009-10. Since this vaccination was performed at altitudes below the freezing level, a statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate its impact. Of the foxes sampled following the vaccination campaign, 77% showed a rabies antibody titre of ≥0.5 IU/ml