160 research outputs found

    From Teasing to Torment: School Climate Revisited - A Survey of U.S. Secondary School Students and Teachers

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    From Teasing to Torment: School Climate Revisited, A Survey of U.S. Secondary School Students and Teachers provides an in-depth look at the current landscape of bias and peer victimization as reported by students and teachers from across the nation. In addition to examining various types of bias, including those based on race/ethnicity, religion, body size, and ability, this report provides a focused look at LGBTQ issues in secondary schools. Comparing findings to a similar survey we conducted in 2005, the report discusses the progress that has been made over the past ten years, as well as highlights the challenges that remain. It also offers recommendations and strategies to improve school climate for all students.Specifically, the research report addresses:Student and teacher perceptions of school climate; Student experiences of safety, bullying, and harassment, including biased incidents based on race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, body size, gender, religion, ability, economic status, and gender expression;Teacher intervention in bullying and incidents of bias; LGBT-supportive teacher practices, such as advising GSA or including LGBT content in teaching;Teacher professional development (pre-service and in-service) in bullying, diversity, and LGBT issues; andDifferences in students' school experiences based on race/ethnicity, LGBTQ status, gender nonconformity, and geography (i.e., urbanicity, region), among others

    Explaining the Disability Gap in Access to Postsecondary Education: The Role of Social Factors

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    Recent changes in the U.S. economy have made access to postsecondary education a major factor in socioeconomic success. This has led to increasing rates of college attendance. However, this trend has masked major differences across demographic groups. While researchers have focused on income and racial gaps in college enrollment, students with disabilities have also struggled to enroll relative to other students. Research on students with disabilities has often attributed this disparity to the disability rather than the social forces that tend to influence other forms of social inequality in educational attainment. Using generalized linear latent and mixed models (gllamm) on the Education Longitudinal Study, a national sample of high school students, this research attempts to understand whether, and why, students with disabilities are at a disadvantage compared with other students in the postsecondary access process (application, admissions, and enrollment). While they are less likely to attend postsecondary education upon high school graduation, it is unclear whether that is due to their disability or other factors, such as socio-demographic and academic characteristics that resemble those of other students whose educational attainment prospects are also bleak, a lack of self-determination in creating their own trajectory, or as a result of the high schools they attend, which might not have the resources and environment (i.e. academic press and student demographics) needed to help students achieve postsecondary access. We also consider whether postsecondary access for students with disabilities is associated with their experience as special education students, an experience that is institutionally imposed on most students with disabilities. Results show that for students with disabilities and those who received special education services, the likelihood of postsecondary access is heavily contingent on completing the application stage. Furthermore, although disability and the receipt of special education services plays a significant and negative role in postsecondary access, these influences are explained by differences in the academic profiles of students with disabilities relative to other students. These findings support the notion that the disability gap in postsecondary access is not just a medical phenomenon but one rooted in the social processes of being a student with a disability

    From Teasing to Torment: School Climate Revisited - A Survey of U.S. Secondary School Students and Teachers, Executive Summary

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    From Teasing to Torment: School Climate Revisited, A Survey of U.S. Secondary School Students and Teachers affords us the opportunity to document the current state of safety, bias, and bullying in schools and assess potential disparities based not only on LGBTQ status, but also on race/ethnicity, sex, gender expression, and socioeconomic status. As school climate is determined not only by the existence or absence of victimization, we also explore students' experiences with school disciplinary actions and extracurricular activities, seeking to develop a more complete picture of the student experience. In addition, we again document students' access to resources that may improve school climate, such as student clubs that address LGBTQ student issues, inclusive curriculum, and anti-bullying/harassment policies. Moreover, in this report, secondary school teachers offer their perceptions on bias, bullying, and LGBTQ students' safety, and provide valuable information about the preparation they may have received to address these issues. We also document teachers' practices in regards to combating bias and supporting LGBTQ students specifically, including the potential barriers to doing so. Lastly, we offer recommendations for both further research and specific programmatic and policy strategies that may help schools reduce the risk of peer victimization, counter the damaging effects of bias, and provide safe and supportive learning environments for all LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ students alike

    Distribución espacial de los quetognatos y cómo la portación de huevos afecta la distribución vertical de Sagitta tasmanica en el sur de Chile

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    Six chaetognath species were determined, all for the first time, in the inner waters between Reloncaví Fjord and Boca del Guafo, Chile. Sagitta tasmanica (85.3%) and Eukrohnia hamata (5.8%) were dominant. Sagitta minima was collected for the first time in the southern channel and fjord region. The largest chaetognath aggregations were found around the Desertores Islands, which create a geographic barrier between two microbasins (north and south) with different oceanographic characteristics. S. decipiens was distributed mostly in the surface layer (0-50 m), whereas E. hamata, S. chilensis, S. minima, and S. enflata were found in deeper waters (50-200 m). The vertical distribution of S. tasmanica was homogeneous; mature, egg-carrying individuals were found at greater depths than those without eggs.Se determinó la presencia de seis especies de quetognatos, todas ellas registradas por primera vez en aguas interiores comprendidas entre el fiordo Reloncaví y la boca del Guafo, Chile. Las especies dominantes fueron Sagitta tasmanica (85,3%) y Eukrohnia hamata (5,8%), mientras que S. minima se colectó por primera vez en el ecosistema de canales y fiordos australes. Las mayores agregaciones de quetognatos se determinaron alrededor de las islas Desertores, que constituyen una barrera geográfica entre dos microcuencas de diferentes condiciones oceanográficas. La distribución vertical de S. decipiens presentó una preferencia por el estrato superficial, mientras que E. hamata, S. chilensis, S. minima y S. enflata se capturaron preferentemente a mayor profundidad. En cambio, S. tasmanica se distribuyó homogéneamente en la columna de agua, pero los individuos maduros con huevos se encontraron a mayor profundidad que los que no transportaban huevos

    Modelo administrativo-financiero para entidades sin fines de lucro con aplicación a la Iglesia La Presencia

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    En nuestro país, Ecuador, el sector económico-societario, está conformado por empresas cuyo objetivo es generar beneficios económicos y entidades que no tienen fines de lucro. Las empresas están controladas por entes gubernamentales como la Superintendencia de Compañías, Superintendencia de Bancos, Servicios de Rentas Internas, Municipios, etc., a diferencia de las entidades sin fines de lucro que no están controladas por todos los Organismos mencionados anteriormente, lo que da lugar a un cierto descuido administrativo por parte de sus miembros. Con el objetivo de garantizar la permanencia de una organización, es necesario planificar, organizar, dirigir y controlar y evaluar todos los procesos que la conforman; en el caso de que una organización no esté bajo la supervisión de todas las entidades gubernamentales, el control debe ser dispuesto a través de la ética profesional de sus administradores. Conociendo la importancia de contar con procesos claros, controles bien definidos e información confiable y oportuna, el objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar con la elaboración de un modelo administrativo-financiero para entidades sin fines de lucro, que sirva como guía para las entidades existentes y las que tengan su posterior creación; como parte de la guía se ejemplificará con aplicación del modelo a la Iglesia La Presencia

    Estudio de la relación entre los indicadores de severidad de maltrato físico con la calidad de apego adulto y sintomatología de trastorno de estrés post traumático en una muestra universitaria

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    73 p.Se ha establecido que la experimentación de maltrato físico en la infancia, genera consecuencias en la calidad de apego adulto y una mayor probabilidad de presentar sintomatología de estrés post traumático, sin embargo, no se ha profundizado en los indicadores de gravedad que caracterizan este tipo de maltrato. Es por esta razón, la presente investigación pretende conocer la relación entre indicadores de gravedad de maltrato físico y la calidad de apego adulto y presencia de sintomatología TEPT en la adultez, en población universitaria (n = 350). Para evaluar la gravedad de la experiencia de maltrato físico sufrida en la infancia, se utilizó CAMI-SF. En cuanto a la evaluación de las representaciones de apego adulto (ansiedad y evitación), se usó el ECR. Además, para medir la sintomatología asociada a TEPT, se aplicó PCL-5. Los principales resultados, indican que algunos de los indicadores de gravedad influyen en la dimensión ansiosa del apego adulto (frecuencia, fuerza utilizada y duración). Respecto a la presencia de sintomatología de TEPT, hay relación con algunos de los indicadores de gravedad de maltrato físico (frecuencia, naturaleza del acto y lesiones). Se puede concluir, que la variación de ciertos indicadores de gravedad se asocian a un aumento en la ansiedad del apego y a mayor nivel de síntomas de TEPT. Los resultados serán discutidos en base a la literatura de maltrato infantil, apego y TEPT. Palabras claves: maltrato físico, indicadores de severidad, apego adulto, sintomatología de estrés post traumático

    Diagnóstico de la cadena agroalimentaria del banano en el Ecuador

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    El desarrollo de los mercados en el ámbito global, hace pensar en la actualidad sobre la existencia de un consumidor global, preocupado por demandar no sólo calidad, sino también seguridad en los productos que consume. Esta nueva característica de los consumidores, abre muchas posibilidades para el desarrollo de bienes y servicios con características que aporten una cuota de valor diferencial, sobre la cual resulte posible sustentar estrategias de negocios que hagan hincapié en esta diferenciación. Este tipo de estrategias, por lo general, se encontrarán sustentadas por productos cuyos procesos involucran activos de elevada especificidad y, en este punto, se torna importante poseer un eficiente diseño organizacional que los proteja de grandes pérdidas de valor. En lo que respecta al mercado de pellets y cubos de alfalfa en particular, donde se proyecta una demanda global creciente, y en el que la Argentina tiene ventajas comparativas a partir de su enorme potencial para el desarrollo de alfalfares de calidad premium, que le permitirían obtener un producto con un diferencial de calidad reconocido en el mercado internacional, surge como interrogante a investigar, si el negocio de pellets y cubos de alfalfa en la Argentina encuentra fortalezas para poder aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado mundial y cuáles son las claves a considerar para contar con un diseño organizacional que permita el desarrollo de este negocio. La metodología de estudio consistió, por un lado, en una recopilación de información de fuentes primarias y secundarias, para estudiar el mercado en general y el ambiente comercial en particular, y por otro, en el desarrollo de un análisis a partir del Modelo de Tres Vías de Joskow. A partir del estudio se concluyó que para aprovechar las oportunidades en este negocio, es necesario contar con un diseño organizacional en el que coexistan diferentes formas de gobernancia. De esta forma, y con el objeto de proteger a los activos específicos en su conjunto, se observó que para la producción es necesario adoptar una estructura de gobernancia que tendiera a la integración vertical, mientras que para la comercialización se debe combinar una estructura de gobernancia híbrida que contenga salvaguardas, cuando ésta se orienta al mercado externo, con una estructura de gobernancia regida por el mercado para cuando se comercialice dentro de la Argentina

    Critical Race Theory and Education: racism and anti-racism in educational theory and praxis

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    What is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what does it offer educational researchers and practitioners outside the US? This paper addresses these questions by examining the recent history of antiracist research and policy in the UK. In particular, the paper argues that conventional forms of antiracism have proven unable to keep pace with the development of increasingly racist and exclusionary education polices that operate beneath a veneer of professed tolerance and diversity. In particular, contemporary antiracism lacks clear statements of principle and theory that risk reinventing the wheel with each new study; it is increasingly reduced to a meaningless slogan; and it risks appropriation within a reformist “can do” perspective dominated by the de-politicized and managerialist language of school effectiveness and improvement. In contrast, CRT offers a genuinely radical and coherent set of approaches that could revitalize critical research in education across a range of inquiries, not only in self-consciously "multicultural" studies. The paper reviews the developing terrain of CRT in education, identifying its key defining elements and the conceptual tools that characterise the work. CRT in education is a fast changing and incomplete project but it can no longer be ignored by the academy beyond North America