58 research outputs found

    Evolution of the reactive surface of potassium feldspar during its geothermal alteration : experimental study and modeling

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    L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de quantifier l’évolution de la surface rĂ©active d’un silicate modĂšle (orthose) lors de son altĂ©ration hydrothermale et estimer son impact sur la cinĂ©tique rĂ©actionnelle. L’étude porte sur : (1) l’influence de la prĂ©sence de couverture de phases secondaires Ă  mĂȘme la surface de l’orthose, (2) l’impact de l’anisotropie de la structure cristalline de l’orthose et (3) l’effet de la formation de puits de corrosion en surface. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux et numĂ©riques mettent en Ă©vidence que la vitesse de dissolution de l’orthose et son Ă©volution au cours du temps dĂ©pendent essentiellement de sa morphologie.Certaines faces cristallines se dissolvent 10 fois plus rapidement que d’autres, entraĂźnant une augmentation de la proportion de faces rapides au cours du processus et une Ă©lĂ©vation, jusqu’à un ordre de grandeur, de la vitesse de dissolution globale de l’orthose. Ces rĂ©sultats ouvrent d’importantes pistes de rĂ©flexion sur la mĂ©thode adĂ©quate pour rendre compte des cinĂ©tiques des interactions fluide/roche sur le terrain ainsi que sur la signification des lois de vitesse et des mĂ©canismes rĂ©actionnels dĂ©terminĂ©s Ă  partir d’expĂ©riences sur poudre.This thesis aims at quantifying the reactive surface area evolution of dissolving K- feldspar, and evaluating the impact on the dissolution kinetics during its alteration in geothermal context. The study focuses on : (1) the influence of secondary coatings on the orthoclase surface, (2) the impact of the anisotropic crystalline structure of orthoclase and (3) the effect of etch pit formation on the mineral surface. Experimental and numerical results highlight that the orthoclase dissolution rate and its evolution over time mainly depends onits morphology. Some orthoclase faces dissolve 10 times faster than others, resulting in an increase of the surface proportion of rapid vs. slow dissolving faces during the process and the increase of up to an order of magnitude of the overall orthoclase dissolution rate. These results question the significance of rate laws and reaction mechanisms determined from powder experiments and the pave to new approaches for investigating mineral reactivity

    Évolution de la surface rĂ©active du feldspath potassique au cours de son altĂ©ration en contexte gĂ©othermal : Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale et modĂ©lisation

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    This thesis aims at quantifying the reactive surface area evolution of dissolving K- feldspar, and evaluating the impact on the dissolution kinetics during its alteration in geothermal context. The study focuses on : (1) the influence of secondary coatings on the orthoclase surface, (2) the impact of the anisotropic crystalline structure of orthoclase and (3) the effect of etch pit formation on the mineral surface. Experimental and numerical results highlight that the orthoclase dissolution rate and its evolution over time mainly depends onits morphology. Some orthoclase faces dissolve 10 times faster than others, resulting in an increase of the surface proportion of rapid vs. slow dissolving faces during the process and the increase of up to an order of magnitude of the overall orthoclase dissolution rate. These results question the significance of rate laws and reaction mechanisms determined from powder experiments and the pave to new approaches for investigating mineral reactivity.L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de quantifier l’évolution de la surface rĂ©active d’un silicate modĂšle (orthose) lors de son altĂ©ration hydrothermale et estimer son impact sur la cinĂ©tique rĂ©actionnelle. L’étude porte sur : (1) l’influence de la prĂ©sence de couverture de phases secondaires Ă  mĂȘme la surface de l’orthose, (2) l’impact de l’anisotropie de la structure cristalline de l’orthose et (3) l’effet de la formation de puits de corrosion en surface. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux et numĂ©riques mettent en Ă©vidence que la vitesse de dissolution de l’orthose et son Ă©volution au cours du temps dĂ©pendent essentiellement de sa morphologie.Certaines faces cristallines se dissolvent 10 fois plus rapidement que d’autres, entraĂźnant une augmentation de la proportion de faces rapides au cours du processus et une Ă©lĂ©vation, jusqu’à un ordre de grandeur, de la vitesse de dissolution globale de l’orthose. Ces rĂ©sultats ouvrent d’importantes pistes de rĂ©flexion sur la mĂ©thode adĂ©quate pour rendre compte des cinĂ©tiques des interactions fluide/roche sur le terrain ainsi que sur la signification des lois de vitesse et des mĂ©canismes rĂ©actionnels dĂ©terminĂ©s Ă  partir d’expĂ©riences sur poudre

    Les plantes et le vieillissement cutané

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    pH-dependent control of feldspar dissolution rate by altered surface layers

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    Relevant modeling of mass and energy fluxes involved in pedogenesis, sequestration of atmospheric CO2 or geochemical cycling of elements partly relies on kinetic rate laws of mineral dissolution obtained in the laboratory. Deriving an accurate and unified description of mineral dissolution has therefore become a prerequisite of crucial importance. However, the impact of amorphous silica-rich surface layers on the dissolution kinetics of silicate minerals remains poorly understood, and ignored in most reactive transport codes. In the present study, the dissolution of oriented cleavage surfaces and powders of labradorite feldspar was investigated as a function of pH and time at 80 °C in batch reactors. Electron microscopy observations confirmed the formation of silica-rich surface layers on all samples. At pH = 1.5, the dissolution rate of labradorite remained constant over time. In contrast, at pH = 3, both the dissolution rates at the external layer/solution interface and the internal layer/mineral interface dramatically decreased over time. The dissolution rate at the external interface was hardly measurable after 4 weeks of reaction, and decreased by an order of magnitude at the internal interface. In another set of experiments conducted in aqueous silica-rich solutions, the stabilization of silica-rich surface layers controlled the dissolution rate of labradorite at pH = 3. The reduction of labradorite dissolution rate may result from a gradual modification of the textural properties of the amorphous surface layer at the fluid/mineral interface. The passivation of the main cleavage of labradorite feldspar was consistent with that observed on powders. Overall, our results demonstrate that the nature of the fluid/mineral interface to be considered in the rate limiting step of the process, as well as the properties of the interfacial layer (i.e. its chemical composition, structure and texture) to be taken into account for an accurate determination of the dissolution kinetics may depend on several parameters, such as pH or time. The dramatic impact of the stabilization of surface layers with increasing pH implies that the formation and the role of surface layers on dissolving feldspar minerals should be accounted for in the future

    Kite-surfers’ sun risk in the tropics

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    Influence of etch pit development on the surface area and dissolution kinetics of the orthoclase (001) surface

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    The (001) orthoclase surface was dissolved at 180 Â°C and at far from equilibrium conditions with an alkaline solution (pH180 Â°C = 9) in a titanium open flow reactor. Vertical scanning interferometer (VSI) and atomic force microscope (AFM) surface monitoring were periodically used during the reaction process in order to quantify the surface topography evolution. The dissolution of the (001) orthoclase face occurs with the formation of diamond shape etch pits. Diamond pit diagonals are parallel to the [100] and [010] axes, and the pit walls are parallel to (6 5 6), 65ÂŻ6, (6ÂŻ511) and 6ÂŻ5ÂŻ11 planes. The etch pit size and global surface retreat of the (001) surface were found to increase linearly with time. Based on statistical treatments of etch pit development monitoring by AFM, we designed a numerical model aimed at reproducing and quantifying the total surface evolution. Numerical results show that the stabilization of etch pits doubles the calculated dissolution rate, partly due to the intrinsically higher reactivity of pit walls, consistent with a dissolution process in line with the periodic bond chain (PBC) theory. In addition, normalizing the dissolution rate by the initial surface area of the (001) orthoclase surface induces a 20% overestimation of the calculated dissolution rate, while the total surface area of the dissolving face reaches a steady state after a few days of reaction. Additional simulations conducted to assess the impact of defect parameters revealed a weak dependence of the dissolution rate on dislocation density, consistent with previous experimental observations. Overall, the combined effect of the various defect parameters does not affect the dissolution rate by more than an order of magnitude, and probably contributes to a moderate extent to the dispersion of mineral dissolution rate data reported in the literature

    Multi-scale characterization of the incipient carbonation of peridotite

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    International audienceCarbonation of peridotite is a widespread process in nature, with emerging societal and environmental implications through geological storage of CO2. We studied the micro- and nano-scale structures associated with the carbonation of peridotite pervaded by a CO2-rich water and the induced changes of its hydrodynamic properties. Focused ion beam (FIB) nanotomography was coupled with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. An experimental sample of dunite core percolated by a CO2-rich fluid (pCO2 = 11 MPa) at 160 °C was compared with a naturally carbonated sample from the Atlantic Ridge (Exp. IODP 304). Results of the 8-days percolation experiment show continuous alteration of olivine into magnesite locally associated with a poorly crystalline serpentine-type mineral referred to as proto-serpentine. The experiment is also characterized by an overall decrease in rock porosity (from 7.7 to 6.4%) and permeability (from 8.5 × 10− 16 to 1.7 × 10− 16 m2). The primary inter-granular porosity (1 to 10 ÎŒm) is progressively filled with magnesite, leading to the overall decrease of permeability. At the same time, a secondary small-scale porosity (10 nm to 1 ÎŒm) is created at the tip of the dissolution features along the (010) cleavage planes of olivine grains. Carbonate crystals grow within these etch-pit structures behind the dissolution front. Dissolution and precipitation occur at a relative rate that maintains the secondary porosity over the timescale of the experiment (i.e. carbonate growth has to be the slowest one). This process is interpreted as an interface coupled dissolution-precipitation mechanism of olivine carbonation. Proto-serpentine is only formed in highly reduced flow areas, such as small olivine etch-pits (10 to 500 nm wide), which are more isolated from CO2 input. SEM-FIB analyses show the 3D preferential orientation of the dissolution-precipitation planes within a given olivine grain. It suggests the formation of lateral connections between the etch-pits (infra-micrometric “channels”) providing access to reactants and removing reaction products at the reaction sites. The experimental results show that olivine dissolution and magnesite precipitation converge to a quasi-steady state resulting in a constant carbonation rate controlled by reaction kinetics and not by mass transfer for this flow regime. The system self-regulates, independently of the porosity change at least during this incipient stage of olivine carbonation. Similar textures are observed in natural samples collected at 170 m-depth in the vicinity of veinlets driving late fluids down into the cooling oceanic lithosphere. This suggests that similar mechanisms are active in nature and can play an important role in the late, low temperature alteration stages of fractured peridotite. These results also highlight the critical role of nm-scale spatial arrangement of dissolution and precipitation features on mass transfers and on the sustainability of olivine carbonation through coupled dissolution-precipitation processes
