1,039 research outputs found

    Análisis cinemático de robots manipuladores redundantes: Aplicación a los robots Kuka LWR 4+ y ABB Yumi

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis cinemático aplicado a dos manipuladores serie redundantes: el Kuka LWR 4+ y el ABB Yumi. En particular, se deriva la cinemática directa para ambos manipuladores y se resuelve el problema de la cinemática inversa. Para el Kuka LWR 4+ dicha solución se obtiene en forma analítica, mientras que para el ABB Yumi se sigue un enfoque analítico y numérico. Además, se calculan simbólicamente tanto las singularidades del Kuka LWR 4+ como las direcciones singulares asociadas a éstas. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento cinemático de dos manipuladores redundantes de gran actualidad e interés para la comunidad robótica, y proporciona información útil para el diseño de diferentes algoritmos y leyes de control.Postprint (author's final draft

    Exploiting the robot kinematic redundancy for emotion conveyance to humans as a lower priority task

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    Current approaches do not allow robots to execute a task and simultaneously convey emotions to users using their body motions. This paper explores the capabilities of the Jacobian null space of a humanoid robot to convey emotions. A task priority formulation has been implemented in a Pepper robot which allows the specification of a primary task (waving gesture, transportation of an object, etc.) and exploits the kinematic redundancy of the robot to convey emotions to humans as a lower priority task. The emotions, defined by Mehrabian as points in the pleasure–arousal–dominance space, generate intermediate motion features (jerkiness, activity and gaze) that carry the emotional information. A map from this features to the joints of the robot is presented. A user study has been conducted in which emotional motions have been shown to 30 participants. The results show that happiness and sadness are very well conveyed to the user, calm is moderately well conveyed, and fear is not well conveyed. An analysis on the dependencies between the motion features and the emotions perceived by the participants shows that activity correlates positively with arousal, jerkiness is not perceived by the user, and gaze conveys dominance when activity is low. The results indicate a strong influence of the most energetic motions of the emotional task and point out new directions for further research. Overall, the results show that the null space approach can be regarded as a promising mean to convey emotions as a lower priority task.Postprint (author's final draft

    Teleoperating a mobile manipulator and a free-flying camera from a single haptic device

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe paper presents a novel teleoperation system that allows the simultaneous and continuous command of a ground mobile manipulator and a free flying camera, implemented using an UAV, from which the operator can monitor the task execution in real-time. The proposed decoupled position and orientation workspace mapping allows the teleoperation from a single haptic device with bounded workspace of a complex robot with unbounded workspace. When the operator is reaching the position and orientation boundaries of the haptic workspace, linear and angular velocity components are respectively added to the inputs of the mobile manipulator and the flying camera. A user study on a virtual environment has been conducted to evaluate the performance and the workload on the user before and after proper training. Analysis on the data shows that the system complexity is not an obstacle for an efficient performance. This is a first step towards the implementation of a teleoperation system with a real mobile manipulator and a low-cost quadrotor as the free-flying camera.Accepted versio

    La mediación familiar : una aproximación normativa = The familiar mediation : a normative approach

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    La mediación es una forma de entender las relaciones humanas, pero es también un modo más participativo de hacer justicia, ya que son las partes en conflicto las verdaderas protagonistas del proceso que busca dar satisfacción a sus intereses. Ésta es una de las características principales que la distinguen de figuras afines. Se nutre la mediación de diversas disciplinas para configurarse, cada día más, como una institución con caracteres propios; asimismo, produce efectos jurídicos de los que, sólo en parte se hacen eco las leyes dictadas en España. Sin embargo, la necesidad de determinar el alcance de aquellos aspectos se plantea como un reto necesario, pues en la medida que la consolidación de la mediación responda más a la demanda social de la misma que a la necesidad de ella, se plantearán situaciones y problemas jurídicos que conviene prever y tratar de dar respuestas. A la reflexión sobre estas cuestiones se dedica el presente artículo.Mediation is a way of understanding human relations, but it is also a more participative way of doing justice, since the individuals involved are the real protagonists of the process that seeks to give satisfaction to their interests. This is one of main characteristics that distinguish it from related concepts. As a discipline, mediation is influenced by several ones but is increasingly being distinguished by its own characteristics. It also produces juridical effects that are partly echoed by Spanish laws. Thus, the need to determine the scope of such aspects becomes a necessary challenge. Since the consolidation of mediation answers to its social demand rather than the factual need of it, there will be situations and legal problems in need of solutions

    Bilateral haptic guided Robot teleoperation via packet switched networks using wave variables with impedance adaptation

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    This paper presents the use of haptic devices in teleoperation systems with motion restrictions during robot teleoperation in order to provide the operator with increased awareness and better feeling of immersion, hence, improving his ability to perform complex tasks. The use of wave variables in the proposed system renders passive the communication channel, and moreover the new packet switched protocols like Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) with high Quality of Service (QoS), provides differentiated services for control signals.Peer Reviewe

    A novel closed-form solution for the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators through workspace analysis

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd This work addresses the inverse kinematic problem for redundant serial manipulators. Its importance relies on its effect in the programming and control of redundant robots. Besides, no general closed-form techniques have been developed so far. In this paper, redundant manipulators are reduced to non-redundant ones by selecting a set of joints, denoted redundant joints, and parametrizing its joint variables. This selection is made through a workspace analysis which also provides an upper bound for the number of different closed-form solutions for a given pose. Once these joints have been identified several closed-form methods developed for non-redundant manipulators can be applied for obtaining the analytical solutions. Finally, particular instances for the parametrized joints variables are determined depending on the task to be executed. Different criteria and optimization functions can be defined for that purpose.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La mediación civil en España: Luces y sombras de un marco normativo

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    "Directive 52/2008 on mediation in civil and commercial matters has been recently transposed in Spain by the Law 5/2012, of July 6, of Mediation in Civil and Mercantile Matters. The normative text is mostly based on the unsuccessful Project of the previous Legislature. On the other hand, in different autonomous territories have implemented numerous and various legislative initiatives in the field of mediation that show the strong expansion of this institution. Finally, noting the situation of current practice, we see the gradual consolidation of mediation between legal operators, being reflected in decisions of judges and courts. All these elements invite reflection on the model adopted in our brand new rules of mediation in civil and commercial mattersEn España se ha traspuesto recientemente la Directiva 52/2008 sobre mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles. Efectivamente, en el comienzo de la X Legislatura, se ha transpuesto finalmente la Directiva, mediante la aprobación del Real Decreto-Ley 5/2012, de 5 de marzo, de Mediación en Asuntos Civiles y Mercantiles, convalidado por el Congreso de los Diputados el 29 de marzo de 2012, tramitado posteriormente como Proyecto de Ley por vía de urgencia. El texto normativo aprobado se ha construído en buena parte sobre la base del malogrado Proyecto de la Legislatura anterior.. De otro lado, en los distintos territorios autonómicos se han llevado a cabo numerosas y diversas iniciativas legislativas en el ámbito de la mediación. Iniciativas legislativas autonómicas que muestran una fuerte expansión en el ámbito de aplicación de la mediación. Por último, observando la coyuntura de la práctica actual, se aprecia la paulatina consolidación de la mediación, logrando cada vez mayor repercusión y receptividad entre los operadores jurídicos. Queda ya reflejado el recurso a la mediación en resoluciones de jueces y tribunales. Todos estos elementos invitan a la reflexión sobre el modelo adoptado en nuestra flamante normativa de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles

    Haptic guidance with force feedback to assist teleoperation systems via high speed networks

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    The employment of haptic devices in teleoperation systems and the use of motion restrictions during robot teleoperation provide the operator with increased awareness and can considerably improve the feeling of immersion and moreover his ability to perform complex tasks. In the last decade Internet has become one of the major sources of information. It already connects millions of computers and more than a billion people. Its spectacular growth have lead to the creation of new high speed networks with new capabilities. In the work described in this paper those networks that use recent-creation packet switched protocols like Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) with high Quality of Service (QoS) will serve as the communication channel for the teleoperation system.Peer Reviewe
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