35 research outputs found

    Descripción de las estrategias colaborativas frente a los retos de la educación finlandesa / Description of collaborative strategies to meet the challenges of Finnish education

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    This paper examines the challenges and renewal of Finnish education in the context of competence learning in the 21st century. Challenges of Finnish education in the classroom, school, municipality and national level are discussed, as well as challenges in teacher training. The new Finnish national curriculum and how it guides students in learning the skills of the 21st century is presented as a solution to meet the challenges presented. In addition, it presents the recommendations of the Finnish Teacher Training Forum, which it also supports to meet the challenges. For example, the creation of teacher collaboration networks is suggested as a way to support the continuing professional development of teachers, particularly with regard to their teaching of 21st century competencies and the use of digital tools as part of these competencies. These networks could facilitate the creation and exchange of educational innovations related to teaching and learning through teacher collaboration, research and problem-solving activities, as well as close links with classroom practice.Peer reviewe

    Collaborative Design and Implementation of Digital Tools in Education as Part of National-Level Programmes in a Decentralised Education System

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    An interesting characteristic of Finnish education policy is collaborative design of national and local-level strategy, development programmes and curricula. The planning of strategies, programmes and curricula typically begins with recognising the challenges and needs at the classroom, school and municipality levels. These programmes are then planned through a collaborative partnership between the teacher’s union, Ministry of Education, universities and providers of education, typically municipalities and several other stakeholders. The general aims are agreed upon in consensus, and these aims are discussed at the local level, modified and implemented in local contexts. After agreeing upon the aims, resources from the state and municipality budgets are made available for the piloting and implementation of the aims. Three current programmes and curricula are here introduced and discussed in detail. The introduced development programmes were designed in the Basic Education Forum and in the Finnish Teacher Education Forum. Moreover, the preparation of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education is introduced and analysed. Finally, the use of digital tools and environments in education is analysed as a part of the preparation and implementation of the programmes and curricula.Una característica interesante de la política educativa finlandesa es el diseño colaborativo de estrategias nacionales y locales, programas de desarrollo y planes de estudio. La planificación de estrategias, programas y planes de estudio generalmente comienza con el reconocimiento de los desafíos y necesidades a nivel de aula, escuela y municipio. Posteriormente, estos programas se planifican a través de una asociación de colaboración entre el sindicato de docentes, el Ministerio de Educación, las universidades y los proveedores de educación, típicamente los municipios y varios otros interesados. Los objetivos generales se acuerdan por consenso y estos objetivos se discuten a nivel local, se modifican y se implementan en contextos locales. Después de acordar los objetivos, los recursos de los presupuestos estatales y municipales se ponen a disposición para la prueba piloto y la implementación de los objetivos. En este artículo se presentan y discuten en detalle tres programas y planes de estudio actuales. Los programas de desarrollo introducidos se diseñaron en el Foro de Educación Básica y en el Foro de Educación de Profesores de Finlandia. Además, se introduce y analiza la preparación del Plan de Estudios Básico Nacional para la Educación Básica. Finalmente, se analiza el uso de herramientas y entornos digitales en educación como parte de la preparación y ejecución de los programas y planes de estudio

    Collaborative Design and Implementation of Digital Tools in Education as Part of National-Level Programmes in a Decentralised Education System

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    An interesting characteristic of Finnish education policy is collaborative design of national and local-level strategy, development programmes and curricula. The planning of strategies, programmes and curricula typically begins with recognising the challenges and needs at the classroom, school and municipality levels. These programmes are then planned through a collaborative partnership between the teacher’s union, Ministry of Education, universities and providers of education, typically municipalities and several other stakeholders. The general aims are agreed upon in consensus, and these aims are discussed at the local level, modified and implemented in local contexts. After agreeing upon the aims, resources from the state and municipality budgets are made available for the piloting and implementation of the aims. Three current programmes and curricula are here introduced and discussed in detail. The introduced development programmes were designed in the Basic Education Forum and in the Finnish Teacher Education Forum. Moreover, the preparation of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education is introduced and analysed. Finally, the use of digital tools and environments in education is analysed as a part of the preparation and implementation of the programmes and curricula.Peer reviewe

    Arequipa(秘鲁)高中生学习 STEM 专业的偏好

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    An investigation was carried out to determine the vocational preferences of 1159 students (764 males and 392 females) in the last two years of secondary school in the province of Arequipa (Peru) in the light of sociodemographic and family variables. The emphasis was directed to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degrees and with the intention of knowing their specific distribution by areas of knowledge. The most relevant results show the existence of a preference for engineering degrees and where natural sciences did not merit significant preferences. In this scenario, it was found that men showed more interest in engineering compared to women. However, there was no difference in preference for natural science degrees between males and females. In addition, parochial school students are more likely to prefer natural science degrees over other degrees. These findings are discussed from an epistemological perspective based on critical realism, which proposes -among other aspects- the transcendental relevance of natural sciences and mathematics for the sustained, relevant and harmonious development of engineering.Se realizó una investigación para determinar las preferencias vocacionales de 1159 estudiantes (764 varones y 392 mujeres) de los dos últimos años de secundaria en la provincia de Arequipa (Perú) a la luz de variables sociodemográficas y familiares. El énfasis se dirigió a las carreras STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) con la intención de conocer su distribución específica por áreas de conocimiento. Los resultados más relevantes muestran la existencia de una predilección por las titulaciones de ingeniería y las ciencias naturales no merecieron preferencias significativas. En este panorama, se encontró que los hombres mostraron más interés por las ingenierías en comparación con las mujeres. Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la preferencia por las carreras de ciencias naturales entre hombres y mujeres. Además, los estudiantes de escuelas parroquiales son más propensos a preferir las titulaciones de ciencias naturales frente a otras titulaciones. Estos hallazgos se discuten desde una perspectiva epistemológica basada en el realismo crítico, que propone -entre otros aspectos- la relevancia trascendental de las ciencias naturales y las matemáticas para el desarrollo sostenido, pertinente y armónico de la ingeniería.Было проведено исследование для определения профессиональных предпочтений 1159 учащихся (764 юношей и 392 девушек) последних двух лет средней школы в провинции Арекипа (Перу) в свете социально-демографических и семейных переменных. Основное внимание было уделено профессиям STEM (наука, технологии, инженерия и математика) с целью выяснить их конкретное распределение по областям знаний. Наиболее значимые результаты показывают наличие пристрастия к инженерным степеням, а естественные науки не заслужили значительных предпочтений. На этом примере было обнаружено, что мужчины проявляют больший интерес к инженерному делу по сравнению с женщинами. Однако не было никакой разницы в предпочтении степеней в области естественных наук между мужчинами и женщинами. Кроме того, учащиеся церковно-приходских школ чаще отдают предпочтение степеням в области естественных наук, чем другим степеням. Эти выводы обсуждаются с эпистемологической точки зрения, основанной на критическом реализме, который предлагает - среди прочих аспектов - трансцендентальную значимость естественных наук и математики для устойчивого, актуального и гармоничного развития инженерии.我们根据社会人口和家庭变量进行了一项调查,以确定阿雷基帕省(秘鲁)中学最后两年的 1159 名学生(764 名男性和 392 名女性)的专业偏好。研究重点为 STEM 专业(科学、技术、工程和数学),目的是了解其在知识领域的具体分布。最相关的结果表明,对工程学位和自然科学的偏好并不值得明显偏好。在这种情况下,人们发现男性与女性相比对工程学表现出更大的兴趣。然而,男性和女性对自然科学专业的偏好没有差异。此外,教会学校的学生更喜欢自然科学学位而不是其他学位。除其他方面外,这些发现是从基于批判现实主义的认识论角度讨论的,它提出了自然科学和数学对工程持续、相关和和谐发展的重要相关性

    Satisfacción laboral y compromiso institucional en el contexto de la acreditación educativa en docentes universitarios, Arequipa 2020

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    Esta investigación se desarrolla en el contexto del proceso de acreditación educativa ante el SINEACE y ABET de dos universidades, docentes no ordinarios que a pesar de no ser miembros del comité de calidad sin nuestros sujetos de investigación, cabe mencionar que las percepciones individuales y grupales varían respecto a la condición laboral de quienes la realizan y resulta interesante analizar en que medida la satisfacción laboral explica el compromiso institucional. Al culminar la investigación se explica la incidencia de la satisfacción laboral en el compromiso institucional, en un 7,7% ambas variables fueron medidas previamente en 50 docentes de una universidad estatal y 80 docentes de una universidad privada, que en total hacen 130 docentes. Es preciso indicar que la satisfacción laboral es una característica individual que se acopla a la del compromiso institucional. Los resultados evidencian dependencia entre ambas variables y la carga afectiva se manifiesta relativamente en quienes participan de manera activa en el proceso de acreditación, esto explica los comportamientos organizacionales que no logran institucionalizar estos procesos de certificación de calidad de manera permanente


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    Introduction: the current technological development transcends all human activity, such as education. Analyzing the link of digital skills achieved by students, applied in collaborative teaching methods, we established the existing relationship between information literacy (IL) and reciprocal teaching (RT) skills in Communication Sciences students; based on the classification of IL competencies in DigComp 2.1, related to skills and attitudes promoted by RT. Method: the research was anonymized, a digital questionnaire was used with 100 IL questions and 22 RT questions, both with a Likert scale with values of 0-9; the reliability of the instrument was validated by Cronbach’s Alpha with values of .987 for AI and .992 for RT, as well as the review at the discretion of 3 experts. Results: the data showed a non-normal distribution, applying Spearman’s Rho it was determined that there is a significant relationship, establishing through Multinomial Logistic Regression that the IL of level N3 predominates, concentrating 90% of cases, reflected in the 2/3 of RT concentrated in levels Low-Medium, the regression coefficients show that the low development of IL does not lead to an advanced RT. Conclusions: In Peru, the development of Digital Competencies, fundamentally the 3 dimensions of IL (navigate, evaluate and manage information), is similar to Spain, being that, evaluating it must have greater development to ensure that communicators can combat fake news, a level N3 would be insufficient, a review of the university curriculum and improving student training would be needed to achieve it, because being “digital natives” is not enough.Introducción: el actual desarrollo tecnológico trasciende toda actividad humana, como la educación. Analizando la vinculación de competencias digitales logradas por los estudiantes, aplicados a métodos de enseñanza colaborativos, establecimos la relación existente entre competencias de alfabetización informacional (AI) y enseñanza recíproca (ER) en estudiantes de Ciencias de Comunicación; basada en la clasificación de competencias de AI en DigComp 2.1 relacionadas con habilidades y actitudes promovidas por la ER. Método: la investigación fue anonimizada, se utilizó un cuestionario digital con 100 preguntas de AI y 22 preguntas de ER, ambas con escala de Likert con valores de 0-9; la fiabilidad del instrumento validado mediante Alfa de Cronbach con valores de .987 para AI y .992 para ER, así como la revisión a juicio de 3 expertos. Resultados: los datos mostraron una distribución no normal, aplicando Rho de Spearman se determinó que existe relación significativa, estableciendo mediante Regresión Logística Multinomial que la AI de nivel N3 predomina, concentrando el 90% de casos, reflejado en los 2/3 de ER concentrados en niveles Bajo-Medio, los coeficientes de regresión evidencian que el bajo desarrollo de AI no conducen a un ER avanzado. Conclusiones: en Perú, el desarrollo de las Competencias Digitales, fundamentalmente las 3 dimensiones de AI (navegar, evaluar y gestionar información), es semejante a España, siendo que, evaluarla debe tener mayor desarrollo para lograr que los comunicadores puedan combatir las fake news, un nivel N3 sería insuficiente, se necesitaría una revisión de la curricula universitaria y mejorar la formación estudiantil para lograrlo, porque ser “nativos digitales” no basta.Введение: современное технологическое развитие охватывает все виды человеческой деятельности, в том числе и образование. Анализируя связь цифровых компетенций, достигнутых студентами, с методами совместного обучения, мы установили взаимосвязь между компетенциями информационной грамотности (AI) и взаимным обучением (ER) у студентов коммуникационных наук; на основе классификации компетенций IL в DigComp 2.1, связанных с навыками и отношением, способствующими ER. Метод: исследование было анонимным, использовался цифровой вопросник со 100 вопросами AI и 22 вопросами ER, оба со шкалой Likert со значениями от 0-9; надежность инструмента была подтверждена с помощью Cronbach’s Alpha со значениями .987 для AI и .992 для ER, а также проверена на основании оценки трех экспертов. Результаты: данные продемонстрировали отсутствие нормального распределения, с помощью Rho Спирмена было определено, что существует значимая связь, установив с помощью мультиномиальной логистической регрессии, что преобладает AI уровня N3, концентрируясь в 90% случаев, что отражается в 2/3 ER, концентрирующихся в Low-Medium уровнях, коэффициенты регрессии показывают, что низкое развитие AI не приводит к продвинутому ER. Выводы: в Перу развитие цифровых компетенций, в основе которых лежат три измерения AI (навигация, оценка и управление информацией), схоже с Испанией, хотя оно нуждается в дальнейшем развитии, чтобы коммуникаторы могли бороться с фальшивыми новостями, уровня N3 будет недостаточно, для этого необходимо пересмотреть университетскую учебную программу и улучшить подготовку студентов, поскольку быть “носителями цифровых технологий” недостаточно.引言:当前的技术发展超越了所有人类活动,例如教育。我们通过分析学生获得的数字技能的联系及应用于协作教学方法,建立了通信科学学生的信息素养技能(AI)和互惠教学(RE)之间的关系。该关联基于 DigComp 2.1 中与 RE 提倡的技能和态度相关的 AI 能力分类。 研究方法:本研究为匿名研究,采用数字问卷,包含100个AI问题和22个RE问题,均采用李克特量表,取值为0-9;通过 Cronbach’s Alpha 验证的工具的可靠性,AI 为 0.987,RE 为 0.992。此外,该问卷经过了 3 位专家的审评。 研究结果:数据呈非正态分布,应用Spearman’s Rho确定存在显着关系,通过多项Logistic回归确定N3级AI占优势,集中了90%的案例,体现在2/ 3 在中低水平的集中 RE 中,回归系数表明低水平 AI 发展不会导致水平 RE。 结论:在秘鲁,由人工智能的 3 个维度(浏览、评估和管理信息)组成的数字能力的发展与西班牙相似。对其评估必须得到更大的发展,以确保传播者能够打击假新闻。N3 水平是不够的,仅仅成为“数字原住民”也是不够的,因此我们需要对大学课程进行审评并改进对学生的培训

    Self-motivational Beliefs that Enhance Self- regulation of Students in Virtual Courses

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    The present research exposes the way in which eight students selected from virtual environments of a Peruvian institute of higher education perceive their self-regulation processes in the planning stage. The approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretative design. Based on the interview of eight students enrolled in the distance learning modality. The main finding is that students have their own beliefs about themselves that help motivate them permanently in the assignments they must complete. Determined by both external and internalfactors, these help academic tasks to be valued in a positive way, so that their completion gives them satisfaction

    WhatsApp as a university tutoring resource

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    Tutoring, as a process of accompaniment of university students, has among its purposes identification of and reflection on the various difficulties that can interfere in the development of student competencies. To the same end, the present research explores the possibility of using WhatsApp as a tutoring resource in universities, with an emphasis on identifying and reflecting on the academic, personal, and family problems of students. This case study uses a quasi-experimental approach with a treatment group and a control group intentionally selected at the Escuela Profesional de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Peru, during the first semester of the 2020 academic year. Data were collected using semi-structured interview guides and individual tutoring cards. The results show that this technological resource improved the university tutoring service among the students in the experimental group. It proved more flexible and attractive to students, who were motivated to externalize and reflect on their personal, family, and academic difficulties and showed increased openness to receiving help in problem solving them. On the other hand, student participation was less active in the control group. These findings affirm that WhatsApp is a resource that can allow more spontaneous and friendly communication between tutors and students, creating a context conducive to achieving the objectives of university tutoring.Campus Arequip

    The Impact of E-Recruitment and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools on HR Effectiveness: The Case of High Schools

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    The HRM encompasses a broad variety of topics, including preparation, recruiting, workforce relations and organisational growth. The people in any organisation are a wealth of information and experience. Acquisition of certain workers by recruiting thus plays a major role today. The implementation method for e-recruitment practices is the reason behind the success of organisational performance. The recruiting method used to be longer and entailed a great deal of paperwork for recruiters, but it began evolving steadily as online recruitment became more widespread. In recent years, a study has been carried out on integrating these two essential facets of HRM and technology due to technical developments. Studies are typically carried out about how technologies will render the hiring phase easier and optimised. The research implemented a mixed approach methodology throughout conducting interviews and questionnaires over a defined number of respondents in High Schools. The survey had been distributed using google forms, and the interviews had been conducted through zoom meeting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The results proved a direct relationship between the implementation of e-recruitment in School and employee performance