123 research outputs found

    Éclairage sur les dimensions pĂ©dagogique, relationnelle et Ă©thique du mĂ©tier enseignant dans l’analyse de rĂ©cits de futurs enseignants au post-secondaire

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    Cet article porte sur l’analyse de rĂ©cits d’expĂ©rience d’enseignantes et enseignants en formation dans lesquels ils ont choisi de raconter une expĂ©rience d’intervention pĂ©dagogique satisfaisante au post-secondaire. Suivant une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique dĂ©ductive et inductive, l’analyse apporte un Ă©clairage sur trois catĂ©gories. La premiĂšre, descriptive, concerne la structure narrative des rĂ©cits. La deuxiĂšme porte sur la notion de rapport aux savoirs approchĂ©e sous l’angle socio-anthropologique proposĂ© par Charlot. La troisiĂšme retient la figure enseignante et ses compĂ©tences Ă  la fois didactiques et relationnelles. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en exergue l’importance des dimensions pĂ©dagogique, relationnelle et Ă©thique du mĂ©tier enseignant qui se traduisent dans des gestes quotidiens de savoir solliciter l’engagement des Ă©lĂšves dans l’apprentissage, savoir Ă©couter, crĂ©er un lien de confiance et reconnaĂźtre et considĂ©rer l’autre. Dans l’objectif d’une mise en Ɠuvre d’une pĂ©dagogie inclusive, nos rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  confirmer que la figure enseignante joue un rĂŽle central.INSIGHTS ON THE PEDAGOGICAL, RELATIONAL AND ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION IN THE ANALYSIS OF STORIES OF PRE-SERVICE POST-SECONDARY TEACHERSABSTRACT: This article focuses on the analysis of stories from pre-service teachers in which they chose to share a satisfying post-secondary educational intervention experience. Using a deductive and inductive methodological approach, the analysis highlights three categories. The first one, which is descriptive, refers to the narrative structure of the accounts. The second one involves the relationship to knowledge concept seen with the socio-anthropological angle proposed by Charlot. The third category focuses on the teaching figure and his skills, both didactic and relational. The results emphasize the importance of the pedagogical, relational and ethical dimensions of the teaching profession, which translate into daily practices of knowing how to engage students in learning, knowing how to listen, establishing a trusting relationship, and recognizing and considering others. With the objective of implementing inclusive pedagogy, our results tend to confirm that the teacher figure plays a central role.KEYWORDS: Teacher education; Student teacher relationship; Teaching profession; Teacher qualifications PERCEPÇÕES SOBRE AS DIMENSÕES PEDAGÓGICA, RELACIONAL E ÉTICA DA PROFISSÃO DOCENTE NA ANÁLISE DE RELATOS DE FUTUROS PROFESSORES NO PÓS-SECUNDÁRIORESUMO: Este artigo contempla a anĂĄlise de relatos de experiĂȘncia de professoras e professores em formação nos quais optaram por assinalar uma experiĂȘncia de intervenção pedagĂłgica pĂłs-secundĂĄria satisfatĂłria. Seguindo uma abordagem metodolĂłgica dedutiva e indutiva, a anĂĄlise lança luz sobre trĂȘs categorias. A primeira, descritiva, diz respeito Ă  estrutura narrativa dos relatos. A segunda refere-se Ă  noção de relação com o conhecimento abordado a partir do Ăąngulo socioantropolĂłgico proposto por Charlot. A terceira categoria ressalta a figura docente e suas habilidades, tanto didĂĄticas quanto relacionais. Os resultados evidenciam a importĂąncia das dimensĂ”es pedagĂłgica, relacional e Ă©tica da profissĂŁo docente que se traduzem em açÔes cotidianas de saber manter o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem, saber ouvir, criar vĂ­nculo de confiança e de reconhecer e considerar o outro. Com o objetivo de implementar uma pedagogia inclusiva, nossos resultados tendem a confirmar que a figura docente desempenha um papel central.PALABRAS CLAVE: Formação de professores; relação aluno-professor; profissĂŁo docente; qualificaçÔes do professor

    Éclairage sur les dimensions pĂ©dagogique, relationnelle et Ă©thique du mĂ©tier enseignant dans l’analyse de rĂ©cits de futurs enseignants au post-secondaire

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    Cet article porte sur l’analyse de rĂ©cits d’expĂ©rience d’enseignantes et enseignants en formation dans lesquels ils ont choisi de raconter une expĂ©rience d’intervention pĂ©dagogique satisfaisante au post-secondaire. Suivant une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique dĂ©ductive et inductive, l’analyse apporte un Ă©clairage sur trois catĂ©gories. La premiĂšre, descriptive, concerne la structure narrative des rĂ©cits. La deuxiĂšme porte sur la notion de rapport aux savoirs approchĂ©e sous l’angle socio-anthropologique proposĂ© par Charlot. La troisiĂšme retient la figure enseignante et ses compĂ©tences Ă  la fois didactiques et relationnelles. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en exergue l’importance des dimensions pĂ©dagogique, relationnelle et Ă©thique du mĂ©tier enseignant qui se traduisent dans des gestes quotidiens de savoir solliciter l’engagement des Ă©lĂšves dans l’apprentissage, savoir Ă©couter, crĂ©er un lien de confiance et reconnaĂźtre et considĂ©rer l’autre. Dans l’objectif d’une mise en Ɠuvre d’une pĂ©dagogie inclusive, nos rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  confirmer que la figure enseignante joue un rĂŽle central.INSIGHTS ON THE PEDAGOGICAL, RELATIONAL AND ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION IN THE ANALYSIS OF STORIES OF PRE-SERVICE POST-SECONDARY TEACHERSABSTRACT: This article focuses on the analysis of stories from pre-service teachers in which they chose to share a satisfying post-secondary educational intervention experience. Using a deductive and inductive methodological approach, the analysis highlights three categories. The first one, which is descriptive, refers to the narrative structure of the accounts. The second one involves the relationship to knowledge concept seen with the socio-anthropological angle proposed by Charlot. The third category focuses on the teaching figure and his skills, both didactic and relational. The results emphasize the importance of the pedagogical, relational and ethical dimensions of the teaching profession, which translate into daily practices of knowing how to engage students in learning, knowing how to listen, establishing a trusting relationship, and recognizing and considering others. With the objective of implementing inclusive pedagogy, our results tend to confirm that the teacher figure plays a central role.KEYWORDS: Teacher education; Student teacher relationship; Teaching profession; Teacher qualifications PERCEPÇÕES SOBRE AS DIMENSÕES PEDAGÓGICA, RELACIONAL E ÉTICA DA PROFISSÃO DOCENTE NA ANÁLISE DE RELATOS DE FUTUROS PROFESSORES NO PÓS-SECUNDÁRIORESUMO: Este artigo contempla a anĂĄlise de relatos de experiĂȘncia de professoras e professores em formação nos quais optaram por assinalar uma experiĂȘncia de intervenção pedagĂłgica pĂłs-secundĂĄria satisfatĂłria. Seguindo uma abordagem metodolĂłgica dedutiva e indutiva, a anĂĄlise lança luz sobre trĂȘs categorias. A primeira, descritiva, diz respeito Ă  estrutura narrativa dos relatos. A segunda refere-se Ă  noção de relação com o conhecimento abordado a partir do Ăąngulo socioantropolĂłgico proposto por Charlot. A terceira categoria ressalta a figura docente e suas habilidades, tanto didĂĄticas quanto relacionais. Os resultados evidenciam a importĂąncia das dimensĂ”es pedagĂłgica, relacional e Ă©tica da profissĂŁo docente que se traduzem em açÔes cotidianas de saber manter o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem, saber ouvir, criar vĂ­nculo de confiança e de reconhecer e considerar o outro. Com o objetivo de implementar uma pedagogia inclusiva, nossos resultados tendem a confirmar que a figura docente desempenha um papel central.PALABRAS CLAVE: Formação de professores; relação aluno-professor; profissĂŁo docente; qualificaçÔes do professor

    Entre le retrait et l'entraide humanitaire : ethnographie d'un groupe de bénévoles retraités québécois au Guatemala

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    Impact de l'homogénéisation partielle de la matiÚre grasse du lait et de l'homogénéisation haute pression (HHP) du lait écrémé sur ses aptitudes à la transformation fromagÚre

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    L’homogĂ©nĂ©isation est un traitement mĂ©canique qui par ses effets de cavitation, turbulence et cisaillement, modifie les propriĂ©tĂ©s des globules gras (GG) et si appliquĂ© Ă  de hautes pressions, diminue la taille des micelles de casĂ©ine. Ce projet visait Ă  dĂ©terminer les effets de l’homogĂ©nĂ©isation d’une portion de la matiĂšre grasse (MG) et de l’homogĂ©nĂ©isation haute pression de la fraction maigre sur les aptitudes Ă  la transformation fromagĂšre du lait. La MG laitiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ©e avant d’ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e en fabrication fromagĂšre. L’homogĂ©nĂ©isation a provoquĂ© une diminution de la taille des GG et une augmentation de la charge protĂ©ique interfaciale. Toutefois, ces effets Ă©taient moins marquĂ©s lorsque la teneur en gras Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ©e au moment de l’homogĂ©nĂ©isation. Les laits fromagers ont Ă©tĂ© standardisĂ©s avec des proportions de gras homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ© variant de 0 Ă  100%. Le module d’élasticitĂ© du caillĂ©, 60 minutes aprĂšs l’emprĂ©surage, a augmentĂ© avec la proportion de gras homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ©. De plus, l’humiditĂ© des fromages et la rĂ©tention lipidique ont Ă©galement augmentĂ© avec la proportion de gras homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ©. Cette Ă©tude propose de nouveaux leviers technologiques pouvant amĂ©liorer les rendements et contrĂŽler la composition des fromages. Du lait Ă©crĂ©mĂ© cru a Ă©tĂ© homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ© Ă  quatre pressions diffĂ©rentes (0, 50, 100, 150 MPa) avec un ou trois passages dans la valve d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation. Les laits homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s et les propriĂ©tĂ©s fromagĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es. La taille et le potentiel zĂȘta des micelles de casĂ©ine ont diminuĂ© proportionnellement Ă  la pression d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation. MalgrĂ© ces effets sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales des micelles de casĂ©ine, l’homogĂ©nĂ©isation du lait Ă©crĂ©mĂ© n’a pas modifiĂ© ses aptitudes Ă  la transformation fromagĂšre. Cette conclusion s’applique toutefois Ă  des pressions d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation infĂ©rieures Ă  150 MPa et il serait pertinent d’évaluer l’impact de traitements plus sĂ©vĂšres.Homogenization is a mechanical treatment which by its effects of cavitation, turbulence and shear, modifies the properties of milk fat globules (MFG) and if applied at high pressures, decreases the size of casein micelles. This project aimed to determine the effects of the homogenization of a portion of the fat and of the high-pressure homogenization of the skim fraction on the cheesemaking properties of milk. The milk fat was homogenized before being used in cheese making. The homogenization caused a reduction in the size of the MFG and an increase in the protein load. However, these effects were less pronounced when the fat content was higher at the time of homogenization. The cheese milks were standardized with proportions of homogenized fat varying from 0 to 100%. The storage modulus of the curd, 60 minutes after renneting, increased with the proportion of homogenized fat. In addition, cheese moisture and lipid retention also increased with the proportion of homogenized fat. This study proposes new technological approaches that can improve yields and control the composition of cheeses. Raw skim milk was homogenized at four different pressures (0, 50, 100, 150 MPa) with one or three passes in the homogenization valve. The homogenized milks were characterized and the cheese properties were measured. The size and zeta potential of the casein micelles decreased with decreasing the homogenization pressure. Despite these effects on the structural properties of the casein micelles, the homogenization of the skim milk did not alter its cheese processing properties. This conclusion, however, applies to homogenization pressures of less than 150 MPa and it would be pertinent to evaluate the impact of more severe treatments


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    Virulence and Pathogen Multiplication: A Serial Passage Experiment in the Hypervirulent Bacterial Insect-Pathogen Xenorhabdus nematophila

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    The trade-off hypothesis proposes that the evolution of pathogens' virulence is shaped by a link between virulence and contagiousness. This link is often assumed to come from the fact that pathogens are contagious only if they can reach high parasitic load in the infected host. In this paper we present an experimental test of the hypothesis that selection on fast replication can affect virulence. In a serial passage experiment, we selected 80 lines of the bacterial insect-pathogen Xenorhabdus nematophila to multiply fast in an artificial culture medium. This selection resulted in shortened lag phase in our selected bacteria. We then injected these bacteria into insects and observed an increase in virulence. This could be taken as a sign that virulence in Xenorhabdus is linked to fast multiplication. But we found, among the selected lineages, either no link or a positive correlation between lag duration and virulence: the most virulent bacteria were the last to start multiplying. We then surveyed phenotypes that are under the control of the flhDC super regulon, which has been shown to be involved in Xenorhabdus virulence. We found that, in one treatment, the flhDC regulon has evolved rapidly, but that the changes we observed were not connected to virulence. All together, these results indicate that virulence is, in Xenorhabdus as in many other pathogens, a multifactorial trait. Being able to grow fast is one way to be virulent. But other ways exist which renders the evolution of virulence hard to predict

    Migration highways and migration barriers created by host-parasite interactions

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Co-evolving parasites may play a key role in host migration and population structure. Using co-evolving bacteria and viruses, we test general hypotheses as to how co-evolving parasites affect the success of passive host migration between habitats that can support different intensities of host-parasite interactions. First, we show that parasites aid migration from areas of intense to weak co-evolutionary interactions and impede migration in the opposite direction, as a result of intraspecific apparent competition mediated via parasites. Second, when habitats show qualitative difference such that some environments support parasite persistence while others do not, different population regulation forces (either parasitism or competitive exclusion) will reduce the success of migration in both directions. Our study shows that co-evolution with parasites can predictably homogenises or isolates host populations, depending on heterogeneity of abiotic conditions, with the second scenario constituting a novel type of 'isolation by adaptation'.This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670376 and 31421063) and the 111 project (B13008), and AB was supported by the Royal Society, BBSRC, NERC and AXA Research Fund

    Development of the conceptual framework for the Eye-Drop Satisfaction Questionnaire (EDSQ©) in glaucoma using a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Compliance is a major issue in glaucoma care. It is usually poor in glaucomatous patients, and may ultimately result in an acceleration of the disease progression and a risk of blindness. Reasons for this poor compliance are complex and multifactorial, amongst which patient satisfaction can be counted. The objective of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess patient satisfaction and compliance with eye-drop treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A qualitative study was carried out to develop the questionnaire. An interview guide was developed based on a literature review. Structured interviews of fifteen French and English patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or intraocular hypertension were conducted by trained interviewers of the native language of the interviewees. General concepts and subconcepts were identified from the transcripts. The questionnaire was developed using the patient verbatim, and submitted to six patients (French and English) for cognitive debriefing. Following patients' comments, items were modified and restructured, and a pilot questionnaire was designed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of data from the interviews with patients and clinicians resulted in the elicitation of concepts related to patient satisfaction and compliance with glaucomatous treatment. These were further refined and used to generate a test questionnaire, which consisted of 46 items grouped into 6 domains: patient characteristics, treatment characteristics, patient-clinician relationship, patient experience with the disease and the treatment, interaction between the patient and the treatment, and patient knowledge of the disease and the treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Eye-Drop Satisfaction Questionnaire (EDSQ) conceptual framework and items were developed simultaneously in French and in English. This questionnaire could be used to evaluate patient satisfaction and compliance with eye-drop treatment and would facilitate the identification of patients at risk of being non-compliant prior to clinical trials or innovative device tests. A psychometric study is under way to validate the questionnaire.</p

    Evolutionary ecology of microbial wars: within-host competition and (incidental) virulence

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    Invading an occupied niche is a formidable ecological challenge, and one of particular human importance in the context of food-borne microbial pathogens. We discuss distinct categories of invader-triggered environmental change that facilitate invasion by emptying their niche of competitors. Evidence is reviewed that gut bacteria use such strategies to manipulate their environment (via bacteriocins, temperate phage viruses or immuno-manipulation) at the expense of their competitors are reviewed. The possible virulence implications of microbial warfare among multiple co-infecting strains are diverse. Killing competitors can reduce virulence by reducing overall microbial densities, or increase virulence if for example the allelopathic mechanism involves immuno-manipulation. Finally, we place microbial anti-competitor strategies in a social evolution framework, highlighting how costly anti-competitor strategies can be understood as examples of microbial spite. We conclude by discussing other invasive species that have also developed such proactive strategies of invasion
