10 research outputs found
CTCF binding site classes exhibit distinct evolutionary, genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic features
CTCF DNA binding sites are classified into distinct functional classes, with distinct biological properties, shedding light on the differing functional roles of CTCF binding
A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish
This paper proposes a hierarchical Bayesian framework for modeling the life cycle of marine exploited fish with a spatial perspective. The application was developed for a nursery-dependent fish species, the common sole (Solea solea), on the Eastern Channel population (Western Europe). The approach combined processes of different natures and various sources of observations within an integrated framework for life-cycle modeling: (1) outputs of an individual-based model for larval drift and survival that provided yearly estimates of the dispersion and mortality of eggs and larvae, from spawning grounds to settlement in several coastal nurseries; (2) a habitat suitability model, based on juvenile trawl surveys coupled with a geographic information system, to estimate juvenile densities and surface areas of suitable juvenile habitat in each nursery sector; (3) a statistical catch-at-age model for the estimation of the numbers-at-age and the fishing mortality on subadults and adults. The approach provided estimates of hidden variables and parameters of key biological significance. A simulation approach provided insight to the robustness of the approach when only weak data are available. Estimates of spawning biomass, fishing mortality, and recruitment were close to the estimations derived from stock-assessment working groups. In addition, the model quantified mortality along the life cycle, and estimated site-specific density-dependent mortalities between settled larvae and age-0 juveniles in each nursery ground. This provided a better understanding of the productivity and the specific contribution of each nursery ground toward recruitment and population renewal. Perspectives include further development of the modeling framework on the common sole and applications to other fish species to disentangle the effects of multiple interacting stress factors (e.g., estuarine and coastal nursery habitat degradation, fishing pressure) on population renewal and to develop risk analysis in the context of marine spatial planning for sustainable management of fish resources
Alternative approaches to the segmentation of the EU fishing fleets. Workshop II - 28-30th March 2022
Summary of the test of the alternative segmentation tool on the French fleets.
Previous experiences and limits of the current EU-MAP fleet segmentation are presented. In light of these issues, the benefits of different alternative fleet segmentations are developed. Issues raised by data limitation for proposed alternative segmentation tool are also raised. Finally, application exercise of the alternative segmentation tool on the French national fleets operating in the supra-region Atlantic are summarised which lead to a flowchart proposal for the segmentation of the EU fleet taking into consideration all the issues highlighted before
Analyse de l’activité de pêche dans le golfe de Gascogne et des données OBSMER sur les captures accidentelles de dauphin commun lors de l’hiver 2019-2020
Un groupe de travail a été créé en 2017 face à la problématique des nombreux échouages de dauphins communs sur la côte Atlantique avec pour objectifs d’améliorer la connaissance sur les interactions entre la pêche et les mammifères marins, sens limiter les captures accidentelles de cétacés. Deux programmes de sur-échantillonnage du programme ObsMer ont été mis en place, dans le golfe de Gascogne, durant les hivers 2018/19 et 2019/20 temps et sur la flottille des fileyeurs dans un second temps. Dans ce contexte, cette saisine de la DPMA demande la réalisation d’une description détaillée de l’activité des flottilles “à risque” VIII, une actualisation de la typologie des fileyeurs pour le golfe de Gascogne construite dans le cadre de la saisine de la DPMA du 16 avril 2019 puis l’analyse des données ObsMer colle derniers. En ce qui concerne l’analyse des données ObsMer et notamment l’observation des captures accidentelles, le très faible taux de couverture associé à la rareté des évènements rapportés demande d’affiner l’utilisation de ces inf l’échelle des flottilles. Ce travail est toujours en cours. Enfin, une procédure d’estimation du risque de captures accidentelles de delphinidés dans le golfe de Gascogne a été établie dans présentés en Annexe 2
Gender inequality among medical, pharmaceutical and dental practitioners in French hospitals: Where have we been and where are we now?
International audienceIntroduction: Women are under-represented in senior academic and hospital positions in many countries. The authors aim to assess the place and the evolution of all appointed female and male health practitioners' working in French public Hospitals.Materials and methods: Data of this observational study were collected from the National Management Centre (Centre National de Gestion) from 2015 up to January 1, 2020. First, the authors described demographic characteristics and specialties of all appointed medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry doctors' working as Hospital Practitioners, Associate Professors, and Full Professors in French General and University-affiliated Hospitals in 2020. Then, they retrospectively reported the annual incidence of new entrance according to gender and professional status from 1999 to 2019 thanks to the appointment date of all practitioners in activity between 2015 and 2020.Results: In 2020, 51 401 appointed practitioners (49.7% of female) were in activity in French public hospitals with a large majority being medical doctors (92.4%) compared to pharmacists (6%) and dentists (1.6%). Women represented 52.5% of the Hospital Practitioners, 48.6% of the Associate Professors, and 22.0% of the Full Professors (p < 0.001). There were disparities between the rates of female Full Professors in medicine (20.6%), pharmacy (36.1%), and dentistry (44.3%, p < 0.001). Women were appointed Hospital Practitioners and Associate Professors earlier than men (respectively 37.1 versus 38.8 years, p < 0.001 and 36.1 versus 36.5 years, p = 0.04), and at a later age among Full Professors (43.7 versus 41.9 years, p < 0.001). Compared to men, the annual proportion of appointed women varied significantly between 1999 and 2019 from 47.6% to 60.4% for Hospital Practitioners, from 50.0% to 44.6% for Associate Professors, and from 11.2% to 33.3% for Full Professors (p < 0.001 for trend).Conclusions: Although more and more women occupy positions in French hospitals, there is still a gender gap regarding access to Full Professor status in medicine and pharmacy, but not in dentistry. The disparity in numbers makes comparison difficult. Despite a trend towards gender equality during the last twenty years, it has not yet been achieved regarding access to the highest positions
Revealing the band structure of InSb nanowires by high-field magnetotransport in the quasiballistic regime
International audienceThe charge transport properties of individual InSb nanowires based transistors are studied at 4.2 K in the quasiballistic regime. The energy level separations at zero magnetic field are extracted from a bias voltage spectroscopy. The magnetoconductance under a magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the nanowire axis is investigated up to 50 T. Owing to the magnetic reduction of the backscattering, the electronic states of the quasi-one-dimensional electron gas are revealed by Landauer-BĂĽttiker conductance quantization. The results are compared to theoretical predictions revealing the spin and orbital degeneracy lifting. At sufficiently high magnetic field the measurements show the evolution to the quantum Hall effect regime with the formation of Landau orbits and conducting edge states
Genomic imprinting mechanisms in mammals
Genomic imprinting is a form of epigenetic gene regulation that results in expression from a single allele in a parent-of-origin-dependent manner. This form of monoallelic expression affects a small but growing number of genes and is essential to normal mammalian development. Despite extensive studies and some major breakthroughs regarding this intriguing phenomenon, we have not yet fully characterized the underlying molecular mechanisms of genomic imprinting. This is in part due to the complexity of the system in that the epigenetic markings required for proper imprinting must be established in the germline, maintained throughout development, and then erased before being re-established in the next generation’s germline. Furthermore, imprinted gene expression is often tissue or stage-specific. It has also become clear that while imprinted loci across the genome seem to rely consistently on epigenetic markings of DNA methylation and/or histone modifications to discern parental alleles, the regulatory activities underlying these markings vary among loci. Here, we discuss different modes of imprinting regulation in mammals and how perturbations of these systems result in human disease. We focus mostly on the mechanism of genomic imprinting mediated by insulators as is present at the H19/Igf2 locus, and by non-coding RNA present at the Igf2r and Kcnq1 loci. In addition to imprinting mechanisms at autosomal loci, what is known about imprinted X-chromosome inactivation and how it compares to autosomal imprinting is also discussed. Overall, this review summarizes the many years of imprinting research, while pointing out exciting new discoveries that further elucidate the mechanism of genomic imprinting, and speculating on areas that require further investigation