97 research outputs found

    Pesticidas na Agricultura

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    The number of pesticide registrations according to MAPA (2021) increased by 85% from 2000 to 2021. In the first half of 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture had already published the registration of 150 pesticides for use in Brazil. Of these, 118 pesticides were released between March and May alone, with 84 destined for agriculture and 34 for use in industry. The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), points out that part of these new products should be reassessed, due to possible links to cases of cancer. Concomitant to this, the companies that concentrate the production of poison, had already requested the release of another 216 products. Keywords: Inorganic. MAP. Organic. Use in agriculture.El número de registros de plaguicidas según MAPA (2021) aumentó un 85% de 2000 a 2021. En el primer semestre de 2020, el Ministerio de Agricultura ya había publicado el registro de 150 plaguicidas para uso en Brasil. De estos, 118 pesticidas se liberaron solo entre marzo y mayo, con 84 destinados a la agricultura y 34 para uso en la industria. La Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANVISA), señala que parte de estos nuevos productos deben ser reevaluados, por posibles vínculos con casos de cáncer. Concomitante a eso, las empresas que concentran la producción de veneno, ya habían solicitado la liberación de otros 216 productos. Palabras-clave: Inorgánico. MAPA. Orgánico. Uso en agricultura.O número de registros de pesticidas de acordo com o MAPA (2021) aumentou 85% de 2000 a 2021. No primeiro semestre de 2020 o Ministério da Agricultura já havia publicado o registro de 150 agrotóxicos para uso no Brasil. Destes, 118 agrotóxicos foram liberados só entre março a maio, com 84 deles destinados agricultura e 34 para uso na indústria. A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), aponta que parte dessas novas mercadorias devem ser reavaliadas, pelas possíveis ligações a casos de câncer. Concomitante a isso, as empresas que concentram a produção de veneno, já haviam solicitado a liberação de mais 216 produtos

    Sites of Anesthetic Block of the Lateral and Medial Palmar Metacarpal Nerves in Equines of Indeterminate Breed

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    Background: Local anesthesia blockage at equines claudication diagnosis besides favoring the beginning of the therapy and relieving patient’s pain, it allows the identification of the specific affected region and its origin, however, if it is done incorrectly (by improper volume of anesthetics application and/or mistakenly nerve identification due to the lack of anatomic referential) it may cause inflammation, infection or even tissue necrosis. The aim was describing anatomically lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves in equines to improve diagnostic anesthetic block techniques on four metacarpophalangeal articulation joints of the specie.Materials, Methods & Results: A number of 20 thoracic limbs from 10 equines of indeterminate breed were used to be fixated in 10% phormaldehyde and with a marked arterial system by water solution of red dyed latex. The structures were identified by dissection, and their denomination bases on Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (N.A.V.) by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature. The study had been approved by the Board of Ethics in Animal Use of the University Center of Patos de Minas (UNIPAM), protocol n° 18/17. The lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves have been observed in all of the specimens originated from the deep branch of lateral palmar nerve, immediately distal to the intercarpal articulation. After its origin, the first nerve stretched ipsilaterally from the common trunk, whilst the second nerve positioned counter-lateral manner after superficially crossing the interosseus muscle. Both penetrated at the level of the mid third of the referred muscle and the metacarpal bone III and, assumed respectively a parallel medial position to the metacarpal bone IV and lateral to the metacarpal II, being intimately associated to the palmar face of the metacarpal bone III. Distally, those nerves emerged from a palmar position to a lateral and medial to the distal extremity of the metacarpal bones, corresponding and adjacent to the metacarpophalangeal articulation palmar recession, where they had finally ramified to partially innervate the associated articular capsule and the subcutaneous tissue of the region.Discussion: The lateral and medial palmar metacarpal nerves present similar origin and disposition to the above described, however, besides largely mentioned in literature, we point out here as recommended by N.A.V., no use of terms like axial and abaxial as position indicators for equine. As a part of block anesthetic diagnosis of four metacarpophalangeal articulation points, it is hereby suggested for the studied nerves desensitization, should be palpated the distal extremities of the metacarpal bones IV and II. After the identification, using thumb located from the extremity at proximal direction way, introduce the needle bilaterally for 1.5 cm downright between the above mentioned metacarpal bones and the interosseus muscle, being these latter and the flexor muscle tendons drawn in the palmar direction. Thus, it becomes valid to affirm that the technique of four-point diagnostic anesthetic block of the metacarpophalangeal articulation has been perfected for equines, and that it will limit the chances of false results on account of misplaced puncturing of nearby structures, such as, for example, the synovial recesses, mentioned as the location of the utmost gravity, hence septic synovitis may come in play

    Leukocytes and Albumin in Canine Leishmaniasis

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    Background: Canine Leishmaniasis (CanL) is a multisystemic and chronic inflammatory disease characterized by nonspecific clinical manifestations. In CanL, inflammatory cells and chemical mediators released in response to the parasite play a role in disease development and progression. Alterations on hematological parameters have been documented in CanL. These changes can also be assessed in relation to systemic inflammation caused by this disease. The circulating leukocyte counting, such as neutrophils, as well as the albumin level, are considered direct indicators of an inflammatory host environment. Several studies point to the use of biomarkers on the assistance in diagnosis and prognosis of several canine pathologies. The present study investigated the Neutrophils to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), Albumin to Globulin Ratio (AGR), and Neutrophils to Albumin Ratio (NAR) on systemic inflammatory response induced by Canine Leishmaniasis (CanL).Materials, Methods & Results: For this purpose, adult dogs with confirmed diagnosis to CanL were divided into symptomatic (SD, n = 33) and asymptomatic (AD, n = 20) dogs for L. infantum and control dogs (CD, n = 20). Routine hematological and biochemical parameters were determined in blood samples using a veterinary automatic hematology and biochemical analyzers. Asymptomatic dogs (AD) had a higher number of white blood cells and neutrophils (16.48 ± 4.93; 13.41 ± 3.60, respectively) in relation to symptomatic dogs (SD) (13.54 ± 5.13; 10.42± 3.69, respectively) (P = 0.015 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Neutrophils to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) was higher in dogs with leishmaniasis (9.45 ± 3.76) than in healthy dogs (3.39 ± 1.19) (P < 0.0001). Serum total proteins (STP) and globulins increased in CanL, while albumin and AGR decreased in CanL, when compared to CD and references values to canine species. Neutrophils to Albumin Ratio (NAR) was higher in AD and SD (5.02 ± 1.14; 4.79 ± 1.07, respectively) when compared to CD (2.36 ± 0.55) (P < 0.0001). Discussion: As reported in scientific researches, dogs with Leishmaniasis present alterations in circulating cell counts. Based on these data, we decided to expand this information using the NLR as a parameter in an attempt to better clarify the changes in these cells in CanL. We observed that NLR was increased on CanL in relation to healthy dogs, which could be a consequence of relative neutrophilia rather than lymphopenia. Neutrophils to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) is a biomarker that conveys information about inflammatory conditions. An elevated NLR can reflect an upregulated innate immune response, since neutrophils are effector cells of innate immunity and are involved in several acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Albumin is an acute phase protein that is considered an immune-inflammatory biomarker, which can be found reduced systemically in progressive inflammatory response. Serum total proteins (STP) and globulins were increased in CanL. These data are already well documented in CanL, which serum globulins are mainly associated with the increase of acute phase proteins, cytokines, and increase of specific antibodies to Leishmaniainfantum. Our results showed neutrophilia with hypoalbuminemia in CanL. So, in an attempt to assess the relationship of these two available markers, we used NAR calculation in order to evaluate the changes induced by CanL. In this study NAR was higher in CanL when compared to control dogs. Thus, our data indicate that NLR and NAR could be used as biomarkers in veterinary medical clinics in order to assess inflammatory profile in CanL, mainly in asymptomatic dogs. These parameters obtained from routine blood tests might be useful as cost-effective, easily accessible and helpful markers in order to distinguish the inflammatory response intensity in CanL

    Efeitos das funções de controle Volt-Watt e Volt-Var na regulação de tensão em redes de distribuição com presença de sistemas fotovoltaicos: Effects of Volt-Watt and Volt-Var control functions on voltage regulation in distribution networks with the presence of photovoltaic systems

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    Esse artigo investiga os efeitos das funções de controle Volt-Watt e Volt-Var de inversores inteligentes na regulação de tensão em redes de distribuição com presença de sistemas fotovoltaicos (FV). Os principais problemas enfrentados pelos operadores de redes de distribuição devido à alta integração de sistemas FV são a sobretensão e as excessivas comutações de tape em autotransformadores reguladores de tensão. Problema da sobretensão em redes de distribuição pode ser causado pela significativa injeção de potência ativa dos sistemas FV. Além disso, as variações rápidas e significativas na potência ativa injetada pelos sistemas FV, associadas com os transitórios de nuvens, resultam em um aumento excessivo de comutações de tape em reguladores de tensão, afetando negativamente a vida útil do equipamento. Simulações de fluxo de carga de séries temporais de um alimentador de MT com a presença de uma usina solar FV foram realizadas em cenários de alta e baixa variabilidade solar

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with severe tuberculosis evades cytosolic surveillance systems and modulates IL-1β production

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    Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects immune responses and clinical outcomes of tuberculosis (TB). However, how bacterial diversity orchestrates immune responses to direct distinct TB severities is unknown. Here we study 681 patients with pulmonary TB and show that M. tuberculosis isolates from cases with mild disease consistently induce robust cytokine responses in macrophages across multiple donors. By contrast, bacteria from patients with severe TB do not do so. Secretion of IL-1β is a good surrogate of the differences observed, and thus to classify strains as probable drivers of different TB severities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that M. tuberculosis isolates that induce low levels of IL-1β production can evade macrophage cytosolic surveillance systems, including cGAS and the inflammasome. Isolates exhibiting this evasion strategy carry candidate mutations, generating sigA recognition boxes or affecting components of the ESX-1 secretion system. Therefore, we provide evidence that M. tuberculosis strains manipulate host-pathogen interactions to drive variable TB severities


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    Introdução: Os registos clínicos são ferramentas fundamentais para a conhecer a realidade e poder auditar o tratamento de aneurismas da aorta abdominal (AAA). A Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, promotora do Registo Nacional de Procedimentos Vasculares (RNPV), desenvolveu um módulo para esta patologia que iniciou o seu funcionamento em Dezembro de 2019. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar dados referentes ao primeiro ano de funcionamento do módulo de AAA. Métodos: O módulo de AAA do RNPV abriu a possibilidade (voluntária) de registo em Dezembro de 2019. Após formação específica aos investigadores, os centros participantes deram início aos registos, de forma progressiva, ao longo do ano de 2020. O registo é realizado numa ferramenta informática especialmente desenvolvida para o efeito. São registados todos os casos de AAA (incluindo justa- ou supra-renais), com ou sem envolvimento das artérias ilíacas, de etiologia degenerativa. São excluídos aneurismas toraco-abdominais e ilíacos isolados. São registados dados demográficos, anatómicos, co-morbilidades, modo de admissão, detalhes sobre o tratamento e seguimento até aos 30-dias/intra- -hospitalar. O seguimento aos 1 ano e 5 anos é opcional. Para a finalidade deste relatório, foram apenas analisados dados referentes ao modo de admissão e tipo de tratamento, assim como a mortalidade aos 30-dias/intra-hospitalar. Resultados: Entre Dezembro de 2019 e Dezembro de 2020, foram registados 350 doentes na plataforma do módulo de AAA do RNPV. A idade média dos doentes registados é de 74.3 ± 13.7 anos, e 92.0% são do sexo masculino. O modo de admissão foi eletivo em 76,9% dos casos. O diâmetro máximo do aneurisma aórtico foi em média 63.9mm ± 19.9mm. A maioria dos doentes apresentava AAA infra-renal, numa percentagem semelhante em casos eletivos e em urgência (79% vs 76%), p=0.16. A indicação para tratamento foi o diâmetro aórtico em 59.4% dos casos. O tratamento endovascular (EVAR) foi utilizado em 68.9% dos casos. Em cirurgia eletiva, a percentagem de EVAR foi 75.7% e em urgência 45.7%, p < 0.01. Em cirurgia eletiva, a mortalidade aos 30 dias ou intra-hospitalar foi de 3.3% (8 doentes). Para doentes tratados por EVAR foi de 2.8% e para cirurgia aberta 5.2%, p<0.01. A mortalidade aos 30 dias ou intra-hospitalar em urgência foi 41.9%, por EVAR foi 20.0% e por cirurgia aberta 61.6%, p<0.01. Conclusão: No primeiro ano de funcionamento, o módulo AAA do RNPV produziu importantes dados que ajudam a compreender os padrões de tratamento desta patologia em Portugal. Estes dados podem ajudar os diferentes Serviços a melhorar a sua prática, através da comparação com os valores de referência gerados