346 research outputs found

    Are weight, length and amount of venom related in scorpionfish?

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    We are investigating an evident relationship among weight, length and the amount of glandular venom tissue collected from the dorsal spines of a scorpionfish species

    Influence of cheese making process on STEC bacteriophage release

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are foodborne pathogens implicated in diseases including hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and hemorrhagic colitis (HC). The main virulence factor are Shiga toxins; their production and secretion are by-products of the expression of late genes of prophages upon sub-lethal environmental stimuli exposure. Hence, the lysogenic prophage after a stress switch to lytic cycle spreading the Stx phages. In the present study, 35 STEC were screened for the presence and the ability to release Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophages. Three bacterial strains showed signals of prophage presence both in plate and in PCR. Subsequently, these bacterial strains were subjected to stressors that simulate cheese manufacturing conditions: NaCl (1, 1.5 and 2% w/v), lactic acid (0.5, 1.5 and 3% v/v), anaerobic growth, pasteurization (72°C for 15 s), UV irradiation. The ability to release prophage was evaluated by Real Time qPCR. Induction of the prophages showed that the addition of NaCl at 1.5 and 2% significantly increased viral release compared to control. Conversely, the addition of lactic acid had a significant repressive effect. The other applied stressors had no significant effect in phage release according to the experimental conditions adopted

    First record of Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) (Teleostei: Clupeiformes:Clupeidae) in the Azores Archipelago, Portugal (NE Atlantic)

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    Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.This note reports the first record of Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) in the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic, Portugal). Being an anadromous species, this occurrence is quite unexpected since there are no suitable breeding habitats for this species in these volcanic islands, isolated and river less. Although A. fallax is known to migrate offshore, it has never been previously reported in oceanic environments. We discuss this occurrence and theorize on the possibility of the species’ being found in Madeira, another Macaronesian Archipelago, albeit much older and closer to European coasts and thus more suitable to be crossed by A. fallax during their migration routes in pelagic environments. With this record, the number of Clupeid fishes for Azorean waters increases to two, the other being the well known and resident Sardina pilchardus

    Occurrence of Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, 1873 (Pisces: Grammicolepididae) in the Azores Archipelago

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    Three specimens of Grammicolepis brachiusculus were caught by the commercial bottom hand and longline fisheries off Terceira and Faial Islands, Azores Archipelago. This is the first record of the species for the region, and one of few ever caught in the NE Atlantic

    Pre-school science education in Portugal: teacher education and innovative practices

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    Assuming science education in the early years as the stepping stone for the development of scientific and technological literacy, a teacher training program was developed with six kindergarten teachers in Portugal. Its aim was to promote the (re)construction of their subject content and pedagogical knowledge leading to innovative practices, based on the characterization of their profile, shortcomings and practices. Learning through practice was considered the most effective means to promote change in kindergarten teachers’ curricular approaches to science, hence the development of practical activities focusing on children’s understanding and requiring their scientific knowledge and enquiry processes. These include a teacher’s guide (presenting its objectives, concepts and teaching, learning and assessment strategies), a theoretical framework (presenting the concepts, known misconceptions and research references) and also the necessary didactic resources. The paper details the results of the developed teacher training program as well of the validation process of the designed teaching strategies

    Stratégie alimentaire et ontogénie trophique de Scorpaena maderensis (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) des Açores, Atlantique NE

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    Copyright © 2014 Société Française d'Ichtyologie.Feeding habits of Scorpaena maderensis Valenciennes, 1833 from the Azores archipelago were investigated. The stomach contents of 245 specimens, collected between August 1997 and July 1999, were analysed. Decapod crustaceans and teleost fishes constitute the main food items, revealing a high level of specialization by S. maderensis. Ontogenic shifts and seasonal changes in the diet composition were observed, unveiling the adaptability and opportunistic predatory behaviour of this scorpaenid.RÉSUMÉ: Les habitudes alimentaires de Scorpaena maderensis Valenciennes, 1833 de l'archipel des Açores ont été étudiées. Les contenus stomacaux de 245 spécimens, récoltés entre août 1997 et juillet 1999, ont été analysés. Les crustacés décapodes et les téléostéens sont les principales proies de S. maderensis, indiquant un fort degré de spécialisation chez cette espèce. Des changements ontogénétiques et saisonniers de la composition du régime alimentaire révèlent l’adaptabilité et le comportement prédateur opportuniste de ce scorpaenidé

    Novos desafios societais no ensino das ciências e tecnologia: programa completo e resumos do V Seminário Ibero-Americano CTS e IX Seminário CTS

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    O papel e a importância da Ciência e da Tecnologia (C&T) nas sociedades modernas atuais é, especialmente desde o último quartel do Século XX, inquestionável, em particular para a coesão e desenvolvimento económico e social. Os argumentos teóricos e suas implicações práticas têm sido usados por muitos para reforçar a relevância da educação, nomeadamente a educação científica, para esse desenvolvimento. No entanto, o modo como tal pode ser atingido não é isento de controvérsias, pois continuam a proliferar propostas diferentes de organização curricular, de finalidades e objetivos da Educação em C&T, de estratégias, atividades e recursos a utilizar, de modelos de formação de professores e de avaliação de competências (Martins, Paixão e Vieira, em atas do III Seminário Ibérico CTS, 2004). Todavia, espera-se e exige-se que a educação permita a todos alcançar a mobilização de competências que sustentem tomada de posição e ou decisão em questões que compreendam relações entre a Ciência, a Tecnologia e a Sociedade. Estas interrelações têm sido o cerne da educação Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS). (...)publishe

    A formação contínua de professores dos primeiros anos de escolaridade em Portugal: impactes no ensino experimental das ciências

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    A Ciência e a Tecnologia, especialmente nos últimos 200 anos, têm-se afirmado como o mais sólido empreendimento das sociedades modernas. Diversas decisões, nas suas diversas esferas, são baseadas e fundamentadas nos desenvolvimentos e produtos científicos e tecnológicos que têm contribuído visivelmente para a melhoria da qualidade de vida de muitos seres humanos. A escola tem procurado incorporar nos seus currículos vários desses desenvolvimentos e competências. Neste quadro, tem vindo a ganhar relevância a premência de uma educação em Ciências para todos, desde os primeiros anos de escolaridade, promotora de literacia científica assente em ideias que promovam um desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos alunos que lhes permitam participar responsável e criticamente na sociedade (Martins et al., 2006; Martins e Paixão, 2011; Osborne e Dillon, 2008; Vieira, Tenreiro-Vieira e Martins, 2011; Vieira e Tenreiro-Vieira, 2016). Todos os cidadãos devem dispor de conhecimentos em (bem como sobre e pelas) Ciências e Tecnologia, de modo a formar-se uma sociedade crítica, reflexiva e atenta a situações e dilemas que surgem das relações entre a Ciência e a Tecnologia e as atividades sociais, económicas e políticas (Martins e Paixão, 2011).publishe