496 research outputs found

    Analytical Model for the Performance Curves of a Family of Propellers Based on Wind Tunnel Tests

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    Propeller aircraft performance is greatly influenced by the performance of the propeller it uses. Thus, proper selection of a propeller for a given aircraft design at the early stages of the design process is fundamental. During the design of a new aircraft, simple yet accurate performance models are required to properly optimize the design. Significant experimental performance data of low speed, small propellers is available. The main objective of this work is to create and validate an analytical model for     the performance curves of a family of propellers tested at low Reynolds numbers, which can be used in selecting a propeller for a given existing aircraft design or during its design optimization process. This kind of propellers is more commonly used in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The model is designed in MATLAB® using a variety of regression techniques, such as the Least Squares Method (LSQ), applied to experimental data acquired at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), for seventeen APC Thin Electric propellers, and at the Department of Aerospace Sciences (DCA) of University of Beira Interior (UBI), for ten more APC Thin Electric propellers. The analytical model predicts propeller power coefficient and propulsive efficiency accurately for the family of propellers tested and can also be used for the propellers with dimensions close to those used for its development. The propeller performance data obtained during the experimental tests are made available the community to further increase the documentation on propellers tested at low Reynolds numbers. Keywords: Propeller, Low Reynolds propeller performance, Propeller tests, Wind tunne

    Games on Cellular Spaces: How Mobility Affects Equilibrium

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    In this work we propose a new model for spatial games. We present a definition of mobility in terms of the satisfaction an agent has with its spatial location. Agents compete for space through a non-cooperative game by using mixed strategies. We are particularly interested in studyig the relation between Nash equilibrium and the winner strategy of a given model with mobility, and how the mobility can affect the results. The experiments show that mobility is an important variable concerning spatial games. When we change parameters that affect mobility, it may lead to the success of strategies away from Nash equilibrium.Spatial Games, Agent-Based Modelling, Mobility, Satisfaction, Chicken Game, Nash Equilibrium

    Vídeo escalável e interoperabilidade em redes multimédia

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Sorriso Gengival: Diagnóstico e Opções de Tratamento

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    A estética adquiriu um papel fundamental na sociedade atual, assistindo-se a um crescimento exponencial da procura por procedimentos estéticos. Frequentemente, esta procura tem como principal intuito, melhorar a aparência do sorriso. O sorriso desempenha um papel fundamental tanto na harmonia facial de cada indivíduo como na transmissão de emoções e expressões, sendo assim uma forma de comunicação e socialização. A harmonia estética facial correlaciona-se diretamente com o sorriso, sendo que este se torna esteticamente agradável quando os elementos que o constituem (lábios, gengivas e dentes) estão dispostos numa localização e proporção adequadas. Esta harmonia não é alcançada quando existe uma exposição excessiva da gengiva, denominada de "Sorriso Gengival", afetando negativamente a harmonia e a auto-estima do paciente. Diversas opções de tratamento e modalidades terapêuticas foram propostas para a correção desta desarmonia mas, devido à sua etiologia multifatorial, é essencial proceder a um adequado diagnóstico diferencial, para que a abordagem terapêutica indicada possa ser aplicada para cada caso em particular, devido à exclusividade e singularidade do sorriso. Portanto, o clinico deve dominar as variáveis da estética facial, conhecer os vários fatores envolvidos nesta condição, proporcionando assim ao paciente o tratamento estético e funcional mais viáve
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