100 research outputs found

    Cidade de Deus e a violência através dos espaços: das linhas à tela

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Florianópolis, 2011Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe uma análise do livro, roteiro e filme Cidade de Deus, com o objetivo de observar a representação da violência nos três objetos de estudo, concentrando o olhar em como a violência atua no (s) espaço (s) e em quais espaços se dá essa atuação. A partir dessa perspectiva, será possível evidenciar como a representação da violência e a sua atuação em determinados espaços pode contribuir para a (des) construção dos indivíduos inseridos neles. Além disso, se tentará demonstrar os efeitos alcançados com alguns elementos que persistiram do livro para o roteiro, e deste para o filme, bem como, os resultados obtidos com a inserção de novos elementos na montagem final da produção cinematográfica. Para alcançar os objetivos desejados a pesquisa se concentrará nas relações existentes entre literatura, cinema e estudos culturais. Portanto, alguns conceitos serão discutidos e, se possível, esclarecidos. Entre eles, os conceitos de cultura, representação, tradução cultural e adaptação, que serão de fundamental importância para as discussões que esta dissertação pretende estabelecer. Além dos conceitos citados, a pesquisa fará uso de uma leitura atenta das imagens do filme e, para isso, contará com um estudo dos elementos intersemióticos peculiares a ele

    Assessment of habitat and water quality of the Portuguese Febros River and one of its tributaries

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    A physical, chemical and biological characterisation of river systems is needed to evaluate their ecological quality and establish restoration programs. Aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates have proven to be among the most reliable and cost-effective assessment tools for water and habitat quality in streams throughout the world. During one year of seasonal surveys, the state of the Febros River and one of its tributaries, Jaca Creek, were evaluated in terms of habitat, physical, chemical and biological water quality, using benthic macroinvertebrates as ecological indicators. These watercourses suffer pollution from agriculture, industry and urban areas. Both watercourses were moderately to severely degraded, showing spatial and temporal variability in macroinvertebrate communities and water quality. The overall poor river conditions were particularly bad in the upper part of Jaca Creek, which is affected by industry. This upriver site showed higher temperatures, conductivity and dissolved solids than all other sites studied. The best conditions were found in the Gaia Biological Park area, where the habitat quality was evaluated to be high and biotic indices indicated excellent and good water quality in the spring and summer, respectively. However, even this site had biological indicator scores denoting severe degradation in autumn and winter. Macroinvertebrate diversity was low, with populations dominated by pollution-tolerant taxa like Chironomids, particularly in the summer and autumn samples. Abundances were mostly higher in the spring and lower in winter. Percentages of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (EPT) were low (totalling 31% on average), and Plecoptera was completely absent in the samples. The EPT percentage and the percentage of Chironomidae were related to temperature and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). In comparison to earlier studies, the Febros River improved in both habitat and biological quality. The present study should help to identify specific measures necessary to restore habitat and water quality to reference conditions.Para evaluar la calidad ecológica de un río y establecer programas de recuperación es necesaria una caracterización física, química y biológica de los sistemas fluviales. Los macroinvertebrados acuáticos bentónicos se encuentran entre las herramientas más fiables y efectivas para la estimación de la calidad del agua y los hábitats en aguas corrientes de todo el mundo. El estado del río Febros y uno de sus tributarios, la Ribeira de Jaca, han sido evaluados durante un año de controles estacionales en términos de hábitat y de la calidad física, química y biológica de sus aguas, mediante el uso de macroinvertebrados bentónicos como indicadores ecológicos. Estas cuencas fluviales están afectadas por la contaminación que procede de la agricultura, de la industria y de las áreas urbanas. Ambas corrientes de agua están de moderada a severamente degradadas, con variabilidad temporal y espacial de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados y de la calidad del agua. Las malas condiciones generales de la zona fluvial estudiada son especialmente aparentes en la parte alta de Ribeira de Jaca que está afectada por instalaciones industriales. Este punto presenta temperaturas, conductividades y sólidos disueltos más elevados que en los demás lugares estudiados. Las mejores condiciones se hallaron en el área del Parque Biológico de Gaia, donde el hábitat se puede evaluar como bueno y los índices bióticos indican que la calidad del agua es excelente y buena, respectivamente, durante la primavera y el verano. No obstante, incluso esta localización presenta valores de indicadores biológicos que apuntan a una severa degradación en otoño e invierno. La diversidad de macroinvertebrados es particularmente baja en las muestras de verano y otoño con poblaciones dominadas por taxones que toleran la contaminación, como los Chironomidae. Los valores de abundancia son generalmente más elevados en primavera y más bajos en invierno. El porcentaje de Ephemeroptera y Trichoptera (EPT) es bajo, alcanzando un 31% entre ambos grupos. Los Plecoptera se encuentran completamente ausentes en todas las muestras. El porcentaje EPT y de Chironomidae están relacionados con la temperatura y la Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (BOD). La calidad de este hábitat y la de sus sistemas biológicos ha mejorado en relación con anteriores estudios. El presente trabajo debe ayudar a identificar las medidas específicas necesarias para recuperar la calidad del hábitat y de su agua hasta condiciones de referencia

    Artisanal salt production in Aveiro/Portugal - an ecofriendly process

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    Solar salinas are man-made systems exploited for the extraction of salt, by solar and wind evaporation of seawater. Salt production achieved by traditional methods is associated with landscapes and environmental and patrimonial values generated throughout history. Since the mid-twentieth century, this activity has been facing a marked decline in Portugal, with most salinas either abandoned or subjected to destruction, making it necessary to find a strategy to reverse this trend

    Representações dos clientes sobre psicoterapia

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    A pertinência do estudo sobre a perspetiva do cliente é cada vez mais reconhecida como valiosa para a compreensão do modo como a psicoterapia funciona e o seu impacto. Neste sentido, o presente estudo centra-se numa análise compreensiva sobre as representações dos clientes acerca da psicoterapia. Para o efeito, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a cinco clientes que frequentavam um processo de psicoterapia. Para analisar as entrevistas foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, com base na análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2012). Quatro categorias e respetivas subcategorias foram identificadas e discutidas em relação à literatura sobre as representações dos clientes e as suas próprias experiências em psicoterapia. Quanto aos resultados, estes são consistentes com estudos qualitativos anteriores sobre as perspetivas dos clientes. De forma geral, observa-se que os participantes conseguiram verbalizar as suas perceções e crenças sobre a psicoterapia, assim como, as suas experiências neste contexto. Os clientes consideram-se agentes da sua própria mudança, admitindo que a psicoterapia não funciona se os próprios não participarem de forma ativa durante o processo. Também, foram capazes de identificar mudanças que ocorreram em várias dimensões das suas vidas como um efeito do tratamento.The relevance of the perspective of the clients is increasingly getting acknowledged as valuable for the understanding of how psychotherapy works and its impact. In this sense, this study focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the clients’ representations regarding psychotherapy. For this purpose, we conducted semistructured interviews with five clients in a psychotherapy process. To analyze the interviews a qualitative approach was used, based on the content analysis of Bardin (2012). Four categories and respective subcategories were identified and discussed concerning the literature about the clients’ representations and their own experiences in psychotherapy. The results are consistent with the previous qualitative studies about the clients’ perspectives. Generally, we could observe that the participants were able to express their perceptions and beliefs about psychotherapy, as well as their experiences in this context. The clients consider themselves agents of their own change, thinking that psychotherapy does not work if they do not participate actively during the process. They were also able to identify changes that occurred in various dimensions of their lives as a result of the treatment

    Microplastic Pollution in Portuguese Saltworks

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    Currently, microplastics are dispersed everywhere; from our oceans to our rivers, sediments, organisms, air, and even food resources. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the degree of contamination present in the Portuguese traditional table salts depending on their origin and type of salt. Fourteen samples were selected: seven from fleur de sel and seven from coarse salts, corresponding to seven distinct regions of the Portuguese territory. The concentration of microplastics, depending on salts’ origin, ranged between 595 and 5090 MPs/kg, in sea salt, and in Rio Maior’s well salt it varied from 3325 to 6430 MPs/kg. By salt type, the concentration of microplastics in the fleur de sel was 2320–6430 MPs/kg and in the coarse salt was 595–3985 MPs/kg. In the analyzed table salt, the most abundant anthropogenic particles were fibers (64%) and fragments (35%). The most predominant colors were transparent, blue, and black. The concentration of microplastics did not vary significantly (p > 0.05) between fleur de sel samples within different regions. However, statistically significant differences were found between coarse salt samples from the various regions. The results, gathered from this study, demonstrate the high contamination within artisanal Portuguese table salts, thus, becoming crucial to develop more future research, leading to a better understanding of the health risks associated with salt consumption

    Biodiversity loss in the genus Artemia in the Western Mediterranean Region

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    Local populations extinctions depend on intrinsic factors related to the biology of species, as well as on direct threats of stochastic and/or deterministic type. The species of the genus Artemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca), conspicuous inhabitants of hypersaline ecosystems, are suffering an important biodiversity loss. Their persistence is dramatically affected by deterministic factors threatening their biotopes. Among these deterministic factors the loss of habitats and the introduction of exotic invasive species are the most relevant. This paper aims to summarize the information available on: a) the abandonment of solar salterns in theWestern Mediterranean region; b) the present distribution of the exotic invasive species Artemia franciscana populations in Spain, Portugal, Italy and France; c) several reproductive parameters obtained from the study of life tables, performed for several autochthonous species and strains and the invasive species. These traits, linked to the quantitative and qualitative offspring output, allow an experimental approach to the understanding of the fitness superiority of the invasive species, as well as to the competitive displacement of the autochthonous Artemia species in the Western Mediterranean region.La extinción de poblaciones locales depende de factores intrínsecos que tienen que ver con la biología de las especies, así como de amenazas directas de tipo estocástico o determinístico. Las especies del género Artemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca), conspicuos pobladores de humedales hipersalinos, están sufriendo una importante pérdida en biodiversidad. Su persistencia se ve dramáticamente afectada por factores determinísticos que amenazan a sus biotopos. De entre estos factores, la pérdida de hábitats y la introducción de especies exóticas invasoras son los más relevantes. Este trabajo pretende resumir la información disponible sobre: a) el abandono de salinas solares en la región del Mediterráneo Occidental; b) la distribución actual de poblaciones de la especie exótica invasora Artemia franciscana en España, Portugal, Italia y Francia; c) varios parámetros reproductivos obtenidos del estudio de tablas de vida, llevadas a cabo para varias especies y estirpes autóctonas y la especie invasora. Estos aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos de la descendencia permiten una aproximación experimental a la comprensión de la superior eficacia biológica de la especie invasora, así como del desplazamiento por competencia de las especies autóctonas de Artemia en la región del Mediterráneo Occidental

    Assessing the ecological status of fluvial ecosystems employing a macroinvertebrate multi-taxon and multi-biomarker approach

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    Biomarkers are recognised sensitive early-warning tools of biological effects in aquatic organisms. In this scope, the main aim of this study was to investigate the potential usefulness of a battery of biomarkers, evaluated in different benthic macroinvertebrate taxa, to discriminate aquatic ecosystems with different levels of ecological status and to provide further clues supporting environmental management. The study took place during the autumn of 2013 and the spring and summer of 2014, and the study cases were two Mediterranean rivers (Âncora and Ferreira rivers), differing in their ecological status. The biomarkers determined are widely employed and comprise a large set of biochemical responses: the activity of enzymes (cholinesterases, glutathione S-transferases, catalase and lactate dehydrogenase) and the levels of lipid peroxidation. They were assessed seasonally and in different macroinvertebrate taxa. Thirteen water physico-chemical parameters were also seasonally determined, and the concentration of seven organophosphorus pesticides and the percentage of 32 trace metals in sediments were determined in the spring. This is particularly useful for water management. Based on this, authorities can take actions to prevent further damage in the ecological status. Multivariate analyses showed distinct patterns of biological response for the Calopteryx spp., Chironomidae and Baetis spp. taxa. Calopteryx spp. and Chironomidae, in particular, showed distinct response patterns for the two rivers, which were fairly stable across seasons. This study sets the foundations for future cost-effective biomonitoring campaigns in Mediterranean rivers, allowing to establish historical data important to understand ecosystem evolution, as well as baseline levels of diagnostic biomarkers in informative macroinvertebrate taxa.The present study was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through a PhDgrant attributed to Rodrigues C. R. (SFRH/BD/87695/2012) and apost-doc fellowship attributed to Cruz V. F. (SFRH/BPD/109153/2015) and by the Strategic Funding UID/Multi/04423/2019 through national funds provided by the FCT and European Re-gional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the pro-gramme PT2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo comparativo entre regulamentações governamentais e normas sociotécnicas vigentes referentes à gestão de riscos de segurança da informação

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2013.Este projeto de graduação tem o objetivo de aproximar a Administração Pública Federal das práticas vigentes adotadas internacionalmente no âmbito da Gestão de Riscos de Segurança da Informação. Pensando nisso, foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre conceitos e processos apresentados pelas regulamentações governamentais - Instrução Normativa 01 DSIC/GSIPR, Norma Complementar 02 DSIC/GSIPR e Norma Complementar 04 DSIC/GSIPR - e pelas normas sociotécnicas vigentes - ABNT ISO GUIA 73:2009 e ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27005:2011. Para a análise terminológica foi desenvolvido um questionário aplicado a especialistas da área de Segurança da Informação. Já a análise dos processos foi feita com base em pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória e análise documental. Ao final, são propostas sugestões de alinhamento de processos e harmonização dos conceitos.This graduation project aims to approximate the Brazilian Federal Public Administration to the current practices internationally adopted concerning Information Security Risk Management. Considering this, a comparative study was performed between concepts and processes introduced by governmental regulations - Instrução Normativa 01 DSIC/GSIPR, Norma Complementar 02 DSIC/GSIPR and Norma Complementar 04 DSIC/GSIPR - and current sociotechnical standards - ABNT ISO Guia 73:2009 and ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27005:2011. For the terminological analysis a questionnaire had been developed and applied to Information Security experts. Regarding the processual analysis, an exploratory bibliographic research and a documental analysis had been done. Finally, processual alignment and conceptual harmonization recommendations are suggested

    Ciclo anual de oogénesis en Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)

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    Lipophrys pholis has been shown to be responsive to a variety of environmental contaminants, some of them able to impair reproduction. Description of the normal cycle of oogenesis of this newly proposed sentinel species is important since this data may function as a baseline for comparison in ecotoxicological studies, among other applications. Based on histological observations, L. pholis ovarian development in adult is asynchronous, and 7 ovarian germ cells can be described (oogonia, early and late perinuclear oocytes, cortical-alveolar oocytes, early vitellogenic oocytes, vitellogenic oocytes and spawning oocytes). Using a stereological approach together with the morphologic characteristics of ovarian cells, the ovarian cycle of L. pholis was divided into 3 maturation stages: early oogenesis (May); mid-oogenesis (September), and spawning (November to January). Ovarian cell proportions and gonadosomatic index confirmed that the reproductive period of L. pholis near the southern limit of distribution of the species occurs during cold-water periods, between November and May. The collected data will help to fill some of the gaps in information that still exist on L. pholis oogenesis, thus allowing a better integration of this species as a sentinel for the detection of contaminants in European coastal waters.En trabajos recientes, se ha visto que Lipophrys polis es sensible a diversos contaminantes medioambientales, algunos de los cuales pueden afectar a la reproducción. La descripción del ciclo normal de oogénesis de esta nueva propuesta de especie centinela es importante, ya que serviría como referencia para futuros estudios toxicológicos, entre otras aplicaciones. En base a observaciones histológicas, se pueden describir siete estados de los oocitos (oogonia, estado perinuclear temprano y tardío, estado cortico-alveolar, vitelogénesis temprana, vitelogénesis y oocitos desovados). Desde un enfoque estereológico, junto con las características morfológicas de las células ováricas, el ciclo ovárico de L. polis se ha dividido en tres estados de maduración: oogénesis temprana (mayo), oogénesis media (septiembre) y desove (de noviembre a enero). Las proporciones de las células ováricas y el índice gonadosomático, confirmaron que el periodo reproductivo de L. polis, en el límite meridional de distribución de la especie, se produce durante los periodos de agua fría, entre noviembre y mayo. Los datos obtenidos ayudarán a cubrir algunas de las lagunas que todavía existen en el conocimiento de la ovogénesis de L. pholis, permitiendo, por tanto, una mejor integración de esta especie como centinela para la detección de contaminantes en las aguas costeras europeas

    The courtship behaviour of the pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis: Reflections of an adaptation to intertidal life

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    The courtship behaviour of Nerophis lumbriciformis (Pisces: Syngnathidae) consists of three distinct phases (initial courtship, spawning, and embrace) marked by prominent behavioural changes. The first courtship phase is characterised by female quivering. Courtship activity increases from low to high levels of quivering, causing undulatory head movements in the female. In the second phase, the female transfers her eggs onto the male incubating ventral surface. During the final phase, the male wraps his body around the female (embrace). Females actively initiate courtship indicating that these pipefishes are courtship role reversed. The complete lack of swimming and vertical movements in the courtship behaviour of N. lumbriciformis, unlike in the behaviour of other syngnathid species, suggests an adaptation to intertidal conditions