70 research outputs found

    Educação Social, entre a intervenção e a mediação. Um Estudo de Caso na Escola Secundária de Vila Real de Santo António

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    Esta dissertação resulta de uma investigação realizada na Escola Secundária de Vila Real de Santo António, no Algarve. O estudo de caso pretendeu apurar quais as questões que podem motivar uma intervenção ao nível da Educação Social na escola e definir as principais competências do/a Educador/a Social neste contexto. Dos resultados obtidos, destacam-se dois pontos essenciais. Assim, tendo em conta os conflitos que surgem na comunidade escolar, parece ser fundamental que o/a Educador/a Social adquira competências em técnicas de Mediação. Por outro lado, os jovens, e até os adultos que frequentam os Centros de Reconhecimento e Validação de Competências, têm necessidade de definir o seu projecto de vida, o que torna evidente que o Educador Social domine metodologias de Aconselhamento Filosófico, a par dos conhecimentos que adquire ao longo da licenciatura e das competências que vai demonstrando ao longo das suas práticas

    análise económica e jurisprudencial

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    A dissertação que seguidamente se apresenta, tem como objeto de estudo as Cláusulas de Subordinação1 no direito da concorrência. De facto, sendo ditadas, por um lado, por razões de interesse e aprofundamento jurídico do direito da União Europeia e por outro, por razões de índole económico, o estudo destas cláusulas deve de desencadear um aprofundamento de conhecimentos nesta temática, permitindo a criação de bases jurídicas e de mecanismos económicos, que sejam capazes de avaliar situações que eventualmente distorçam o normal funcionamento dos princípios concorrenciais de mercado. Desde já, é feita uma nota preliminar, no sentido de que nada obstará a que, em alguns momentos, sejam tecidas considerações pessoais sobre determinadas questões respeitantes ao tema. Na delimitação da dissertação, procurar-se-á, inicialmente, dar uma noção de subordinação referindo-se, para o efeito apelo aos ensinamentos de alguns autores nesta matéria. Num plano seguinte, confrontar-se-ão duas situações que, embora distintas, têm na realidade traços em comum, designadamente, a tying e a bundling, sem prejuízo, de quando se revelar necessário, chamar à colação de alguns casos jurisprudenciais. Em seguida destacaremos quais os motivos, a nível económico que podem estar na base de um recurso às cláusulas de subordinação, por parte das empresas. Posteriormente será feito um enquadramento histórico-jurídico dos modelos de defesa da concorrência quer nos Estados Unidos da América, quer na União Europeia que obrigatoriamente têm reflexos na regulamentação portuguesa. Terminada a análise dos princípios e conceitos, bem como a descrição históricojurídica dos modelos de defesa da concorrência, estaremos em condições de aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos, a dois casos jurisprudenciais, designadamente, o caso Microsoft e Hilti e estabelecer uma comparação entre os referidos regimes. Finalmente concluiremos com a análise das decisões jurisprudenciais, qual o seu impacto e quais as consequências, que efetivamente trazem para o bem-estar social e apontaremos o caminho que, em nossa opinião, deverá ser adotado pelas autoridades competentes na evolução destas práticas, que tendencialmente devem minimizar os efeitos anti concorrenciais


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    Os aditivos alimentares são substâncias que modificam as propriedades dos alimentos sendo classificadas em: antioxidantes; corantes; emulsionantes, espessantes e gelificantes; aromas e especiarias; conservantes e estabilizadores. A sua utilização frequente na indústria alimentar e indústria cosmética pode ser responsável por dermatoses quer nos manipuladores e consumidores de alimentos e aditivos alimentares, quer nos utilizadores de cosméticos. Os quadros clínicos provocados pelo contacto manifestam-se por urticária de contacto e dermites de contacto irritativas ou alérgicas, diferindo o tipo de alergenos e as localizações consoante ocorram em utilizadores de cosméticos ou em contexto profissional. Os quadros provocados por inalação/ingestão de aditivos alimentares podem apresentar-se como Urticária, Anafilaxia e Dermite de Contacto Sistémica. O diagnóstico destas dermatoses baseia-se numa história clinica e exame objetivo minuciosos e testes cutâneos, essenciais para uma correta caracterização desta patologia.Food additives are substances added to foods that intentionally change their properties. They include antioxidants, coloring agents, emulsifiers, thickeners, flavoring agents and spices, preservatives and stabilizers. Their frequent use in food and cosmetic industries might be responsible for dermatosis in both food and food additives’ handlers and consumers, as well as in cosmetics users. Clinical presentations due to contact include contact urticaria and allergic or irritative contact dermatitis. The culprit allergen and dermatitis location differ depending on whether these occur in cosmetic users or in a professional context. Clinical presentations due to inhalation/ingestion of food additives might present as urticaria, anaphylaxis and systemic contact dermatitis. Diagnosis is based on a thorough clinical history and clinical exam, as well as cutaneous testing

    Catálogo de «Amílcar Cabral, uma Exposição»

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Blood antioxidant parameters in subjects from Azorean populations with different sociocultural profile

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    Abstract de Comunicação em Painel (PS4-02730) apresentada em "27th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)", 30 Jun-6 Jul, 2001, Lisboa, Portugal.Age, sex, physiological and pathological conditions, as well as geographical location reflected in diet, social and environmental conditions and even in life habits are relevant factors in the assessment of the prooxidant/antioxidant status of individuais. The aim of this work is to compare some antioxidant parameters, such as whole blood Se-glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and erythrocyte Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, serum selenium, copper and zinc leveis in healthy subjects from three populations with different sociocultural characteristics. Volunteer men and women aged 20-60 were selected from Ponta Delgada (urban population), Ribeira Quente (fishing population) and Água Retorta (rural population) located in the island o f S. Miguel (Azores’ Archipelago, Portugal). No significant differences in GSH-Px activity were found in interpopulation analysis, but the activity tended to be higher in women than in men; in turn, selenium levels, which were maximum in subjects from Ribeira Quente, were significantly bigher in male than in female groups, except in the rural population where they were similar. SOD activities, as well as zinc leveis were significantly higher in both men and women from the fishing population than in the others, where they did not differ. Also SOD, but not zinc or copper, was higher by 13% in women than in men from Ribeira Quente. The rural population exhibited the highest copper concentrations, being much higher in these women than in those from Ribeira Quente or Ponta Delgada. Diet, either food or drinking water might be a major cause for the differences observed

    Comparative analysis of zebrafish bone morphogenetic proteins 2, 4 and 16: molecular and evolutionary perspectives

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    BMP2, BMP4 and BMP16 form a subfamily of bone morphogenetic proteins acting as pleiotropic growth factors during development and as bone inducers during osteogenesis. BMP16 is the most recent member of this subfamily and basic data regarding protein structure and function, and spatio-temporal gene expression is still scarce. In this work, insights on BMP16 were provided through the comparative analysis of structural and functional data for zebrafish BMP2a, BMP2b, BMP4 and BMP16 genes and proteins, determined from three-dimensional models, patterns of gene expression during development and in adult tissues, regulation by retinoic acid and capacity to activate BMP-signaling pathway. Structures of Bmp2a, Bmp2b, Bmp4 and Bmp16 were found to be remarkably similar; with residues involved in receptor binding being highly conserved. All proteins could activate the BMP-signaling pathway, suggesting that they share a common function. On the contrary, stage-and tissue-specific expression of bmp2, bmp4 and bmp16 suggested the genes might be differentially regulated (e.g. different transcription factors, enhancers and/or regulatory modules) but also that they are involved in distinct physiological processes, although with the same function. Retinoic acid, a morphogen known to interact with BMP-signaling during bone formation, was shown to downregulate the expression of bmp2, bmp4 and bmp16, although to different extents. Taxonomic and phylogenetic analyses indicated that bmp16 diverged before bmp2 and bmp4, is not restricted to teleost fish lineage as previously reported, and that it probably arose from a whole genomic duplication event that occurred early in vertebrate evolution and disappeared in various tetrapod lineages through independent events

    Effect of variable levels of dietary cholesterol and plant sterols on the growth performance and bone metabolism in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles

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    Cholesterol is found in all animal tissues and is an important component of biological cell membranes with functions such as precursor to bile acids, hormones and vitamins. Fish meal and fish oil are cholesterol-rich ingredients. Replacement of these marine-derived ingredients by plant proteins and vegetable oils tends to reduce dietary cholesterol levels

    Anti-osteogenic activity of cadmium in zebrafish

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    Among the many anthropogenic chemicals that end up in the aquatic ecosystem, heavy metals, in particular cadmium, are hazardous compounds that have been shown to affect developmental, reproductive, hepatic, hematological, and immunological functions in teleost fish. There is also evidence that cadmium disturbs bone formation and skeletal development, but data is scarce. In this work, zebrafish was used to further characterize the anti-osteogenic/osteotoxic effects of cadmium and gain insights into underlying mechanisms. Upon exposure to cadmium, a reduction of the opercular bone growth was observed in 6-days post-fertilization (dpf) larvae and an increase in the incidence of skeletal deformities was evidenced in 20-dpf post-larvae. The extent and stiffness of newly formed bone was also affected in adult zebrafish exposed to cadmium while regenerating their caudal fin. A pathway reporter assay revealed a possible role of the MTF-1 and cAMP/PKA signaling pathways in mechanisms of cadmium osteotoxicity, while the expression of genes involved in osteoblast differentiation and matrix production was strongly reduced in cadmium-exposed post-larvae. This work not only confirmed cadmium anti-osteogenic activity and identified targeted pathways and genes, but it also suggested that cadmium may affect biomechanical properties of bone.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) - UID/Multi/04326/2019 (CCMAR), PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011 (CCMAR); SFRH/BD/128634/2017 and SFRH/BD/52425/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic association study of UCMA/GRP and OPTN genes (PDB6 locus) with Paget's disease of bone

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    We performed a genetic association study of rare variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of UCMA/GRP and OPTN genes, in French-Canadian patients with Paget's disease of bone (PDB) and in healthy controls from the same population. We reproduced the variant found in the UCMA/GRP basal promoter and tested its functionality using in vitro transient transfection assays. Interestingly, this SNP rs17152980 appears to affect the transcription level of UCMA/GRP. In addition, we have identified five rare genetic variants in UCMA/GRP gene, four of them being population-specific, although none were found to be associated with PDB. Six Tag SNPs of UCMA/GRP gene were associated with PDB, particularly the SNP rs17152980 (uncorrected P = 3.8 x 10(-3)), although not significant after Bonferroni's correction. More importantly, we replicated the strong and statistically significant genetic association of two SNPs of the OPTN gene, the rs1561570 (uncorrected P = 5.7 x 10(-7)) and the rs2095388 (uncorrected P = 4.9 x 10(-3)), With PDB. In addition, we identified a very rare variant found to be located close to the basal promoter of the OPTN gene, at -232 bp from its distal transcription start site. Furthermore, depending on the type of allele present (G or A), the binding of several important nuclear factors such as the vitamin D or the retinoic acid receptors is predicted to be altered at this position, suggesting a significant effect in the regulation of transcription of the OPTN gene. In conclusion, we identified a functional SNP located in the basal promoter of the UCMA/GRP gene which provided a weak genetic association with PDB. In addition, we replicated the strong genetic association of two already known SNPs of the OPTN gene, with PDB in a founder effect population. We also identified a very rare variant in the promoter of OPTN, and through bioinformatic analysis, identified putative transcription factor binding sites likely to affect OPTN gene transcription. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Fonds de la Recherche du Quebec - Sante (FRQS), Canada; Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal [SFRH/BPD/48206/2008]; Catalyst Grant (Bone Health) from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Canada); CHUQ Foundation (Canada); Groupe de Recherche en Maladies Osseuses (Canada); Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Canada); FRSQ (Canada); Laval University (Canada); CHUQ (CHUL) Research Centre (Canada); Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) (Portugal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Systemic markers of the redox balance and Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism in Atherosclerosis: the Relevance for an Integrated Study

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    Copyright © 2006 by Humana Press Inc.Artigo original publicado por Humana Press Inc. Actual Editora da Revista Biological Trace Element Research: Springer [A publicação original está disponível em www.springerlink.com].Prospective studies have demonstrated that an imbalance between oxidative damage and antioxidative protection can play a role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Also, genotypes with the apolipoprotein E ζ4 allele have been associated with an increase risk for this pathology. Based on this knowledge, the aim of this study was to evaluate indicators of the redox balance, trace elements, and apolipoprotein E allelic profile in subjects from the Lisbon population with clinically stable atherosclerosis, at risk for atherosclerotic events, and in healthy subjects for comparison. The activities of superoxide dismutase in erythrocytes and glutathione peroxidase in whole blood, plasma total thiols, and serum ceruloplasmin were kept unchanged among the three groups. Serum α-tocopherol was increased in atherosclerotic patients. Total malondialdehyde in serum and protein carbonyls in plasma, which are indicators of lipid and protein oxidative damage, respectively, reached their highest values in risk subjects. The concentrations of potassium and calcium, in plasma and in blood cells, were slightly elevated in patients and might reflect an electrolytic imbalance. Regarding the apolipoprotein E polymorphism, atherosclerotic patients had an increased incidence of the high-risk genotypes for atherogenesis (ζ3/ζ4 and ζ4/ζ4). A multivariate model applied to the general population using most of the parameters clearly separated the three groups at study (i.e., the healthy group from the steady-state group of risk disease and from the atherosclerotic one). As shown by us, the usefulness of biochemical and complementary genetic markers is warranted for a better knowledge on atherosclerosis molecular basis.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Centro de Biologia Ambiental; Instituto de Investigação Científica Bento da Rocha Cabral; Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge