4,644 research outputs found

    On the superiority of improper Gaussian signaling in wireless interference MIMO scenarios

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Recent results have elucidated the benefits of using improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) as compared to conventional proper Gaussian signaling (PGS) in terms of achievable rate for interference-limited conditions. This paper exploits majorization theory tools to formally quantify the gains of IGS along with widely linear transceivers for MIMO systems in interferencelimited scenarios. The MIMO point-to-point channel with interference (P2P-I) is analyzed, assuming that received interference can be either proper or improper, and we demonstrate that the use of the optimal IGS when received interference is improper strictly outperforms (in terms of achievable rate and mean square error) the use of the optimal PGS when interference is proper. Then, these results are extended to two practical situations. First, the MIMO Z-interference channel (Z-IC) is investigated, where a trade-off arises: with IGS we could increase the achievable rate of the interfered user while gracefully degrading the rate of the non-interfered user. Second, these concepts are applied to a two-tier heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) where macrocells and smallcells coexist and multiple MIMO Z-IC appear.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance analysis of feedback-free collision resolution NDMA protocol

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    To support communications of a large number of deployed devices while guaranteeing limited signaling load, low energy consumption, and high reliability, future cellular systems require efficient random access protocols. However, how to address the collision resolution at the receiver is still the main bottleneck of these protocols. The network-assisted diversity multiple access (NDMA) protocol solves the issue and attains the highest potential throughput at the cost of keeping devices active to acquire feedback and repeating transmissions until successful decoding. In contrast, another potential approach is the feedback-free NDMA (FF-NDMA) protocol, in which devices do repeat packets in a pre-defined number of consecutive time slots without waiting for feedback associated with repetitions. Here, we investigate the FF-NDMA protocol from a cellular network perspective in order to elucidate under what circumstances this scheme is more energy efficient than NDMA. We characterize analytically the FF-NDMA protocol along with the multipacket reception model and a finite Markov chain. Analytic expressions for throughput, delay, capture probability, energy, and energy efficiency are derived. Then, clues for system design are established according to the different trade-offs studied. Simulation results show that FF-NDMA is more energy efficient than classical NDMA and HARQ-NDMA at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and at medium SNR when the load increases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Derecho y principio de igualdad

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    Con el presente estudio pretendemos alcanzar dos objetivos: en primer lugar, sistematizar la importancia que tiene para el Derecho y, la posterior inserción laboral como operadores jurídicos, el lenguaje y el concepto género como método de investigación jurídica y como mecanismo de innovación metodológica que supera las contradicciones de discriminación sexual sobre las que se asienta el patriarcado, y en segundo lugar, resaltar la importancia de la integración de la perspectiva de género, en los estudios de Grado, Máster y Doctorado, así como en la formación continua dentro de la carrera judicial que propicie, por parte de los sujetos que aplican e interpretan las normas, en especial la legislación en materia de igualdad, no discriminación y género, una sólida formación crítica en teoría jurídica feminista y en la categoría género para aplicar las interpretaciones jurídicas que nos conduzcan a la paz social y a la seguridad en el tráfico jurídico.The present paper aims to: 1º.- systematize the importance which the language and the concept of gender has for the Law and, the subsequent labour insertion as law operators, as a method of legal research and as a mechanism of methodological innovation which overcomes the discrepancies of sex discrimination on which the patriarchy lies in 2º.- We conclude the research highlighting the importance of applying the gender perspective, inserting it into the legal reasoning, in the Degree, Posgraduate and Doctorate studies, as well as in the ongoing training within the judicial career to encourage, on the part of the subjects that implement and interpret rules, specially the legislation concerning equality, non-discrimination and gender, a solid development of a critical awareness in legal feminist theory and in the gender category to apply the legal interpretations which lead us to the social peace and the security in legal transactions

    Mujeres en la Universidad

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    En este estudio pretendemos analizar si los planes de igualdad son una herramienta adecuada para que las mujeres lleguemos a promocionar en las Universidades. Mediante la aplicación de 6 indicadores y aplicándolos a los diagnósticos, primero y, a los planes de igualdad después intentaremos determinar el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas estratégicas en las universidades andaluzas

    Efficient Use of the Spectrum in Small Cell Deployments for 5G Wireless Communications Networks

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    Paired frequency division duplexing (FDD) bands are traditionally adopted at macro cells (MeNBs) but they tend to show inefficient occupancy of the uplink (UL) band due to the asymmetric traffic conditions and prevalence of downlink (DL)-centric applications. To improve spectrum utilization, one possibility is to allow time division duplexing (TDD) small cells (SeNBs) to operate in the underutilized FDD-UL spectrum. However, under an opportunistic access, TDDSeNBs might reuse the same resources as the FDD MeNB to receive in UL and, hence, strong interferences may appear. In this paper, we investigate advanced transmit coordination strategies to allow interference decoding and suppression at the MeNB such that the macro user signal can be decoded interference-free. We propose a novel technique to limit the maximum transmission rate of TDD SeNBs as a function of their distance to the MeNB in a way such that interference decoding and suppression is feasible. Simulation results show that sum-rate gains are obtained when the SeNB is close to the MeNB or when the SeNB transmits at high power (i.e. high interference conditions) as compared to a fully opportunistic access, while the proposed approach allows maintaining normal MeNB operation

    El Sumoi, aspectes agronòmics

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    El sumoi, varietat autòctona catalana, va ser una de les varietats de raïm negre més esteses a Catalunya fins a mitjan segle XX, que s'arrenca massivament a partir de 1970 a causa de l'entrada de varietats foranes i a la demanda de raïm blanc per a elaborar xampany. Actualment el conreu està circumscrit a alguns municipis de les DO Conca de Barberà, Costers del Segre, Penedès, Pla de Bages i Tarragona. L'exemple del que ha passat amb aquesta varietat el veiem a la DO Tarragona, on en els darrers trenta anys s'ha arrencat el 90 % de les vinyes. Aquesta varietat és molt resistent a les elevades temperatures i a la manca d'aigua, amb una bona adaptabilitat a tot tipus de terreny. El seu cicle vegetatiu és una mica més curt que el de la carinyena, els raïms són de mida allargassada i compacitat mitjana, i les baies són de pell fina i de color blau, i donen un most d'elevada acidesa.El sumoi, variedad autóctona catalana, fue una de las variedades de uva negra mas extendida en Catalunya hasta mediados del siglo XX, que se arranca masivamente a partir de 1970 a causa de la entrada de variedades foráneas y a la demanda de uva blanca para elaborar champán. Actualmente el cultivo está circunscrito en algunos municipios de la DO Conca de Barberà, Costers del Segre, Penedès, Pla de Bages y Tarragona. El ejemplo de lo que ha pasado con esta variedad lo vemos en la DO Tarragona, donde en los últimos treinta años se han arrancado el 90 % de las viñas. Esta variedad es muy resistente a las elevadas temperaturas y a la falta de agua, con una buena adaptabilidad a todo tipo de terrenos. Su ciclo vegetativo es un poco más corto que el de la variedad cariñena, los racimos son alargados y de compactación media, las bayas son de piel fina y de color azul, lo que da un mosto de elevada acidez

    Co-term and social networks analysis for the generation of subject maps

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    La mejora de las capacidades de búsqueda y de las interfaces de los opacs sigue siendo uno de los principales desafíos para las bibliotecas, especialmente en lo que respecta al acceso por materias. Las interfaces visuales pueden facilitar la recuperación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar si la combinación de técnicas de análisis de co-términos y de redes sociales resulta ser una metodología válida para la generación de mapas temáticos de la colección. La principal conclusión es que el método es válido, y que los mapas obtenidos podrían servir como interfaz visual para el acceso por materias. También es útil para detectar problemas en los criterios de indización y contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de la descripción temática del conjunto documentalImprovement of the interfaces and search capacities of the opacs continues to be one of the main challenges for libraries, especially with regard to searching by subject. The visual interfaces can help with retrieval. This paper explores the combination of co-term analysis techniques with social networks for the generation of subject maps of collections. The main conclusion is that the methodology applied is valid, and that the maps could be used for browsing and subject retrieval. It would also be useful for improving the quality of indexingFil: Miguel, Sandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    Educação Corporativa: Impactos para as Políticas Curriculares destinadas ao Ensino Superior na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre

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    Problema de pesquisa: análise dos significados e abrangência da educação corporativa para as políticas curriculares de ensino superior na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Objetivos específicos: aprofundar estudos sobre a noção de educação corporativa, com base nos aportes das áreas da Educação e Administração, a partir das seguintes categorias de análise: currículo, aprendizagem organizacional, mudança e inovação; elaborar um quadro teórico das principais tendências e perspectivas presentes nas políticas curriculares destinadas ao ensino superior; mapear as necessidades evidenciadas e experiências na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, em termos de propostas curriculares de Educação Corporativa..Matriz epistemológica: são, pois, fundamentos deste estudo: as bases sociais, epistemológicas dos documentos de políticas curriculares para o ensino superior e os novos paradigmas em administração de empresas, sob a égide das concepções de gestão para a mudança e inovação e organização da aprendizagem; Metodologia: a abordagem será qualitativa, privilegiando-se enquanto procedimentos a pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas.Palavras-chaves: educação corporativa, currículo, aprendizagem organizacional, mudança e inovação

    Avaluació de l’estat de conservació de la població de tortuga de rierol (Mauremys leprosa) dels estanyols del Mas Margall, Avinyonet de Puigventós

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    S’ha estudiat la població de tortuga de rierol (Mauremys leprosa) dels estanyols del Mas Margall (Avinyonet de Puigventós) per tal d’avaluar el seu estat de conservació. A través de la utilització de nanses per la seva captura i del marcatge dels individus capturats s’ha estudiat l’estructura i dimensió de la població. En total es varen capturar 90 individus. Els models poblacionals estimen una població d’uns 126 individus (e.e. 23). L’anàlisi biomètrica de diferents variables (longitud total, alçada de la closca i pes) ens mostra un clar dimorfisme sexual pel que fa al pes i l’alçada de la closca. Diferents paràmetres analitzats, com la proporció de sexes, les longituds mitjanes i les màximes ens mostren un bon estat de conservació de la població.We studied the population of Mediterranean pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa) of the Mas Margall ponds (Avinyonet de Puigventós, Girona, Catalonia) to assess their conservation status. Fyke nets were used to capture the individuals. All captured individuals were marked in order to study the size and structure of the population. 90 individuals were captured in total. The population model estimated a population of 126 individuals (s.e. 23). Biometric analysis of different variables (total length, total weight and height of shell) showed a clear sexual dimorphism, specially referred to weight and height of shell. Obtained results of different parameters such as sex-ratio, mean and maximum lengths indicate a good conservation status of the population

    Light with tunable non-Markovian phase imprint

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    We introduce a simple and flexible method to generate spatially non-Markovian light with tunable coherence properties in one and two dimensions. The unusual behavior of this light is demonstrated experimentally by probing the far field and recording its diffraction pattern after a double slit: In both cases we observe instead of a central intensity maximum a line or cross shaped dark region, whose width and profile depend on the non-Markovian coherence properties. Since these properties can be controlled and easily reproduced in experiment, the presented approach lends itself to serve as a testbed to gain a deeper understanding of non-Markovian processes